The Bible Series on History Channel

Eli's sons were priests and Samuel's sons were judges. Eli's sons sins are mentioned in 1Sam2:1236 and 1Sam3:12-15 and Samuel's sons in 1Sam8:1-6. I guess I was just confused because I thought they said the men were perverting the temple that is why I thought they meant Eli's sons and not Samuel. @Nice Lady and MrsHaseeb Thank you for making me go back in the word and study it some more.

I remember Samuel having sons who weren't as Godly, but Eli's sons were the wicked priests they were referring to that were abusing their office I thought. This series is really making me want to study the Word, lol. Thanks Nice Lady!

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Oh, thanks ladies. I didn't do it to sound high-minded. I realized that you guys genuinely wanted to know.
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I missed the beginning of part one. They dont talk about Adam and Eve it starts off with Noah or am I missing a part
Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel are briefly mentioned but there are images shown as Noah tells the history of humanity to his family while on the ark during the beginning of part one:yep:.
If I wasn't so curious to see how this series is going to end I'd stop watching it. I am VERY unhappy with the depiction of the people calling Mary a slut, etc while pregnant with Jesus and with the temptation scene. I know some people are enjoying this series but... I don't like some of the things they are doing. Am I the only one who noticed that when Satan picked up the stone tempting the character playing Jesus to turn it to breast that it WAS bread when it showed it in his hands and he seemed to be lusting over it almost... Disturbing. And those are just a couple of the issues I had.
If I wasn't so curious to see how this series is going to end I'd stop watching it. I am VERY unhappy with the depiction of the people calling Mary a slut, etc while pregnant with Jesus and with the temptation scene. I know some people are enjoying this series but... I don't like some of the things they are doing. Am I the only one who noticed that when Satan picked up the stone tempting the character playing Jesus to turn it to breast that it WAS bread when it showed it in his hands and he seemed to be lusting over it almost... Disturbing. And those are just a couple of the issues I had.
I know I was one who said more than once that I was enjoying the series, yet I also stated that I didn't expect for it to be depicted in any other way.

I don't want to feel like I am being judged for watching this program.

Still love all of you...everyone has a right to their opinion!
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I know I was one who said more than once that I was enjoying the series, yet I also stated that I didn't expect for it to be depicted in any other way.

I don't want to feel like I am being judged for watching this program.

I know I said I wasn't going to come back in this thread and I did...but, I'm out ya'll.

Still love all of you...everyone has a right to their opinion!

Nice & Wavy, please don't feel that way:sad: You are not being judged for liking or watching the series. I'm watching because I'm curious how it will end. Nothing I post is directed at anyone.:blowkiss:
I have never been so motivated to read the Bible in it's entirety than I am right now. I brought my Bible to work today. If nothing else, this series has caused me to commit to study of the entire Bible with the Holy Spirit's help. Praise God for this outcome of the series.
Nice & Wavy, please don't feel that way:sad: You are not being judged for liking or watching the series. I'm watching because I'm curious how it will end. Nothing I post is directed at anyone.:blowkiss:
I know I'm not being judged, but I did feel like it:ohwell:. Maybe I'm wrong about it, but that's something the Holy Spirit will help me with. But, I do appreciate you and your post. :love3:
I have never been so motivated to read the Bible in it's entirety than I am right now. I brought my Bible to work today. If nothing else, this series has caused me to commit to study of the entire Bible with the Holy Spirit's help. Praise God for this outcome of the series.
This whole post is the reason why I appreciate the Bible Series. There are so many people that I am talking to that are studying their bibles more now and a few who didn't know Christ that have given their lives to Christ because they had questions about the series and I was able to explain the Truth to them.

Praise God!
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I for one was moved when the "fourth" man showed up in the furnace... That scene was awesome, seeing the Lord this way.. I also enjoyed Daniel's scenes, esp in the lions' den. Good to see people being enlightened through the series... I'm enjoying it!
I for one was moved when the "fourth" man showed up in the furnace... That scene was awesome, seeing the Lord this way.. I also enjoyed Daniel's scenes, esp in the lions' den. Good to see people being enlightened through the series... I'm enjoying it!

I agree!! I almost shouted....almost. :lol:

Boy....they are


Producer: Claim of Obama-Satan likeness nonsense

By Dan Merica, CNN

Washington (CNN) - The third episode of the History Channel's miniseries “The Bible” was supposed to be remembered for the brutality of Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar, the strength of Daniel in the lion’s den, and the birth of Jesus Christ.

But after viewers claimed there was a striking resemblance between Satan’s human form and President Barack Obama, that probably won't be the case. Buzz on Twitter quickly grew. According to on Monday, there were an estimated 20,000 tweets containing the words “Obama” and “Satan” since the 9:00 p.m. ET hour on Sunday, the hour in which Satan appears in the two-hour show.

In a statement, miniseries producer Mark Burnett called claims there was a resemblance "utter nonsense." Burnett said the actor who played Satan, Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, "is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our President."
Ouazanni has had roles in two biblical TV movies "Jeremiah" and "The Ten Commandments."

Executive producer of the miniseries Roma Downey, Burnett's wife, added, "Both Mark and I have nothing but respect and love our President, who is a fellow Christian. False statements such as these are just designed as a foolish distraction to try and discredit the beauty of the story of The Bible."

Satan appears during the miniseries’ retelling of the Temptation of Christ, when Jesus fasted for 40 days in the Judean Desert. Satan tests Jesus’ faith, asking him to make bread out of stone and jump from a cliff, but he refuses each temptation and returns to the Sea of Galilee to begin his ministry.

In the desert, Satan is draped in a long, black, hooded robe and with a slight silver tint to his face. Both Downey and Burnett supported Obama's first campaign for president in 2008, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Downey gave $5,000 to the Obama Victory Fund and $2,700 to the Democratic National Committee in 2008. Burnett also donated to Obama's first campaign $2,300 in 2007. Neither gave money to Obama's 2012 campaign.

While the show was airing, tweets poured in noting the resemblance.
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I for one was moved when the "fourth" man showed up in the furnace... That scene was awesome, seeing the Lord this way.. I also enjoyed Daniel's scenes, esp in the lions' den. Good to see people being enlightened through the series... I'm enjoying it!
Me too...we kept rewinding it to see it over and over...loved it!
I'd read that Obama article on Yahoo, but I see it as an obvious DISTRACTION. Expected :yep:
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Seriously, though... I really enjoy the cinematography for this series.. I'm excited to watch the next installment, God willing, with my nephew... the Bible is coming to life for him as well. That, I'm happy about!
Boy....they are


Producer: Claim of Obama-Satan likeness nonsense

By Dan Merica, CNN

Washington (CNN) - The third episode of the History Channel's miniseries “The Bible” was supposed to be remembered for the brutality of Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar, the strength of Daniel in the lion’s den, and the birth of Jesus Christ.

But after viewers claimed there was a striking resemblance between Satan’s human form and President Barack Obama, that probably won't be the case. Buzz on Twitter quickly grew. According to on Monday, there were an estimated 20,000 tweets containing the words “Obama” and “Satan” since the 9:00 p.m. ET hour on Sunday, the hour in which Satan appears in the two-hour show.

In a statement, miniseries producer Mark Burnett called claims there was a resemblance "utter nonsense." Burnett said the actor who played Satan, Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, "is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor. He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics – including Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our President."
Ouazanni has had roles in two biblical TV movies – "Jeremiah" and "The Ten Commandments."

Executive producer of the miniseries Roma Downey, Burnett's wife, added, "Both Mark and I have nothing but respect and love our President, who is a fellow Christian. False statements such as these are just designed as a foolish distraction to try and discredit the beauty of the story of The Bible."

Satan appears during the miniseries’ retelling of the Temptation of Christ, when Jesus fasted for 40 days in the Judean Desert. Satan tests Jesus’ faith, asking him to make bread out of stone and jump from a cliff, but he refuses each temptation and returns to the Sea of Galilee to begin his ministry.

In the desert, Satan is draped in a long, black, hooded robe and with a slight silver tint to his face. Both Downey and Burnett supported Obama's first campaign for president in 2008, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Downey gave $5,000 to the Obama Victory Fund and $2,700 to the Democratic National Committee in 2008. Burnett also donated to Obama's first campaign – $2,300 in 2007. Neither gave money to Obama's 2012 campaign.

While the show was airing, tweets poured in noting the resemblance.

Yes that's pushing it. How unnecessary ..

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This series was very good. They left out many parts of the Bible. However, this program was very good. I go online and have my Bible open to check references.
Seriously, though... I really enjoy the cinematography for this series.. I'm excited to watch the next installment, God willing, with my nephew... the Bible is coming to life for him as well. That, I'm happy about!
I do too...lots of killing though..its hard to look at, but it did happen, so:ohwell:.

This is the last Sunday and I look forward to seeing the ending...:yep:
This series was very good. They left out many parts of the Bible. However, this program was very good. I go online and have my Bible open to check references.
They left out sooooo much of the Bible:yep:....and I find that many of them that make movies/shows do that...its to be expected.
Now this just cleared everything for me. I thought he was tempted when he was in gethsamne (sp.) before he was to be crucified. Hmmmm interesting