Read the Bible Through in 2010...on Facebook!

Maaaan... I just love this thread! Good to see everyone moving right along. Our nightly schedule calls for one NT book, one OT book (which tend to correlate), a Psalms or a Proverbs. This format is helping my nephew understand the OT better as he's used to the NT books. We're now in Matthew, Exodus and Proverbs. Moses spending time with God on the Mount. Thank God for his Son, because if He had to talk to me today they way spoke to Moses n'em in that booming voice, I'd be down the street, behind a bush.. lol

I'm enjoying the Proverbs, too. Very familiar verses, yet I'm STILL learning something new when we have a discussion during the study. I enjoy others' sharing what they're learning during their studies in this thread as well.
God is good.. :yep:
Ladies- Praise God! He is blessing!

plainj- I'm so happy to hear. We are here for each other. Laela- what a great idea to put the thread in your siggy. I'll have to bite that one.

Hope your Bible studies are going well. I'm reading the first few books of Joshua.
Our reading is going well, can't wait to get to Joshua, too. We had a big breakfast today and my nephew 'led' the study this morning.... wonderful! I'm teaching him that reading the Word is the same as eating...something he should do every day. Have a great Sabbath!
Started Job and Acts a few days ago.

In Job, his friends are trying to convince him that God is punishing him for his past sins, his children's sins, etc. Job is suffering dearly but so far has not blamed God. He does wonder/question why he is suffering for he cannot think of what he has done wrong.

In Acts, Stephen became the first to die for the church. It was so sad I almost cried ... but then again, his death was not in vain. It was beautiful to read how he was sooo filled with the Holy Spirit.
Currently reading about the conversion of Saul/Paul. It makes me think that even those of us who have sinned gravely in the past can turn around and be a dear servant to God.
I learned something new today!

"Covereth feet" in the context of Judges 3:24 (King Eglon) & 1 Sam 24:3 (King Saul) meant using the bathroom.

Judges 3

The Israelites went back to their evil ways so God allowed them to be sold to the Moabites. But when they cried out to God, He had compassion and rose up a deliverer, Ehud. Ehud was a Benjamite with a 'wicked' left-hand. He got a private audience with the King supposedly to give him a present but stabbed him in the stomach instead.

On his way out, he locked the king inside and the servants thought the king was relieving himself. So they just waited & waited...:blush: till it was too late.

Judges 3:24, 25.

When he was gone out, his servants came; and when they saw that, behold, the doors of the parlour [were] locked, they said, Surely he covereth his feet in his summer chamber.

And they tarried till they were ashamed: and, behold, he opened not the doors of the parlour; therefore they took a key, and opened [them]: and, behold, their lord [was] fallen down dead on the earth.
God's Word ever reveals new and deeper understanding and revelation to us as long as we are seeking, hungering and thirsting for righteousness. I thank God for you guys in here, you've given me a little extra push.

Just got done reading Romans 1 & 2 from the Amplified.

This post is so refreshing. It reminds me... I had a conversation with mom the other day and she called someone a 'Moabite' :lachen:

She tends to call folks by the Biblical names because of her knowledge of the Bible... My brother was going through some stuff at work, she told him not to let that Egyptian get to him. Once she asked me how is Solomon doing? (my DH) or how are Aaron and Moses today? (DH and nephew)... I'm so used to it, I know who she's talking about.. :laugh:

My apologies for the comedic interjection. :look: But yeah, we learn something new in the Bible every time.

I had learned that when Noah's son Ham, the father of Caanan, saw his father's 'nakedness', it meant he had sexual relations with his father's wife (not his mother). That generational curse trickled down to Jacob, whose first-born son, Reuben slept with Jacob's concubine Bilhah. This is why Moses warned the children of Israel not to adopt the ways of the Caananites (sexual immorality)

I learned something new today!

"Covereth feet" in the context of Judges 3:24 (King Eglon) & 1 Sam 24:3 (King Saul) meant using the bathroom.

Judges 3

The Israelites went back to their evil ways so God allowed them to be sold to the Moabites. But when they cried out to God, He had compassion and rose up a deliverer, Ehud. Ehud was a Benjamite with a 'wicked' left-hand. He got a private audience with the King supposedly to give him a present but stabbed him in the stomach instead.

On his way out, he locked the king inside and the servants thought the king was relieving himself. So they just waited & waited...:blush: till it was too late.

Judges 3:24, 25.

When he was gone out, his servants came; and when they saw that, behold, the doors of the parlour [were] locked, they said, Surely he covereth his feet in his summer chamber.

And they tarried till they were ashamed: and, behold, he opened not the doors of the parlour; therefore they took a key, and opened [them]: and, behold, their lord [was] fallen down dead on the earth.
This post is so refreshing. It reminds me... I had a conversation with mom the other day and she called someone a 'Moabite' :lachen:

She tends to call folks by the Biblical names because of her knowledge of the Bible... My brother was going through some stuff at work, she told him not to let that Egyptian get to him. Once she asked me how is Solomon doing? (Love it!) (my DH) or how are Aaron and Moses today? (DH and nephew)... I'm so used to it, I know who she's talking about.. :laugh:

My apologies for the comedic interjection. :look: But yeah, we learn something new in the Bible every time.

I had learned that when Noah's son Ham, the father of Caanan, saw his father's 'nakedness', it meant he had sexual relations with his father's wife (not his mother). That generational curse trickled down to Jacob, whose first-born son, Reuben slept with Jacob's concubine Bilhah. This is why Moses warned the children of Israel not to adopt the ways of the Caananites (sexual immorality)


Let me just add the Scriptural references...the action really is "uncovered his father's nakedness" not "saw" since he went beyond just looking.. :laugh:

Leviticus 10:11
And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them

We've started this book last night, and had explained this to my nephew when we read Genesis. He's already fascinated by the OT and all its drama :)

God bless!
Started Job and Acts a few days ago.

In Job, his friends are trying to convince him that God is punishing him for his past sins, his children's sins, etc. Job is suffering dearly but so far has not blamed God. He does wonder/question why he is suffering for he cannot think of what he has done wrong.

In Acts, Stephen became the first to die for the church. It was so sad I almost cried ... but then again, his death was not in vain. It was beautiful to read how he was sooo filled with the Holy Spirit.
Currently reading about the conversion of Saul/Paul. It makes me think that even those of us who have sinned gravely in the past can turn around and be a dear servant to God.

Thanks for this loolalooh. I am humbled by Stephen's story. Lately I have been feeling constantly attacked and disappointed when I lose my way. Sometimes I worry that I won't be able to stand like Stephen did. But this journey isn't over.

Thanks for the reminder that God still loves all of us & is waiting with outstretched arms to welcome anyone who turns around.
Welcome VeePickni! Thanks for the scripture Laela- did not know that either! Hope you are enjoying your Bible studies everyone.

Judges is my favorite book. The stories like Jael with the milk & hammer are so colorful and interesting.

I read about Gideon the past couple days (Judges 6-8) and can identify with him so much. 'God, can you give me a sign so I know that I'm not crazy? OK, God that was awesome like only You are and don't get mad BUT... um can you give me another pleeeaaase?'
Hey ladies. How's the studying coming along?

Still in Acts - read Chapter 22 today. I notice that Paul did not evangelize the same way to each group of people. He tailored the approach to the group ... identifying with the people at first, be it by speaking in their native language or relating to their frame of mind. After identifying with the group, he then went into the Good News. I thought this was interesting to see. It makes me consider how I approach different people.

For example:

Here he uses the "I am like you, was once like you" approach.

Acts 21:40
40 So when he had given him permission, Paul stood on the stairs and motioned with his hand to the people. And when there was a great silence, he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, saying,
Acts 22:1-3
1 “Brethren and fathers, hear my defense before you now.” 2 And when they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, they kept all the more silent.Then he said: 3 “I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers’ law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today.


Here he uses the "I'll work from your beliefs" approach. Also used "intellectual" speak with these people -- who were intellectuals.

Acts 17:22-23, 28-29
22 Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; 23 for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription:
Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you:

as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ 29 Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising.
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Hi Ladies, How are things going? Where are you in your studies & what are you discovering?

About a week ago, I read Ruth & it was very interesting. I always wondered what exactly Ruth did by sleeping at the feet of Boaz and uncovering his feet.

Ruth 3:7
And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down.

Because of our recent discussion on what that phrase means, it was a new understanding for me of what could have happened. I'm still not sure & would love to hear your thoughts.

What do you think?
We've been reading slowly and missed some days so we're playing make- up again...We're in the hefty Leviticus, Matthew and Proverbs...

As for the uncovering of Boaz's feet, I believe that was more of a gesture of submission or 'marking her terriory' for lack of a better expression; it's not anything like the uncovering of his nakedness -- he was awoken from his sleep, to see her lying at his feet. The story of Ruth is a good example of doing things God's way... with faith and expectation.

Maybe someone else can chime in on this...

Hi Ladies, How are things going? Where are you in your studies & what are you discovering?

About a week ago, I read Ruth & it was very interesting. I always wondered what exactly Ruth did by sleeping at the feet of Boaz and uncovering his feet.

Ruth 3:7
And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down.

Because of our recent discussion on what that phrase means, it was a new understanding for me of what could have happened. I'm still not sure & would love to hear your thoughts.

What do you think?
We've been reading slowly and missed some days so we're playing make- up again...We're in the hefty Leviticus, Matthew and Proverbs...

As for the uncovering of Boaz's feet, I believe that was more of a gesture of submission or 'marking her terriory' for lack of a better expression; it's not anything like the uncovering of his nakedness -- he was awoken from his sleep, to see her lying at his feet. The story of Ruth is a good example of doing things God's way... with faith and expectation.

Maybe someone else can chime in on this...

Cosigning. It was a sign of loyalty as well.

Still in Job. Started Romans the other day. Really excited about digging into Romans.
Thanks Ladies! Good to hear back.

So, Ruth was showing that she was willing to serve? I thought she had 'compromised' him in some way or indicated that she wanted to be with him because of his response. He seemed to immediately know what she was asking (vs 11- 13) since he told her that he would do it if the other closer relative refused.

Agreed- would be really surprised if she uncovered his nakedness- that would be crazy!
Thanks for posting that loolalooh. I just finished reading Ruth a few days ago. That was a beautiful interpretation. I can just picture Ruth sitting at Naomi's feet learning how to do things the proper way (yes Laela, God's way). She's learning from this old mother. It's beautiful. This world has gotten so far away from doing things the way it should be done. I wish I had an old mother, a Naomi, in my life. They seem to have been pushed aside by this modern culture. *sigh*
I have a praise report:
As I started this year long reading assignment, I thought how great it would be to have a reading partner. (And I absolutely appreciate this thread so very much and I'm learning a lot from you ladies but we are not always all on the same page (literally)) I wanted someone to discuss my daily readings with. Well I've been trying to get my dh to join me on this journey but he just wouldn't do it. He kept saying I'm too spiritually advanced for him. He didn't think he would be able to keep up with me in terms of discussing the readings. Well, I kept asking him (interpreted- bugging him:lachen:) He finally decided to give it a try and he is now reading with me!!!!!:bouncegre Each day! We are enjoying the discussions after each reading. He now asks me if I read today's reading because he's ready to discuss it. And this is coming from a man who thought I was a Christian fanatic and thought I was in a cult 3 years ago when I went through my rebirth. :whyme:
I raise my hands in praise to a mighty God who is doing a great work in my dh. I praise Him! I praise Him! I praise Him!:notworthy:trampolin
I have a praise report:
As I started this year long reading assignment, I thought how great it would be to have a reading partner. (And I absolutely appreciate this thread so very much and I'm learning a lot from you ladies but we are not always all on the same page (literally)) I wanted someone to discuss my daily readings with. Well I've been trying to get my dh to join me on this journey but he just wouldn't do it. He kept saying I'm too spiritually advanced for him. He didn't think he would be able to keep up with me in terms of discussing the readings. Well, I kept asking him (interpreted- bugging him:lachen:) He finally decided to give it a try and he is now reading with me!!!!!:bouncegre Each day! We are enjoying the discussions after each reading. He now asks me if I read today's reading because he's ready to discuss it. And this is coming from a man who thought I was a Christian fanatic and thought I was in a cult 3 years ago when I went through my rebirth. :whyme:
I raise my hands in praise to a mighty God who is doing a great work in my dh. I praise Him! I praise Him! I praise Him!:notworthy:trampolin

This is amazing and beautiful, especially the bolded. Thanks for sharing!
Plainj, I'm so happy for you!!!!!
That is indeed a blessing to have your DH participate with you. :yep: Praise Him!
Good morning Ladies. plainj- your joy is so real -it's jumping off your post! I am so happy that God is blessing the both of you like this.

This morning I started reading about Solomon and how he prayed to God for wisdom & understanding (1 Kings 3). You know I never caught before that this all happened while Solomon was dreaming. I think that's pretty significant. He didn't have the awareness at the time to make a PC request or to ask for what He thought God would want to hear. He just asked for what was in his heart. And because of the purity of the request, God blessed him with so much more.
^^^ Studying Solomon's reasonings is a very interesting journey. :yep: We're in Ecclesiastes now and read a very familiar passage Eccl, 3 there is a time for EVERYTHING...Verse 15 stuck with me and I'm meditating on this verse today:

That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
How is everyone doing with their Bible studies?

We're almost out of Ecclesiastes ... exploring how many we do/say, no matter how small, can outweigh wisdom and honor, and the sin of gossip. Numbers is a bit cumbersome for my nephew, because of the, well, numbers... :lachen: But we're enjoying Bible Study time. We always open in prayer and my nephew's prayers are getting more 'upmpf' to them.. I guess he's growing more confident in the Word, which is a good thing. God is good... :clap: just thought I'd share this.
How is everyone doing with their Bible studies?

We're almost out of Ecclesiastes ... exploring how many we do/say, no matter how small, can outweigh wisdom and honor, and the sin of gossip. Numbers is a bit cumbersome for my nephew, because of the, well, numbers... :lachen: But we're enjoying Bible Study time. We always open in prayer and my nephew's prayers are getting more 'upmpf' to them.. I guess he's growing more confident in the Word, which is a good thing. God is good... :clap: just thought I'd share this.

This is so cute! It sure is a good thing.

I just finished Job and Romans last night. This morning I started Psalms ... later this evening maybe Genesis. It's been pretty hectic here which has made for less Bible reading and the effect is really showing in my mood. Less Word = room for complaining.:ohwell: