Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

Big surprise (not): not all children of SS couples support SSM:
This was so good...I just had to put the whole article here. Thank you, thank you!!!

Not All Children Raised by Gay Parents Support Same-Sex Marriage

August 15, 2013 at 3:00 pm

In a 2012 landmark study on same-sex parenting (and its long-term effects on children), sociologist Mark Regnerus' identified 248 adults who were raised by couples in same-sex romantic relationships and gave reports unfavorable to the same-sex marriage agenda.
Robert Oscar Lopez

Robert Oscar Lopez bravely shares his own personal story on what it was like to be raised by two women, and what he missed out on:
Quite simply, growing up with gay parents was very difficult, and not because of prejudice from neighbors. People in our community didn’t really know what was going on in the house. To most outside observers, I was a well-raised, high-achieving child, finishing high school with straight A’s.

Inside, however, I was confused. When your home life is so drastically different from everyone around you, in a fundamental way striking at basic physical relations, you grow up weird. I have no mental health disorders or biological conditions. I just grew up in a house so unusual that I was destined to exist as a social outcast.

My peers learned all the unwritten rules of decorum and body language in their homes; they understood what was appropriate to say in certain settings and what wasn’t; they learned both traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine social mechanisms.

Even if my peers’ parents were divorced, and many of them were, they still grew up seeing male and female social models. They learned, typically, how to be bold and unflinching from male figures and how to write thank-you cards and be sensitive from female figures. These are stereotypes, of course, but stereotypes come in handy when you inevitably leave the safety of your lesbian mom’s trailer and have to work and survive in a world where everybody thinks in stereotypical terms, even gays.

I had no male figure at all to follow, and my mother and her partner were both unlike traditional fathers or traditional mothers. As a result, I had very few recognizable social cues to offer potential male or female friends, since I was neither confident nor sensitive to others. Thus I befriended people rarely and alienated others easily. Gay people who grew up in straight parents’ households may have struggled with their sexual orientation; but when it came to the vast social universe of adaptations not dealing with sexuality—how to act, how to speak, how to behave—they had the advantage of learning at home. Many gays don’t realize what a blessing it was to be reared in a traditional home. -LifeSiteNews
Big surprise (not): not all children of SS couples support SSM:

This was so good...I just had to put the whole article here. Thank you, thank you!!!

Not All Children Raised by Gay Parents Support Same-Sex Marriage

August 15, 2013 at 3:00 pm

In a 2012 landmark study on same-sex parenting (and its long-term effects on children), sociologist Mark Regnerus' identified 248 adults who were raised by couples in same-sex romantic relationships and gave reports unfavorable to the same-sex marriage agenda.
Robert Oscar Lopez

Robert Oscar Lopez bravely shares his own personal story on what it was like to be raised by two women, and what he missed out on:
Quite simply, growing up with gay parents was very difficult, and not because of prejudice from neighbors. People in our community didn’t really know what was going on in the house. To most outside observers, I was a well-raised, high-achieving child, finishing high school with straight A’s.

Inside, however, I was confused. When your home life is so drastically different from everyone around you, in a fundamental way striking at basic physical relations, you grow up weird. I have no mental health disorders or biological conditions. I just grew up in a house so unusual that I was destined to exist as a social outcast.

My peers learned all the unwritten rules of decorum and body language in their homes; they understood what was appropriate to say in certain settings and what wasn’t; they learned both traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine social mechanisms.

Even if my peers’ parents were divorced, and many of them were, they still grew up seeing male and female social models. They learned, typically, how to be bold and unflinching from male figures and how to write thank-you cards and be sensitive from female figures. These are stereotypes, of course, but stereotypes come in handy when you inevitably leave the safety of your lesbian mom’s trailer and have to work and survive in a world where everybody thinks in stereotypical terms, even gays.

I had no male figure at all to follow, and my mother and her partner were both unlike traditional fathers or traditional mothers. As a result, I had very few recognizable social cues to offer potential male or female friends, since I was neither confident nor sensitive to others. Thus I befriended people rarely and alienated others easily. Gay people who grew up in straight parents’ households may have struggled with their sexual orientation; but when it came to the vast social universe of adaptations not dealing with sexuality—how to act, how to speak, how to behave—they had the advantage of learning at home. Many gays don’t realize what a blessing it was to be reared in a traditional home. -LifeSiteNews

The 'Truth' always wins. Always. The gay activists cannot keep this hidden and the supreme court ought to be ashamed of themselves for being so stupid as to not acknowledge this Truth. :nono:
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Proven Fact:

Prior to the NFSS, the academy had come to believe that children raised by gay or lesbian parents fared, on average, no worse, and in some cases better, than children raised by heterosexual parents.

Dr. Regnerus and a group of social scientists decided to evaluate this claim empirically by studying the responses of children who were raised in a variety of family structures.

The goal of the NFSS, from the beginning, was to gather the best social science possible to address the question of what family arrangements were best for children.

The results of the NFSS research revealed that the “no differences” claim—the claim that children raised by parents in gay or lesbian relationships fared no worse and in some cases better than children raised by intact biological parents—was not true.

On the contrary, the children of these households, on average, did worse than children raised by their biological, still-married parents.
Of course! Shimmie, as much as people today want to completely ignore biology, it comes down to nature. One man + One Woman was the way it was always supposed to be and will be. Yesterday (on my way to church no less :nono:) I saw clearly what was a man in woman's clothes trying to live as a woman. I could see it was a man from like 20 feet away. He clearly wasn't comfortable with himself because he was looking down and looking self-conscious. I was just really disturbed. :nono:
Of course! Shimmie, as much as people today want to completely ignore biology, it comes down to nature. One man + One Woman was the way it was always supposed to be and will be. Yesterday (on my way to church no less :nono:) I saw clearly what was a man in woman's clothes trying to live as a woman. I could see it was a man from like 20 feet away. He clearly wasn't comfortable with himself because he was looking down and looking self-conscious. I was just really disturbed. :nono:

Lady Belle....

The Holy Ghost is moving.... Yes He is...The Holy Ghost is moving. He is leading and guiding us into all Truth. It's just as Jesus said He would do.
I don't believe the world is as accepting of homosexuality and same sex marriage as people. What's happening now is that the demonic principality that is behind the homosexual agenda has exalted the homosexuals into places of power and they are bullying people. Most people, if they are not saved, are simply cowering and being quiet out of fear. The homosexual agenda is domineering and very effective because of it. Its getting to a point where you can't even be neutral, you have to celebrate the homosexuals and literally go out of your way to treat them "normal". I do believe the dynamics are starting to shift as the homosexual spirit comes across in mass upon our youth. In a few years (and I'm being generous) there will be NO resistance to homosexuality because the children who are being brain washed to accept it will be older.
..that is why so many children are being "adopted" by gay couples who have been positioning themselves economically and politically to facilitate this agenda.

I don't believe the world is as accepting of homosexuality and same sex marriage as people. What's happening now is that the demonic principality that is behind the homosexual agenda has exalted the homosexuals into places of power and they are bullying people. Most people, if they are not saved, are simply cowering and being quiet out of fear. The homosexual agenda is domineering and very effective because of it. Its getting to a point where you can't even be neutral, you have to celebrate the homosexuals and literally go out of your way to treat them "normal". I do believe the dynamics are starting to shift as the homosexual spirit comes across in mass upon our youth. In a few years (and I'm being generous) there will be NO resistance to homosexuality because the children who are being brain washed to accept it will be older.
I don't believe the world is as accepting of homosexuality and same sex marriage as people. What's happening now is that the demonic principality that is behind the homosexual agenda has exalted the homosexuals into places of power and they are bullying people. Most people, if they are not saved, are simply cowering and being quiet out of fear.

The homosexual agenda is domineering and very effective because of it. Its getting to a point where you can't even be neutral, you have to celebrate the homosexuals and literally go out of your way to treat them "normal".

I do believe the dynamics are starting to shift as the homosexual spirit comes across in mass upon our youth. In a few years (and I'm being generous) there will be NO resistance to homosexuality because the children who are being brain washed to accept it will be older.

MrsHaseeb... this is an excellent Word... excellent. One for all to take heed to.

May I add something?

There is still a consequence to the sin of homosexuality. And I truly see such a consequence that it will literally scare the 'hell' out of those who are 'active' and those who support it.

I 'see' it, so plain. All ready the truth is being exposed about the lies that the gay activists have presented to achieve their goals. However, lies cannot prevail against the Truth.

They have holes in their sand buckets. And all of what they have placed into these buckets is running out AND the buckets are bent and rusty with weak handles. They cannot prevail in this...they have no substance to stand upon. The laws of reciprosity are against them.
Big surprise (not): not all children of SS couples support SSM:

It said they interviewwd 248 children of same sex couples, but only give results of one. I clicked the link, but couldn't find the results. I would be more interested to see what the majority of children now adults thought. They story makes a good point about being left without gender roles fulfilled. I wonder if the others studied fulfilled them they way other children of heterosexual relationships do.
It said they interviewwd 248 children of same sex couples, but only give results of one. I clicked the link, but couldn't find the results. I would be more interested to see what the majority of children now adults thought. They story makes a good point about being left without gender roles fulfilled. I wonder if the others studied fulfilled them they way other children of heterosexual relationships do.

Here's a start:

You may be able to do a search on google or maybe pubmed to see the actual study. I would like to see the original research as well. If I find it I will post it. :yep:
We must keep this Archbishop in know he will be under attack after these statements....:nono:. Makes me so angry because everyone (gays included) can say whatever they want, but let anyone talk about gays...oh boy, you step on a stick of dynamite:ohwell:

But, :yay: he preaching though!!!

Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstedt Claims Satan Behind Gay Marriage, Condoms And Porn

Fornicators beware: sodomy, condoms and pornography are the work of the devil.

That's the message of a speech posted online last week by the Catholic Archbishop of St. Paul and Minnesota, John C. Niendstedt. A controversial religious leader with a stridently anti-gay stance, Niendstedt originally made the comments while speaking to the conservative Napa Institute Conference on August 2. The speech detailed the importance of family, as well as the devil's multiple attempts to weaken the institution of heterosexual marriage.

"Today, many evil forces have set their sights on the dissolution of marriage and the debasing of family life," Niendstedt said. "Sodomy, abortion, contraception, pornography, the redefinition of marriage, and the denial of objective truth are just some of the forces threatening the stability of our civilization. The source of these machinations is none other than the Father of Lies. Satan knows all too well the value that the family contributes to the fabric of a good solid society, as well as the future of God’s work on earth."

In Niendstedt's opinion of course, "family" means specifically a union "comprised of one man and one woman." Delivered one day after Minnesota began issuing same-sex marriage licenses, the Napa Institute speech is consistent with the archbishop's public statements condemning gay marriage, notes The New Civil Rights Movement.

Voted Minneapolis blog City Pages' Best Villain of the Twin Cities in 2013, Niendstedt has "used his position to bully proponents and demonize fellow Catholics who disagreed with him," wrote the blog's Jesse Marx. "He donated more than $650,000 of church money to the anti-gay-marriage cause."

In October of 2012, Niendstedt found himself at the center of a similar controversy when a letter he wrote surfaced in which he tells the mother a young gay man that she must reject her son or go to hell herself.
"I write to inform you that the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality, as described in paragraphs 2357 and 2358 and 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is rooted in Scripture and based on the Natural Moral Law," Niendstedt wrote, according to ThinkProgress.

"Catholics are bound in conscience to believe this teaching. Those who do not cannot consider themselves to be Catholic and ought not to participate in the sacramental life of the Church... Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic."
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We must keep this Archbishop in know he will be under attack after these statements....:nono:. Makes me so angry because everyone (gays included) can say whatever they want, but let anyone talk about gays...oh boy, you step on a stick of dynamite:ohwell:

But, :yay: he preaching though!!!

Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstedt Claims Satan Behind Gay Marriage, Condoms And Porn

Fornicators beware: sodomy, condoms and pornography are the work of the devil.

That's the message of a speech posted online last week by the Catholic Archbishop of St. Paul and Minnesota, John C. Niendstedt. A controversial religious leader with a stridently anti-gay stance, Niendstedt originally made the comments while speaking to the conservative Napa Institute Conference on August 2. The speech detailed the importance of family, as well as the devil's multiple attempts to weaken the institution of heterosexual marriage.

"Today, many evil forces have set their sights on the dissolution of marriage and the debasing of family life," Niendstedt said. "Sodomy, abortion, contraception, pornography, the redefinition of marriage, and the denial of objective truth are just some of the forces threatening the stability of our civilization. The source of these machinations is none other than the Father of Lies. Satan knows all too well the value that the family contributes to the fabric of a good solid society, as well as the future of God’s work on earth."

In Niendstedt's opinion of course, "family" means specifically a union "comprised of one man and one woman." Delivered one day after Minnesota began issuing same-sex marriage licenses, the Napa Institute speech is consistent with the archbishop's public statements condemning gay marriage, notes The New Civil Rights Movement.

Voted Minneapolis blog City Pages' Best Villain of the Twin Cities in 2013, Niendstedt has "used his position to bully proponents and demonize fellow Catholics who disagreed with him," wrote the blog's Jesse Marx. "He donated more than $650,000 of church money to the anti-gay-marriage cause."

In October of 2012, Niendstedt found himself at the center of a similar controversy when a letter he wrote surfaced in which he tells the mother a young gay man that she must reject her son or go to hell herself.
"I write to inform you that the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality, as described in paragraphs 2357 and 2358 and 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is rooted in Scripture and based on the Natural Moral Law," Niendstedt wrote, according to ThinkProgress.

"Catholics are bound in conscience to believe this teaching. Those who do not cannot consider themselves to be Catholic and ought not to participate in the sacramental life of the Church... Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic."

Nice & Wavy...

Hey Sis... Can't nobody 'complain' ( :look: ) that he left out the 'OTHER' sins. :rolleyes:

Folks be sayin'... ... 'err' body talk about gay sin, but don't hear nuthin' bout other sins'....

Okay... well now God has answered their prayers. :yep: This Minister covered it all and did it just for them. He even got the plastic covers in check... :lol:

I'm proud of him. God bless him and indeed I will be praying for him. He ain't skeered to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

Bless Him, Jesus. Bless all of the others who stand for you and righteousness.
@Nice & Wavy...

Hey Sis... Can't nobody 'complain' ( :look: ) that he left out the 'OTHER' sins. :rolleyes:

Folks be sayin'... ... 'err' body talk about gay sin, but don't hear nuthin' bout other sins'....

Okay... well now God has answered their prayers. :yep: This Minister covered it all and did it just for them. He even got the plastic covers in check... :lol:

I'm proud of him. God bless him and indeed I will be praying for him. He ain't skeered to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

Bless Him, Jesus. Bless all of the others who stand for you and righteousness. all the bolded!!! :lol::lol:
"I write to inform you that the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality, as described in paragraphs 2357 and 2358 and 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is rooted in Scripture and based on the Natural Moral Law," Niendstedt wrote, according to ThinkProgress.

"Catholics are bound in conscience to believe this teaching. Those who do not cannot consider themselves to be Catholic and ought not to participate in the sacramental life of the Church... Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic."

And many who don't agree with the church or are openly committing these sins have the nerve to have their butt is in the communion line. :nono: People like Nanci Pelosi and Sebilius and Biden claim to be "catholic" but their policies are anything but.

I'm also glad someone is acknowledging Satan's role in this. He was worked very hard to get people to forget he is real and these days, talking about demons or spirits or Satan will make you look crazy. All of this crap is definitely demonic!
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wowwwwwwwwww

There is no gray or blurred lines with GOD, because it is only black or white!!!

The way the enemy has received many is exactly what he did in the garden with Eve. He makes you look for the gray area..........when it doesn't exist. all the bolded!!! :lol::lol:

You know I'm serious about this, Sis. Now it's been recorded for 'ALL' the world to see and hear, all sexual sins have been covered. :look: No sin has been left 'unturned'. They all had their turn in this Minster's message.

The 'angel choir' Now sings "oooolah laahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" :angel:

And many who don't agree with the church or are openly committing these sins have the nerve to have their butt is in the communion line. :nono:

People like Nanci Pelosi and Sebilius and Biden claim to be "catholic" but their policies are anything but.

I'm also glad someone is acknowledging Satan's role in this. He was worked very hard to get people to forget he is real and these days, talking about demons or spirits or Satan will make you look crazy. All of this crap is definitely demonic!

Oh my Goodness.... Lady Belle, you have me in tears, laughing at the bolded. I can't believe you said 'butt'.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I 'hear' you, Lady Belle; you're not a phoney, you're not playing games with God. I can see you at the front of the line doing this as they (Joe Biden and nem') try to approach the Altar to take communion.... :fistshake: :lol:

I love it. :lol:
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And many who don't agree with the church or are openly committing these sins have the nerve to have their butt is in the communion line. :nono: People like Nanci Pelosi and Sebilius and Biden claim to be "catholic" but their policies are anything but.

I'm also glad someone is acknowledging Satan's role in this. He was worked very hard to get people to forget he is real and these days, talking about demons or spirits or Satan will make you look crazy. All of this crap is definitely demonic!
Nice & Wavy thanks again for posting this message. I had a full chance to listen. The Minister truly has an Honest spirit. He's not spilling hatred or 'bigotry'. He is speaking the truth about Life and God's Perfect Will for our Lives.

He is very respectful and respectable. He's appealing for the family and for the souls of all. Absolutely no malice is in his message. :Rose:
See what a society steeped in sexual depravity can lead to:

This article broke my heart and left me in tears. No one deserves this type of treatment. Ladies, please agree with me in prayer for all of these young people:

Father God, please lift up every victim of this tragic assault and violation. Please comfort them, their families and loved ones. Please Father, protect these young men from any self blame or deprecation, protect them from taunting and bullying in regards to this tragedy. Step into their pain and shoulder this burden. Heal their bodies and spirits. Bless them to turn to You for comfort and not transfer their anger or any ill feelings to You. Bless them to pour their hearts out to You. Father, guide the words of family friends and community members as the names of these victims are revealed and the trial takes place. Bless the people around these victims not to erroneously blame the victim, ridicule them, or ostracize them. Bless the parents of these young men to embrace them, pray with them, and provide all the love and support that these young men need. Bless these young men that they will not begin to question their sexuality, choose to turn to homosexuality, or assault anyone else. Give them beauty for ashes, Father God, as only you can. Bless them most of all to know that You love them and that this fact will never change. Bless them to know that they are not "damaged" or "less than a man" because of this tragedy. Bless them to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and that nothing anyone could do to them will ever change this. Lift them and their families up, Lord. Hold them in your arms and lavish them with your love. Bless these young men that this tragedy will have no negative effect on their current or future relationships and that it will not detract in any way from their future marriages.

Father for the boys who committed this crime, please heal their hearts. Their hearts are in a very dark place. Draw them to you and bless each and every one to admit their crime and accept the consequences. Bless them to come to know you, surrender their hearts to you, and never commit such an atrocity again. Bless them to fully repent and make heartfelt amends to their victims and the families of the victims. Bless the school, law enforcement, lawyers, the judge and the jury to see the facts clearly, to take this case seriously, to be sensitive to the victims, and to do what is right and just in this case. Let justice be served and the perpetrators to be brought to the full measure of justice according to Your perfect will. Father, let this horrible situation break the heart of every parent, teacher, coach, school administrator, community member, and school board member so that policies, practices and care is put in place to make sure that we are ALL doing all we can to keep our children safe from all types of abuse. Father, do whatever You need to do to stop sexual predators from attacking our children, no matter who they are or how old they are. I plead the blood of Jesus around our babies. This means not only the ones who often become victims but also those who are unknowingly being indoctrinated by the worldly, humanist ideals around them and are therefore becoming desensitized to depravity and are choosing to partake in such acts. Remove the scales from the eyes of the parents and caregivers. Bless them to discern and eradicate the worldly influences around their children, to carefully watch over the friends and associations their children are making, to give their hearts to You and repent, and to disciple their children. Father God, lift up these perpetrators and their families. Amen

Note: the media is making light of this situation by erroneously calling it "anal hazing". This tragedy is homosexual rape and it is extremely serious. It reminded me of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is not lost on me that by calling this horrible act something else, it makes it seem less serious an grave than it really is.
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See what a society steeped in sexual depravity can lead to:

This article broke my heart and left me in tears. No one deserves this type of treatment. Ladies, please agree with me in prayer for all of these young people:

Father God, please lift up every victim of this tragic assault and violation. Please comfort them, their families and loved ones. Please Father, protect these young men from any self blame or deprecation, protect them from taunting and bullying in regards to this tragedy. Step into their pain and shoulder this burden. Heal their bodies and spirits. Bless them to turn to You for comfort and not transfer their anger or any ill feelings to You. Bless them to pour their hearts out to You. Father, guide the words of family friends and community members as the names of these victims are revealed and the trial takes place. Bless the people around these victims not to erroneously blame the victim, ridicule them, or ostracize them. Bless the parents of these young men to embrace them, pray with them, and provide all the love and support that these young men need. Bless these young men that they will not begin to question their sexuality, choose to turn to homosexuality, or assault anyone else. Give them beauty for ashes, Father God, as only you can. Bless them most of all to know that You love them and that this fact will never change. Bless them to know that they are not "damaged" or "less than a man" because of this tragedy. Bless them to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and that nothing anyone could do to them will ever change this. Lift them and their families up, Lord. Hold them in your arms and lavish them with your love. Bless these young men that this tragedy will have no negative effect on their current or future relationships and that it will not detract in any way from their future marriages.

Father for the boys who committed this crime, please heal their hearts. Their hearts are in a very dark place. Draw them to you and bless each and every one to admit their crime and accept the consequences. Bless them to come to know you, surrender their hearts to you, and never commit such an atrocity again. Bless them to fully repent and make heartfelt amends to their victims and the families of the victims. Bless the school, law enforcement, lawyers, the judge and the jury to see the facts clearly, to take this case seriously, to be sensitive to the victims, and to do what is right and just in this case. Let justice be served and the perpetrators to be brought to the full measure of justice according to Your perfect will. Father, let this horrible situation break the heart of every parent, teacher, coach, school administrator, community member, and school board member so that policies, practices and care is put in place to make sure that we are ALL doing all we can to keep our children safe from all types of abuse. Father, do whatever You need to do to stop sexual predators from attacking our children, no matter who they are or how old they are. I plead the blood of Jesus around our babies. This means not only the ones who often become victims but also those who are unknowingly being indoctrinated by the worldly, humanist ideals around them and are therefore becoming desensitized to depravity and are choosing to partake in such acts. Remove the scales from the eyes of the parents and caregivers. Bless them to discern and eradicate the worldly influences around their children, to carefully watch over the friends and associations their children are making, to give their hearts to You and repent, and to disciple their children. Father God, lift up these perpetrators and their families. Amen

The homosexual spirit is taking over our young men in mass.. This is really horrible. I agree with you in prayer and will be praying for our youth as well. In Jesus name.
See what a society steeped in sexual depravity can lead to:

This article broke my heart and left me in tears. No one deserves this type of treatment. Ladies, please agree with me in prayer for all of these young people:

Father God, please lift up every victim of this tragic assault and violation. Please comfort them, their families and loved ones. Please Father, protect these young men from any self blame or deprecation, protect them from taunting and bullying in regards to this tragedy. Step into their pain and shoulder this burden. Heal their bodies and spirits. Bless them to turn to You for comfort and not transfer their anger or any ill feelings to You. Bless them to pour their hearts out to You. Father, guide the words of family friends and community members as the names of these victims are revealed and the trial takes place. Bless the people around these victims not to erroneously blame the victim, ridicule them, or ostracize them. Bless the parents of these young men to embrace them, pray with them, and provide all the love and support that these young men need. Bless these young men that they will not begin to question their sexuality, choose to turn to homosexuality, or assault anyone else. Give them beauty for ashes, Father God, as only you can. Bless them most of all to know that You love them and that this fact will never change. Bless them to know that they are not "damaged" or "less than a man" because of this tragedy. Bless them to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and that nothing anyone could do to them will ever change this. Lift them and their families up, Lord. Hold them in your arms and lavish them with your love. Bless these young men that this tragedy will have no negative effect on their current or future relationships and that it will not detract in any way from their future marriages.

Father for the boys who committed this crime, please heal their hearts. Their hearts are in a very dark place. Draw them to you and bless each and every one to admit their crime and accept the consequences. Bless them to come to know you, surrender their hearts to you, and never commit such an atrocity again. Bless them to fully repent and make heartfelt amends to their victims and the families of the victims. Bless the school, law enforcement, lawyers, the judge and the jury to see the facts clearly, to take this case seriously, to be sensitive to the victims, and to do what is right and just in this case. Let justice be served and the perpetrators to be brought to the full measure of justice according to Your perfect will. Father, let this horrible situation break the heart of every parent, teacher, coach, school administrator, community member, and school board member so that policies, practices and care is put in place to make sure that we are ALL doing all we can to keep our children safe from all types of abuse. Father, do whatever You need to do to stop sexual predators from attacking our children, no matter who they are or how old they are. I plead the blood of Jesus around our babies. This means not only the ones who often become victims but also those who are unknowingly being indoctrinated by the worldly, humanist ideals around them and are therefore becoming desensitized to depravity and are choosing to partake in such acts. Remove the scales from the eyes of the parents and caregivers. Bless them to discern and eradicate the worldly influences around their children, to carefully watch over the friends and associations their children are making, to give their hearts to You and repent, and to disciple their children. Father God, lift up these perpetrators and their families. Amen

Note: the media is making light of this situation by erroneously calling it "anal hazing". This tragedy is homosexual rape and it is extremely serious. It reminded me of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is not lost on me that by calling this horrible act something else, it makes it seem less serious an grave than it really is.

I totally agree with your prayers in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

This the rape that occurs in prisons and in Jesus' Name, this shall not go any further to harm our males or females. Dear Lord, stop it before it starts, place bravery and your boldness in the hearts of those who know of the plans and let them speak up and against it and report these abusers and their plans to halt their actions, in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.

Protect those who tell...protect those who protest, protect those who over hear, protect those who refuse to take part in this heinous crime, protect those who are targets, give them strength to not only fight their abusers, but to cry out and kick and injure those who seek to harm them. Father bring an utter end to this and let it not expand it's boundaries. And to you is all honour and power and glory, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

I speak death to this spirit in Jesus' Name, Amen.
The homosexual spirit is taking over our young men in mass.. This is really horrible. I agree with you in prayer and will be praying for our youth as well. In Jesus name.

In Jesus' Name this homosexual spirit shall NOT take over en masse nor other... and all glory is unto God for His divine intervention...

We have the power with our words to not give life to this, but to bring it to an utter end. Amen.
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