Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

Shimmie most people are living in the matrix. :nono: I stopped watching the news 10-15 years ago and I don't watch much tv. There is all kinds of peverse crap on even prime time. That's why all these "alternative lifestyles" are becoming so acceptable. People are sleeping. It's a shame. :nono:

And I totally agree with the rest of you that if homosexual marriage is allowed, it will set a precedent for others who advocate for alternative lifestyles. Yep, we are heading for destruction like so many other formerly great civilizations.
MrsHaseeb... were you able to read Belle Du Jour 's article a few posts up?

It has some very interesting and confirming information regarding the media's lies regarding increased support for homosexuality. The media heads are gay and/or gay activists and they have orchestrated the news streams as pro-gay.

Now this is something that we (meaning you and many others) were always aware of, and it is now being exposed.

Check this out: Reuters who is well known for their polls and statistics, tried to hide the true numbers of the latest polls of those who support homosexuality in this country. Now according to the media, it's 53 to 61% supported, however the true number is only 41%. Plus anyone who can count to 3 should know that if 31 out of 50 states have voted AGAINST gay marriage, how in the world are they (the activists) arriving at 53 to 61% in favour of this issue?


So many people are addicted, dependent upon the news; news stations which have seducing spirits; spirits of darkness, principalities. The entire strategy is the use of 'peer' pressure, idolotry, for many 'idololize the newscasters who have gained a 'captive audience' and as the Pied Piper, they are luring their captives to 'follow the crowd'. However, the media is not only deceiving their prey, they are also binding them into darkness. :nono:

Father God, Please open our eyes, that we 'will' see. Open our hearts, that we 'will' hear what you are speaking into our hearts and minds Open the floodgates of your wisdom, poured into us, to overflowing. Father, pour into us, more and more of your love, for we have no oughts against those in darkness, pour in your love to set them free, free indeed.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Hi Shimmie. I visit the site on my phone and I miss posts. I will check it out. I don't watch the news... I believe it is there to program society to think a certain way.
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I just saw on the news that several black preachers here in Chicago is for gay marriage. It seems Bishop Carlton Pearson is also apart of this.


Carlton Person's website states: As a result of what Carlton calls "Expanded Consciousness", he strongly advocates personal evolution, transformation and Self Actualization. He says his deep roots in Pentecostalist transcendance has informed his embrace of a more Metaphysical approach to life, scriptural interpretation and spirituality.

So basically, it's the gospel according to Mr. Pearson. He also wrote a book The Gospel of Inclusion, is quickly becoming known as “a voice of reason in a world of religious extremes.” His rejection of the traditional concept of hell caused him to be rejected by mainstream fundamental evangelical Christianity.

Leading sheep astray. :nono:
Carlton Person's website states: As a result of what Carlton calls "Expanded Consciousness", he strongly advocates personal evolution, transformation and Self Actualization. He says his deep roots in Pentecostalist transcendance has informed his embrace of a more Metaphysical approach to life, scriptural interpretation and spirituality.

So basically, it's the gospel according to Mr. Pearson. He also wrote a book The Gospel of Inclusion, is quickly becoming known as “a voice of reason in a world of religious extremes.” His rejection of the traditional concept of hell caused him to be rejected by mainstream fundamental evangelical Christianity.

Leading sheep astray. :nono:

This is so sad, to see him fall from where he was to where he is now. He has been teaching this doctrine for a while now. In fact, this is how he lost his Mega church. Most of the members left when he began to teach this doctrine but the few who would hang on to his every word have been deceived..
The point of my post is that it is a Christian stance to recognize the God-given opportunity to choose His way or not and based on that to teach and preach the truth, including that homosexuality and gay marriage is sin. That is the example we have in Jesus Christ.

Where does that say Christians show be quiet and accept the moral decay around them? That is what seems strange and also disingeneous to me. Or is it not enough to share the truth outside of pushing religion - since your stance is rooted in a Christian worldview - through civil law?

The difference between gay marriage and things like murder, lying, stealing is that the former does not infringe on the right of others as citizens, especially to follow God's laws according to the dictates of our consciences. Murder and the other wrongful actions, do. That is the major distinction here.

I strongly agree with you regarding the definition of marriage. However, it is simply my personal understanding of the Scripture (and underneath that civil law), that force our religious understanding of marriage via the government is wrong. It would be one thing if the opposition was not rooted in religion, but in the vast majority of cases, it is. Thus, where their choices do not infringe on our rights, people must choose for themselves whether or not to follow God's way.

divya, I think the disconnect between what we're saying to each other may be due to us having/using different ideas of "freedom," "rights," and the role of government.
Shimmie I am not offended by your use of the word... The pits Hell is just where such a law has originated. A disproportionate number of pedophiles are homosexual.. this alone should be enough to tell people that homosexuality is nothing more than a perverse spirit that seeks to corrupt and destroy everything it encounters.

And this is something often glossed over. With the sex abuse scandal that broke out in recent years w/ the Church, what they fail to report is that these abusive relationships were almost all homosexual pederast (boys ages 11-17) relationships. So technically, we should be calling it the homosexual sex abuse scandal.

But of course that's not PC, right?

It was a huge mistake for those bishops to not have filtered out the homosexual men entering the seminaries in the 60s and 70s. Now they've harmed and abused innocent victims and it's all come back to bite us in the behind!

I remember when I was an undergrad in college, and was discussing something similar with a professor and group of students. The professor talked about how homosexuality used to be listed by the American Psychological Association as a disorder, but then was dropped in the 1970s. Then the professor predicted (this was in '98) that the next disorder/illness to be dropped will be pedophilia.

It's sad that a movement is being made to make it a "sexual orientation."

You'd think that with the morally lax people, that they would at least care about their and other kids' welfare to oppose something like this, but just consider:

1) they have already proven themselves lacking moral integrity when it comes to sexual morality
2) they have accepted or participated in sexualizing children (media, music, clothing)
3) they struck down parental notification laws or advocate "privacy" and "rights" for children and sexuality, thus attempting to shut parents out of what is happening with their kids in this area. Today on FB I just saw a notification of a judge in NY allowing Plan-B to be handed over-the-counter to minors. Statistically, more than half of teen moms are impregnated by men over 18.
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divya, I think the disconnect between what we're saying to each other may be due to us having/using different ideas of "freedom," "rights," and the role of government.

Perhaps that is the case. Either way, the level of vice in this nation and the world is a sure sign of the times we live in, and it will only get the worse. Thank the Lord that one day there will be an end to it all...and God's government will reign supreme.
Just read the response is...:nono:

Proverbs 14:

6 The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.

8 The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.

12 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

15 The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.

18 The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.

Proverbs 15:

11 Death and Destructiona lie open before the Lord—how much more do human hearts!

12 Mockers resent correction, so they avoid the wise.

14 The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.

24 The path of life leads upward for the prudent to keep them from going down to the realm of the dead.

Proverbs 16:

16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

25 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

28 A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.

Proverbs 16:20

20 Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.
And this is something often glossed over. With the sex abuse scandal that broke out in recent years w/ the Church, what they fail to report is that these abusive relationships were almost all homosexual pederast (boys ages 11-17) relationships. So technically, we should be calling it the homosexual sex abuse scandal.

But of course that's not PC, right?

It was a huge mistake for those bishops to not have filtered out the homosexual men entering the seminaries in the 60s and 70s. Now they've harmed and abused innocent victims and it's all come back to bite us in the behind!

I remember when I was an undergrad in college, and was discussing something similar with a professor and group of students. The professor talked about how homosexuality used to be listed by the American Psychological Association as a disorder, but then was dropped in the 1970s. Then the professor predicted (this was in '98) that the next disorder/illness to be dropped will be pedophilia.

It's sad that a movement is being made to make it a "sexual orientation."

You'd think that with the morally lax people, that they would at least care about their and other kids' welfare to oppose something like this, but just consider:

1) they have already proven themselves lacking moral integrity when it comes to sexual morality
2) they have accepted or participated in sexualizing children (media, music, clothing)
3) they struck down parental notification laws or advocate "privacy" and "rights" for children and sexuality, thus attempting to shut parents out of what is happening with their kids in this area. Today on FB I just saw a notification of a judge in NY allowing Plan-B to be handed over-the-counter to minors. Statistically, more than half of teen moms are impregnated by men over 18.


Do you (and any of the other 'Ladies' here) remember the news show Dateline when the host newscaster "Chris Hanson" would set up child molesters?

The majority of the cases were adult men who were seeking to have sex with young boys/teens. The profiles were almost always an adult male seeking to have sex with a 13 year old boy. :nono:

If my knowledge of 'human biology' serves me correctly, 13 is the average age when boys reach puberty (or to be more in depth) this is the age when most boys enter into the height of their sexual awakening. They have sexual 'awakenings' (I'm being polite with this :look: ) and they are looking for a 'release'. This is where satan comes in with a perverted mind in an adult male, who is a rotten snake---a child molester to 'confuse' these young boys with their sexuality.

The tragic consequences are many, one is that many of these 'abused' teen boys (not all :nono:) but many of them take on this 'spirit' and in turn will molest a younger child (a brother, cousin, a neighbor's child, children in home day cares, in school... and it knows no end...:nono: )

homosexual behaviour is not inborn. It is a 'learned' behaviour that is imposed (literally thrusted upon) one victim after another in a vicious pattern.

I need to be clear: I praise God for the MANY gay men who would NEVER molest a child. They would never wish to impose nor impart into the life of a child the pain which they had to bear and live with physically, emotionally... spiritually. They have an endearing heart filled with geninue love and will fight to the death to protect another child from this sexual abuse.

I don't want anyone reading this to get it twisted that I am 'bashing' anyone who is gay. It is the lifestyle and the root cause of it which has compromised the innocense of so many lives. :nono:

This foolishness with 'protecting' pedophiles shouldn't even be a debated issue. It's an automatic shut case which does not merit any form of protection or debate for one.

Your college professor 'called it' and it's a very tragic call.
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Do you (and any of the other 'Ladies' here) remember the news show Dateline when the host newscaster "Chris Hanson" would set up child molesters?

Yes, I remember that.

The majority of the cases were adult men who were seeking to have sex with young boys/teens. The profiles were almost always an adult male seeking to have sex with a 13 year old boy. :nono:

If my knowledge of 'human biology' serves me correctly, 13 is the average age when boys reach puberty (or to be more in depth) this is the age when most boys enter into the height of their sexual awakening. They have sexual 'awakenings' (I'm being polite with this :look: ) and they are looking for a 'release'. This is where satan comes in with a perverted mind in an adult male, who is a rotten snake---a child molester to 'confuse' these young boys with their sexuality.

The tragic consequences are many, one is that many of these 'abused' teen boys (not all :nono:) but many of them take on this 'spirit' and in turn will molest a younger child (a brother, cousin, a neighbor's child, children in home day cares, in school... and it knows no end...:nono: )

homosexual behaviour is not inborn. It is a 'learned' behaviour that is imposed (literally thrusted upon) one victim after another in a vicious pattern.

I need to be clear: I praise God for the MANY gay men who would NEVER molest a child. They would never wish to impose nor impart into the life of a child the pain which they had to bear and live with physically, emotionally... spiritually. They have an endearing heart filled with geninue love and will fight to the death to protect another child from this sexual abuse.

Well said. Pederasty is a particular sub-set of this, but does not include all gay males. Thanks for pointing that out, Shimmie.

I don't want anyone reading this to get it twisted that I am 'bashing' anyone who is gay. It is the lifestyle and the root cause of it which has compromised the innocense of so many lives. :nono:

This foolishness with 'protecting' pedophiles shouldn't even be a debated issue. It's an automatic shut case which does not merit any form of protection or debate for one.

Your college professor 'called it' and it's a very tragic call.

It's quite tragic, and shouldn't even be up for debate or even have an opening.
Well, apparently Justice Sotomayor thinks that if SCOTUS re-define marriage they will open the door for polygamy. This gives me a little hope. . .

PLEASE continue to lift these justices up in prayer! This is our ONLY weapon against the enemy. I also wrote the USCCB about instituting a prayer for marriage to be said after mass. I know they did prayer campaigns for Religious Freedom and the Right to Life. Hoping they will institute this. :yep:
And the foolishness continues:
"Students and parishioners are speaking up for a Catholic priest after two gay students at George Washington University said they want him removed for supporting the Church's stance on homosexual behavior."

And a link to what's happening in Canada:

I'm telling you, we are getting to a point where it will be a crime to say you disagree with a homosexual lifestyle!
Well, apparently Justice Sotomayor thinks that if SCOTUS re-define marriage they will open the door for polygamy. This gives me a little hope. . .

PLEASE continue to lift these justices up in prayer! This is our ONLY weapon against the enemy. I also wrote the USCCB about instituting a prayer for marriage to be said after mass. I know they did prayer campaigns for Religious Freedom and the Right to Life. Hoping they will institute this. :yep:

The majority of the Justices feel that legalizing gay marriage is going into 'unchartered waters' with consequences that will do more harm than good for society.

They don't care about being on the so-called 'right side of history'. They're up in age and are more focused on being on the right side of the Lord. Plus they know that for them to step into these 'murky' warters, is unjust. It is not within the realm of their invention. They don't want hell clouds over their heads.
Cardinal Francis George joins African American preachers to decry the redefinition of marriage:

You know......

There's always beauty in light of challenges. The 'beauty' is the joining of hearts of different denomininations. I look at the hearts that have been joined right here in this thread. God has made us 'One'.

In Ephesians 2....

".... He has torn down the middle wall of separation.... He hath made the two

I love Ephesians chapter 2. The entire book of Ephesians is wrapped around "Marriage" and how God has 'before ordained' us, His children. Before the foundations of the earth, He knew our names.

It has always been His desire and plan to open the eyes of our understanding and reveal unto us, His truth.

I 'see' Jesus bringing His Church together; tearing down the differences and making ''us" one. This will be our fortress in keeping each other strong and building up one another's Him. Through all of this, God over shadows the walls that has separated His Church. He hath made the two 'One'.

We are no longer 'fighting' each other, but are joined together with one heart, one mind, one focus, to battle together protecting our faith...honouring the Lord Jesus Christ.

I love my 'Catholic' Sisters. I don't care nor am I focused on our differences in how we worship. All I know is that we share the same heart and love for the Lord Jesus Christ and for each other. You've never 'slung any arrows' towards anyone. Your fight has always been to protect the Faith for all.

Guess what? Guess who wins? We do. Why?

Well, why not?

Afterall, we are 'One'.

satan can roar as loud as he wants with the gay actiivists and their agenda. What 'they' don't realize is that they've already lost. They don't realize that they cannot 'kill' nor stifle our faith. Jesus has already died once... He's not dying again. Therefore we 'win'. No one can shut Him up. His Words live forever and beyond.

Jesus is Lord... :rosebud:

If you own a business and don't want to be involved in a gay wedding for moral reasons? You'll get sued :nono:

Lady Belle, thanks for posting this. When I read the other article you shared, I saw this one, but I wasn't able to comment until now.

They are out of their stupid minds. There are more than plenty of gay florists that are available for them to patronize, without being so vindictive against those who chose not to 'serve' them. To be perfectly honest, there are just as many (if not more) gays in the floral business / wedding business than there are non-gays. The wedding shows are dominated by gay designers.

My entire point is that they have absolutely NO excuse and NO validation for suing any business person who chooses not to support a gay lifestyle.

As bad as this is for those who are being sued for not supporting their sin, it's only for a short season. God is going to prevail in this and He is going to redeem those who have been reproached for choosing Him over sin. God contends with those who contend with us...that's scripture and I've lived to see this prevail. God always comes to our defence. Always.

These gay activists are building cases against themselves. Non supporters of gay marriage are not going to be bullied. There are laws of reciprosity (boomerang effects) which are inevitable. The gays who are suing will be the ones sued and they will not win.

This is not the calibre of Black Civil Rights; Black Skin is not a sin. It is a Heritage and it has honour. gay activists are not the masters of humanity, hence 'we' (who do not support their 'chosen' lifestyle) will not be their slaves; we cannot and will not be beaten into submission to support their sin. Evil shall not triumph over righteousness. The gay activists are committing the evil and it shall not prevail against those who love God.
So much for "It won't affect you..." :ohwell:

I know... right... :nono: Galadriel and Belle Du Jour.. it's a mess, isn't it? :nono:

Here's the thing. It has to 'hit those' who think this way in order for 'them' to 'get it'. Right now they're just observing what is occurring to others, so in their mind it still doesn't 'affect them' personally.
Church of England says "no" to redefinition of marriage:

"The Church of England is committed to the traditional understanding of the institution of marriage as being between one man and one woman."

However. . .

"The Church of England supports the way civil partnerships offer same-sex couples equal rights and responsibilities to married heterosexual couples. Opening marriage to same-sex couples would confer few if any new legal rights on the part of those already in a civil partnership, yet would require multiple changes to law, with the definition of marriage having to change for everyone."
Church of England says "no" to redefinition of marriage:

"The Church of England is committed to the traditional understanding of the institution of marriage as being between one man and one woman."

However. . .

"The Church of England supports the way civil partnerships offer same-sex couples equal rights and responsibilities to married heterosexual couples. Opening marriage to same-sex couples would confer few if any new legal rights on the part of those already in a civil partnership, yet would require multiple changes to law, with the definition of marriage having to change for everyone."


The Bible has no neutral ground on same sex unions. It's yay or nay.

Every Church should be a 'Nay' without a hestation or stutter.
Found this quoted at a Catholic blog and it was well worth the read!

The Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, has shown in a very detailed and profoundly moving study that the attack we are currently experiencing on the true structure of the family, made up of father, mother, and child, goes much deeper. While up to now we regarded a false understanding of the nature of human freedom as one cause of the crisis of the family, it is now becoming clear that the very notion of being – of what being human really means – is being called into question.

He quotes the famous saying of Simone de Beauvoir: “one is not born a woman, one becomes so” (on ne naît pas femme, on le devient). These words lay the foundation for what is put forward today under the term “gender” as a new philosophy of sexuality. According to this philosophy, sex is no longer a given element of nature, that man has to accept and personally make sense of: it is a social role that we choose for ourselves, while in the past it was chosen for us by society. The profound falsehood of this theory and of the anthropological revolution contained within it is obvious. People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being. They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but that they make it for themselves. According to the biblical creation account, being created by God as male and female pertains to the essence of the human creature. This duality is an essential aspect of what being human is all about, as ordained by God. This very duality as something previously given is what is now disputed. The words of the creation account: “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27) no longer apply. No, what applies now is this: it was not God who created them male and female – hitherto society did this, now we decide for ourselves. Man and woman as created realities, as the nature of the human being, no longer exist. Man calls his nature into question. From now on he is merely spirit and will. The manipulation of nature, which we deplore today where our environment is concerned, now becomes man’s fundamental choice where he himself is concerned. From now on there is only the abstract human being, who chooses for himself what his nature is to be. Man and woman in their created state as complementary versions of what it means to be human are disputed. But if there is no pre-ordained duality of man and woman in creation, then neither is the family any longer a reality established by creation. Likewise, the child has lost the place he had occupied hitherto and the dignity pertaining to him. Bernheim shows that now, perforce, from being a subject of rights, the child has become an object to which people have a right and which they have a right to obtain. When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself, then necessarily the Maker himself is denied and ultimately man too is stripped of his dignity as a creature of God, as the image of God at the core of his being. The defence of the family is about man himself. And it becomes clear that when God is denied, human dignity also disappears. Whoever defends God is defending man.
^^Brava, Rabbi Gilles Bernheim! As much as I loved reading Sartre and de Beauvoir, you know, they and other existentialists have done irreparable harm. They were good in one aspect, horrible in another. In trying to understand the human's existence and purpose, they overlooked the inherent philosophy and intelligence of scripture. It's all this extraneous nonsense and human agendas that pushed people to look elsewhere. But there are treasures within!

Rabbi's got it!