3rd Year LHCF Progress *pics*

Mother of all that is good and holy!! Your hair is ... is ... is ... I can't even think of an appropriate adjective. It is waaayy beyond beautiful and thick!!!
:pant::pant::pant::pant::pant::pant::drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Oh my DSylla! You have beautiful hair! As my 2 year old niece would say "you got a lotta hair" :infatuated::love:

I only hope my hair looks as pretty as yours someday!
The thing I absolutely love about your hair is the body and thickness-It's out of this world! I love the length, texture and everything. I honestly wish I had hair like yours. :drunk:
this is going to sound bad. . . but I feel just like those white girls "can I touch it?". it looks like it feels amazing!

I'm in a 1000% agreement with everyone. You're hair is so gorgeous you prove that horrible myth that black women can't grow long hair false. You keep doing it and be our inspiration, alot more people need to see that, especially newbies who lose hope and some of us oldheads too:spinning:
LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair!!It has grown soo fast too. Damn def looks like wl if straightened!! seems like just the othr day peeps wee arguing ovr your almost brastrap pic..lol.

oh wow. I was just thinking about that. Well look at it now:grin: CRANK dat hurr out Dsylla:grin:
Dsylla, you are my heavy, thick hair idol. Your hair is so heavy looking..perhaps you need to alleviate the pull and wear your hair up most days to reduce the edge's job of carrying the weight? I still use FRENCHEE for my edges. I sheepishly{baaaa baaaa} must confess I do use the FAMILY DOLLAR MICONAZOLE mixed with MANE & TAIL soy cream some days on my nape and temples. Strange seeing the darkness at my temples which turns out to be new hair growth!!!!
thank you all :)

I did a protein treatment tonight and I didn't get as much shedding :)

I've begun taking my vits and making smoothies again.

Here's to health!
Beautiful, healthy, gorgeous hair. Im mesmerised coz i was looking at you pigtail thinking lawdy one side of your hair is thicker than my whole head.

You and your hair is beautiful.
I love the thickness of your hair. I'm sure it's been said already, but try massaging with castor oil to see if it makes a difference on your temples. It did on mine.
Well, it's been three years here on LCHF. :)

I started out with very straight hair, then I transitioned for 7 months (I thought I would be a successful natural :ohwell:) and now I'm texlaxed.

My hair was THRIVING but I hit a bump in the road. My hair has been shedding a lot and I'm in the experimental phase now...

I'm thinking about a lonnnnnng stretch or going natural. We'll see.

Here are my pics

I hardly ever relax my nape and I usually keep it cut short.


My sides by both temples have been receding for years. My mom has the same thinning patterns. I'm actually fine with it like this, as long as it doesn't spread. I am open to suggestions tho :)


The left side


the back of my everyday ponytail


When straighten, i'm *almost* WL (in the back). Next time I straighten my hair, I'll take pics. I know ya'll like proof :lol:


The side pony

Why, why, why is your hair like crazy thick? I think it is thicker than mine and I always think I am the eptiome of thick hair.