The 6 month mark is almost here, how are yall doing


New Member
In the beginning of the year, I decided to start keeping a log of all of my hair woes for the year. I listed my goals and each month I write down everything I bought and my hair thoughts. I usually write down my washes and overall hair habits so I can track sources of problems and success.

So this year my goals were to

1) Find staple products and cut down on buying alot of new stuff
2) Get better at rollersetting
3) Slowly increase stretch time from 7-8 to 10 weeks
4) Develop a regime and stick with it

So far I can honestly say that I have done pretty good. I have developed a core set of products and most of the buying I do it just to restock them. The use it up challenge got rid of alot of stuff I didn't need and I have regained some cabinet space. I have gotten faster with my sets and often do them now with no mirror as I watch tv. I am proud to report that I am 8 weeks post now with no major issues what so ever. After having a relax intervention, I think I can stay the course a little longer. I also have lots of newgrowth so that is exciting for me. I regain all of my length from my March disaster in record time. I have finally developed a regime that I can stick with and I have been consistent with it since March.

Over the next 6 months my focus will be on changing my diet. I really want to increase my fruit and veggie intake and I also will be keeping better track of my protein intake courtsey of the High Protein Challenge. I want to keep consistent with my vitamins and finally get consistent with my amino's and MSM. I also want to use my growth aids more consistently over these next 6 months so I can reach my goal of being a full, thick shoulder length by the end of the year. That would put me on the course to be apl sometime in 2008 and then finally bra-strap in 2009:D

Okay, your turn.
I didn't do this at the begining of the year but I will do this for the last six months

Looking generally at the past six months, things are going well. I have used up about 6 products (some that I will never buy again!) and had no reason to trim. I will write down some things I want to achieve these next few months
My goals for year 2007

1) Complete transition and BC - Done. Loving my natural hair and I'm enjoying experimenting with new products.

2) Find staples and use up my stash - Well on my way. I've pretty much found my conditioners for co washes and deep conditioning and I have a few contenders for HG shampoo, but I still have a lot of testing to do. I've finished countless conditioners and few moisturizers. I've been returning a lot of stuff to the store, so the stash is dwindling, slowly, but still going down.

3) Eat healthier and start taking vitamins - So far I've effectively cut out soda (but only for a month) and started taking some vitamins (kids chewables, don't laugh) and increased my daily water intake. Since I live at home, it's kind of hard to eat as healthy as I want because I have to eat what is bought, but I am trying to get the family into the habit of eating more fruits and veggies and not frying food so much.
I like this thread, thanks for starting it. Well, right now I am currently in braids. I have been consistently in braids all year, taking a break every 6 weeks or so when I take the braids down. I have been very good at using my clarifying shampoo to remove product build up, conditioning and moisturising.

When out of braids, I am deep conditioning once a week, and rollersetting. I have limited use of my flat iron coz curls are my new craze. I have not bought any new products for a few months because my products on hand and my current regime work well, and I am getting out of the "the grass may be greener with other products". I do not forsee myself changing anything because what I am doing is working and I do not want to get side tracked.

My hair is pretty healthy right now with very minimal breakage, and I love it. I will be getting my first relaxer of 2007 in about three weeks after about 26-27 weeks of stretching (you would think I was transitioning ;) ). My goal for the end of 2007 has been healthy shoulder length hair, and I am well on my way towards attaining this. :)
Well i think i may have had unrealistic goals when i first started. I had hoped to go from SL to BSL in 6 months. haha. Anywho i have
- Found out how to use minimal/ no heat
-FOund out how to keep my hair soft
- Figured out how to rollerset
- Grown my hair to almost APL
The next six months i would like to learn how to
- self relax
- get a style that is sleek and straight
- stretch for 24 weeks
- Grow my hair to below APL hopefully BSL
i think i can do that...
im not doing that great. my hair is so dull. every time i wash my hair it's always so dull and frizzy whethe ri rollerset or airdry. and my thin parts havent improved at all. i retained a little length because i can feel it on my neck now but i still have a LONG way to go. i though i would be able to reach SL by the end of the year but i need to get to thick NL first. and i havent really found any staples. i would like to find a good inexpensive moisturizing deep conditioner. my first goal is to have thick shiny hair then i want to get to sl, then apl.

im wokring on my fruit and veggie intake too. i really believe thats why im not seeing any progress.
Been doing okay. I am still planning on not relaxing until August. The way the Aveda line is working with my hair now I might stretch it longer but Im not trying to push it. I havent had any problems with tangles and matting yet:cool: Rollersetting is my new found love so I will be doing that once a week and if I can stretch out my wash with the rollerset I will only because the water is so hard here. I had to trim the other day. I was heartbroken but I needed it. No more products until I run out of what I have. Im happy w/ my regimine so Im sticking to this until I reach my goal:)
Not doing well at all :nono: ....when I ventured off of my daily regimen my hair rebelled something furious. :eek: Breaking, badly as I would like to use the Crown and Glory method to grow out my hair I really don't think I'll be able to do it. My hair got used to me co-washing daily, baggying nightly and dc'ing twice weekly which I didn't do while my hair was braided up :naughty: another thread I said I will try C&G one more time but I'm finding it hard to get started, I keep walking in the bathroom staring at the hair then I walk right back out. :perplexed In the meantime I will go back to what I KNOW that works for me and revisit the braids at another time. (maybe)
Was this a challenge? If it was I wasn't on it but wanted to project my last 6 months :D

  • Finally let the blowdryer and any other heat appliances GO... this is such an achievement to me and I'm soo very proud of myself, airdrying has never been something I thought i could ever do in a million years. It's only been since I first texturizered which was about a little over 2months :look: but I know this is something I CAN do and WILL continue doing :) :)
  • Starting to eat and drink more healthly. I don't drink fizzy drinks just water and 100% fruit juices, milk and stuff. I'm starting to get more veggies and fruits in
Havn't really got a set regimen but I do try to wash at least once a week (trying to 2 times) trying to follow the Cathy Howse regimen as much as possible.
Well, i didnt particpater for the first 6 mos. of the year but i want to state my goals for the 2nd half of the year. Im trying to get to APL sometime this year!

- reduce use of my blow dryer and air dry more.
- protect my ends - wear rollerset styles more and no flat ironing :evil:
- balance my moisture & protein levels. (my hair tends to get mushy if i over condition. I currently do a light protein treatment every 2-3 weeks with nexxus keraphix)
KissKiss said:
Was this a challenge? If it was I wasn't on it but wanted to project my last 6 months :D

No challenge at all, this is just to see how everyone is doing since most of us tend to make hair resolutions or hair goals at the beginning of the calendar year. :)
My goals:

These are going well:
-"Broke up" with stylist and started washing, DCing, & rollersetting my own hair.
-Found new salon to get relaxer touch-ups, I'll see how that goes next month.
-Stretching relaxer to 12 weeks. I'm a little over 8 weeks post right now.
-Find staple products. I think I found my staple shampoo, con, and maybe a daily moisturizer, but I need a better leave-in.
-Taking a hair vitamin, and remembering to take it when I'm supposed to.
-No direct heat.

Still working on:
-Rollersetting more quickly.
-Eating properly, with more protein and iron.
-Filling in temples. I finally started using ORS Temple Balm 10 days ago, even though I bought it months ago.
gymfreak, I hope everything is going well for you in changing your diet and being consistent with your vitamins and growth aids.:)

Things that are going well for me:
-Stretched for 14 weeks.
-First touch-up at new salon yesterday. Non-bossy stylist, no pressure to trim, no complaints about all my NG.
-Found a better daily moisturizer.
-Still avoiding direct heat. When the stylist picked up her blowfryer yesterday I told her than I just wanted my hair combed out from the rollerset.

Slacked off, getting back on track:
-Remembering to take my hair vitamin when I'm supposed to.

Getting better:
-Rollersetting more quickly - I went down from 90 minutes to 60 minutes, but I want to take even less time.
-Eating more protein & iron. I'm eating that, but it's mostly from frozen entrees. I have a bunch of raw chicken in my freezer and bags of uncooked beans on my kitchen counter. I need to stop being lazy and buying so much microwave food so that I can eat my beans & chicken.

Waiting for noticable results:
-Filling in temples.