The Best BAGGY CHALLENGE Ever 2010! Cycle One (Jan - June)

I've baggied almost every single night since starting this challenge but I've got a huge question (I apologise if someone asked/answer this before) - Is anyone's hair all stinky? :blush: I'm using a shower cap at night and I think maybe it's the cause of sweating whole night, but next morning when I take off my shower cap - phew!! :lachen: Do you think I should punch little holes in the shower cap so that my hair/scalp can breathe a bit or would that defeat the purpose?

I've noticed the same thing so I started using African Royale braid spray along with my usual products for baggying. I really like the sweet scent of the braid spray so that really helps and I don't have "stinky" hair in the morning.:look: Hope this helps.
I've been baggying for the past few nights b4 bed... this is actually helping me with the bootcamp challenge b/c the only style I can wear while baggying consistently now-a-days is a bun so it works out all around!!
I've noticed the same thing so I started using African Royale braid spray along with my usual products for baggying. I really like the sweet scent of the braid spray so that really helps and I don't have "stinky" hair in the morning.:look: Hope this helps.

Thanks a million Platinum!!! I'm going to have to try that!!!
I just took out my twists and am DCing overnight. Tomorrow I am twisting again. I probably won't be baggying again until Monday, but my hair is LOVING this and I think I am seeing some growth.
Still whole head baggying every night.:yep: I'm still wearing my Senegalese Twists and my NG is so soft, it's scary. I think I will continue to baggy as long as I continue to transition.
Been baggying every day under my wig during the day, sometimes a whole head baggy at night if I feel compelled to do so.
Still baggying every night.:yep: Last night, I baggied with an MTG mix (scalp only). I also used Infusium 23, Worlds of Curls moisturizer, and African Royale braid spray. :yep:

My truck was in the shop this week so I had to get a hotel room. I left my MTG mix in my room and I didn't realize it until several hours after I checked out.:wallbash::wallbash::crying3: I'm baggying tonight with Megatek now(scalp only since I'm still wearing my Senegalese Twists). I'll have to either try to find some MTG while I'm on the road or try to find some Sulfur powder so I can make another MTG mix.
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Whole head baggying nightly.

Tried something new the past two nights. Baggied with Philip B. Lovin Leave In (found at TJ Maxx), Argan Oil (from Sally's), and QP Mango Butter (local BSS).

I stand committed to my staples, but I love this combo, will do as long as the supply lasts.
Oooo Oooo.. Can I be added?!? Im a newbie and this would be my 1ST challenge!! :woot::woot:

  1. How many times a week will you be baggying? 7 nights a week.. Is this to much????
  2. What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using? I use a mixture of AHSR and water, then seal with coconut oil or Evoo
  3. Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying? I spray mostly on my ends, but i baggy whole head
Just wondering .. Do you do this everyday and night??

:yep: Without exception. I'm baggied as I type. During the day, I cover my baggied bun with various phonytails or wrap the baggied bun in a scarf. On rare occassions when I'd want to wear my hair down, I wear a whole head baggy beneath a wig. It's working for me.
What is your tea spritz?

I apologize for taking so long to respond. I've been MIA in this challenge, but still following along as best I can. My tea spritz consist of equal parts amla and bhrinraj powders and a small amount of hibiscus powder that's about half the amount of amla I use. I know its not exact measurements, but I usually don't measure.

Checking in while I'm here. I have to admit I've been slacking a little I haven't baggied as much as I said I would. I have cut it down from 4-3 days a week to about 2-3 days a week. I'm going to start stepping my game up especially since I've started co-washing in the latter part of the week. I guess on the plus side its only March and I'm going both sessions so at least I caught my slacking early.
Baggying tonight with a Megatek mix (scalp only), Infusium 23, Worlds of Curls moisturizer and African Royale braid spray on the length of my hair.:yep:
Checking in...I haven't posted in this thread for a loooong while - sorry ladies! I am whole-head baggying my hair right now with Mizani H2O, BWC leave-in/Moisturizer sealed in Alba Botanica Kukui Nut Oil. I will be sleeping with my hair like this tonight because I have not moisturized my hair for two and a half days:nono:.
I plan on whole head baggying today as well. Was focusing on my ends before but I need to amp up my moisture retention during these last dry days of Winter.
checking in... I've been baggying all afternoon to make up for not doing it for this entire week... spring break really messed up my routine but I WILL get it back together...
Still whole head baggying nightly. I tried something new last night.

SPA ~H2O+ hair repair seaweed masque

It smells great, and it left my hair smooth and soft.
I found it at TJ Maxx for $5.99 :yep:
I am so accustomed to bagging at night
I can't sleep unless I here that crunchy sound:lachen::lachen:

bwwaaaaaaahaaaahaaa :lachen:

funny and true!

yesterday afternoon i put a dc in my head and then whole head baggied. How about the dc is still in my head! :rolleyes:

i'm hoping my sheer laziness is a good thing and my hair is super yummy when i wash this out tomorrow :lick:
Haven't been here in a while, but still bagging! Can I say again how much my head LUVS the baggie! Something so simple, does sooo much! Been doing the baggie thing EVERY night, tying it down w/a scarf, and when I remember, under my hats. Am buying bright colors of material to sew some head wraps for this spring and summer for my baggie covers. My hair is sooo nicely moisturized, thanks again for this great challenge!