Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

Your husband is right. And although all these perversions have been hidden, they will now be in the open and demand that it become legal.:nono:

It did for me as well. You are more than welcome :love2:

Nice & Wavy...


I gotta send you hugs too... :yep:

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I really was encouraged by this post.... was reading another thread about "gay rights" and this came to me...
There really is no such a thing as "gay rights". No provision was made for it, since God created man and woman, in His image. So, why argue? [not to be confused with standing up for God's Truth]

God is a God of POSITION. He's always been...when He looked for Adam in the Garden, He asked 'Adam where are you?'. When He told Abram to leave his people, to come out from among them, He was positioning Abram.
We have to also be in a position to hear from God.... He positioned Lot, too, (through Abram) to leave Sodom, and they had to move when God said move. He delayed judgment on Lot and his family so they could leave and instructed them to not look back. Position, whether to move or be still, God is a God of position. Not to sound like I'm rambling but I had to get this thought out, because I read your posts and someone else's and the dots are connected.. I hope others see that, too.

Jesus has already petitioned for us, as Abram did for Lot. We won.

There is no need for us to get worked up over today's Supreme Court decision. Changing definitions does not change Truth. Calling a dung pile a donut won't make it taste sweet. Don't argue over it or focus on it. Calm your hearts, and pray for the deceived millions who will die without hope and be doomed, unless we love them into the Kingdom of our Lord Christ. "Straight people don't go to Heaven. Only REDEEMED people..." Sy Rogers
Shimmie, I told my mom the same thing: God is separating the sheep from the goats. I have been appalled at the number of Christians behind this mess.

ktykaty yes, thank you for the reminder that the way out is through. Jesus went through the deepest suffering on the cross but triumphed. We should never fear the cross.
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Shimmie, I told my mom the same thing: God is separating the sheep from the goats. I have been appalled at the number of Christians behind this mess.

ktykaty yes, thank you for the reminder that the way out is through. Jesus went through the deepest suffering on the cross but triumphed. We should never fear the cross.

Lady Belle ...

Please give your Mom a big hug from me. She has truly raised a beautiful daughter with the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. You represent your family and the Body of Christ beyond 'well.' :up: :yep: :love3:


Of course, the gay people in the 38 states where SSM is not legal are now wondering "what about their "rights?" Now, the states will have to fight to prevent this from happening in their states. :nono:

They can 'wonder' while we pray, for our prayers are far greater than their wondering and whatever they set out to do. From this moment on (truthfully from the moment the 's. court' announced their decision) everything they set their hand to shall fail in Jesus' Name. They shall not prosper in the further works of evil. They shall not prosper in defiling the pure meaning of Marriage. It's not theirs to desecrate.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon 'us', because He has anointed 'us' to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent us to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,"--- Luke 4:18
@Nice & Wavy...


I gotta send you hugs too... :yep:

Thanks, you too! :love2:

I really was encouraged by this post.... was reading another thread about "gay rights" and this came to me...
There really is no such a thing as "gay rights". No provision was made for it, since God created man and woman, in His image. So, why argue? [not to be confused with standing up for God's Truth]

God is a God of POSITION. He's always been...when He looked for Adam in the Garden, He asked 'Adam where are you?'. When He told Abram to leave his people, to come out from among them, He was positioning Abram.
We have to also be in a position to hear from God.... He positioned Lot, too, (through Abram) to leave Sodom, and they had to move when God said move. He delayed judgment on Lot and his family so they could leave and instructed them to not look back. Position, whether to move or be still, God is a God of position. Not to sound like I'm rambling but I had to get this thought out, because I read your posts and someone else's and the dots are connected.. I hope others see that, too.

Jesus has already petitioned for us, as Abram did for Lot. We won.
I LOVE this on point! Thank you, you sis! :love3:
The case of the “unpardonable sin/unforgivable sin” or “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is mentioned in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. The term “blasphemy” may be generally defined as “defiant irreverence.” We would apply the term to such sins as cursing God or willfully degrading things relating to Him. It is also attributing some evil to God, this has been done in the OT forum....there are some of them that need Jesus, for real:nono: or denying Him some good that we should attribute to Him. This case of blasphemy, however, is a specific one called “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” in Matthew 12:31. In this passage, the Pharisees, having witnessed irrefutable proof that Jesus was working miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit, claimed instead that He was possessed by the demon Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24). In Mark 3:30, Jesus is very specific about what exactly they did to commit “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”

This blasphemy then has to do with accusing Jesus Christ (in person, on earth) of being demon-possessed. There are other ways to blaspheme the Holy Spirit (such as lying to Him, as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10), but the accusation against Jesus was the blasphemy that was unpardonable. This specific unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today.

The other unpardonable sin today is that of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in unbelief. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The only condition in which someone would have no forgiveness is if he/she is not among the “whoever” that believes in Him. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). To reject the only means of salvation is to condemn oneself to an eternity in hell because to reject the only pardon is, obviously, unpardonable.

Many people fear they have committed some sin that God cannot or will not forgive, and they feel there is no hope for them, no matter what they do. Satan would like nothing better than to keep us laboring under this misconception. The truth is that if a person has this fear, he/she needs only to come before God, confess that sin, repent of it, and accept God’s promise of forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This verse assures us that God is ready to forgive any sin—no matter how heinous—if we come to Him in repentance. If you are suffering under a load of guilt today, God is waiting with His arms open in love and compassion for you to come to Him. He will never disappoint or fail to pardon those who do.

The case of the “unpardonable sin/unforgivable sin” or “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is mentioned in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. The term “blasphemy” may be generally defined as “defiant irreverence.” We would apply the term to such sins as cursing God or willfully degrading things relating to Him. It is also attributing some evil to God, this has been done in the OT forum....there are some of them that need Jesus, for real:nono: or denying Him some good that we should attribute to Him. This case of blasphemy, however, is a specific one called “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” in Matthew 12:31. In this passage, the Pharisees, having witnessed irrefutable proof that Jesus was working miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit, claimed instead that He was possessed by the demon Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24). In Mark 3:30, Jesus is very specific about what exactly they did to commit “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”

This blasphemy then has to do with accusing Jesus Christ (in person, on earth) of being demon-possessed. There are other ways to blaspheme the Holy Spirit (such as lying to Him, as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10), but the accusation against Jesus was the blasphemy that was unpardonable. This specific unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today.

The other unpardonable sin today is that of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in unbelief. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The only condition in which someone would have no forgiveness is if he/she is not among the “whoever” that believes in Him. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). To reject the only means of salvation is to condemn oneself to an eternity in hell because to reject the only pardon is, obviously, unpardonable.

Many people fear they have committed some sin that God cannot or will not forgive, and they feel there is no hope for them, no matter what they do. Satan would like nothing better than to keep us laboring under this misconception. The truth is that if a person has this fear, he/she needs only to come before God, confess that sin, repent of it, and accept God’s promise of forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This verse assures us that God is ready to forgive any sin—no matter how heinous—if we come to Him in repentance. If you are suffering under a load of guilt today, God is waiting with His arms open in love and compassion for you to come to Him. He will never disappoint or fail to pardon those who do.

Thanks sis... this is a heart opening message. :yep:
*Huge Sigh*

I pulled this from the OT post. You will not believe it. Talk about an unpardonable sin. Please pray before you read this. It is totally unbelievable: :nono:

1972 Gay Rights Platform



1. Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.

2. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with retroactive benefits.

3. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in security clearances.

4. Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples.

5. Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.

6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.

7. Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling, maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual's sexual preferences, behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks.

8. Federal funding of aid programs of Gay men's and women's organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.

9. Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers, prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration be immediately expunged.


1. All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9 above should be implemented at the State level where applicable.

2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons; equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws.

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

4. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and other state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one's personal demesne.

5. Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.

6. Repeal of all laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabitate regardless of sex or numbers.

"The greatest single victory of the gay movement over the past decade has been to shift the debate from behavior to identity, thus forcing opponents into a position where they can be seen as attacking the civil rights of homosexual citizens."


I 'veto' this mess in Jesus' Name. Oh yes, I do. The Body of Christ does not have to tolerate this demonic agenda. Ummm NO!

This shall not stand, neither shall it come to fruition, in the name of Jesus!
They will continue to demand more until the fabric of society is completely undone. I bet the foolish people supporting the LGBT agenda have no clue. :nono: Satan is friggin clever...he just need a little diversion to really start some mess while no one is paying attention.
The case of the “unpardonable sin/unforgivable sin” or “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is mentioned in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. The term “blasphemy” may be generally defined as “defiant irreverence.” We would apply the term to such sins as cursing God or willfully degrading things relating to Him. It is also attributing some evil to God, this has been done in the OT forum....there are some of them that need Jesus, for real:nono: or denying Him some good that we should attribute to Him. This case of blasphemy, however, is a specific one called “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” in Matthew 12:31. In this passage, the Pharisees, having witnessed irrefutable proof that Jesus was working miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit, claimed instead that He was possessed by the demon Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24). In Mark 3:30, Jesus is very specific about what exactly they did to commit “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”

This blasphemy then has to do with accusing Jesus Christ (in person, on earth) of being demon-possessed. There are other ways to blaspheme the Holy Spirit (such as lying to Him, as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10), but the accusation against Jesus was the blasphemy that was unpardonable. This specific unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today.

The other unpardonable sin today is that of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in unbelief. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The only condition in which someone would have no forgiveness is if he/she is not among the “whoever” that believes in Him. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). To reject the only means of salvation is to condemn oneself to an eternity in hell because to reject the only pardon is, obviously, unpardonable.

Many people fear they have committed some sin that God cannot or will not forgive, and they feel there is no hope for them, no matter what they do. Satan would like nothing better than to keep us laboring under this misconception. The truth is that if a person has this fear, he/she needs only to come before God, confess that sin, repent of it, and accept God’s promise of forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This verse assures us that God is ready to forgive any sin—no matter how heinous—if we come to Him in repentance. If you are suffering under a load of guilt today, God is waiting with His arms open in love and compassion for you to come to Him. He will never disappoint or fail to pardon those who do.

Good teaching Wavy!
I heard a preacher say that when anyone begins to preach against this sin, charges can be brought against them. Many churches will lose their 5013C status and will have to close their doors because of fines and penalties.

Please say this isn't true.
I heard a preacher say that when anyone begins to preach against this sin, charges can be brought against them. Many churches will lose their 5013C status and will have to close their doors because of fines and penalties.

Please say this isn't true.

Heaven and Earth may pass away, but My Word will Stand Forever...

Good morning Ms. Shimmie, that is the truth.

So it is not against the law to condemn this? If it is let the records show that I ccondemn it. Can we start a petition voicing our opposition
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I heard a preacher say that when anyone begins to preach against this sin, charges can be brought against them. Many churches will lose their 5013C status and will have to close their doors because of fines and penalties.

Please say this isn't true.

If we look to other countries as an example I believe there is no reason to think it won't happen here as well.

In France a mayor is facing up to 5 years or a fine in prison because he has refused to marry a same sex couple... and I've heard of several cases in Sweden. Canada is also well on its way as there are already hefty fines and court fees associated with "hate speech".

I don't like using Wikipedia as a source but this is a good place to start if you'd like to research further.
If we look to other countries as an example I believe there is no reason to think it won't happen here as well.

In France a mayor is facing up to 5 years or a fine in prison because he has refused to marry a same sex couple... and I've heard of several cases in Sweden. Canada is also well on its way as there are already hefty fines and court fees associated with "hate speech".

I don't like using Wikipedia as a source but this is a good place to start if you'd like to research further.

Looks like if we speak out against sin, we will be punished. So be it.

Please don't allow this to put fear in your heart...

If I could only tell you what I know...

Start here in Isaiah 7:1-7

When Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, was king of Judah, King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel marched up to fight against Jerusalem, but they could not overpower it.

2 Now the house of David was told, “Aram has allied itself with[a] Ephraim”; so the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken, as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

3 Then the Lord said to Isaiah, “Go out, you and your son Shear-Jashub, to meet Ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Launderer’s Field. 4 Say to him, ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood—because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah. 5 Aram, Ephraim and Remaliah’s son have plotted your ruin, saying, 6 “Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.” 7 Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“‘It will not take place,
it will not happen,
8 for the head of Aram is Damascus,
and the head of Damascus is only Rezin.
Within sixty-five years
Ephraim will be too shattered to be a people.
9 The head of Ephraim is Samaria,
and the head of Samaria is only Remaliah’s son.
If you do not stand firm in your faith,
you will not stand at all.’”
10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”

12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.”


Do we trust God or not?
I heard a preacher say that when anyone begins to preach against this sin, charges can be brought against them. Many churches will lose their 5013C status and will have to close their doors because of fines and penalties.

Please say this isn't true.

mensa, yes, I believe that is where we are headed. They will not stop until the state forces churches to perform these "marriages." Obama is a charlatan and I don't believe him when he says he won't force any churches to perform these marriages. I said this before and I'll say it again: since some "Christian" churches are performing gay marriage ceremonies, it is only a matter of time before some gay couple decides they should have the "right" to marry in the church of their choice, even if that church does not support gay marriages. After all, SCOTUS says it's legal and deserves all the rights of a heterosexual marriage so if SSM is legal in that state, I can see them trying to enforce it. I pray to God that doesn't happen, but look at what's happening with the HHS mandate/contraception/abortion. I have not studied enough on this, but I do believe that Christians are going to go through another period of martyrdom--literally and/or figuratively.
mensa, yes, I believe that is where we are headed. They will not stop until the state forces churches to perform these "marriages." Obama is a charlatan and I don't believe him when he says he won't force any churches to perform these marriages. I said this before and I'll say it again: since some "Christian" churches are performing gay marriage ceremonies, it is only a matter of time before some gay couple decides they should have the "right" to marry in the church of their choice, even if that church does not support gay marriages. After all, SCOTUS says it's legal and deserves all the rights of a heterosexual marriage so if SSM is legal in that state, I can see them trying to enforce it. I pray to God that doesn't happen, but look at what's happening with the HHS mandate/contraception/abortion. I have not studied enough on this, but I do believe that Christians are going to go through another period of martyrdom--literally and/or figuratively.

Lady Belle... God, at our request, will strike them down before allowing them to 'force' their evil wills' upon us.

The Lord's Prayer:

"Lead us not into temptation... deliver us from evil.


I spoke 'death' to a mouse once. Instantly, it died.

No one messes with our faith.
Good morning Ms. Shimmie, that is the truth.

So it is not against the law to condemn this? If it is let the records show that I ccondemn it. Can we start a petition voicing our opposition

mensa yes my pastor said the same thing. Yes there is legislation in the works for pastor's who preach homosexuality is a sin .. Which it is.. Yes Pastor who speak up and refuse will be jailed.

Also NYC is celebrating "pride week" Le sigh "pride before the fall" God is not playing and His word will not be changed!
Please don't allow this to put fear in your heart...

If I could only tell you what I know...

Start here in Isaiah 7:1-7

When Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, was king of Judah, King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel marched up to fight against Jerusalem, but they could not overpower it.

2 Now the house of David was told, “Aram has allied itself with[a] Ephraim”; so the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken, as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

3 Then the Lord said to Isaiah, “Go out, you and your son Shear-Jashub, to meet Ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Launderer’s Field. 4 Say to him, ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood—because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah. 5 Aram, Ephraim and Remaliah’s son have plotted your ruin, saying, 6 “Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.” 7 Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“‘It will not take place,
it will not happen,
8 for the head of Aram is Damascus,
and the head of Damascus is only Rezin.
Within sixty-five years
Ephraim will be too shattered to be a people.
9 The head of Ephraim is Samaria,
and the head of Samaria is only Remaliah’s son.
If you do not stand firm in your faith,
you will not stand at all.’”
10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”

12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.”


Do we trust God or not?

I wouldn't say that I'm fearful - but Christians have to know what could be imminent. I'm waiting for Christ to snatch us up any day now :drunk:

The wise will be able to discern the times so I am praying and listening for instructions daily.

Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment. Ecc 8:5

Occupying until He comes. :yep:
@Belle du Jour


Remembering The Original Rainbow and G-d's promise not to destroy the earth by a flood ever again. ~~Oh Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in Thee~~
Looks like if we speak out against sin, we will be punished. So be it.
So be it is right!

I don't give a hoot!!!!!

If the Apostles can be arrested and punished for the gospel, then we can too! Greater is He who lives within us than he who is in the world. God is bigger than anything the devil can do to us...we shall not fear, what can man do to us?
mensa yes my pastor said the same thing. Yes there is legislation in the works for pastor's who preach homosexuality is a sin .. Which it is.. Yes Pastor who speak up and refuse will be jailed.

Also NYC is celebrating "pride week" Le sigh "pride before the fall" God is not playing and His word will not be changed!

Yes, they will devise a plan against 'us', but they will not prevail; they will not succeed.

The curse causeless will not come, it will / it MUST return from whence it came...

What did Elisha pray?

I want someone to look it up and come back and post it. And as you post it, BELIEVE IT!

We are NOT going to be subdued by the enemy. God is not going to allow His VESSELS, HIS carriers of HIS Word to be subjected to the opposition.

God contends with those who contend with us.


And I'm not yelling at you; neither am I speaking harshly to you. Just PLEASE Hear what I am trying to get through to you. Please!

We are going to see people of the opposition literally fall before us, those who try to bring harm to our Ministries, let alone our children and loved ones, even our homes.

Stop confessing the doom upon your Ministries. Reverse your words, towards this agenda and what God move on your behalf. Stop inviting the enemy into your Ministry.

Okay... so others have been sued, jailed, countered into a corner. But can you see what it is? God has promised:

"Though a thousand may fall by your side, ten thousand by your right hand, it will not come nigh thee. "

Please, I know what I am talking about. How many times has God asked in His Word, 'What will you have me do?"

No more doom and gloom or dread. Speak into God's heart instead. What would you have God do? Tell Him and give Him the Glory for having His Glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Okay, Group Hugs. I'm not scolding, you. Not anyone here. I promise. I'm simply kicking the devil's lies from out of your midst. :kick:

I love you, still... :yep: Yes I do..

:grouphug2: :love3: :grouphug2:
Yes, they will devise a plan against 'us', but they will not prevail; they will not succeed.

The curse causeless will not come, it will / it MUST return from whence it came...

What did Elisha pray?

I want someone to look it up and come back and post it. And as you post it, BELIEVE IT!

We are NOT going to be subdued by the enemy. God is not going to allow His VESSELS, HIS carriers of HIS Word to be subjected to the opposition.

God contends with those who contend with us.


And I'm not yelling at you; neither am I speaking harshly to you. Just PLEASE Hear what I am trying to get through to you. Please!

We are going to see people of the opposition literally fall before us, those who try to bring harm to our Ministries, let alone our children and loved ones, even our homes.

Stop confessing the doom upon your Ministries. Reverse your words, towards this agenda and what God move on your behalf. Stop inviting the enemy into your Ministry.

Okay... so others have been sued, jailed, countered into a corner. But can you see what it is? God has promised:

"Though a thousand may fall by your side, ten thousand by your right hand, it will not come nigh thee. "

Please, I know what I am talking about. How many times has God asked in His Word, 'What will you have me do?"

No more doom and gloom or dread. Speak into God's heart instead. What would you have God do? Tell Him and give Him the Glory for having His Glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Okay, Group Hugs. I'm not scolding, you. Not anyone here. I promise. I'm simply kicking the devil's lies from out of your midst. :kick:

I love you, still... :yep: Yes I do..

:grouphug2: :love3: :grouphug2:
I am in agreement with your entire post!

Yes, they will devise a plan against 'us', but they will not prevail; they will not succeed.

The curse causeless will not come, it will / it MUST return from whence it came...

What did Elisha pray?

I want someone to look it up and come back and post it. And as you post it, BELIEVE IT!

We are NOT going to be subdued by the enemy. God is not going to allow His VESSELS, HIS carriers of HIS Word to be subjected to the opposition.

God contends with those who contend with us.


And I'm not yelling at you; neither am I speaking harshly to you. Just PLEASE Hear what I am trying to get through to you. Please!

We are going to see people of the opposition literally fall before us, those who try to bring harm to our Ministries, let alone our children and loved ones, even our homes.

Stop confessing the doom upon your Ministries. Reverse your words, towards this agenda and what God move on your behalf. Stop inviting the enemy into your Ministry.

Okay... so others have been sued, jailed, countered into a corner. But can you see what it is? God has promised:

"Though a thousand may fall by your side, ten thousand by your right hand, it will not come nigh thee. "

Please, I know what I am talking about. How many times has God asked in His Word, 'What will you have me do?"

No more doom and gloom or dread. Speak into God's heart instead. What would you have God do? Tell Him and give Him the Glory for having His Glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Okay, Group Hugs. I'm not scolding, you. Not anyone here. I promise. I'm simply kicking the devil's lies from out of your midst. :kick:

I love you, still... :yep: Yes I do..

:grouphug2: :love3: :grouphug2:

Amen! Love you as well!