Sweet Success Challenge for Six Months

I'm in as well as any sort of fried food. With the exception, that I get a dessert two times a week instead of 7 times a week, i'm definitely in. For my hair and my skin.
Count me in! I already don't take sugar or sweetener in tea and coffee, so I need to give up French pastries like pain au chocolat and madeleines.

Good luck everyone. :up:
^^^Off topic/On topic. Miss Tress, you are a good one;) . If I lived in France, I would be a good year blimp with all of those light yet amazingly good deserts. Anyway, I need to be on this challenge, and I hope that we shall do this for our general health as well as our hair.
i'm SO there!
i'll be attempting to follow "eat to live" by dr. mark fuhrman...FINALLY!!! it's basically a veggie plan - well, vegan - but i tend to do that anyways...ever had some larabars? a simply raw good time!
i went out and spent almost $150 on hair "stuff" to begin my hair restoration tomorrow...i basically have everything i need for my eating lifestyle and hair and i'm needing to start right away, so tomorrow's the day!

i need to lose 100 pounds and grow my hair past my (*^&^!!%$@ ear :mad:!!!

sing with me, y'all:


now, let me go get a super sonic cheeseburger with tater tots to celebrate!!!!! :fat:
Thanks ladies for responding. To be perfectly honest I posted this thread as an incentive to myself to stay focus and encouraged. I have been trying to do this since October and I have failed miserably. That's why I know it's going to be hard but I also know that I can do it. Thank you to the ladies who will be doing this challenge with me. I will be starting November 1 so until then I am consuming as many sweets as I want. So to all of you who have decided to do this challenge, stay motivated, be true to yourself, and stay focused. I am so excited and I owe it to you ladies. We will post our achievements at the end of six months and I will remember. I do not have a fotki album, but maybe this challenge will inspire be to set up one and at the end of this challenge I will post progress pics. I wish all of you the best and success on this challenge. I already know that at the end of this challenge, I WILL be a "new person". The power of positive thinking!
Good luck ladies I don't think I have the will power to give up sweets all together sugar is my weakness. Even though I have gained twenty pounds since given birth and haven't gotten rid of it yet.

I love love love Peach Cobbler
Um, does this include cookies-n-cream ice cream?

**fingers and toes crossed this isnt included because I'm joing this**
Sweets are my absolute weakness:swearing: , i think my intake of sugar is the reason my hair growth is stunted too but i want to join in. It would have to be after all the holidays. Jan 1st im in.
I'm ALL in!!! I have such a bad sweet tooth and my hair has kind of "hovered" in the same range for long enough. So this challenge will give my hair the boost it needs to go farther. Now, I'm thinking that there are moments when I just gotta have something sweet...so, I'll need to replace the sweets with something healthier. Can I have dried fruit instead of sweets? I could see me reaching for some dried apricots or raisins instead of the powdered donuts from the vending machine. :look:
i12sitonmyhair said:
I'm ALL in!!! I have such a bad sweet tooth and my hair has kind of "hovered" in the same range for long enough. So this challenge will give my hair the boost it needs to go farther. Now, I'm thinking that there are moments when I just gotta have something sweet...so, I'll need to replace the sweets with something healthier. Can I have dried fruit instead of sweets? I could see me reaching for some dried apricots or raisins instead of the powdered donuts from the vending machine. :look:

Dried fruit is fine. I'm really talking about "hardcore" sweets and we all know what they are. One of the nice benefits from doing this is you will lose weight as well. That's why I said replace the "sweets" with things that are healthy so your hair will benefit at the same time such as lean protein, veggies and fruits. I'm thinking about also including nori seaweed as a wrap for my tuna salad or salmon spread. After awhile I think the sugar cravings will disappear but it's just getting through the first several days. I'm going to use this time to really concentrate on healthy eating to see where it will take me on my hair journey. Everyone can make their own diet, but just make sure to include foods that are hair healthy. Also if you have a setback, don't be discouraged. I know the holidays are coming up, and you may fall off this challenge. It's OK. Just like with anything, it's hard making changes but just have the mindset you will succeed and you will. One good thing about this challenge is it is not indefinitely because I do love my sweets. If I had to give them up forever then like someone said, I think I would pass out; but for little while, I think I can, no, I know I can, I know I can.
preciousjewel76 said:
Give up sugar cold turkey? I would probably pass out!:ill:

(Seriously, I'm trying to cut back, though - it's my weakness too!)

thats my thinking too :(
preciousjewel76 said:
Give up sugar cold turkey? I would probably pass out!:ill:

(Seriously, I'm trying to cut back, though - it's my weakness too!)

thats my thinking too :(
natstar said:
How ironic- and I just got through eating an small size almond joy (halloween candy). :perplexed I think I may try this out and tweak it a little bit cause cold turkey is really hard. What about one nice dessert once a week (like Saturday)? and then eliminate all refined sugars for the rest of the week? I def. can do that. And I also agree with the other poster who said this is harder than exercising. I will start Nov 1st as well.

I guess the key is not to overindulge in so many sweets. If you think this will work for you, then go for it! I personally need to do it cold turkey. Right now, I consume a box of candy everynight as a snack not to mention the little treats I may eat at work. I have to be tough with myself and I am already preparing my mind so that come November 1st, I will be telling my body NO, to all hardcore sweets. I'm determined to succeed with this and I believe the first 2 weeks may be the hardest, but after that I think it will all be downhill. Just make sure that you eat foods that will benefit your hair, take your supplements, and definitely include exercise to get that blood flowing. Remember, stay focus and be true to yourself!
from36to38 said:
i'm SO there!
i'll be attempting to follow "eat to live" by dr. mark fuhrman...FINALLY!!! it's basically a veggie plan - well, vegan - but i tend to do that anyways...ever had some larabars? a simply raw good time!
i went out and spent almost $150 on hair "stuff" to begin my hair restoration tomorrow...i basically have everything i need for my eating lifestyle and hair and i'm needing to start right away, so tomorrow's the day!

i need to lose 100 pounds and grow my hair past my (*^&^!!%$@ ear :mad:!!!

sing with me, y'all:


now, let me go get a super sonic cheeseburger with tater tots to celebrate!!!!! :fat:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Okay, I'm ready. I just bought some dried fruit (to keep in my desk) at Target during my lunch break so I don't go wandering past the vending machine. And last night, I got some bottles of grean tea to replace the soda. Si, se puede! (Right? Y'all still doing this?)
i12sitonmyhair said:
Okay, I'm ready. I just bought some dried fruit (to keep in my desk) at Target during my lunch break so I don't go wandering past the vending machine. And last night, I got some bottles of grean tea to replace the soda. Si, se puede! (Right? Y'all still doing this?)

Absolutely! Today is the first day and yesterday I was off from work and I bought all my foods and prepared them. This is not only going to be no sweets, but I'm also eating healthy foods so my hair can benefit. I purchased tofu, salmon, raw almonds, whey protein powder, carrot juice (powder form) etc. I am definitely doing this. Just be true to yourself. Keep track of your progress and I will give a shoutout around the second or third month to see how everyone is doing. Wish you the best! Also be sure to take your supplements daily and get your exercise in so that rich healthy blood can circulate and get to your scalp so it can nourish your hair.
i forgot this challeneg started today but i did eat somewhat healthier today. i actually brought food from home instead of buying it. i eat some baby carrots. drank some water tonight i plan on drinking more water, eating some flounder with some broccoli and a tangerine. i did mess up today by eating candy.i am slowly trying to eliminate it from my diet.
locabouthair said:
i forgot this challeneg started today but i did eat somewhat healthier today. i actually brought food from home instead of buying it. i eat some baby carrots. drank some water tonight i plan on drinking more water, eating some flounder with some broccoli and a tangerine. i did mess up today by eating candy.i am slowly trying to eliminate it from my diet.

At least you were honest with yourself, afterall you did forget that it started today. I'm going "cold turkey" and I've been preparing myself mentally for this challenge since last week. I just have to be tough with myself. I'm not going to post a thread every month to see where everyone is on this challenge, however if anyone wants to do so to keep us encouraged that will be fine. I will post a thread after January 1st to see if there are others who want to join and to include what progress I have made. Wish you the best.
fancypants007 said:
Dried fruit is fine. I'm really talking about "hardcore" sweets and we all know what they are. One of the nice benefits from doing this is you will lose weight as well. That's why I said replace the "sweets" with things that are healthy so your hair will benefit at the same time such as lean protein, veggies and fruits. I'm thinking about also including nori seaweed as a wrap for my tuna salad or salmon spread. After awhile I think the sugar cravings will disappear but it's just getting through the first several days. I'm going to use this time to really concentrate on healthy eating to see where it will take me on my hair journey. Everyone can make their own diet, but just make sure to include foods that are hair healthy. Also if you have a setback, don't be discouraged. I know the holidays are coming up, and you may fall off this challenge. It's OK. Just like with anything, it's hard making changes but just have the mindset you will succeed and you will. One good thing about this challenge is it is not indefinitely because I do love my sweets. If I had to give them up forever then like someone said, I think I would pass out; but for little while, I think I can, no, I know I can, I know I can.

I will be good until Thanksgiving and a couple day after(leftovers) then I will get back on the no sugar diet.:D

Good luck ladies!!!!:grin:

We can do this because two years ago I cut out sugar, switch white products for brown products and lost a good bit of weight.
I soooooo need this challenge. I believe that my skin is suffering terribly because of sweets. I'm confident in myself that I WILL do this, so I'm in! :cool:
This is a good idea..My diet is definitely the downfall of my hair journey...The idea is great , the timing is just...Thanksgiving sweet potatoe pies....Christmas cherry cheesecakes.....the timing just makes this IMPOSSIBLEfor me!!! I think I`LL just do a major CUTBACKon all sweets..then after all the holidays I`ll just gradually eliminate ALL excess sugar........So I guess I`m in too.......SORTA.....:lol:
kinchen said:
i had nothing sweet today and i feel like a crackhead !!!

I know the feeling. I just kept saying to myself yesterday, how am I going to get through the day without eating anything sweet. Well this is a new day and I did it. I cannot stress it enough to use this time to eat hair healthy including fruits, veggies, lean protein, protein shakes, etc. We know we probably will lose weight, but that is just a bonus we will receive from this challenge. The primary purpose is to gain more hair length. I remember some threads where people said when they ate more protein they got at least 2inches in 1 month. Now I'm not trying to achieve that, but if I can get 1inch a month that would be great. If I have to go through withdrawals then I'm preparing myself because I am on this challenge for the duration.
MonaRae said:
I made it passed day 1! That's big 4 me. I'm just gonna take it one day at a time.


That's great, so did I. I have to admit it was hard, but not that hard. I'm thinking, once I get pass the next few weeks, it probably will be downhill. I just keep thinking about the reward I will see at the end of this challenge. I love my hair now, and I probably will be in love with my hair at the end of this challenge if I can accomplish what I've set out to do. We will keep each encouraged. Hang in there, it will get better!
PrincessDiva said:
This is a good idea..My diet is definitely the downfall of my hair journey...The idea is great , the timing is just...Thanksgiving sweet potatoe pies....Christmas cherry cheesecakes.....the timing just makes this IMPOSSIBLEfor me!!! I think I`LL just do a major CUTBACKon all sweets..then after all the holidays I`ll just gradually eliminate ALL excess sugar........So I guess I`m in too.......SORTA.....:lol:

I will be checking in again around the first or middle of January to see if there are any others who wants to join, but for me, it started yesterday.
Day 2 and I feeling really good. Not really even craving sweets. The halloween candy is gone too -so that's a huge plus. I'm doin well- I may check in weekly.
Enchantmt said:
upcoming holiday goodiez

^That says it all right there!

I was really contemplating this...I didn't even think about all the cakes and pies....oh no can't do it. My family would probably think I had a new fangled eating disorder as much as I love to throw down at Thankgiving and Christmas. Dessert is like a second meal during the holidays.

Good luck ladies...I mean it too!!!