The Bible Series on History Channel

Saw this on a blog...thought you all might be interested to read it.

Is the History Channel's "The Bible" mini-series biblically accurate?
Part 3: Hope

By S. Michael Houdmann

The third episode of the History Channel's "The Bible" television mini-series first aired Sunday, March 17, 2013. It covered the time period of the kings of Israel and Judah until Jesus' calling of Peter to be a fisher of men (Mark 1:16-18).

While there are no crucially important deviations from God's Word, there are many accounts in episode 3 that do not exactly match the biblical accounts. Here are a few I noticed:
Wrapping Up the Old Testament

The episode says the Prophet Jeremiah escaped Jerusalem when the Babylonians destroyed the city. The Bible says the Babylonians released Jeremiah (Jeremiah 40:1).

Later in the episode, Daniel and his three friends are taken captive when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. The Bible records them being deported approximately 11 years earlier (2 Kings 24:10-16; Daniel 1).

The Book of Daniel records Nebuchadnezzar possibly becoming a believer in the one true God (Daniel 2:47; 3:28-29; 4:34-37). However, episode 3 portrays Nebuchadnezzar merely paying lip service to the God of the Israelites.

In the Book of Daniel, the account of Daniel being thrown into the lions' den occurs during the reign of Darius. In the episode, it occurs during the reign of Cyrus. After witnessing Daniel survive the lions' den, Cyrus allows the Israelites to return to the Promised Land. In the Bible, the decree is completely unrelated to Daniel surviving a night with the lions.

I found it strange that The Bible mini-series essentially skipped the entire time period of the kings of Israel and Judah. Solomon's reign is not mentioned at all. The construction of the Temple is not covered. The split into the nations of Israel and Judah is not reported. These were crucially important aspects of Israel's history.

The reason for the exile into Babylon is absent from the episode's storyline. The Bible is clear that Judah was being punished for the same reason as Israel had been approximately 136 years earlier: serial idolatry and a refusal to obey God's laws.
Beginning the New Testament

During the story of Jesus' birth, a common mistake is made by having the Magi visit at the same time as the shepherds. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Magi arrived much later, possibly a matter of years later (Matthew 2:1-12).

The episode describes Herod the Great placing a Roman eagle at the entrance to the Temple, which would have been sacrilege to the Jews. After his death, the people are shown rising up in a revolt against the Romans. Neither of these events are recorded in the Bible, however both appear to be historically accurate.

In Satan's tempting of Jesus in the desert, the episode portrays Satan taking Jesus to a mountaintop and telling him to jump off. In the Bible, Satan takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple (Matthew 4:5-7).

The episode has John the Baptist being arrested and beheaded due to his preaching about the coming Messiah. The Bible records John the Baptist being arrested for preaching against Herod Antipas who had stolen his brother's wife. He was then beheaded due to a vengeful request from Herod Antipas's wife and step-daughter.

There were several other biblical inaccuracies, but those are the ones that stood out to me during my initial viewing. None of them are major deviations from the biblical accounts, but none of them really seemed to be necessary to tell the stories well either.

I am also surprised at how the majority of "The Bible" mini-series roles are portrayed by Caucasian actors and actresses, which is especially true in episode 3. Joseph and Mary were as white as can be. Adolescent Jesus was somewhat Middle Eastern looking, but the actor portraying Jesus as an adult does not look Semitic at all. Ultimately, I do not have a problem with this, just as I did not have a huge problem with Samson being portrayed by an actor of African descent. But it is important to remember that Jesus was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian.

As with episodes 1 and 2, my hope for episode 3 is that it will encourage people to actually pick up and study God's Word to learn what it truly says about the events covered in the TV mini-series. No movie reenactment is ever going to be completely accurate. These are manmade, and mankind is always fallible.

So far, I would say the History Channel's "The Bible" television mini-series has been reasonably accurate, inasmuch as they can be in the short amount of time they have and considering their target audience. But it could have easily been much more faithful to what the Bible says in many instances without losing cinematic appeal. I see little to no value in most of the "artistic license" the producers took in this episode. After all, biblical history has plenty of excitement all on its own.
SMH.. All i can say for myself that it has caused me to research and read about different stories that took place within the Bible. There will always be say tomato and I say tomatoe ......but one thing I can say for sure is that God placed in someone's heart to create this project and she was obedient enough to follow through even though they will face criticism. Job well done thus far!!!

p.s. This is way better than the movie that I saw that portrayed Soloman having an intimate relationship with Bathseba (played by Vivica Fox). Thank god I searched and found it to be untrue. SMH and there are many other versions that have twisted the Bible as well. I personally feel that these people tried to be as accurate as possible but there is so much to put in a ten part series *shrugs*
As one of the members on the thread pointed out earlier, the series is definitely attention-grabbing and it causes others to go back and read the Bible. It gives us practical living lessons if we pay attention.

It has millions tuning in.
SMH.. All i can say for myself that it has caused me to research and read about different stories that took place within the Bible. There will always be say tomato and I say tomatoe ......but one thing I can say for sure is that God placed in someone's heart to create this project and she was obedient enough to follow through even though they will face criticism. Job well done thus far!!!

p.s. This is way better than the movie that I saw that portrayed Soloman having an intimate relationship with Bathseba (played by Vivica Fox). Thank god I searched and found it to be untrue. SMH and there are many other versions that have twisted the Bible as well. I personally feel that these people tried to be as accurate as possible but there is so much to put in a ten part series *shrugs*

I agree, I think the time crunch is the reason for leaving things out. They wanted it to be 5 episodes leading up to Easter. Each episode is already 2 hours long which is much longer than a regular TV program. There are pros and cons. Its not as accurate but the Bible is very detailed and spending time flushing out those details may have lost some viewers.
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Yeah, the "fast-forwarding" of the scenes would make anyone say "waituhminute.." and go flip the Bible's pages..that's a good thing. lol...

Now this just cleared everything for me. I thought he was tempted when he was in gethsamne (sp.) before he was to be crucified. Hmmmm interesting
That's what i meant.... people are so focused on it being very detailed and accurate but i say they are doing a good job so far. To be able to accurately describe the bible? they need seasons or even a television channel just for old testament, new testament, and revelation separately lol!
That's what i meant.... people are so focused on it being very detailed and accurate but i say they are doing a good job so far. To be able to accurately describe the bible? they need seasons or even a television channel just for old testament, new testament, and revelation separately lol!

Agreed. Not everyone will have the same opinion. Looking at the bigger picture--the job is getting done and it is somewhat entertaining to watch. It's not dry and boring.
That's what i meant.... people are so focused on it being very detailed and accurate but i say they are doing a good job so far. To be able to accurately describe the bible? they need seasons or even a television channel just for old testament, new testament, and revelation separately lol!
yeah, I was agreeing with you just expanding on your point.:grin:
Saw this on a blog...thought you all might be interested to read it.

Is the History Channel's "The Bible" mini-series biblically accurate?
Part 3: Hope

By S. Michael Houdmann

The third episode of the History Channel's "The Bible" television mini-series first aired Sunday, March 17, 2013. It covered the time period of the kings of Israel and Judah until Jesus' calling of Peter to be a fisher of men (Mark 1:16-18).

While there are no crucially important deviations from God's Word, there are many accounts in episode 3 that do not exactly match the biblical accounts. Here are a few I noticed:
Wrapping Up the Old Testament

The episode says the Prophet Jeremiah escaped Jerusalem when the Babylonians destroyed the city. The Bible says the Babylonians released Jeremiah (Jeremiah 40:1).

Later in the episode, Daniel and his three friends are taken captive when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. The Bible records them being deported approximately 11 years earlier (2 Kings 24:10-16; Daniel 1).

The Book of Daniel records Nebuchadnezzar possibly becoming a believer in the one true God (Daniel 2:47; 3:28-29; 4:34-37). However, episode 3 portrays Nebuchadnezzar merely paying lip service to the God of the Israelites.

In the Book of Daniel, the account of Daniel being thrown into the lions' den occurs during the reign of Darius. In the episode, it occurs during the reign of Cyrus. After witnessing Daniel survive the lions' den, Cyrus allows the Israelites to return to the Promised Land. In the Bible, the decree is completely unrelated to Daniel surviving a night with the lions.

I found it strange that The Bible mini-series essentially skipped the entire time period of the kings of Israel and Judah. Solomon's reign is not mentioned at all. The construction of the Temple is not covered. The split into the nations of Israel and Judah is not reported. These were crucially important aspects of Israel's history.

The reason for the exile into Babylon is absent from the episode's storyline. The Bible is clear that Judah was being punished for the same reason as Israel had been approximately 136 years earlier: serial idolatry and a refusal to obey God's laws.
Beginning the New Testament

During the story of Jesus' birth, a common mistake is made by having the Magi visit at the same time as the shepherds. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Magi arrived much later, possibly a matter of years later (Matthew 2:1-12).

The episode describes Herod the Great placing a Roman eagle at the entrance to the Temple, which would have been sacrilege to the Jews. After his death, the people are shown rising up in a revolt against the Romans. Neither of these events are recorded in the Bible, however both appear to be historically accurate.

In Satan's tempting of Jesus in the desert, the episode portrays Satan taking Jesus to a mountaintop and telling him to jump off. In the Bible, Satan takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple (Matthew 4:5-7).

The episode has John the Baptist being arrested and beheaded due to his preaching about the coming Messiah. The Bible records John the Baptist being arrested for preaching against Herod Antipas who had stolen his brother's wife. He was then beheaded due to a vengeful request from Herod Antipas's wife and step-daughter.

There were several other biblical inaccuracies, but those are the ones that stood out to me during my initial viewing. None of them are major deviations from the biblical accounts, but none of them really seemed to be necessary to tell the stories well either.

I am also surprised at how the majority of "The Bible" mini-series roles are portrayed by Caucasian actors and actresses, which is especially true in episode 3. Joseph and Mary were as white as can be. Adolescent Jesus was somewhat Middle Eastern looking, but the actor portraying Jesus as an adult does not look Semitic at all. Ultimately, I do not have a problem with this, just as I did not have a huge problem with Samson being portrayed by an actor of African descent. But it is important to remember that Jesus was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian.

As with episodes 1 and 2, my hope for episode 3 is that it will encourage people to actually pick up and study God's Word to learn what it truly says about the events covered in the TV mini-series. No movie reenactment is ever going to be completely accurate. These are manmade, and mankind is always fallible.

So far, I would say the History Channel's "The Bible" television mini-series has been reasonably accurate, inasmuch as they can be in the short amount of time they have and considering their target audience. But it could have easily been much more faithful to what the Bible says in many instances without losing cinematic appeal. I see little to no value in most of the "artistic license" the producers took in this episode. After all, biblical history has plenty of excitement all on its own.
Thanks for posting this. I feel this way: If people want an accurate account of the Bible portrayed on television/movies, then there is enough money in the Church as a whole, to create a true biblical accountable movie/series....I'm sure even then there will be something wrong...people are never satisfied.

There's nothing wrong with changing your mind. :heart:
Thank you...:kiss:
Saw this on a blog...thought you all might be interested to read it.

Is the History Channel's "The Bible" mini-series biblically accurate?
Part 3: Hope

By S. Michael Houdmann

The third episode of the History Channel's "The Bible" television mini-series first aired Sunday, March 17, 2013. It covered the time period of the kings of Israel and Judah until Jesus' calling of Peter to be a fisher of men (Mark 1:16-18).

While there are no crucially important deviations from God's Word, there are many accounts in episode 3 that do not exactly match the biblical accounts. Here are a few I noticed:
Wrapping Up the Old Testament

The episode says the Prophet Jeremiah escaped Jerusalem when the Babylonians destroyed the city. The Bible says the Babylonians released Jeremiah (Jeremiah 40:1).

Later in the episode, Daniel and his three friends are taken captive when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. The Bible records them being deported approximately 11 years earlier (2 Kings 24:10-16; Daniel 1).

The Book of Daniel records Nebuchadnezzar possibly becoming a believer in the one true God (Daniel 2:47; 3:28-29; 4:34-37). However, episode 3 portrays Nebuchadnezzar merely paying lip service to the God of the Israelites.

In the Book of Daniel, the account of Daniel being thrown into the lions' den occurs during the reign of Darius. In the episode, it occurs during the reign of Cyrus. After witnessing Daniel survive the lions' den, Cyrus allows the Israelites to return to the Promised Land. In the Bible, the decree is completely unrelated to Daniel surviving a night with the lions.

I found it strange that The Bible mini-series essentially skipped the entire time period of the kings of Israel and Judah. Solomon's reign is not mentioned at all. The construction of the Temple is not covered. The split into the nations of Israel and Judah is not reported. These were crucially important aspects of Israel's history.

The reason for the exile into Babylon is absent from the episode's storyline. The Bible is clear that Judah was being punished for the same reason as Israel had been approximately 136 years earlier: serial idolatry and a refusal to obey God's laws.
Beginning the New Testament

During the story of Jesus' birth, a common mistake is made by having the Magi visit at the same time as the shepherds. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Magi arrived much later, possibly a matter of years later (Matthew 2:1-12).

The episode describes Herod the Great placing a Roman eagle at the entrance to the Temple, which would have been sacrilege to the Jews. After his death, the people are shown rising up in a revolt against the Romans. Neither of these events are recorded in the Bible, however both appear to be historically accurate.

In Satan's tempting of Jesus in the desert, the episode portrays Satan taking Jesus to a mountaintop and telling him to jump off. In the Bible, Satan takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple (Matthew 4:5-7).

The episode has John the Baptist being arrested and beheaded due to his preaching about the coming Messiah. The Bible records John the Baptist being arrested for preaching against Herod Antipas who had stolen his brother's wife. He was then beheaded due to a vengeful request from Herod Antipas's wife and step-daughter.

There were several other biblical inaccuracies, but those are the ones that stood out to me during my initial viewing. None of them are major deviations from the biblical accounts, but none of them really seemed to be necessary to tell the stories well either.

I am also surprised at how the majority of "The Bible" mini-series roles are portrayed by Caucasian actors and actresses, which is especially true in episode 3. Joseph and Mary were as white as can be. Adolescent Jesus was somewhat Middle Eastern looking, but the actor portraying Jesus as an adult does not look Semitic at all. Ultimately, I do not have a problem with this, just as I did not have a huge problem with Samson being portrayed by an actor of African descent. But it is important to remember that Jesus was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian.

As with episodes 1 and 2, my hope for episode 3 is that it will encourage people to actually pick up and study God's Word to learn what it truly says about the events covered in the TV mini-series. No movie reenactment is ever going to be completely accurate. These are manmade, and mankind is always fallible.

So far, I would say the History Channel's "The Bible" television mini-series has been reasonably accurate, inasmuch as they can be in the short amount of time they have and considering their target audience. But it could have easily been much more faithful to what the Bible says in many instances without losing cinematic appeal. I see little to no value in most of the "artistic license" the producers took in this episode. After all, biblical history has plenty of excitement all on its own.

Good post. Thank you :-)

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This is my first time watching it. Is this a repeat what i'm seeing right now with Mary and Joseph. What is this EPIC EVENT continues in 39 minutes note i see in the upper right hand corner?
I agree. They are good actors. They are doing well at following the biblical accounts.

Off Jesus wearing a lace front? Do you recognize Mary from another show. She reminded me of that touched by an angel lady or dr. quinn medicine woman...can't remember but she looks really familiar.
[USER=363809]letskeepntouch[/USER];18120997 said:
Do you recognize Mary from another show. She reminded me of that touched by an angel lady or dr. quinn medicine woman...can't remember but she looks really familiar.

She is Roma Downey, the Touched by an Angel lady and she is also the lady behind the series, she and her hubby Mark Burnett of the Survivor series.
Much of this is #Kockamaymebull put on the screen:nono:

"Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
I agree. They are good actors. They are doing well at following the biblical accounts.

Off Jesus wearing a lace front? Do you recognize Mary from another show. She reminded me of that touched by an angel lady or dr. quinn medicine woman...can't remember but she looks really familiar.

:lol: Thats Roma Downey (touched by an Angel), she and her husband came up with the idea for the series and they are the Producers/Directors. When we say" the people who created it" thats who we are talking about. She and her husband are very religious.
Much of this is #Kockamaymebull put on the screen:nono:

"Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

I agree. Especially with the Lazarus scene. I thought Lazarus was wrapped up in their traditional burial clothing?
I agree. Especially with the Lazarus scene. I thought Lazarus was wrapped up in their traditional burial clothing?

Okay, I'm going to bed. I watched it off and on while doing dishes, and cleaning up the house. I'm sure you guys will give me the run down tomorrow! I didn't see the Lazarus scene. What else was wrong with the show?
:lol: Thats Roma Downey (touched by an Angel), she and her husband came up with the idea for the series and they are the Producers/Directors. When we say" the people who created it" thats who we are talking about. She and her husband are very religious.

Thank you! Her hair just completely through me off. :lol:
Now that they have got to the part about Jesus....they changed so much of what the Bible actually stated that its getting on my nerves.:rolleyes: Some of the stuff was absolute craziness, I mean off the wall craziness...what in the world?

I liked the series up to this point, but I still feel that we shouldn't expect anything more from the people who created this series and that includes me, but I still can't help but say something about it.

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Like it so far! But I feel the disciples are too nonexistent. ??? They keep focusing on The women
No what they did was focus soley on if he was "the disciple of the disciples":rolleyes:...totally left out the others. When did the bible talk about a riot after the fish and loaves of bread...and then Jesus walking away from the crowd all upset? Boy oh boy....
No what they did was focus soley on if he was "the disciple of the disciples":rolleyes:...totally left out the others. When did the bible talk about a riot after the fish and loaves of bread...and then Jesus walking away from the crowd all upset? Boy oh boy....

I noticed that Peter was exalted as well and I didn't like it. Peter was a great man of God but they deviated too far from the Bible to make him stand out. The question is why? I read the Bible and go from chuckling at some things God/Jesus did to praise, worship and reverence. The Bible captivates all by itself. Adding all these ridiculous details was not necessary.

And I was really upset with how they made it to seem as though Judas has to be made to betray Jesus. Why is this being watered down? Seems like there was an agenda there, and it wasn't to give an accurate depiction of the Bible. The people who produced this claim to be Christians...
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