Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

Lady Belle... God, at our request, will strike them down before allowing them to 'force' their evil wills' upon us.

The Lord's Prayer:

"Lead us not into temptation... deliver us from evil.


I spoke 'death' to a mouse once. Instantly, it died.

No one messes with our faith.

Three judges on 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rule same-sex marriages can resume effective immediately in California.

Hide yo kids cause pedophiles will want what they want next...:nono:
Amen! Love you as well!

love you to, Ms. Shimmie.:yep:

I just caught that. Poor mouse - lol

I'm just trying to keep you all encouraged. Please bear with me. :love3:

sweetvi and momi.... Ya'll laughing bout' dat' mouse but I was serious.... :rofl:

I'm glad it make you laugh. Really I am. :yep:

But check this out, when I found out that the mouse was dead, I sat straight up and said, 'OH!'... :blush: and I put my hand over my mouth, quick, fast and in a hurry. Why so? I realized that my Words carried too much power.
I'm just trying to keep you all encouraged. Please bear with me. :love3:

@sweetvi and @momi.... Ya'll laughing bout' dat' mouse but I was serious.... :rofl:

I'm glad it make you laugh. Really I am. :yep:

But check this out, when I found out that the mouse was dead, I sat straight up and said, 'OH!'... :blush: and I put my hand over my mouth, quick, fast and in a hurry. Why so? I realized that my Words carried too much power.

Shimmie Well in that case....pray for my ehem :look:hubby to appear :grin:
Shimmie Well in that case....pray for my ehem :look:hubby to appear :grin:

That's easy... :yep:

Precious Holy Spirit, with all honour and respect, I bow my heart before you on behalf of my sister in Christ Jesus, sweetvi :love2:

Holy Spirit, please show her husband where and how to find her. I believe that he truly does exist and even more, he's sitting in his home right now and asking, who is his wife to be? He's searching and he is ready. Precious Holy Spirit, you know the way to lead and to guide the both of them into all truth in you and in all truth for them to find and to know beyond any doubt that they belong to one another, brought together by you.

Holy Spirit, remove the vines, the vines which have been entangled along his path and among his dreams and goals. Let him know that his life is not complete without his beautiful Bride to be, Sweetvi. You know the way wherein he should walk and how he should talk, meaning unto you in loving earnest prayer. Seal them with you love and anointed appointment to have and to hold from this moment forward, each other with in their hearts. By your Spirit, their prayers will lead them together and not a moment will be lost in the journey.

Holy Spirit remove and block all counterfeits, allowing only the reserved place in their hearts for one another sealed by you. Remove the 'gutters', the cracks along the path that may cause them to stumble. Let their eyes be fixed, fully established focus upon following you and in turn, they will find one another, face to face, heart to heart, spirit to spirit.

Sweetvi's husband has a void which he is searching for the missing love to make his body whole. She carries the 'rib' which was 'removed' from his body and there is only one perfect fit....Sweetvi's. The days and the hours are secured by you, Holy Spirit. Bring them together, forever, happy and one with you and with one another.

For this we thank you and honour you, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Well dang, I guess the Queen is drinking the water too:

The Queen gives her "royal assent" to SSM. Pardon my laguage but what in the h*ll is going on? Really QEII? Really??? :nono:

It's 'hell' ---- that's exactly what's going on. Pure 'hell', is raising itself against the Word and the Divine Will of God.

But Lady Belle, you know that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the 'Church'. First of all, the Queen is taking a high risk as she's way too old to be making decisions which pull her, the gay community and the lives of young children away from Jesus.

Her 'potential' last breath of command should not have been legalize gay marriage. To be as close as she is to departing from this earth.... Gee whiz :nono:

I pray that she repents and repeals her support. I wish this woman of history no harm, only the salvation of her soul. It's beyond obvious that she did not obtain counsel of the Lord and to follow through with it.:nono:
It's 'hell' ---- that's exactly what's going on. Pure 'hell', is raising itself against the Word and the Divine Will of God.

But Lady Belle, you know that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the 'Church'. First of all, the Queen is taking a high risk as she's way too old to be making decisions which pull her, the gay community and the lives of young children away from Jesus.

Her 'potential' last breath of command should not have been legalize gay marriage. To be as close as she is to departing from this earth.... Gee whiz :nono:

I pray that she repents and repeals her support. I wish this woman of history no harm, only the salvation of her soul. It's beyond obvious that she did not obtain counsel of the Lord and to follow through with it.:nono:

I was always under the impression that the Queen was a very devout lady. Even the Anglican church took a stand against SSM so I'm very surprised by this. :nono: You are right Shimmie, she is too close to the end to be making such a huge mistake. :nono:

Dear Lord, help her to turn back to You and right this wrong before it is too late. As Your word states, there is no repentance in the grave!
I was always under the impression that the Queen was a very devout lady. Even the Anglican church took a stand against SSM so I'm very surprised by this. :nono: You are right Shimmie, she is too close to the end to be making such a huge mistake. :nono:

Dear Lord, help her to turn back to You and right this wrong before it is too late. As Your word states, there is no repentance in the grave!

I agree with your prayers, "Lady Belle' :yep:

This spirit of homosexuality is truly thinking that it rules and reigns. It's soon coming to it's end. 'Mark this'... this spirit is soon coming to its end. The folks who support it, are beginning to turn away. They want no parts of being supportive of it. Their hearts are turning away, both saved and unsaved. :yep:
Bishop Desmond Tutu: "I'd rather go to hell than worship a homophobic God" :nono:

Read more:

.::: I've been trying to figure out how to even respond to such a foolish statement.

I can't think of anything or anyone I'd ever have that level of dedication to.

Check out this comment from one of the readers of the article:

I'd rather go to heaven than worship Desmond Tutu.

- Captain Reynault, Georgia USA, 27/7/2013 12:24

That just about sums it up... Well said. :up: :cup: :up:
Check out this comment from one of the readers of the article:

I'd rather go to heaven than worship Desmond Tutu.

- Captain Reynault, Georgia USA, 27/7/2013 12:24

That just about sums it up... Well said. :up: :cup: :up:

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. Even you Tutu.
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
Proposed Law Would Force Churches to Host Gay Weddings

Posted By toddstarnes On April 23, 2012 @ 5:58 pm In Top Stories

By Todd Starnes

Religious liberty groups are blasting a proposed ordinance that would force churches in Hutchinson, Kan. to rent their facilities for gay weddings and gay parties.

The Hutchinson City Council will consider adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the protected classes in the city’s human relations code. They are expected to vote on the changes next month.

According to the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission, churches that rent out their buildings to the general public would not be allowed to discriminate “against a gay couple who want to rent the building for a party.”

Meryl Dye, a spokesperson for the Human Relations Commission confirmed to Fox News that churches would be subjected to portions of the proposed law.

“They would not be able to discriminate against gay and lesbian or transgender individuals,” Dye said. “That type of protection parallels to what you find in race discrimination. If a church provides lodging or rents a facility they could not discriminate based on race. It’s along that kind of thinking.”

Matthew Staver, chairman of the Liberty Counsel Action, told Fox News the proposed law is “un-American.”

“It is a collision course between religious freedom and the LGBT agenda,” Staver said. “This proposed legislation will ultimately override the religious freedom that is protected under the First Amendment.”

He argued that churches cannot be forced by the government to set aside their religious convictions and their mission. And, he warned, some churches could even be forced to rent their buildings for drag parties.

“What we are ultimately going to see is churches forced to confront this law, forced to do things and allow their facilities to be used by people and for events that diametrically undercut the mission of the church,” he said.

Robert Noland, of the Kansas Family Policy Council, said the law would extend well beyond allowing access for gay weddings.

“They (churches) could not deny renting space to a gay couple if they want to have a party,” he told Fox News. “This is just another example of government creating a law imposing upon the freedom of religion and basically telling churches what they can and can’t do.”

So what could happen to churches in Hutchinson that refuse to accommodate gay parties or weddings?

“Unless the city council includes an exemption for churches, it would generate a discrimination complaint for the gay couple and it would be investigated,” Dye told Fox News. She said any churches found guilty of violating the law could be subjected to fines or other penalties.

Gary Ridge, an associate pastor of Westside Baptist Church, told Fox News their congregation would not comply with the proposed law should it pass. He said their church would refuse to host either gay weddings or parties – even if it meant a possible investigation or fines.

“We apply the Bible to our lives,” he said. “When there is a contradiction between what the city council asks and what the Bible says, we are going to follow the Bible.”

“This is an opportunity for the LGBT community to cram their belief system down on our community,” Ridge said. “It may look like a small step, but it’s not the end. Before you know it they will be able to shut down churches for preaching Romans 1:26-27. We’ll be sued for refusing to have homosexual weddings.”

Ridge said Hutchinson is a conservative city, a part of the Bible Belt – and he blamed the controversy on outsiders.

“This is part of a bigger desire to have their lifestyle condoned and accepted,” he said. “We don’t condone their activity.”

The Hutchinson measure would also have a major impact on private businesses and landlords. Restaurants, bars and retail shops would be required to provide special bathrooms for individuals who may have male body parts but identify as a female.

According to a FAQ sheet provided by the city, employers would also be forced to allow workers to dress based on their gender identity. Read the entire FAQ sheet by clicking here.

“Dress codes would not be precluded as long as an employer allows an employee to appear, groom and dress consistent with the employee’s gender identity and gender expression,” the FAQ stated.

As far as bathrooms, the city FAQ stated, “A transgender person must be allowed to use restrooms appropriate to their gender identity rather than their assigned gender at birth without being harassed or questioned.”

The city’s revised ordinance would also require transgender individuals to use the locker room and shower facilities of their choosing.

Another issue for Hutchinson’s Christian community involves workplace discrimination. The policy dictates that business owners or landlords are not allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

That’s a problem for Michael Brockman, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church.

“I know a couple who owned a bed and breakfast in Kansas City,” he said. “They decided to shut down because they could see that they were going to be forced to make decisions that might have legal effects upon them. They might be sued if they didn’t rent their facility out to a gay couple who might want to use it.”

Staver said it’s unfair that Christian business owners might have to make decisions about their future.

“You shouldn’t have to choose between participating in the marketplace, running a business or operating a church on the one hand and accepting the LGBT agenda on the other,” Staver said. “This is a battle that is coming. This is a culture divide I think we will see play out across the country.”

I KNEW this was coming!!! Pro-SSM people argued (even on this thread) that that would never happen!

I rebuke that in the name of Jesus.

I knew it was coming too... It will just keep becoming more and more degraded. Eventually we will see beastiality and pedophilia laws change in favor of sexual perversion and sexual anarchy as well. This is just the tilting point. There is more to come...

I KNEW this was coming!!! Pro-SSM people argued (even on this thread) that that would never happen!

I rebuke that in the name of Jesus.

It kind of offends me that someone's decision to engage in sodomy is being made legally equivalent with the color of my skin, but moreso it bothers me that they're trying to force acceptance of this onto churches.

Will my local church be forced to rent its hall for a gay wedding or else face fines and "other penalties" (codeword for lawsuits and/or jail)?

I never believed for one second when their apologists proclaimed that it was "just about equality and rights." Where are the rights of religious people? Of their church communities? I have the right to NOT accept or approve of a behavior or lifestyle, I have the right to run my business any way I please, and I have the right to worship and believe as I please, whether I'm at home, church, or in the public square.
I knew it was coming too... It will just keep becoming more and more degraded. Eventually we will see beastiality and pedophilia laws change in favor of sexual perversion and sexual anarchy as well. This is just the tilting point. There is more to come...

Watch, age of consent laws are next.
Proposed Law Would Force Churches to Host Gay Weddings

Posted By toddstarnes On April 23, 2012 @ 5:58 pm In Top Stories

By Todd Starnes

Religious liberty groups are blasting a proposed ordinance that would force churches in Hutchinson, Kan. to rent their facilities for gay weddings and gay parties.

The Hutchinson City Council will consider adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the protected classes in the city’s human relations code. They are expected to vote on the changes next month.

According to the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission, churches that rent out their buildings to the general public would not be allowed to discriminate “against a gay couple who want to rent the building for a party.”

Meryl Dye, a spokesperson for the Human Relations Commission confirmed to Fox News that churches would be subjected to portions of the proposed law.

“They would not be able to discriminate against gay and lesbian or transgender individuals,” Dye said. “That type of protection parallels to what you find in race discrimination. If a church provides lodging or rents a facility they could not discriminate based on race. It’s along that kind of thinking.”

Matthew Staver, chairman of the Liberty Counsel Action, told Fox News the proposed law is “un-American.”

“It is a collision course between religious freedom and the LGBT agenda,” Staver said. “This proposed legislation will ultimately override the religious freedom that is protected under the First Amendment.”

He argued that churches cannot be forced by the government to set aside their religious convictions and their mission. And, he warned, some churches could even be forced to rent their buildings for drag parties.

“What we are ultimately going to see is churches forced to confront this law, forced to do things and allow their facilities to be used by people and for events that diametrically undercut the mission of the church,” he said.

Robert Noland, of the Kansas Family Policy Council, said the law would extend well beyond allowing access for gay weddings.

“They (churches) could not deny renting space to a gay couple if they want to have a party,” he told Fox News. “This is just another example of government creating a law imposing upon the freedom of religion and basically telling churches what they can and can’t do.”

So what could happen to churches in Hutchinson that refuse to accommodate gay parties or weddings?

“Unless the city council includes an exemption for churches, it would generate a discrimination complaint for the gay couple and it would be investigated,” Dye told Fox News. She said any churches found guilty of violating the law could be subjected to fines or other penalties.

Gary Ridge, an associate pastor of Westside Baptist Church, told Fox News their congregation would not comply with the proposed law should it pass. He said their church would refuse to host either gay weddings or parties – even if it meant a possible investigation or fines.

“We apply the Bible to our lives,” he said. “When there is a contradiction between what the city council asks and what the Bible says, we are going to follow the Bible.”

“This is an opportunity for the LGBT community to cram their belief system down on our community,” Ridge said. “It may look like a small step, but it’s not the end. Before you know it they will be able to shut down churches for preaching Romans 1:26-27. We’ll be sued for refusing to have homosexual weddings.”

Ridge said Hutchinson is a conservative city, a part of the Bible Belt – and he blamed the controversy on outsiders.

“This is part of a bigger desire to have their lifestyle condoned and accepted,” he said. “We don’t condone their activity.”

The Hutchinson measure would also have a major impact on private businesses and landlords. Restaurants, bars and retail shops would be required to provide special bathrooms for individuals who may have male body parts but identify as a female.

According to a FAQ sheet provided by the city, employers would also be forced to allow workers to dress based on their gender identity. Read the entire FAQ sheet by clicking here.

“Dress codes would not be precluded as long as an employer allows an employee to appear, groom and dress consistent with the employee’s gender identity and gender expression,” the FAQ stated.

As far as bathrooms, the city FAQ stated, “A transgender person must be allowed to use restrooms appropriate to their gender identity rather than their assigned gender at birth without being harassed or questioned.”

The city’s revised ordinance would also require transgender individuals to use the locker room and shower facilities of their choosing.

Another issue for Hutchinson’s Christian community involves workplace discrimination. The policy dictates that business owners or landlords are not allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

That’s a problem for Michael Brockman, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church.

“I know a couple who owned a bed and breakfast in Kansas City,” he said. “They decided to shut down because they could see that they were going to be forced to make decisions that might have legal effects upon them. They might be sued if they didn’t rent their facility out to a gay couple who might want to use it.”

Staver said it’s unfair that Christian business owners might have to make decisions about their future.

“You shouldn’t have to choose between participating in the marketplace, running a business or operating a church on the one hand and accepting the LGBT agenda on the other,” Staver said. “This is a battle that is coming. This is a culture divide I think we will see play out across the country.”

This is disgusting! I rebuke this foolishness and this evil agenda in the name of Jesus. God is not going to be mocked or have those who follow His word forced to bow down to Baal! I can easily see how sodomites will "just happen" to choose a church for a wedding or how a transgender man will be in the locker room with women. In fact, there was recently a school district case where a 1st grade boy was allowed to live and dress as a girl. His parents said he is transgender and demanded that he be allowed to use the girls bathroom. The school initially refused, but the parents sued. The boy's family won the case. I pray against this now! Heavenly Father, do whatever You must in Your infinite wisdom to stop this evil attempt at oppression and religious persecution, now!