THE DH's and THE SO's! What do they really think?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I made this thread because on our way home from work, my DH was cracking jokes on us. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth and that he actually listen when i talk about certain products. I'm just laughing thinking about half the things he said. So lets all share what our DH/SO really think about us and this forum. Should be interesting.

For one, my DH thinks this site makes me spend to much (I don't care), and jokes and says that we are all vain (which he knows we really aren't) and then he says, we want to talk about God, just so the vanity don't seem that bad. (even though he know me and him are two very God-fearing individuals; so no offense at all to us who really are believers). Another thing i recall him saying was (this is him acting like us):
"girl, you should use some of that olive oil that reverend used on Sunday and just rub them on your edges" and he really was teasing my mom because she's a little older and her hairline recedes a little. (we joke on each other's parents)
then he joked more on my mom talkin bout she needed some megatek on her edges.
then he joked about the weaves, and talking bout mixin' this and that with this and that. He was going on and on :blah:. It was a kinda funny at the time:rofl:, of course not that funny now, but he is always a comedian, so its one of those things where u had to be there and hear him.

Okay, any more stories on what the DH/SO thinks????
my man did his imitation of me doing hair videos, only with his 'special additions' added

I was seriously dyin laffin, was thinking about letting him do the vid

My SO has type 1 hair so being around me 24/7 really opened his eyes to different hair types.

He knows all about weaves, braids, relaxers, perms, heat straightening, hair types... I really rubbed off on him... which is surprising! I didn't expect him to actually pay attention.

One thing he did say is that if he was a woman, he'd just shave it all off and he can't believe the trouble women go through with their hair (of all races).

He has never made fun of me or anyone here. He has a little fetish for kinky hair now :lol:

He knows some members by their siggies :blush: because I'm always on here, lol.

He also has expressed some interest in certain people's fotkis.

Poor thing... I dunno what I've done to him :lol:

Overall he's very sweet about it :yep:
My SO has type 1 hair so being around me 24/7 really opened his eyes to different hair types.

He knows all about weaves, braids, relaxers, perms, heat straightening, hair types... I really rubbed off on him... which is surprising! I didn't expect him to actually pay attention.

One thing he did say is that if he was a woman, he'd just shave it all off and he can't believe the trouble women go through with their hair (of all races).

He has never made fun of me or anyone here. He has a little fetish for kinky hair now :lol:

He knows some members by their siggies :blush: because I'm always on here, lol.

He also has expressed some interest in certain people's fotkis.

Poor thing... I dunno what I've done to him :lol:

Overall he's very sweet about it :yep:

That too, my DH knows about it ALL!!!! I think I corrupted my baby too. :grin:
I know exactly what you mean. I just joined this networrk about a month ago after "bootlegging" the site for about three months or so. Every time I am on the computer, my dh always ask, "You looking at that hair stuff, aren't ya." And don't let me buy a product. He will ask me, " So is that hair stuff working for ya?" Too funny
My SO thinks its weird that there is an website dedicated to hair...but he's all for it because its making me want to grow my hair. He thinks some of the things I do are extreme...but he just stares in disbelief because he knows if he says something I'll curse that arse out real smooth like! :lol:
Mine knows not to talk trash about this site. I might just jump on him. He knows that it works and doesn't say too much anymore since he has seen the improvement in my hair. He remembers when I first joined and had two waves. He had a good laugh at that in December 07. Now he uses my gel to define his curly hair. He didn't even say much when he read the Mega-Tek bottle was for horses, he just put it back on the counter and kept it moving.
DH HATES this site!
He hates that I spend time on here. He calls you guys my imaginary friends. When I've gone to meet-ups and lunch with members, he was always like "You're seriously going to go meet those people? They could be serial killers. You don't know who they are.":spinning:

He is seriously jealous of all of you, but at the same time when we see people with bad edges and aweful hair he says "Babe...maybe you should tell her about the hair board. Maybe she should take a hair vitamin or use some of those tricks on the hair board. Do you think she needs a deep condition? Etc.":rolleyes:
My DH knows I'm obsessed with hair sites, thinks it's crazy that I use Mega Tek, a product for horses! He commented that my hoofs and coat looked really shiney the other day! He thinks he's so funny!
I love threads about the SO/DH's. They are always hilarious. I've been on here for a little over 2.5 years so my DH has come full circle. He went through the attitude stage, the have you lost your mind buying all that stuff stage. Now he loves to watch the videos with me, he'll look at fotkis for a minute and compare people's hair (he still is like a little boy with a short attention span though), but watch out when it comes to ordering products. He wants everything I buy to use in his imaginary bald spot. He swears he is losing his hair (he has a full head of head y'all), and he needs everything I want to try to make sure he grows that imaginary bald spot back in. I'm dying laughing just thinking about it. Oh and he has to have his own set of Hairveda products, cause of course they are the best. BJ, as sweet as she is, sent him his first complimentary jar of Sweet Almond Glaze and he has a fit if I touch it. He's all with the hair thing now and is egging me on to try for WL, even though I think that's too much. He even surprised me with a new steamer last week, and I didn't even know he was paying attention to me when I raved about them. Now he works a lot with his church ministry, so when he leaves he says "Just go to the hair site and play with your friends. I'll be back before you know it." That just cracks me up!
When my SO sees a women with chew up hair, he says " Why dont you tell her about your hair forum".....

If I go into a store to purchase a hair product, he say " Lemme me guess- your heard about that on your hair forum"

He thinks he is so funny!!:ohwell:
Cute stories ladies!

My partner has been supportive from the beginning. When I BCed, he helped me cut the back. Just last week I was talking about flat ironing my hair and he was like, "no don't do it, won't that cause damage?" I was like, "Not if i do it right," and he was like, "Well just be careful, i know how hard you've worked on your hair."

It was sort of sweet and endearing that he gets it.
My DH is crazy and thinks he is a comedian. I just joined this board and am on it all the time. I am learning so much and telling him about olive oil, ayurveda, monistat etc. I nearly lost him on the monistat. He's afraid for me to try new things in my hair. He just teased me a few minutes ago about putting cat poop in my hair and sleeping in it over night.
Cute stories ladies!

My partner has been supportive from the beginning. When I BCed, he helped me cut the back. Just last week I was talking about flat ironing my hair and he was like, "no don't do it, won't that cause damage?" I was like, "Not if i do it right," and he was like, "Well just be careful, i know how hard you've worked on your hair."

It was sort of sweet and endearing that he gets it.

DH HATES this site!
He hates that I spend time on here. He calls you guys my imaginary friends. When I've gone to meet-ups and lunch with members, he was always like "You're seriously going to go meet those people? They could be serial killers. You don't know who they are.":spinning:

He is seriously jealous of all of you, but at the same time when we see people with bad edges and aweful hair he says "Babe...maybe you should tell her about the hair board. Maybe she should take a hair vitamin or use some of those tricks on the hair board. Do you think she needs a deep condition? Etc.":rolleyes:

these stories are too funny!...
My DH thinks I'm nuts. He really thought I was nuts when I invited a few of you to my parties. Wait, really laughed when me and another girl figured out that we lived in the same subdivision.

Yeah, he feels I spend too much time on here too and keep crowding the cabinets with hair stuff. Now, he likes the site when there is a thread when someone is getting cussed out.
what he don't know... :sekret:

but seriously, he already thinks i am crazy for going natural (even though he eventually admitted he likes it, in his own foot-in-mouth way). now my MOTHER on the other
My SO always tells me to do some board research whenever I'm having a hair problem....dryness, flatirons, wanting new products. Lol. He also says that any woman that I give hair advice to would be a fool not to listen since my hair has grown so long. He thinks all of us take excellent care of our hair.
At first my SO thought it was a joke until he saw how much money i was spending on products. eveytime he saw me on the computer he already knew what was going down:look:. whenever we are out together and I pass a BSS, I don't even have to say a word and he'll look over at me and be like "hold on babe, I'll see if i can find a u-turn to go there":lachen:
but he is very supportive all in all. he has type 1 hair and has been learning something new as he says everyday.
I honestly thought that my DH could care less, but every now and then he surprises me and I realize that he might actually be listening when I talk. :lol: Once, when we were still engaged, he surprised me with a selection of KeraCare products from the BSS because he couldn't figure out what else to get me for a present. I took that as a good sign that I was marrying the right guy. :grin: Then once we were at the BSS together and we were talking back and forth about what I should get, and he was answering me so intelligently that other women thought he worked there and were asking him questions! :blush:
Okay, I made this thread because on our way home from work, my DH was cracking jokes on us. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth and that he actually listen when i talk about certain products. I'm just laughing thinking about half the things he said. So lets all share what our DH/SO really think about us and this forum. Should be interesting.

For one, my DH thinks this site makes me spend to much (I don't care), and jokes and says that we are all vain (which he knows we really aren't) and then he says, we want to talk about God, just so the vanity don't seem that bad. (even though he know me and him are two very God-fearing individuals; so no offense at all to us who really are believers). Another thing i recall him saying was (this is him acting like us):
"girl, you should use some of that olive oil that reverend used on Sunday and just rub them on your edges"
and he really was teasing my mom because she's a little older and her hairline recedes a little. (we joke on each other's parents)
then he joked more on my mom talkin bout she needed some megatek on her edges.
then he joked about the weaves, and talking bout mixin' this and that with this and that. He was going on and on :blah:. It was a kinda funny at the time:rofl:, of course not that funny now, but he is always a comedian, so its one of those things where u had to be there and hear him.

Okay, any more stories on what the DH/SO thinks????

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:....oh, my stomach........:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:that was funny and I could just imagine it....:lachen::lachen::lachen:
DH loves ya'll! He thinks its great that women from all over the world have a place to go to talk about hair and other issues of life. He said that its theraputic for us, this is why we are on here all the time. He also says that because women like to talk, this is the perfect place and if husbands understood this, they would be happier at home because a happy wife, makes a happy husband:grin:

When we see women with hair issues, he always wants me to go over to them and talk to them about what they could use, etc. Ya'll should see me:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::lachen:

He also uses MT and OCT and its working. Ya'll need to hip yo man on this stuff, if he's losing his hair...I'm serious!

Nice & wavy, I'm so jealous. Your hair always looks so soft!

Thank you, sis. I think its something that the girl that does my hair uses cause I don't have to put anything in my hair for about 4 days after she does's always so soft and moisturized.

I know its something in a vial....she won't tell me though...and as long as it works, I don't care:lachen:
You guys are making me laugh with all of your funny stories. Everytime I go into a store my man looks at me and says no becasue he knows where I am heading. I just smile at him and say okay. He also thinks that I am doing something wrong when I go into the beauty/hair aisle and open the products to see how they smell. His response is, "you are always into stuff." Everytime I talk about this site, he just rolls his eyes.
my SO always says my hair is going to fall out when he sees me concocting things (ACV rinses, pree poos, dc's). he says "you can't put all of this stuff in your hair all of the time!". but he listens when i start to rant. when he is trying to be funny if i ask him a question he say "why dont you ask LHCF!"

he always asks me for hair advice too. the other day he said "i think i need to start using a moisturizer." lol he's cute.
The DH/SO's are so cute when they try and talk about anything that we do that's hair related. I love it. And a lot of these stories also sound similar to that of me and my DH's conversations. Esp, now he tries to tell me what I need to do or another female that she needs a good conditioner.
Oh, and why I told him that i was gonna attempt the LHCF bootcamp. So, while we went to visit family, i whipped out the flat iron. He said, and these were his EXACT WORDS: "so, are you going to apply heat?" My niece over heard him and started dying laughing:lachen:because of how he said it. So, i started laughing. He said, "but you're not supposed to do that." Just like a kid.
My SO hates how much money i spend as a result of being on the board. He loves how on point my hair always looks though so he doesn't really crack too many jokes. As a matter of of fact, I had to unstore my password because he would log on to read the headlines on the political forum. He said "your girls know more than CNN"!!
Oh, and why I told him that i was gonna attempt the LHCF bootcamp. So, while we went to visit family, i whipped out the flat iron. He said, and these were his EXACT WORDS: "so, are you going to apply heat?" My niece over heard him and started dying laughing:lachen:because of how he said it. So, i started laughing. He said, "but you're not supposed to do that." Just like a kid.

:lol: He called you out like it wasn't nothing... LOL thats cute :yawn:

My SO hates how much money i spend as a result of being on the board. He loves how on point my hair always looks though so he doesn't really crack too many jokes. As a matter of of fact, I had to unstore my password because he would log on to read the headlines on the political forum. He said "your girls know more than CNN"!!

Ha!! Thats tooo funny! :rofl:
he calls it my 'black women forum'. i only tell him about the really controversial/ridic stuff on him so he doesnt have the best impression; the threads like 'does he respect you more if you make him wait', etc. :look:

he cant believe i pay to be on here. he was like, 'wait, what???" :lachen:

oh & when i told him how i was inspired to go natural because of this site, he was like, "o that explains it..." hmph
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