Bull semen for hair

Oh, Lord...I don't know which is worse, the fact that women are using this on their hair, or that they were first using it on their faces. I'm all for using 100% natural products, but this is just...:nono::spinning::sad:
I feel like the bulls are being taken advantage of. Poor little calf, we take his sperm, then kill him, and eat him. Can't he have something, just be between him and his cow?
I agree I think so are telling fibs lol because Yal know y'all would add some of your favorite essential oils to make it smell like you want and do a treatment, and especially if it said 5 inches a day Yal would be hauling butt to order it. Would I try it? If it did promise guaranteed growth and I'm talking about a significant amount of growth,it already had essential oils in it(came in different scents, not that I would intentionally try to smell it close to my nose lol), and I would use gloves and I better see a difference in strength soon as I rinse it out my hair. And like they do all the time anyway, they might start putting it in conditioners under a different name and Yal will be swearing by these products LOL
There's no way I would voluntarily put that in my hair or any other part of my body for that matter. I'm not that bothered about length.

This thread has got me lmao :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well from the article it seemed that they already have sometime protein rich in the treatment so I don't know why they have to go out and add in bull semen. It reminds me of this ritzy restaurant that had horse or bull semen as a special dish or drink.

Some people will try anything.

Though if it gave me a guaranteed significant amount of growth, so would I...
On second thought..... lmao

Maybe this could be incorporated into a tea rinse... At 5 inches per day I'd only have to do it two times....

:grin: :grin: LOL
Ya'll needa stop tootin about this 5 inches a day or people who are lurking are gonna be placing orders like wild, splashing their head with bull sperm like a bad beastiality porno expecting their hair to sprout right then and there.

Wooo boy....
I'm not sure why this thread is so long, and controversial.

Sperm is being used in all sorts of products already, and there are many Dominican hair brands that have been using sperm (whale sperm) in their products for years.

I remember back in 2006 when it was the big thing...
I've never knowingly used a product with sperm in my hair yet, but change the name, call it a medicinal ingredient, and you'd never know what really is in your protein shampoo.

Anyway, most of you have unknowingly put worse in your hair or bodies...

Lol eta, this beauty blogger -cat mornell tried the above product and says it actually works. ( not for growing your hair long, just keeping it healthy and shiny) here's the link: http://www.lemondrop.com/2010/08/06/i-tried-whale-sperm-conditioner-and-it-was-not-a-total-whale-fa/


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Well whale sperm is nbd, because if you go swimming in the ocean then you already done did a protien treatment (and a gargle) with whale sperm.

I know when I take a dip in the ocean my hair turns into perfect ringlets. :spinning:
Well whale sperm is nbd, because if you go swimming in the ocean then you already done did a protien treatment (and a gargle) with whale sperm.

I know when I take a dip in the ocean my hair turns into perfect ringlets. :spinning:

Hahahahahaha point taken... (That's nasty though)
But my thing is... Both are sperm from big animals that you voluntarily put in your hair. If you can do whale, then you can do bull... No biggie
How did I miss this?

It like that think Liz Lemon used to eat: Sabor de Soledad: ¡ahora con mas semen de toro!

Apparently it made her hair nice and healthy and stopped her period (she thought she was pregnant).