The nice things SO says about your Hair


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Keep some positivity going...:yep::yep:

Please share nice comments your SO (significant other) has made about your hair. At any length, texture, process.

1. During my recent 14 week stretch my hair felt hard after a conditioner mishap. SO said "I like all the textures in your hair, I prefer you more natural"...I still texlaxed 4 days later :look: , but it was a lovely comment.

How about you?

Oh, if there is a thread like this, please bump and disregard this one.
Well, my ex saw my hair go from chin-length to APL and all phases in between. He always liked to touch my hair. He commented on how soft and thick it was and said I didn't need to grow it out because I had "nice hair anyway." When I started wearing different styles like braidouts and curly sets, he would say, "oh did you do the braid thing?" lol & he would remind me to put on my bonnet..."so there would be no broken hair on the pillow" :look::lol: This comment was interesting because I thought I was being cute by not wearing one (before my HHJ) & really those broken hair on the pillow were not hot.

Guys in general have always complimented me on wearing my hair "natural" and by that they meant "no weave." (My hair is relaxed.) When I meet a guy, one of the first questions is whether "that's all my hair." I take this as a compliment.
Softerlove: bless you for the piece of positivity you offer to us! lol!

Anyhow, my DH loves the unveiling of my hair. I leave it up in PS mostly, then every once in a while, I straighten it and each time, my hair is longer than the last time and he's always amazed and can't keep his hands out of it. Then once..ahem.. he's done, he tells me to "put it back up, and keep going with growing it out". # sighs
Great thread, OP! I will catch DH staring at me from time to time and when i turn and look at him he will say "i really love your hair, babe". Sploosh :drunk: he will also comment on how he can't wait until i permanently ditch the wigs (which is happening at the end of this year) because he thinks my hair "is so beautiful". he is very kind and supportive now and has been all throughout my HHJ. i love me some him! :grin:
He encouraged me to go natural. I needed to but was a bit scared.
When i wear wigs he says nothing but when I take them off and twist my hair or wear any natural type style he literally drools. He's like ooh your hair looks so nice, can I play in it. Damn you got some beautiful hair. He loves two strand twist in a bun! He always says whats that called? A bob? LOL Im like no a bun. Ohh yea babe I love that. Can I play in it? One day he was like is it hair pic time?? He loves my natural hair & I love him for it because in the beginning I didn't love it(because I wasn't use to short hair & didnt know what to do with it) but he encouraged me and built me up. I lubs him. LOL
He was literally the only person who didn't look at me strange when i big chopped. I don't have my hair out often so when i do i usually like to do length check pictures. So this thanksgiving he randomly goes, "dont forget to take your growth pictures, i'll help" lol i didn't know he noticed that..

I forgot what we were talking about one day but he ended up saying "girls just don't have the dedication to grow their hair nice like you do."
Thank you ladies for Sharing!

We have a dinner date planned for tonight and he has already asked "Can I play in your hair? I like the way it feels, oh yeah, I am going to have to smell it too," For the record my hair smells like coconut and argan oil...
He always tells me when he thinks its growing.
He always tell me that he loves the healthy sheen I have.
He always likes what is done to at the shop.
He loves my rod and roller sets...especially when its really curly:lick:....
You're hair is so beautiful.
Wow! Your hair always smells so good.
Can men use that conditioner/cream?
Wow! It's grown so much.
I like that style.
I like that you don't wear weave.
You give hair tips to ________.
i recently showed my bf pics of when i was natural and he was all up in arms talking about how i shouldve stayed natural and natural is the way to go because its the real you and how if he ruled the world all hair chemicals would be banned :rolleyes:
but he still likes my hair he loves my braidouts the most though and whenever i wear my hair straight he's always like "i like you better with the braid thing" lol
My old boo told me I can never cut off my hair because he loved the length. Too bad I had to cut him off. :rolleyes:

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DH loves the length and how big it is. His faves are a braid out or twist out. He also likes when i surprise him with a blow-out and press, especially since I only use that kind of heat 2-3 times/year tops.

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My husband likes when I do braidouts now and doesn't like when I straighten my hair. At the beginning of my transitioning journey, it was the opposite. He is happy that I am sticking to my journey and would be disappointed if I permed again. DH also states he is proud of me and appreciates that I took the time to educate him on my reasons for going natural and for being patient with him. Now, his only request is to transition as long as I can because he would like my hair to be at least sl or longer when I finally go all natural. I am very proud of the fact that he can have a change of heart and mind to be an old man ;)
When I bc'd he helped even though he was against it.

Then a cpl days later after my first twistout( of which i was very proud). I woke up he told me my hair was pretty and I was beautiful then took a picture. Which he carries around in his phone. Sometimes he shows me it and says how cute i was etc

Well he did until the phone got stolen 2 weeks ago.
When I bc'd he helped even though he was against it.

Then a cpl days later after my first twistout( of which i was very proud). I woke up he told me my hair was pretty and I was beautiful then took a picture. Which he carries around in his phone. Sometimes he shows me it and says how cute i was etc

Well he did until the phone got stolen 2 weeks ago.

Sorry abt the phne getting stolen but thats such a cute story :).

I like this thread.. I hate threads tht say "I dont' care what my man thinks" ..Oh yes we do...Just as they care what we think. :yep:
I've been with my SO for almost 5 years and he's the only person in my life that has encouraged me throughout my entire HHJ and reminds me that I can achieve the goals I've set for myself.

If I fall asleep without wrapping my hair or placing a silk scarf on my pillow when I nap, he'll wake me up and tell me to do it. On wash days, he's asks how my hair is doing. He gives me scalp massages. When I wear my hair in a ponytail, he'll absentmindedly run it through his hands, while I'm sitting just :) lol. I've noticed braid outs or twist outs get the most compliments. When I do certain things he reminds to take pics so that I can blog them. I absolutely :infatuated: that man :yep:
Him and I were at a play, and a lady came up to me and told me she liked my hair. She had a lot of questions about it and my hair and how to achieve the style. It was when my hair was about ear length, and I had it in a twist bantu knot out (I had probably done about 50 bantu knots), and I had pinned it into a fro hawk.

Anyway, lol, the compliment was when she asked me what do I call my style? (I was stumped because I was newly natural, and didn't know any of the terms). He gets this big smile on his face and says "don't they kind of look like flowers? That's why I call it the rosebush style. Its my favorite."

It made my day because I had recently bc'd and I still wasn't confident about my styles or being natural.

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Actually it wasn't my SO, it was new acquaintance and he just all of a sudden put his face in my braidout which was big and puffy that night and said "man, that jank smells nice!" The look on his face was so funny I had to laugh.
This post is so on time. I called my aunt, who basically raised me, today and had a distressing conversation. She had seen my hair in its curly state on Facebook and berated me for an hour on how I could dare think I had good hair (I fear what will happen when I go back to the DR). For a moment, I considered going back to relaxers (that's how much I value her opinion). I immediately called my boyfriend of 4 years and he said, "Your hair is beautiful. I love it. I love watching it grow. You hair is definitely very good--it's so healthy. I would be so mad at you if you got a relaxer. I waited until it grew out from your tiny 'fro so that it could flourish to this point; please don't relax." Then he forced me to say I thought I had good hair to him and coached me through the words that were so difficult to say at the time. Comforted, but still not at peace, I called my brother and he said, "Your hair looks great. Tia just isn't here to see it in person."
My (white) SO took the time to learn all about my hair. When we went to Vegas I had my hair straightened and he wanted to know why I didn't bring my plastic cap. I told him I didn't need it when my hair was straight and he said he didn't know if he'd be able to sleep. I asked him why not? And he said he'd gotten used to the crunch.

I was pretty pleased with him that weekend.
If I fall asleep without wrapping my hair or placing a silk scarf on my pillow when I nap, he'll wake me up and tell me to do it. He gives me scalp massages. I've noticed braid outs or twist outs get the most compliments. When I do certain things he reminds to take pics so that I can blog them.

Sorry againstallodds, but I had to highlight the aspects that pertain to me too! I don't know how I forgot those times.
Omg at the rosebush comment! That sounds like the kind of thing my SO would say! How adorable!

Ok. My story. Over the summer I cowashed nightly and braided my hair for braidouts or Bantu knot outs the next day. One day I'm in the city with SO and he stops me while in the middle of conversation and says "I love your hair. It's so fluffy. I like your hair big". I smiled and got all giddy cuz I felt like my braidouts are crap. They still are lol.

He reminds me to oil my hair and take my MSM so my hair doesn't stop growing. He supports my PJ habit and does research to make sure I am aware of the newest and best products for my hair. He's adorable :)

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