The latest hair miracle: Bull Semen!

In the U.S., a very high percentage of pregnancies end with inductions. Cervidil is commonly used to ripen the cervix, and it is derived from pig semen. Millions of women are okay with getting a pig semen product inserted, so using a bull semen product on hair does not seem such big a deal, in perspective.
In the U.S., a very high percentage of pregnancies end with inductions. Cervidil is commonly used to ripen the cervix, and it is derived from pig semen. Millions of women are okay with getting a pig semen product inserted, so using a bull semen product on hair does not seem such big a deal, in perspective.
Thanks for telling me. I'll def pass on the pig semen too.
OMMFG. There are no words.

A question for the ladies who suggest resorting to your DH for this treatment... will he be able to supply the necessary volume to coat a thick head of BSL hair? If so, how does he walk? Does he use a wheelbarrow to carry his shnutz around?
Okay seriously... how protein-deficient does your hair have to be, that you'd really consider this?

SERIOUSLY??? :lol:

Avocados and henna are working just fine for me thanks!

For those curious... there are actual contraptions that look like the hind end of a cow, that the bull "mates with" and makes his "deposit" into. Much easier than... um... never mind... you get it. :look:

In the U.S., a very high percentage of pregnancies end with inductions. Cervidil is commonly used to ripen the cervix, and it is derived from pig semen. Millions of women are okay with getting a pig semen product inserted, so using a bull semen product on hair does not seem such big a deal, in perspective.

Probably because they don't know it's pig semen! :lachen:
In the U.S., a very high percentage of pregnancies end with inductions. Cervidil is commonly used to ripen the cervix, and it is derived from pig semen. Millions of women are okay with getting a pig semen product inserted, so using a bull semen product on hair does not seem such big a deal, in perspective.

Gotta love the medical establishment. Every pregnancy book, every childbirth TV show, most OB/GYNs etc say that having sex with your hubby (or whoever) will NOT jumpstart your labor. That's just an old wive's tale, they say. Don't be backward and ignorant... Come in to the hospital and we will charge your insurance company $500 for some pig semen instead. :spinning::spinning::spinning:
OMMFG. There are no words.

A question for the ladies who suggest resorting to your DH for this treatment... will he be able to supply the necessary volume to coat a thick head of BSL hair? If so, how does he walk? Does he use a wheelbarrow to carry his shnutz around?


I bet it works better if taken orally, instead of as a topical treatment.

I'm so sorry, I just couldn't resist! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Gotta love the medical establishment. Every pregnancy book, every childbirth TV show, most OB/GYNs etc say that having sex with your hubby (or whoever) will NOT jumpstart your labor. That's just an old wive's tale, they say. Don't be backward and ignorant... Come in to the hospital and we will charge your insurance company $500 for some pig semen instead. :spinning::spinning::spinning:

It won't jumpstart labor. But it will ripen (open up) the cervix some, if you're far enough along. I know from experience! :grin:

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I hope to God to never have hair so damaged that i have to resort to bull semen. And to the person whose job it is to collect it: "I hope you're making in the high 6 figures $$$! :bah:
Okay, okay. All nays. But what if for some crazy reason it GUARANTEED 2-3 inches of growth a month with daily application? And then you didn't have to use it again. (And it was 100% true) NOW do you change your vote to um, "then again, bull sperm CAN be a good thing..."
Okay, okay. All nays. But what if for some crazy reason it GUARANTEED 2-3 inches of growth a month with daily application? And then you didn't have to use it again. (And it was 100% true) NOW do you change your vote to um, "then again, bull sperm CAN be a good thing..."
All sperm has its place, and its not on my head.
*imagines irate cows at my door asking why I got their man's stuff all up in my hair*
I would have to magically grow 12 inches of hair overnight to put a cow's manhood in my hair. Until then, I'll stick with eggs for protien.