~*~*The Newly Natural Thread*~*~

Oh wow, how come I didn't find this earlier?

  • When you BCd: 6/4/10
  • How many months post-relaxer were you when you BCd: 3 days shy of 13 months
  • Your hair type, preferably your hair's characteristics (strand size, density, curl diameter, amount of shrinkage, growth pattern-up/down, etc.) - a detailed description can help in evaluating product and regimen's possible effectiveness: No clue :perplexed
  • Your current regimen: Still in the process of building that, but basically DC on dry hair with ORS Replenishing Pak and then cowash with Herbal Essences Totally Twisted weekly.
  • Your favorite styles: These twists I'm wearing right now =)
  • Your current length and goal length: I think I am chin length stretched. My goal length right now is shoulder length unstretched.
Hello NewlyNatural sistas!!!
I finally got around to posting

When did BC? June 19, 2010!!!

How many months post relaxer when you BC? 9.5 months post

Your hair type, preferably your hair's characteristics (strand size, density, curl diameter, amount of shrinkage, growth pattern-up/down, etc.) - a detailed description can help in evaluating product and regimen's possible effectiveness My strands are COURSE and its looking like 4A/4B. I can't really tell...but it's definitely 4 something :)

Current Regimen This is my first week, but what is working well so far (and worked during my transition) is washing with WEN FIG ( I love this stuff), deep conditioner LeKair, Redken Real Control or Motions Silk Deep Conditioner have always worked well. Stylers: Homemade Whipped Shea, Qhemet Amla, Homemade Glycerin Spray. At night I just make 4 cornrows (messy), and go to bed. This keeps my hair stretched and I oil the ends of my braids. Go to bed. In AM just take them down fluff with my glycerin mix. So far its working...I'll monitor as this journey continues.

Your favorite styles: Puff, Flat Twists
Current Length: I've got about 4inches. My first goal is a PONYTAIL/BUN length :)

Here's a picture in FOTKI, PW in Sig:

couple of wet hair pics from today before i dc. dc'n w a mix of castor oil, and ors replenish mixed w pantene curly treatment stuff.


My hair does not like castor oil, what else can I do with it?
You could try using it as a prepoo or you can mix it in a shea butter mixture. Do you use it on wet hair? I find that by using it on wet to damp hair, it tends to work better on me. I love it for my new growth and ends.

Welcome + congrats to chelleyrock, curltalk, kba and jamoca!! :yay:
I cosign with andromeda! Welcome Newly Natural Sistas!

Also, I just made 2 Months Natural on June 22nd!!! :dance7:
Time has really flown by. I got into the pool for the first time in forever it seems. Last time I was in a pool, I was relaxed. So it was so wonderful to not have to be concerned about my hair. I applied some carrot oil to my hair before hand, no special reason on the kind, it was just one that had a little left in the bottle so I grabbed it. My DH said that when I went underwater, there was a white cloud around me. LOL :lachen:Oh well....I told him I had to protect my hair from the chlorine.
Today I did an Aphogee Treatment. I never thought I would need to continue protein treatments, but today while I was online looking at hair sites (I love to research!) I read on the Natural Haven's site how protein can add moisture by helping it retain and prevent moisture from exiting the hair. Interesting stuff.

There are other good articles too like ones on humidity, oils, etc. And it helps that she's a scientist. Anyway, if you haven't looked at her site, I recommend it.

Oh, back to my hair- so 2 things I noticed. After I rinsed, my hair felt stronger which is good, and more defined. But if you have sensitive skin like me, be careful. As I was applying it, the skin around my hairline started to burn! That never happened before so of course I ran over to my dryer to dry my hair. Anyway, I figure the reaction is due to my sensitive skin but it brought back memories of getting relaxer burns so I'll be on the lookout for a new protein treatment. I'll update everyone on how my hair feels after I finish DC my hair.
You could try using it as a prepoo or you can mix it in a shea butter mixture. Do you use it on wet hair? I find that by using it on wet to damp hair, it tends to work better on me. I love it for my new growth and ends.

I used it on wet/dry and it did nothing for me but I will use it as prepoo. When I was in the castor oil challenge it did not add moisture for my hair. thank for the tip!
  • When you BCd: February 25, 2010
  • How many months post-relaxer were you when you BCd: 3
  • Your hair type, preferably your hair's characteristics (strand size, density, curl diameter, amount of shrinkage, growth pattern-up/down, etc.) - a detailed description can help in evaluating product and regimen's possible effectiveness: I have different size coils throughout my head, some pen spring small, and some a bit bigger...I believe I am 4a.
  • Your current regimen: I co-wash daily, moisturize and go...at night I twist to keep the knots to a minimum.
  • Your favorite styles: right now I just wash and go, my twist-outs haven't turned out right yet. I need more hair. :lachen:
  • Your current length and goal length: current: twa goal: apl



Very pretty, mom23! Those twists look luscious!

Today I did an Aphogee Treatment. I never thought I would need to continue protein treatments, but today while I was online looking at hair sites (I love to research!) I read on the Natural Haven's site how protein can add moisture by helping it retain and prevent moisture from exiting the hair. Interesting stuff.

There are other good articles too like ones on humidity, oils, etc. And it helps that she's a scientist. Anyway, if you haven't looked at her site, I recommend it.
Love, love, love Natural Haven! One of the best natural hair blogs out there!:yep:

It just so happens that I also did a protein treatment recently. I dc'd with aubrey gpb the other day. I haven't used my aphogee in over a year but maybe I'll give it a try. I think my hair was over-moisturized and has been since my last henna treatment. I'm supposed to alternate gpb with henna but I haven't been doing so bc I was afraid of protein overload now that my hair is fully natural. Post-gpb, my hair feels much stronger and is retaining more moisture, just like you stated above.:yep:

eta: I'm wearing a wash-n-go puff today and it feels much more compact/dense than it has been been it last couple of weeks. I think gpb is also to thank for this change...
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Mummy's girl BCed :blush: I don't know how I missed this!!! I think I'd been anticipating this day more than my own BC :lachen: Off to look at pictures.
Today I did an Aphogee Treatment. I never thought I would need to continue protein treatments, but today while I was online looking at hair sites (I love to research!) I read on the Natural Haven's site how protein can add moisture by helping it retain and prevent moisture from exiting the hair. Interesting stuff.

There are other good articles too like ones on humidity, oils, etc. And it helps that she's a scientist. Anyway, if you haven't looked at her site, I recommend it.

Oh, back to my hair- so 2 things I noticed. After I rinsed, my hair felt stronger which is good, and more defined. But if you have sensitive skin like me, be careful. As I was applying it, the skin around my hairline started to burn! That never happened before so of course I ran over to my dryer to dry my hair. Anyway, I figure the reaction is due to my sensitive skin but it brought back memories of getting relaxer burns so I'll be on the lookout for a new protein treatment. I'll update everyone on how my hair feels after I finish DC my hair.

Have you tried Nexxus Emergencee? You may find that you like this much better than the Aphogee. I have all but put the Aphogee down since discovering the Emergencee. It's more or a moderate protein treatment as opposed to the Aphogee 2 step which is heavier. I've even mixed it in with my DC and had great results. HTH!
Which phony pony would be better for work? I need one in case I have to roll out of bed and run to the hospital



My transitioning pony is too small now (yay!) so I need to upgrade but I still want it to look realistic
I like the look of the second one but I don't know if it's too huge
It's been almost 2 months since I BC'd and I'm loving it!:grin: My fro is getting bigger and bigger. I'll probably post pics within the next few days.
^^ I like the second one.

Thanks guys, I had it ready to go all I had to do was enter my info. I'll order it right now

ETA I just found out my schedule for intern year today. 5 months out of the year I'll have to go into the hospital everyday including weekends. The other months I'll pretty much have only weekends off. I think I'll go ahead and take these braids out July 4 weekend bc that's the last time I'll have a 3 day weekend for a long time
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i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥
Have you tried Nexxus Emergencee? You may find that you like this much better than the Aphogee. I have all but put the Aphogee down since discovering the Emergencee. It's more or a moderate protein treatment as opposed to the Aphogee 2 step which is heavier. I've even mixed it in with my DC and had great results. HTH!

It's funny you asked, I have a bottle in my basket of leftovers and castaway hair products. And I thought about using it after I dried my hair with the Aphogee. I'll probably do another treatment in August and use the Nexxus instead.
Ever since i BC'd and got my moisture levels back to where they should be my curl pattern has been steadily loosening as my hair is growing. I know it's not over moisturized because I do weekly protein treatments and my hair feels strong and soft. I really need to attempt a wash and go and see what's really happening with my hair. Maybe next weekend...
i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥

Sorry to hear this :nono:. I don't know why people deliberately say stuff to hurt people, just because. Your hair is gorgeous! I know this, you know this, heck everyone knows this!

When I have to deal with naysayers, I just let them talk & after they are done I change the subject. No use in getting in an argument about MY hair.
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i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥

i think your hair is gorgeous!! that was pure ignorance on his part. but i think you betta prove him wrong whether you decide to loc your hair or not, as long as your hair is healthy, it will keep flourishing and eventually he will realize that naturals of any hair texture can rock cute hairstyles!:grin:
i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥

(((hugs))). Your cousin sounds very immature and mean-spirited. Don't let him get to you. Our 4a/b hair is gorgeous, we are blessed to have it :yep:.
i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥

:nono::nono: @ the cousin's comments. I think your hair is beautiful!:yep: I understand how you feel. When I told some people that I was transitioning to natural, the first thing they asked me if I was planning to loc my hair.:ohwell:
i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥

Girlfriend, your cousin needs his :spank:and :boxing:. Plus throw in a pair of glasses because obviously he can't see to be trying to say that your hair would be better off loc'd. Your hair is gorgeous. Don't let them get you down. Just keep doing you. As long as you're happy...KIM. In the near future, you'd be able to show them better than you can tell them with the progress you make with your hair!
i got my first negative hair comment yesterday. :sad: a cousin i hate came over to visit, and i had my hair in a wash and go. he asked me if i was gonna loc it up, and i said no. then he went on to say 'you should. YOU'D BE BETTER OFF. then maybe you could get some play'. :shocked: i was upset. and my stupid aunt just sittin there cosignin, tombout 'ooh, he called you out jazz'. and to make matters even worse, i wasn't the only natural in the room! but the difference is, my cousin has that 3b/c hair (which some people view as 'good') and i have 4a hair. so for him to just pick me out let me know his stance about hair types. as if a person with type 4 can only wear natural hair in locs, while 3's can wear theirs loose without any hesitation. ♥
His mentality and your aunt's cosigning are pitiful (no offense against them, but...). Sometimes, it's best to ignore the ignorance. Other times, it's good to put them on the spot and make them explain themselves (cuz you certainly shouldn't have to explain your natural hair). I do know that when our own family and friends say these things, it really catches us off guard and strikes a nerve.

It should go without saying that your hair and texture is beautiful, but I'll say it anyways. :yep: