The Bible Series on History Channel

Stephen is about to preach and teach!

ETA: Well in the Bible he spoke the Scriptures before he was stoned. They skipped over that part...
Stephen is about to preach and teach!

ETA: Well in the Bible he spoke the Scriptures before he was stoned. They skipped over that part...

They also skipped the fact that he prayed for the people before he passed, asking God not to lay it to their charge before asking the Lord Jesus to receive his spirit... But hey, after some of the things that they've done on this series it wasn't too bad.

The commercial they just played made me extremely angry...
Stephen is about to preach and teach!

ETA: Well in the Bible he spoke the Scriptures before he was stoned. They skipped over that part...
The time they took to skip over or change the words or omit, they could have just given the truth..would have been more powerful.

But, that said...I'm glad they are going through the Book of Acts. Wondering how far they are going to go with this tonight. Hoping they bring the Apostle Paul in this next segment.:yep:

ETA: Oh, duh....he was it.
They also skipped the fact that he prayed for the people before he passed, asking God not to lay it to their charge before asking the Lord Jesus to receive his spirit... But hey, after some of the things that they've done on this series it wasn't too bad.

The commercial they just played made me extremely angry...
Especially with all the other commercials they've shown which were really good...*sigh*
Nope they screwed it up so bad I'm getting ticked off. When Saul fell off that horse he said, "who art thou Lord?" He had immediate reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ. He was humbled instantly... wasn't too bad, sis. Sensationalism at its best... wasn't too bad, sis. Sensationalism at its best...

Lol... I know. I think the Bible account really makes you reverence God when you see how a man like Saul was humbled and submissive to the will of God from the time he fell off the horse. The baptism scene with Ananias pouring the water surprised me.
Praise God, some of us who were not so well versed in our Bible studies have been moved to study because of this series.
They are talking about having more Bible stories on tv and in the movies now that they have seen that this is so successful.

Don't be surprised at what's going to come...we will be glad that this was shown because of what we are going to see....:nono:
Oh we go. Baptizing him with a pitcher of water. Yeah, ok.

Sis I thought I was the only one giving that the side eye.... Why change from going down in the water with the baptisms of John to now pouring the water??

And I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed them slip that commercial in..
Lol... I know. I think the Bible account really makes you reverence God when you see how a man like Saul was humbled and submissive to the will of God from the time he fell off the horse. The baptism scene with Ananias pouring the water surprised me.
It really does...but it wouldn't look good if they put the truth out there, know:look::ohwell:
Sis I thought I was the only one giving that the side eye.... Why change from going down in the water with the baptisms of John to now pouring the water??

And I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed them slip that commercial in..
You already know....:ohwell:
I say we need to encourage Bible study with everyone we meet. I know I am going to suggest all my friends to get the YouVersion app so they can hear the Word for themselves. God is in control.
I say we need to encourage Bible study with everyone we meet. I know I am going to suggest all my friends to get the YouVersion app so they can hear the Word for themselves. God is in control.
Be prayerful before you do...and when you get rejected, don't take it personal. And yes...God is in control :bighug: