New Member
Thanks ladies for all of your responses! They've all been so helpful!
I've decided to continue texlaxing, and to focus more on detangling and on keeping the texlaxed hair moisturized. I think that I tend to focus most of my attention on my ends...
Thanks for all of the tips, too! I recently bought some Scurl, but I am still trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my regimen. And I have the Paul Mitchell Detangler, but for some reason I used it once and never again. I'll give it another try. I'm also going to go back to using CON shampoo (green bottle, yellow top); it used to detangle my hair really well and I still have a bottle but was sidetracked by Therappe. Also, I didn't do an ACV rinse for this past wash, but I normally do. I guess they help more with detangling than I realized so I'll make sure I don't skip those anymore. I'm going to work with these products I have and, if they don't work, I'll try some of the other suggestions.
I'm going to continue texlaxing because, as long as I'm not getting breakage, I think I'll eventually start seeing some benefits.

Thanks for all of the tips, too! I recently bought some Scurl, but I am still trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my regimen. And I have the Paul Mitchell Detangler, but for some reason I used it once and never again. I'll give it another try. I'm also going to go back to using CON shampoo (green bottle, yellow top); it used to detangle my hair really well and I still have a bottle but was sidetracked by Therappe. Also, I didn't do an ACV rinse for this past wash, but I normally do. I guess they help more with detangling than I realized so I'll make sure I don't skip those anymore. I'm going to work with these products I have and, if they don't work, I'll try some of the other suggestions.
I'm going to continue texlaxing because, as long as I'm not getting breakage, I think I'll eventually start seeing some benefits.