Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

Marriage should be completely removed from the realms of government. It is far too intertwined with religion. The state should not be deciding on such a matter at all. If something must be recognized by the government, it should be civil unions - for all. Marriage should be left to religious institutions or other non-governmental organizations. Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

However, I believe that it is wrong (and unnecessary) to force religious beliefs through government, as it is not condoned within Scripture. The Bible says to "Choose YOU this day whom YE will serve," not you choose for other people. I thank God for the opportunity to choose Him and His ways. God's definitions and standards remain unchanged no matter what any government states on any issue because His law is supreme. "For I am the Lord, I change not" Malachi 3:6. We must share the truth - including that homosexual behavior is sin - by teaching, preaching, LOVING and LIVING. May the light of Christians shine bright that all, including homosexuals, will be brought to Him. "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9. God can change anyone, and our greatest witness to all is our life.

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16
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So you're saying Christians have no civic duty and can't vote, petition their government or support laws that promote good?

Marriage should be completely removed from the realms of government. It is far too intertwined with religion. The state should not be deciding on such a matter at all. If something must be recognized by the government, it should be civil unions - for all. Marriage should be left to religious institutions or other non-governmental organizations. Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

However, I believe that it is wrong (and unnecessary) to force religious beliefs through government, as it is not condoned within Scripture. The Bible says to "Choose YOU this day whom YE will serve," not you choose for other people. I thank God for the opportunity to choose Him and His ways. God's definitions and standards remain unchanged no matter what any government states on any issue because His law is supreme. "For I am the Lord, I change not" Malachi 3:6. We must share the truth - including that homosexual behavior is sin - by teaching, preaching, LOVING and LIVING. May the light of Christians shine bright that all, including homosexuals, will be brought to Him. "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9. God can change anyone, and our greatest witness to all is our life.

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16
@Nice & Wavy...

Here's the lawsuit settlement that eHarmony made. Actually they 'compromised' and abandoned their stand upon the priniples of God.

I'll be honest, I'm more annoyed with eHarmony than I am with the gay lawsuit. How dare they surrender and compromise the faith. It's the last sentence of this report (Highlighted in dark red) that truly, truly, TRULY angers me that this man sold out. And for what? To whom does he give glory? :nono:

Here's the Press Release from eHarmony.


eHarmony, Inc. Settles Class Action Lawsuit Over
Same-Sex Matching

PASADENA, Calif. – January 26, 2010 – eHarmony, Inc. has entered into an agreement to settle a class action lawsuit brought against the company. The action, Carlson, et. al., v. eHarmony, Inc., et al., was filed in 2007 on behalf of a class of gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals in California who alleged that they were unable to use the company’s website to be matched with same-sex partners.

The company has not admitted any wrongdoing or liability. The proposed settlement is subject to approval by the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, following notice to members of the class.

In March 2009, eHarmony launched a same-sex matching service called Compatible Partners. The settlement agreement includes provisions by which eHarmony will modify and maintain certain features on the and Compatible Partners websites to make them even more welcoming to people who seek same-sex matches.

These provisions include:

•Maintain the Compatible Partners website and the ability for people to select “man seeking man” or “woman seeking woman” options from a drop-down menu on the homepage

•Identify Compatible Partners as a service “Brought to you by eHarmony” instead of “Powered by eHarmony”

•Display eHarmony’s trademark logo on the Compatible Partners page

•Indicate in the URL line, HTML line or a tab to first-time Compatible Partners users that they are on an eHarmony website

•Include a “Gay Dating” link on the bottom of alongside other links to “Jewish Dating,” “Senior Dating,” “Hispanic dating,” and the like

The Settlement Agreement also provides for individuals seeking both same-sex matches and opposite-sex matches to pay a single subscription fee.

Additionally under the settlement, all claims will be dismissed and a $2 million settlement fund will be established. Approximately $500,000 will be designated as a fund for claims by the class. Any unclaimed portion of this fund will be donated to a charity designated by the court. Fees to the class counsel will be awarded by the court.

Terms for distribution of the settlement fund and other settlement terms will be disclosed in a notice to be sent to class members after preliminary court approval.

“We are delighted that eHarmony is making its remarkable technology available to the gay and lesbian community in a way that is more welcoming and inclusive,” said Todd Schneider of Schneider Wallace Cottrell Brayton Konecky LLP, co-lead counsel for the plaintiff class.

“eHarmony can be proud of the reputation that it has built as the best dating site on the Internet and it can be proud of the relationship that it is building with the gay and lesbian community,” said Jeremy Pasternak of the Law Office of Jeremy Pasternak, co-lead counsel for the plaintiff class.

“This is an excellent agreement. It is gratifying to see eHarmony, Inc. support matching for the gay and lesbian community, which makes the Internet a more open place,” said Joshua Konecky of Schneider Wallace, co-lead counsel for the plaintiff class.

“eHarmony is happy to move beyond this litigation so it can continue building Compatible Partners into a successful service,” said Robert Freitas of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, outside counsel to the company.

I forgot the link: :look:


They are happy to build the gay site into a successful service.... :nono:

:nono: I can't even utter what I want to say.... :nono: :censored:

I gonna say it anyway. eharmony is a weakling.
Thank you for sharing this...I don't want to even say anything but this..."what you compromise to keep, you will lose!"
Just ran across this video on YouTube. This is going too far. Please pray.

This is one of the many times when I wish that I could type an audio response and not a written one. The difference is that the audio would indeed show my compassion and grief over this child.

What the media doesn't share is that transexuals still grow up 'confused'. They end up in 'quote' 'homosexual relationships'. Meaning a male to female ends up still being attracted to a female; a female to male still ends up being attracted to a male. Somewhere along the line, their genders still dictate how they were born.
This is one of the many times when I wish that I could type an audio response and not a written one. The difference is that the audio would indeed show my compassion and grief over this child.

What the media doesn't share is that transexuals still grow up 'confused'. They end up in 'quote' 'homosexual relationships'. Meaning a male to female ends up still being attracted to a female; a female to male still ends up being attracted to a male. Somewhere along the line, their genders still dictate how they were born.

The enemy is doing this to make sure these people are never delivered. If he normalizes it and shuts up the Christians he can keep these people's souls bound and tortured. "He" (I utterly refuse to say she!) is just a child, yet has been overtaken by this spirit so much that it has embedded itself into every fabric of this child's being.. so much so that "he" is convinced that "he" was born in the wrong body and has all the character traits of a girl. But yet, Jesus Christ gave himself to redeem us. There is hope for this child in Jesus the Christ!
Marriage should be completely removed from the realms of government. It is far too intertwined with religion. The state should not be deciding on such a matter at all. If something must be recognized by the government, it should be civil unions - for all. Marriage should be left to religious institutions or other non-governmental organizations. Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

That's what I believe as well. But the SSM lobbyists are so intertwined with the terminology, they will not let it go now. They can have civil unions, if so desired...but what is this obsession with calling it a "marriage?" We know...the ulterior motive, the agenda. I think we're 300 years too late for this to have been protected. Alas...
Another example of the gay lobby in action:

The chief diversity officer at Galludet University was suspended after a coworker asked her about signing an anti-SSM petition. Her lesbian co-worker reported her.

She was reinstated after 3 months:

:nono: See what I mean?

Oh yeah... this news was big; around the time of the Chick Fila news.

God says He despises unjust measures and weights. In cases like this, the measure and weights are unjust as the gay activists are saying 'we' as Believers are not entitled to 'our' faith, yet they are the only ones allowed to worship their devil and get away with it.

HA! Really? :look:
The enemy is doing this to make sure these people are never delivered. If he normalizes it and shuts up the Christians he can keep these people's souls bound and tortured.

"He" (I utterly refuse to say she!) is just a child, yet has been overtaken by this spirit so much that it has embedded itself into every fabric of this child's being.. so much so that "he" is convinced that "he" was born in the wrong body and has all the character traits of a girl. But yet, Jesus Christ gave himself to redeem us. There is hope for this child in Jesus the Christ!

:amen: MrsHaseeb... the deception is overwhelming and truly the love of Jesus is hope beyond hope to deliver this precious child, in Jesus' Name. I surely pray so and for other children who have been taken 'hostage' by this spirit of deception. God wants them whole and to be as He has such created them.
For: Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Word Ministries looks forward to having you join with us at 8:00 pm ET tonight as we pray for the Supreme Court.

Come and join us for a wonderful time of prayer and then post your comments on the Word Ministries Facebook page and Twitter. We would love to hear from you.

Tonight at 8:00 pm ET, First Fruits Prayer Gathering, hosted by Pastor Jim Tippin, one of Word Ministries board members, will moderate the phone conference prayer time.

Here at Word Ministries we desire to see people set free from bondages, and to help all of us draw into a closer relationship with God, with our self, and with others.

We invite you to join this prayer group TONIGHT by calling:


Entering code number 610673#

Germaine, Jim & David

Word Ministries Inc

PO Box 289
Good Hope, GA
So much confusion. Remember the 'Pregnant Man' who is NOT a man but a woman.

I didn't know this person had THREE children via artificial insemination. He is now trying to obtain a divorce in order to marry his now new GIRLFRIEND.

OH Wait...there's more... :rolleyes:

Note: I am Seriously rolling my eyes with this... :rolleyes:

The judge has sense. Because this 'woman' cannot prove that she was not still a woman when she first married the first woman, she is not therefore able to have her divorce petition recognized. This is because the state of Arizona where they reside does not recognize gay marriage.

Okay this is where it's really confusing... If Arizona does not recognize gay marriage, then this woman (who thinks she's a man) really isn't married in the first place; therefore filing for a divorce is redundant.


Here's the 'lank' :rolleyes:

This was on my yahoo feed as I was checking my office emails. I need to be in bed, however the article proves one thing for sure. In relating to this thread's subject, it is beyond proven and beyond obvious that the Supreme Court cannot 'fix' this.


Oh and speaking of 'Periods'. This man :nono: still wears a Tampon!

PLEASE! :thud:

It is written... I kid not... :nono:

This 'man' :nono: has a monthly cycle... BY CHOICE! She kept her ovaries so that she can continue to conceive and have more children.

NOW.... IT is obvious that this woman does not realize that REAL MEN DO NOT LIKE PERIODS! Neither do REAL MEN desire to become pregnant!

I'm speaking facts...facts of truth.

So to the Supreme Court. Do you truly want to increase this confusion in the human race? Do you really and truly wish to have this 'blood' upon your hands?

We cannot redefine God's Design on humanity and Marriage.

I'm still tryna' figure out what man in his right mind would want to have a monthy cycle?

Shimmie has left the building.... :drunk:
^^^^And they want us to say this is JUST like a man and a woman marrying according to NATURE and God's Design?
That's what I believe as well. But the SSM lobbyists are so intertwined with the terminology, they will not let it go now. They can have civil unions, if so desired...but what is this obsession with calling it a "marriage?" We know...the ulterior motive, the agenda. I think we're 300 years too late for this to have been protected. Alas...

That there is the issue. It was allowed within the realms of the government, where it should have never been. Marriages should be left to religious/nongovernmental groups. But even still, there will be those who disregard Scripture. At the end of the day, no earthly law can change the laws of heaven.
Hmmm, guess that just comes off a bit strange. Did you read the entire post? Again, not seeing that at all, particularly as it should be read with the rest of the post to provide context.

I read the entire post.

While my opposition to "gay marriage" is rooted in my Christian worldview, I think it's disingenuous to dismiss a Christian's stance on a social/political issue just because their stance is rooted in their worldview or moral framework. The whole, "You shouldn't push your religious beliefs on others" is a strawman, that is used to tell Christians to be quiet and accept the moral and social decay surrounding them.

Also, I think such a statement presupposes pluralism--that one moral precept is just as good as another, despite them conflicting or contradicting each other. I believe morality is objective, and when something wrong or evil is being permitted or advocated, people will always suffer. Murder is immoral, and is also illegal, as well as stealing, lying under oath, and defrauding people. It's only when the particular immorality or sin is something a person wants to justify or hold onto do people start crying "Stop pushing your religion on me!"

I am not advocating for public laws banning meat on Fridays during Lent or a mandate for everyone to believe in the Immaculate Conception.

I am advocating that marriage serves a purpose in society, which is joining a man and woman, who procreate and produce the basic unit of society--the family, and that it is in the best interest of society and the State to protect and promote it. I also argue that marriage is an INHERENTLY heterosexual institution based on the complementary nature of man and woman united in this bond, and a gay union can never be the same as it, nor fulfill the purpose of it. I also argue that marriage is a pre-political institution, existing before the State, and the government is overstepping its boundaries and authority by trying to redefine what a marriage is.
I read the entire post.

While my opposition to "gay marriage" is rooted in my Christian worldview, I think it's disingenuous to dismiss a Christian's stance on a social/political issue just because their stance is rooted in their worldview or moral framework. The whole, "You shouldn't push your religious beliefs on others" is a strawman, that is used to tell Christians to be quiet and accept the moral and social decay surrounding them.

Also, I think such a statement presupposes pluralism--that one moral precept is just as good as another, despite them conflicting or contradicting each other. I believe morality is objective, and when something wrong or evil is being permitted or advocated, people will always suffer. Murder is immoral, and is also illegal, as well as stealing, lying under oath, and defrauding people. It's only when the particular immorality or sin is something a person wants to justify or hold onto do people start crying "Stop pushing your religion on me!"

I am not advocating for public laws banning meat on Fridays during Lent or a mandate for everyone to believe in the Immaculate Conception.

I am advocating that marriage serves a purpose in society, which is joining a man and woman, who procreate and produce the basic unit of society--the family, and that it is in the best interest of society and the State to protect and promote it. I also argue that marriage is an INHERENTLY heterosexual institution based on the complementary nature of man and woman united in this bond, and a gay union can never be the same as it, nor fulfill the purpose of it. I also argue that marriage is a pre-political institution, existing before the State, and the government is overstepping its boundaries and authority by trying to redefine what a marriage is.

The point of my post is that it is a Christian stance to recognize the God-given opportunity to choose His way or not and based on that to teach and preach the truth, including that homosexuality and gay marriage is sin. That is the example we have in Jesus Christ.

Where does that say Christians show be quiet and accept the moral decay around them? That is what seems strange and also disingeneous to me. Or is it not enough to share the truth outside of pushing religion - since your stance is rooted in a Christian worldview - through civil law?

The difference between gay marriage and things like murder, lying, stealing is that the former does not infringe on the right of others as citizens, especially to follow God's laws according to the dictates of our consciences. Murder and the other wrongful actions, do. That is the major distinction here.

I strongly agree with you regarding the definition of marriage. However, it is simply my personal understanding of the Scripture (and underneath that civil law), that force our religious understanding of marriage via the government is wrong. It would be one thing if the opposition was not rooted in religion, but in the vast majority of cases, it is. Thus, where their choices do not infringe on our rights, people must choose for themselves whether or not to follow God's way.
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Lord Jesus protect the children!!! How debased does a persons mind have to get to try and pass a law like this?

Pedophilia Is A Sexual Orientation Under CA Bill

What in the HELL ? ! ? YES... Shimmie said it! HELL! Without hesitation nor a stutter...:nono:

These people are absolutely out of control...and straight to hell they are headed, under the boughs of it, the searing burning coals, brimstones.

And all because of this mess?

This has me in tears. See, I've said this, and along with others who are defending Marriage; that the gay agenda is giving pedophiles leverage to harm, molest and destroy innocent little children.

I'm upset! I'm in tears! And I'm not allowing this to occur. :nono:

People are out of their stupid minds.

Ladies please forgive me for using the word hell out of context. I'm not deleting it from my post, as it would be a lie that I did not mean it. What I don't mean is to offend anyone.

This government is crazy and Ima' say something that will not please many, however, President Obama needs to step away from this gay agenda as it is not wise to support an agenda with such dangerous attachments and tragic repercussions which are inevitable to follow. :nono: He's a foolish leader with far too many who idolize him as a prize, yet his works; his fruit is withered. He has full power to put an immediate stop to this California law protecting pedophiles. Otherwise he is not producing good fruit as a leader. He is not protecting children.

Afterall, Jesus indeed did curse the fig tree for not bearing fruit when it was needed. The fig tree did not produce when it in it's season. President Obama is in his season, yet the fruit he bears is bringing harm and destruction to humanity and saddest of all, young innocent children of the now and of the future.

He needs to get right with God and lead righteously, otherwise he brings a curse upon himself, his very own doing. God's Word says clearly, 'Do Justly'; follow God's laws. There were many kings (leaders) before him some were good/some were bad. If he were to read the book of Kings and Chronicles, and Proverbs, he would know better. I continue to pray for him. :pray:
Pedophilia Is A Sexual Orientation Under CA Bill

What in the HELL ? ! ? YES... Shimmie said it! HELL! Without hesitation nor a stutter...:nono:

These people are absolutely out of control...and straight to hell they are headed, under the boughs of it, the searing burning coals, brimstones.

And all because of this mess?

This has me in tears. See, I've said this, and along with others who are defending Marriage; that the gay agenda is giving pedophiles leverage to harm, molest and destroy innocent little children.

I'm upset! I'm in tears! And I'm not allowing this to occur. :nono:

People are out of their stupid minds.

Ladies please forgive me for using the word hell out of context. I'm not deleting it from my post, as it would be a lie that I did not mean it. What I don't mean is to offend anyone.

This government is crazy and Ima' say something that will not please many, however, President Obama needs to step away from this gay agenda as it is not wise to support an agenda with such dangerous attachments and tragic repercussions which are inevitable to follow. :nono: He's a foolish leader with far too many who idolize him as a prize, yet his works; his fruit is withered. He has full power to put an immediate stop to this California law protecting pedophiles. Otherwise he is not producing good fruit as a leader. He is not protecting children.

Afterall, Jesus indeed did curse the fig tree for not bearing fruit when it was needed. The fig tree did not produce when it in it's season. President Obama is in his season, yet the fruit he bears is bringing harm and destruction to humanity and saddest of all, young innocent children of the now and of the future.

He needs to get right with God and lead righteously, otherwise he brings a curse upon himself, his very own doing. God's Word says clearly, 'Do Justly'; follow God's laws. There were many kings (leaders) before him some were good/some were bad. If he were to read the book of Kings and Chronicles, and Proverbs, he would know better. I continue to pray for him. :pray:

Shimmie I am not offended by your use of the word... The pits Hell is just where such a law has originated. A disproportionate number of pedophiles are homosexual.. this alone should be enough to tell people that homosexuality is nothing more than a perverse spirit that seeks to corrupt and destroy everything it encounters. Its the spirit using the people as vehicles to accomplish the will of the devil ..
All the people being brain washed to accept homosexuality as normal do not realize it brings with a curse that will effect everyone. The story of Sodom and Gomorroah and the story of the tribe of Benjamin in Judges 19 is where society is headed with such laws being passed. I prayed against it this morning... As far as the president... The only way he would be an advocate for not only this type of stuff [pedophilia, homosexuality, and murder (abortion and partial birth abortion)] is because he is probably reprobate and overtaken with such preverse spirits. It is not normal for a person to support the things he supports.
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Shimmie I am not offended by your use of the word...

The pits Hell is just where such a law has originated. A disproportionate number of pedophiles are homosexual.. this alone should be enough to tell people that homosexuality is nothing more than a perverse spirit that seeks to corrupt and destroy everything it encounters. Its the spirit using the people as vehicles to accomplish the will of the devil ..

All the people being brain washed to accept homosexuality as normal do not realize it brings with a curse that will effect everyone. The story of Sodom and Gomorroah and the story of the tribe of Benjamin in Judges 19 is where society is headed with such laws being passed. I prayed against it this morning....

MrsHaseeb... Thanks Love... :love2: I still apologize because I do not intend to retract my statement. You're precious and I appreciate you and everyone else here.

Let's look at this from the article... This is so grieving: :nono:

Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that, “pedophilia is not covered as an orientation.”

However, the Democrats defeated the amendment.

Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law, and accordingly decided that pedophilia is a sexual orientation that should be equally as embraced as homosexuality.

“This language is so broad and vague, it arguably could include all forms of sexual orientation, including pedophilia,” said Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute.

“It’s not just the orientation that is protected—the conduct associated with the orientation is protected as well.”

What is WRONG with these people defending this behaviour? WHAT?

As the president of this country, I expect Mr. Obama to immediately, without a trip or a stutter of his feet, to get on the plane and put an immediate end to this tragedy. He has the power to override it and say NO! No votes, no elections, no petitions are necessary to see that this is just wrong and needs to be stopped immediately.

The gays are going to lose their battle. People are not going to tolerate this. And it is NOT discrimination to put this sin to an end. It's for the safety of other lives and lives being of innocent children and adults who have disabiities who have been molested far more than it's been reported.

One reason I keep bringing up our president is because his support of gay marriage only validates sexual perverts. The law which protects pedophiles only confirms this. In addtion, it is the acts of pedophiles upon so many children which has lead these children to grow into adults with sexual disfunctions, yes, homosexuality which is indeed a sexual disfuction. :nono:
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And this.... :nono:

Who Cares If Pedophilia Is A Sexual Orientation?

It also means that, if pedophilia is a sexual orientation, that discrimination laws also apply to pedophiles. That means you cannot block a pedophile from being a preschool teacher or any other high-risk occupation.

Recently, a United States District Court Judge, William Shubb, sided with Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) by granting their plaintiffs a preliminary injunction against the legislation, which is known as California SB 1172.

“Because the court finds that SB 1172 is subject to strict scrutiny and is unlikely to satisfy this standard, the court finds that plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their claims based on violations of their rights to freedom of speech under the First Amendment,” wrote Judge Shubb.

“This victory sends a clear signal to all those who feel they can stifle religious freedom, free speech, and the rights of parents without being contested,” said PJI President, Brad Dacus.

“We at PJI are ready to fight this battle all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.

“This will be a long, grueling battle with tremendous consequences for generations to come. We are grateful to those who are willing to support us in this critical time to preserve our freedoms and protect our children,” he continued.

Thankfully, for the time being, this legislation has been blocked, but many questions still remain.

This bill establishes a dangerous precedent for normalizing the behavior of pedophiles while stripping parents of their rights and peace of mind.

One can certainly make the argument that homosexuals are “born that way,” and we generally would not dispute that.

However, when we have legislators that want to extend the “born that way” defense to pedophiles, this crosses a very dangerous line.


I'm noticing the 'Supreme Court' comment above. Yeah... okay. :look:

Also I've noticed:

Born that way is the evil weapon for this entire battle... :nono:

Here's a True Fact:

Everything the gay agenda has used as a weapon is beginning to 'hit' back at them for a huge loss. :yep:

The evils and the dangers of this lifestyle are being exposed with no where t hide. People who support gay marriage and call it discrimination not to, are having to endure a HUGE wake-up call. The gay activists are losing ground upon which they never stood upon in the first place. Their artillery is faulty And they have no 'back-up' plan. :nono:

For NOW the pedophiles want 'equal rights' and they are using the very same arguments that the gay agenda has hearalded and there's no way to win for either of them for they are one in the same in this battle, meaning the gay activists have something attached to them for a piggyback ride that cannot be shaken off. :nono:
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I just saw on the news that several black preachers here in Chicago is for gay marriage. It seems Bishop Carlton Pearson is also apart of this.


The Problem with Rob Bells Gospel
(and those like him)

12:30PM EDT 4/3/2013 J. LEE GRADY

When former evangelical pastor Rob Bell published his bombshell book Love Wins in 2011, his Michigan megachurch reportedly lost 3,000 members. They scattered quickly because Bell questioned the existence of a literal hell. His point was that Christians need to develop a nicer message with a lot less judgment. But his solution was to throw out 2,000 years of Christian theological tradition.

Then last month, Bell made a more stunning announcement from a pulpit in California. He told people gathered at Grace Cathedral, an Episcopal church in San Francisco, that he supports same-sex marriage. His primary reason, he said, was that culture has changed and we need to adapt.

“I am for fidelity,” Bell said. “I am for love, whether it’s a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man … This is the world that we are living in, and we need to affirm people wherever they are.”

I can appreciate Bell’s desire to affirm people. And I agree that some Christians come off sounding unbelievably harsh when we talk about homosexuality. But Bell didn’t have anything affirming to say to the evangelical Christians who were his support base during the early years of his ministry. He trashed us. And he was judgmental about it.

Describing evangelicals, Bell predicted our doom in his March 17 remarks: “We are witnessing the death of a particular subculture that doesn’t work. I think there is a very narrow, politically intertwined, culturally ghettoized, evangelical subculture that was told, ‘We’re gonna change the thing,’ and they haven’t. And they actually have turned away lots of people.”

If Bell wants to come off as affirming and non-judgmental, he should use kinder words when describing a group of Christians who make up an estimated 30 percent of the U.S. population. Bell seems to be saying: “I’m right, and you evangelicals are irrelevant.” He’s ready to officiate at our funeral.

In response, I offer three points:

1. It’s actually OK to be narrow. Bell accuses us of being narrow. But wasn’t it Jesus who told us the way to salvation is narrow? He said: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it” (Matt. 7:13, NASB). Besides the fact that Jesus refers to hell in that passage, He also says we have to be narrow to avoid it.

Righteousness requires limitations. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for being judgmental on one hand, yet He drew lines and demanded holiness on the other. We can’t be like Jesus, nor can we demonstrate true love, if we affirm every lifestyle and embrace every behavior.

2. Our subculture is not dying. The denominations that are losing the most members today are actually the mainline groups that have lost their commitment to the Bible. I’m in a different church almost every week in this country (mostly charismatic or Pentecostal), and I see vibrant faith, growing congregations and the emergence of multiethnic leaders.

(And speaking of multiethnic, some of the most conservative Christians in America are immigrants from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Does Bell think they are irrelevant? They are the real future of our movement. Bell is out of touch if he thinks evangelicalism is just a bunch of old, white, Republican guys.)

3. We do need to change our attitude. I will agree with Bell that there is a segment of evangelicalism that is too politicized. We misrepresent Jesus when we label Him a Republican or a Democrat. He is neither. And we alienate people from Jesus when all we do is pontificate about what we are against.

It is very possible that gay marriage will become the law of the land in this country, just as the Supreme Court sanctioned abortion in 1973. Just because our government legalized the killing of an unborn baby does not mean I have to support that choice personally. But I do have to show love and extend Christ’s forgiveness to a woman who has aborted her child. Yelling at her or condemning her will not bring her to faith in Jesus.

In the same way, we are called to show love and respect to gay people. I don’t have to agree with a person’s lifestyle to love them. Jesus showed amazing compassion to the woman caught in adultery—and He rebuked the religious bullies who wanted to stone her. But when they put down their rocks and walked away, He told her: “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more” (John 8:11, emphasis added).

Jesus was totally comfortable using the word sin when He showed love to a person. And that’s the part of Jesus’ gospel that Rob Bell ignores.

J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of The Mordecai Project ( You can follow him on Twitter at Leegrady. His book Fearless Daughters of the Bible was just released in Spanish from Casa Creación

It amazes me how people call themselves Christians and agree with a lifestyle that goes against GOD and His Word...smh
Shimmie I am not offended by your use of the word... The pits Hell is just where such a law has originated. A disproportionate number of pedophiles are homosexual.. this alone should be enough to tell people that homosexuality is nothing more than a perverse spirit that seeks to corrupt and destroy everything it encounters. Its the spirit using the people as vehicles to accomplish the will of the devil ..

All the people being brain washed to accept homosexuality as normal do not realize it brings with a curse that will effect everyone. The story of Sodom and Gomorroah and the story of the tribe of Benjamin in Judges 19 is where society is headed with such laws being passed. I prayed against it this morning...

As far as the president... The only way he would be an advocate for not only this type of stuff [pedophilia, homosexuality, and murder (abortion and partial birth abortion)] is because he is probably reprobate and overtaken with such preverse spirits. It is not normal for a person to support the things he supports.

MrsHaseeb... were you able to read Belle Du Jour 's article a few posts up?

It has some very interesting and confirming information regarding the media's lies regarding increased support for homosexuality. The media heads are gay and/or gay activists and they have orchestrated the news streams as pro-gay.

Now this is something that we (meaning you and many others) were always aware of, and it is now being exposed.

Check this out: Reuters who is well known for their polls and statistics, tried to hide the true numbers of the latest polls of those who support homosexuality in this country. Now according to the media, it's 53 to 61% supported, however the true number is only 41%. Plus anyone who can count to 3 should know that if 31 out of 50 states have voted AGAINST gay marriage, how in the world are they (the activists) arriving at 53 to 61% in favour of this issue?


So many people are addicted, dependent upon the news; news stations which have seducing spirits; spirits of darkness, principalities. The entire strategy is the use of 'peer' pressure, idolotry, for many 'idololize the newscasters who have gained a 'captive audience' and as the Pied Piper, they are luring their captives to 'follow the crowd'. However, the media is not only deceiving their prey, they are also binding them into darkness. :nono:

Father God, Please open our eyes, that we 'will' see. Open our hearts, that we 'will' hear what you are speaking into our hearts and minds Open the floodgates of your wisdom, poured into us, to overflowing. Father, pour into us, more and more of your love, for we have no oughts against those in darkness, pour in your love to set them free, free indeed.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.