Sweet Success Challenge for Six Months


Well-Known Member
Challenge is to give up sweets, particularly candy, cookies, pastries, pies, etc. I feel that sweets is the reason my hair does not grow as much as it should. I do get growth, and my hair appears to be healthy, but I believe sugar is stunting my hair growth because I am a sugar addict. So to benefit my hair and health I've decided to stop eating it for about 6 months to see how my hair will benefit. The challenge begins on November 1st and the hardest part is you must eliminate hardcore sweets as listed above and any others from your diet completely for six months. Having sweetners in your coffee, tea is ok, but just don't go overboard. I'm motivated to do this but I need some help to stay encouraged. I found this article regarding how internal factors play a role in hair growth.... "Growing long, healthy locks is not child’s play. It’s a serious matter. If you take your health seriously you should have no problem growing strong, healthy, shiny hair."

I will use this time to focus on what I am eating and will include things such as egg whites, carrot juice, salmon, whey protein, salad greens as staples that I will try to consume everyday. You can make your own diet, but include lean protein, fruits and vegetables in it as much as possible. Wearing your hair in protective styles is also encouraged; I will be putting mine in braids in January. Also be consistent in taking your supplements and try to get at least 2-3 hours of exercise a week. I'm hoping i will also lose some weight as well as benefiting my hair. Wouldn't it be so encouraging at the end of six months that you are a new person. Not only will you have lost 20+ pounds, but your hair has grown 3+ inches. Does anyone else want to join me in this challenge?
fancypants007 said:
Challenge is to give up sweets, particularly candy, cookies, pastries, pies, etc. I feel that sweets is the reason my hair does not grow as much as it should. I do get growth, and my hair appears to be healthy, but I believe sugar is stunting my hair growth because I am a sugar addict. So to benefit my hair and health I've decided to stop eating it for about 6 months to see how my hair will benefit. The challenge begins on November 1st and the hardest part is you must eliminate hardcore sweets as listed above and any others from your diet completely for six months. Having sweetners in your coffee, tea is ok, but just don't go overboard. I'm motivated to do this but I need some help to stay encouraged. I found this article regarding how internal factors play a role in hair growth.... "Growing long, healthy locks is not child’s play. It’s a serious matter. If you take your health seriously you should have no problem growing strong, healthy, shiny hair."

I will use this time to focus on what I am eating and will include things such as egg whites, carrot juice, salmon, whey protein, salad greens as staples that I will try to consume everyday. You can make your own diet, but include lean protein, fruits and vegetables in it as much as possible. Wearing your hair in protective styles is also encouraged; I will be putting mine in braids in January. Also be consistent in taking your supplements and try to get at least 2-3 hours of exercise a week. I'm hoping i will also lose some weight as well as benefiting my hair. Wouldn't it be so encouraging at the end of six months that you are a new person. Not only will you have lost 20+ pounds, but your hair has grown 3+ inches. Does anyone else want to join me in this challenge?
It's funny you said this Fancy, mmy mother said the same thing..she swears up & down this is the reason her hair is not as thick and not growing back as quick.
OH NO!!!!!!!! I'm mad I'm eating a pastry as I type this. I NEED to do this, sometimes the best thing to do it just give it up cold turkey. I'll come back to this thread before the 1st and make my decision...see if I can find some willpower.
I'm in. I soo need to do this, not just for my hair but also for my teeth. I have to have 4 root canals and 4 caps/crowns done by the end of the year. I'm down but let me enjoy my halloween first:grin:
LOL I was wondering what everyone's response to this would be. Sorry, I don't think I can do it either (as much as I need to). I may as well be honest up front. I LOVE sweets.
Um...this is a really good idea but you want me to actually walk away from strawberry cheesecake and all the upcoming holiday goodiez?? LOL...um...hit me up Jan 1st...it will fit in with my new year's diet resolutions..lol.. I did this when I did low carb with good results, but I dont have the will power right now. I'm sitting here now eyeing my purse which contains two Tim Horton's old fashioned glazed donuts. Good luck to the ladies that participate!!
:look: I'll try it! I need to my fat tail needs to cut down on my sugers..I don't think i could go "cold turky" i mite go through massive withdraws..

So I'll simi-join this....challange.......

:look: this is worse then working out.. jeeze but anything for da hair...
I'm in! What's a challenge without a challenge! Trust me it will be very hard for me but I am willing to work hard for my hair.

I had already decided to cut back tremendously on sweets staring this past Sunday, so I will try. I am a Pepsi addict, but have gone four or five months without one on two separate occasions. My downfall will be Thanksgiving and my mom's sweet potatoe pie, but I will give it an honest try because I was going to do it anyway.
How ironic- and I just got through eating an small size almond joy (halloween candy). :perplexed I think I may try this out and tweak it a little bit cause cold turkey is really hard. What about one nice dessert once a week (like Saturday)? and then eliminate all refined sugars for the rest of the week? I def. can do that. And I also agree with the other poster who said this is harder than exercising. I will start Nov 1st as well.
I'll try this challenge. I know it will definitely be hard but heah what the heck, this won't be the first challenge I've failed..LOL....SO COUNT ME IN!
I believe that you are what you eat. Well, Id love to join, but, honestly I just dont have the will power.:perplexed I just finished a honeybun a little while ago.:( But good luck to you, chica.
PryncessLana said:
OH NO!!!!!!!! I'm mad I'm eating a pastry as I type this. I NEED to do this, sometimes the best thing to do it just give it up cold turkey. I'll come back to this thread before the 1st and make my decision...see if I can find some willpower.
:lol: :lol:
I'm eating a parker house, twinkie, cheetos, and lemonade right now:look: I'll check back in january...hey...I gave up my coke pops...now my sweets:smirk: on the real though I'll check back in January.
shunta said:
I believe that you are what you eat. Well, Id love to join, but, honestly I just dont have the will power.:perplexed I just finished a honeybun a little while ago.:( But good luck to you, chica.

I'm a twinkie or a snicker then...because that's all I eat:)
tsmith said:
I'm a twinkie or a snicker then...because that's all I eat:)

Well I am a snicker and choc chip cookies. I wish you ladies that can go for i the best. I just eat in moderation. And you know how the grandmas and aunties cook for the holiday's. I can't do it right now. Maybe I will try to support you ladies after the new year.
I am so in. I am a diabetic and my Dr told me to give up those things anyway. I am brastrap but my hair is not as thick as it used to be before I became a diabetic:mad: . I was just thinking about this the other day.
natstar said:
How ironic- and I just got through eating an small size almond joy (halloween candy). :perplexed I think I may try this out and tweak it a little bit cause cold turkey is really hard. What about one nice dessert once a week (like Saturday)? and then eliminate all refined sugars for the rest of the week? I def. can do that. And I also agree with the other poster who said this is harder than exercising. I will start Nov 1st as well.

I just started, this week.:grin:
i've been thinking about this for a while. I only get about 1/4 an inch per month and i think it's due to my diet. i've had skin problems for almost a decade and i know for a fact my diet is to blame. this will be a hard challenge cuz I have to have something sweet everyday. But the good news is that there are healthy foods that can satify the sugar cravings like carrot juice, pinapple, nectarine, tangerine,oranges. i could go on and on. i think the challenge should start after thanksgiving because everyone's gonna OD then. I know I will! lol. but i defintely want to join this count me in. oh and let's not forget to drink lots of water.
locabouthair said:
i've been thinking about this for a while. I only get about 1/4 an inch per month and i think it's due to my diet. i've had skin problems for almost a decade and i know for a fact my diet is to blame. this will be a hard challenge cuz I have to have something sweet everyday. But the good news is that there are healthy foods that can satify the sugar cravings like carrot juice, pinapple, nectarine, tangerine,oranges. i could go on and on. i think the challenge should start after thanksgiving because everyone's gonna OD then. I know I will! lol. but i defintely want to join this count me in. oh and let's not forget to drink lots of water.

loca we are what we eat. I know you can do it. I already drink lots of water and that is primarily what I drink unless I am having alcohol and still alternate between a glass of wine and a glass of water. I love my water.
brickhouse said:
loca we are what we eat. I know you can do it. I already drink lots of water and that is primarily what I drink unless I am having alcohol and still alternate between a glass of wine and a glass of water. I love my water.

thanks brickhouse. :) i feel now i don't have a choice. i dont think my hair or skin will reach its full potential without a better diet.
brickhouse said:
loca we are what we eat. I know you can do it. I already drink lots of water and that is primarily what I drink unless I am having alcohol and still alternate between a glass of wine and a glass of water. I love my water.

That is so great that you drink alot of water.:cool: That is my biggest challenge!!!!:eek:
gelati said:
That is so great that you drink alot of water.:cool: That is my biggest challenge!!!!:eek:

You might want to start your day with a glass of water to get you started and sip throughout the day. Once you start drinking water your body will actually crave it. When I go out to eat I hardly ever order anything but water.