TGIF Sept. 11,12,13....What are Your Hair Plans


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hi Ladies, It's Terri!

Well...we are coming off of a 4-Day Work Week although I've been on staycation (as Shay Puts it:lachen:)

But we are rolling up on another weekend YAY!

Curious.....What are your Hair Plans? Here's Mine

1) Co-Wash w/Jason Hemp Seed Oil Conditioner
2) Henna/Indigo 2-Step Process
3) Rinse out w/V05 Moisture Milks
4) DC with Alter Ego Garlic Hot Oil or Keratase Oleo Relax DC w/Steam
5) PC for a Final Rinse
6) Leave-In i.e. Fermodyl and probably BBD Stretch

And YOU?:grin:
I am busting out the new steamer :lick: for intense protien ( 3 eggs) and moisture city.....

I don't know what I will do after that.:perplexed:look:
My steamer just came in the mail today!!! Whoop whoop!! I am going to moisture DC tomorrow and then Henna DC on Sunday or Monday or Tuesday..
I really need to deep condition. My new growth is sooo dry. My braidouts/bantu knot outs have been lookin' harsh.
Ya'll about to Have a Ball with Your Steamers!:grin: I am So Excited for you Both!

It definitely takes your Total Hair Care Straight to the Next Level! You are going to be so impressed......:yep:

And All those Products you "Thought" You Loved???? Wait Until You Try them With Steam!:blush: Unbelievable!

Please Report Back! And Let Us Know What you used etc.....
This is a heat free weekend!!! LOL!
I'm gyming it hard all weekend so I will be washing and doing a flat twist out tonight (after RHOA) for tomorrow and then cowashing Sat and Sun.
I was trying to stretch to 8 weeks, but I am experiencing breakage at the demarcation line in my crown. I just completed a protein/moisture treatment and did a braid-out. If the treatment works, then I'll dc w/steam (towel/microwave) and take it day by day. If it does not, I will relax. I will be 7 weeks post as of Saturday.
I'm gonna straighten my hair for the first time in 2 months. I'll also use a dark black rinse.

my products i'll use:
Quantum Chelating Poo
Miss Keys 10en1 deep conditioner
giovanni direct leave-in
I'm about to use some Rhassoul clay and them a good STEAMER DC and you know the rest, I'll probably twist it afterwards.:lachen:
Well I just mixed my henna and I'm trying something new......I added paprika!......I'm so curious to see how the color turns out.
I do it every other wk.......the last time I did it, I mixed it according to the lady at another Indian shop versus where I purchased my first pack, and following this chicks directions left me w/ super dry, crunchy hair.... she said to just mix the henna w/ coffee and let it sit, that adding lemon juice doesn't let the color release good (untrue) and adding yogurt isn't necessary (very untrue)!
So I'm back to adding my lemon juice and a big dollop of yogurt and I'll do a 10 en 1 DC when I'm done tomorrow after I henna!!!
Style wise......I'm hooked on twist outs!!!!
Going on 9 weeks and my ng is crazy. Taking my cornrows out Saturday to do a protein treatment and DC, airdry and braid my hair back up. Two more weeks till I relax.
Yep like T I'm on staycation this week and next week too. Tomorrow will be a full "wash" day. I will do a hot, dc with steam, tea rinse, cowash, acv rinse, and airdry. I may try to talk myself into doing a flexirod set but that would include me going to Sally's to get end papers. I was already there yesterday and just forgot to get them then. Probably not happening. Maybe next week.
tonight and tomorrow night im just re twisting my hair in chunky twist on dry hair to wear twist outs the rest of this week.
sunday i will be pre pooing/deep treating with the rest of my avocado treat. then shampoo with black soap and then quicky condition with none other than kbb deep conditioner. then i will just wear a wash and go. i dont want to keep twisting and re twisting because that causes too much manipulation. oh and saturday night i will oil my scalp with coconut oil mixed with lisa's hair elixer.
I don't know. I always have such big plans for doing my hair but I rarely follow through (like last weekend).

I should wash, condition, and do a braid out.

ETA: I did it! Go me.
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Friday,I will be 12wks post so saturday........i wont be doing much but cond wash/deep condition with Aussie moist conditioner & some V05 Lavendar condish something i found at the dolla store under a heat cap for 35 mins.

Moisturize with S-curl,Proline softner moisturizer & Qhemet Honey/Olive balm.

Seal with jojoba oil,coconut and Airdry my hair hanging down.

Thats it
I'm a bit excited....I'm going to try honey for the 1st time as my prepoo treatment...I think I'll mix it with EVOO and try that. THen ofcourse wash, DC and all that other good stuff. Can't wait! :)