Sweet Success Challenge for Six Months

I've recently banned refined sugars in my life.

Natural sugars I have no problem with. And I eat organic Dagoba chocolate bars (which are really healthy and scrumptious) and Edy's light ice cream (which I always consider ice cream to be OK since it's dairy based and has protein).

Fruit is Nature's candy anyway ... so fresh or dried it's excellent. (I LOVE GRAPES AND PEARS!) and often is better than pastries.

My palate needs all flavors: salty, sweet, sour, rich ..etc.

So, I'm going to have my sweets just not the unhealthy variety. I used to love the cinnamon rolls and apple turnovers from Arby's/A.J. Cinnamon's. ...but really, they made me feel so sluggish ... I definitely got the sugar highs and lows. That's why I decided to stop it last month.

Been great so far.
fancypants007 said:
I will be checking in again around the first or middle of January to see if there are any others who wants to join, but for me, it started yesterday.

Thanks fancypants. I just can't go to my grandma's house during the holidays and not have any homemade caramel cake, banana pudding, German chocolate cake:droolings ......um, um, um........
natstar said:
Day 2 and I feeling really good. Not really even craving sweets. The halloween candy is gone too -so that's a huge plus. I'm doin well- I may check in weekly.

Glad to hear it. Just keep taking one day at a time and this challenge will be over before you know. Not only am I'm eating healthy, I'm going to put my hair in braids in January. Are you going to wear protective styles too?
reunitej21 said:
Thanks fancypants. I just can't go to my grandma's house during the holidays and not have any homemade caramel cake, banana pudding, German chocolate cake:droolings ......um, um, um........

Believe me, I do understand. I think the strongest incentive for me was to post this thread and I'm very encouraged that there are a few who decided to do this challenge with me. In fact, I really didn't think I was going to get any "takers" because having sweets is truly one of life's pleasures. But I look at this challenge as only temporary. I will continue to consume my sweets, but will try to be more balance with them after this challenge is over.
fancypants007 said:
That's great, so did I. I have to admit it was hard, but not that hard. I'm thinking, once I get pass the next few weeks, it probably will be downhill. I just keep thinking about the reward I will see at the end of this challenge. I love my hair now, and I probably will be in love with my hair at the end of this challenge if I can accomplish what I've set out to do. We will keep each encouraged. Hang in there, it will get better!

Thanks facnypants007 I need all the encouragement I can get.

Day 2 and I am right on schedule! Fruits are my best friend :D !

I'll join this, because I've already started:lol:

I'm on a very thin line between diabetic & pre, and I just gave up sugar, and anything white that isn't a vegetable or meat.

It's hard as hell though. I'm not even going to lie. I got past Halloween though, so I think I'm good to go.

I'll have to do it past 6 months though..until I get to my goal weight, which is 92 pounds away.

For some reason, when I eat sugar, it's like a little fat bomb goes off inside my belly and BOOM 5 lbs magically appear
InNeedofHairapy said:
I'll join this, because I've already started:lol:

I'm on a very thin line between diabetic & pre, and I just gave up sugar, and anything white that isn't a vegetable or meat.

It's hard as hell though. I'm not even going to lie. I got past Halloween though, so I think I'm good to go.

I'll have to do it past 6 months though..until I get to my goal weight, which is 92 pounds away.

For some reason, when I eat sugar, it's like a little fat bomb goes off inside my belly and BOOM 5 lbs magically appear

If there is a thin line between being a diabetic, then please take care of yourself because diabetes is nothing to play around with. It's exciting to know we will also lose weight on this challenge, but think about the energy we will have because of nutritious eating, how radiant and glowing our faces will be, in addition to pounds shed, inches lost, and hair growing an inch at a time. I remember Robin, the HairLady with C&G said that her hair took off when she started eating healthy foods. In two years, she grew her hair from APL to WL? I'm telling you ladies, we will have a "new attitude" at the end of this challenge. Stay motivated and keep focused.
The food network sent 4 5 gallon buckets of candy to work for Halloween and i gorged on candy until oct 31st now people are bringing in there candy from home that they did not give out refilling the buckets i have been tempted but did not get anything...Day two i will survive
kinchen said:
The food network sent 4 5 gallon buckets of candy to work for Halloween and i gorged on candy until oct 31st now people are bringing in there candy from home that they did not give out refilling the buckets i have been tempted but did not get anything...Day two i will survive

I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but you were soooo funny! Now that's what I call willpower. I have to deal with the same thing here. People are always bringing treats and I just say no to it all. See, thats what I'm talking about, despite the temptation, you still stayed strong. Your example is going to inspire us all. Keep up the good work.
Ok..I thought this would be an easy challenge but I must admit....MY NAME IS PRINCESSDIVA & I`M A SUGAR ADDICT(they say the first step to recovery is admiting that you have a problem) Whew, so I`m past STEP ONE .........Sisters I`m going to need a LOT of help on this challenge (And this is only my CUTBACK period:eek: ) I needed to go to the mall today but I did not because right now it is not possible for me to pass the CINNABUNS stand without stopping.....SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME COME UP WITH A 12 STEP PROGRAM OR SOMETHING TO HELP ME SUCCEED ON THIS CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :eek: :eek: :lol:
PrincessDiva said:
Ok..I thought this would be an easy challenge but I must admit....MY NAME IS PRINCESSDIVA & I`M A SUGAR ADDICT(they say the first step to recovery is admiting that you have a problem) Whew, so I`m past STEP ONE .........Sisters I`m going to need a LOT of help on this challenge (And this is only my CUTBACK period:eek: ) I needed to go to the mall today but I did not because right now it is not possible for me to pass the CINNABUNS stand without stopping.....SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME COME UP WITH A 12 STEP PROGRAM OR SOMETHING TO HELP ME SUCCEED ON THIS CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :eek: :eek: :lol:

PrincessDiva perhaps I can help. The important thing is you are trying and that means alot. I don't have a twelve step program, but I'm taking this challenge seriously and if I can help others to do so as well, well here it goes:

H = Hope inspires us all, so hope for the best.
A = Avoid foods that will trigger your sugar cravings.
I = Integrity - quality or state of being complete or undivided. Stay focused.
R = Reap the rewards! Longer, healthier hair.

S = Strive to take one day at a time.
U = Unify your heart to succeed. Keep telling yourself, I know I can.
C = Commitment is key to success of anything so stay true to yourself.
C = Communicate by seeking help from others when need encouragement.
E = Emergency, sometimes we may fall, just pick yourself up, and try again.
S = Say NO to those sugar cravings, showing that you are the Boss.
S = See yourself by visualizing the "New You" with an extra 3+ inches of hair.

I hope this helps you. I know it is helping me to stay focused.
fancypants007 said:
PrincessDiva perhaps I can help. The important thing is you are trying and that means alot. I don't have a twelve step program, but I'm taking this challenge seriously and if I can help others to do so as well, well here it goes:

H = Hope inspires us all, so hope for the best.
A = Avoid foods that will trigger your sugar cravings.
I = Integrity - quality or state of being complete or undivided. Stay focused.
R = Reap the rewards! Longer, healthier hair.

S = Strive to take one day at a time.
U = Unify your heart to succeed. Keep telling yourself, I know I can.
C = Commitment is key to success of anything so stay true to yourself.
C = Communicate by seeking help from others when need encouragement.
E = Emergency, sometimes we may fall, just pick yourself up, and try again.
S = Say NO to those sugar cravings, showing that you are the Boss.
S = See yourself by visualizing the "New You" with an extra 3+ inches of hair.

I hope this helps you. I know it is helping me to stay focused.

thanks fancy. this will help me not just with hair but with other things too.
Very encouraging! Thanks fanchpants007!

Day 3 and I am winning! This is easier than I thought. But I will admit I do great on any challenge (trust me I am not bragging) but where I go wrong is I have 1 just 1 slip up and I am never able to get back up.

Knowing my down-fall is what's really helping me. I know if I just taste candy I will never finish the challenge.

Be Encouraged Ladies! We can beat the Sugar Demon!!!!!
I TOTALLY skipped the kitchen on "Cake Day" here at my job!!! I'm hanging in here with you guys. Stay focused!

I like the H-A-I-R S-U-C-C-E-S-S statement, too. Thanks for the encouragement, Fancypants!
MonaRae said:
Very encouraging! Thanks fanchpants007!

Day 3 and I am winning! This is easier than I thought. But I will admit I do great on any challenge (trust me I am not bragging) but where I go wrong is I have 1 just 1 slip up and I am never able to get back up.

Knowing my down-fall is what's really helping me. I know if I just taste candy I will never finish the challenge.

Be Encouraged Ladies! We can beat the Sugar Demon!!!!!

I'm so glad to hear it. What is that saying.... doing something consistently for how many days/weeks it will become a habit? I can't remember how many days/weeks it is, but I'm cheering you on. Keep up the good work.
i12sitonmyhair said:
I TOTALLY skipped the kitchen on "Cake Day" here at my job!!! I'm hanging in here with you guys. Stay focused!

I like the H-A-I-R S-U-C-C-E-S-S statement, too. Thanks for the encouragement, Fancypants!

You'r welcome. We are all in this together which is why we all have to be supportive and encouraging to one another. Thank you for the encouragement too!
fancypants007 said:
PrincessDiva perhaps I can help. The important thing is you are trying and that means alot. I don't have a twelve step program, but I'm taking this challenge seriously and if I can help others to do so as well, well here it goes:

H = Hope inspires us all, so hope for the best.
A = Avoid foods that will trigger your sugar cravings.
I = Integrity - quality or state of being complete or undivided. Stay focused.
R = Reap the rewards! Longer, healthier hair.

S = Strive to take one day at a time.
U = Unify your heart to succeed. Keep telling yourself, I know I can.
C = Commitment is key to success of anything so stay true to yourself.
C = Communicate by seeking help from others when need encouragement.
E = Emergency, sometimes we may fall, just pick yourself up, and try again.
S = Say NO to those sugar cravings, showing that you are the Boss.
S = See yourself by visualizing the "New You" with an extra 3+ inches of hair.

I hope this helps you. I know it is helping me to stay focused.

Thanks fancypants...I`ll print this & read it as I walk past the Cinnabuns stand in the mall!
great idea for a challenge! you should post a link at the health forum, too!
For me it´s a bit hard to give up chocolate at the moment but I have a tip for keeping the cravings at bay: Make sure you eat regularly! When I am hungry sometimes I will not notice it but get a craving for something sweet. That is because my body needs energy. After a meal or healthy snack I normally don´t have appetite for sweets. I try to eat them only after "normal" food. Good luck to everyone! :)
Ladies! It the weekend and if any of you are like me the weekends are a whole lot tougher than the week days. We have more free time and therefore its easier to slip into a sugar coma!

Just stay focus! We can do it!
I started my english lit class (it's a minisession) today, and it was early, I had been up late last night..well, I didn't eat breakfast or bring a snack to class today. That was a big no no, and the class is from 9-1, so I was feeling it..but they took a break today and I stayed in the class...well everyone else went and got krispy kremes, honey bunns, candy, and all kinds of JUNK at 11 am....surprisingly enough, I didn't bat an eye..didn't even think of going to the vending machine, but I did kick myself for skipping breakfast.t

I'm doing really well with this, and every day that goes by where I'm not eating sugar or bread, or junk or fried foods and crap..I feel stronger...especially about the sugar though..and I feel GREAT that it's the weekend, and so far, no break in my resolve to not eat sugarr..:D
MonaRae said:
Ladies! It the weekend and if any of you are like me the weekends are a whole lot tougher than the week days. We have more free time and therefore its easier to slip into a sugar coma!

Just stay focus! We can do it!

Girl you are so right, but I got through it without eating any sweets. How did you do.
InNeedofHairapy said:
I started my english lit class (it's a minisession) today, and it was early, I had been up late last night..well, I didn't eat breakfast or bring a snack to class today. That was a big no no, and the class is from 9-1, so I was feeling it..but they took a break today and I stayed in the class...well everyone else went and got krispy kremes, honey bunns, candy, and all kinds of JUNK at 11 am....surprisingly enough, I didn't bat an eye..didn't even think of going to the vending machine, but I did kick myself for skipping breakfast.t

I'm doing really well with this, and every day that goes by where I'm not eating sugar or bread, or junk or fried foods and crap..I feel stronger...especially about the sugar though..and I feel GREAT that it's the weekend, and so far, no break in my resolve to not eat sugarr..:D

Absolutely fantastic! See that's what I'm talking about. I find that I don't tell everyone what I'm doing because sometimes even your friends may tempt you. So I just continue doing what I'm doing and let the proof be in the puddin at the end of this challenge. Way to Go!
I just had some chocolate. :wallbash:
but this weekend i ate well. i had 2 pices of fruit and some broccoli and fish. sunday i had one tangerine and carrots, and broccoli. i need to eat more fruits and veggies but this is a lot better than what i was doing before. I gonna stick this out. all these progress pics have inspired me to keep trying!
I did good! Much better than I expected. I went out to eat Friday and Saturday (all-you-can-eat! remember I live in SC!) and I did not get any sweets!

That's soooo not like me! It was easy too! I just ate the fruits and was done with it.

I am starting to feel the affects too! I'm starting to get that skinny feeling!

i'll join. But i have this granola yougart is that considered sweet?
locabouthair said:
I just had some chocolate. :wallbash:
but this weekend i ate well. i had 2 pices of fruit and some broccoli and fish. sunday i had one tangerine and carrots, and broccoli. i need to eat more fruits and veggies but this is a lot better than what i was doing before. I gonna stick this out. all these progress pics have inspired me to keep trying!

I wouldn't worry about the chocolate! Let's remember that we have been eating sweets all our lives (at least I have) and we are now getting it under-control.

There will be time that we can't avoid it but just get back up and do it again. Thanksgiving! Need I say more!

You did good girl!

MonaRae said:
I wouldn't worry about the chocolate! Let's remember that we have been eating sweets all our lives (at least I have) and we are now getting it under-control.

There will be time that we can't avoid it but just get back up and do it again. Thanksgiving! Need I say more!

You did good girl!


The important thing is that you did not give up! You got back on the challenge by eating healthy this weekend. You did fine girl. When you have them urgings to eat something sweet, do something like exercise, read a book, listen to some upbeat music and dance around the house, take a relaxing bath; anything that will take your mind off of eating sweets. Maybe even writing 100 times to yourself, I WILL NOT EAT SWEETS UNTIL THIS CHALLENGE IS OVER, I WILL NOT EAT SWEETS UNTIL THIS CHALLENGE IS OVER...... Just hang in there, you will be OK.