Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

Nope, I read the thread. I wrote about that today in the blog highlighting that Scripture verse: you let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance. I was just congratulating you on your stance and not wavering(or being double-minded--saying one thing but doing another & hearing the Word). You seem to be in tune...

That scripture is a blessing. Thanks for posting it. It confirms what was on my heart. Thanks for post. I'm silly and tired from moving, it's a wonder I can type with few typos.

Thanks again. I have to read your blog when things get settled. :yep:

Freedom of speech is only for those who support SSM. Now, I'm not a fan of Rick Santorum :look: but he was prohibited from giving a speech at a school because of his marriage views. And I'm sure you all know that Dr. Ben Carson will not give the keynote address at Hopkins for expressing his support of traditional marriage. Santurom said: “It’s a sad day when liberal educators are allowed to influence young minds – extending free speech rights only to those who share their liberal views. This has nothing to do with the content of a speech, but rather the context of my convictions.”

My question is: WHEN did it become WRONG to state your personal religious beliefs???

This has been happening for years. In my day, creationism was not allowed to be taught but the Big Bang theory was. It's more of the same.

But you are wrong. Freedom of speech is for everyone. We just have to get out there and stand firm. Saying the same things that they do " we have rights and one of those is the freedom to believe in God..., and then we can bring it on home since we have legal precedent regarding Christianity being a part of the American ancestry...."

And we can believe whatever we want. It's our constitutional right. It's all in the presentation. Present it based on law not emotion.
Yup yup Shimmie... that is powerful Word!

I know right... :yep:

Precious Wavy and Lady Belle...... The Lord keeps showing me how He stood before Pilate, falsely accused. The angry crowds behind Him yelling "crucify Him, crucify Him. Give us (we choose to save the life of ) Barabas, and crucify Him (Jesus) instead.

Jesus just stood there and spoke not a word..........................................

...................................... :look:

Until Pilate threw some shade. (John 19:10-11)

So Pilate asked him, "Aren't you going to speak to me? You realize, don't you, that I have the authority to release you and the authority to crucify you?"

Our Lord Jesus, in ALL Of His Glory and Complete Calm and THE Authority said:

Oooooooooooooo Looik at this---- I know, I know :yep: We all know this, but the Holy Spirit is birthing life into each of us who stand for Him; He's birthing NEW Life into us by His Word...

LOOK! :meme: Look! :meme: Look :meme:

Are you looking? Let this 'feed' your spirit...

Okay! Here goes! Look at Jesus!

Jesus answered,

"You would have no power over me.....

I wanna Errrr' Body to 'hear' this again.... :yep:

"You would have no power over me.....

My Lord... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

"You would have no power over me..... if it were not given to you from above.


Now look at Jesus' 'therefore'....

"Therefore, the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin."

Jesus is saying that 'It..DOES... NOT ... MATTER what they don't like what we have to say. The Truth of God always prevails and there is absolutely nothing and no one who can separate us from the love of God, and His protection. If God be for us, who can be against us? With God on our side, we cannot be denied. The 'Truth' cannot be denied no matter what the agenda of the enemy is.

God promised that not a hair on our head would perish. Therefore none of us will have our hair cut off like Samson's. We will not be separated from God's Blood Covenant over us.

Come on.... We're used to persecution. We've been living it from the very moment we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. That was our 'Boot Camp' training for this. I'm serious. We were in training and we know how to fight and WIN.

Have you really looked at whom we are in battle with? Really? :look:

And YES, I just threw some shade.... :rolleyes:

They can sue and do all they think, however 'Evil shall not triumph over righteousness. God needs those of us who will stand and stand we will.

Belle Du Jour and Nice & Wavy ... I said that I was coming back with something. I have more. You know I do....

Hi Galadriel Hi Blackpearl1993 Hi Laela Rose Hi Iwanthealthyhair67 Hi pebbles Hi momi Hi Sashaa08, Hi donna893

Hi Everybody :wave:

I love you all. I really do.

I'm tired as can be from moving into the new place :thud: But I'm on 'fiyah' for Jesus and I've got a Word for it all regarding this mess with the 'agenda' and whatever else. We don't have time for this. We have the Lord's work to do.

I thought I would just post this because Shimmie & other women pay attention and pray about these issues:

US: Supreme Court ruling on equal marriage cases expected imminently

by Joseph Patrick McCormick
6 June 2013, 3:56pm

The US Supreme Court is expected to rule on two cases surround equal marriage, in the next three weeks, potentially making a groundbreaking ruling for equal marriage in the state of California, and the whole of the US.

The court is to rule on the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8, which bans equal marriage in the state, and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which federally bans equal marriage.

On the first day of hearings in March, the court heard arguments around Proposition 8, the state of California’s ban on equal marriage. Then the justices questioned the meaning of marriage, and challenged arguments for the ban.

On the second day of hearings, several of the Supreme Court Justices raised concerns around DOMA, and some took that as a sign that there may be a narrow majority who will strike it down.

It is expected that the court will either overturn the bans, or it will refuse to rule in the cases, which would mean they would remain intact.

Reports suggest that officials in California had begun to prepare for the resumption of same-sex ceremonies, in case the Supreme Court rules to strike down Proposition 8.

If Proposition 8 is upheld by the court it is expected that supporters of equal marriage will attempt to put a question on the ballot in 2014 or 2016, to restore same-sex marriage.

If the Supreme Court Justices strike down the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, benefits would be available to married same-sex couples in California, and the nine states and Washington DC, which currently allow same-sex marriage. Equal marriage becomes legal in Rhode Island, Delaware and Minnesota, in the summer.

The Supreme Court does not announce its decision date ahead of time, so its ruling could come any time in the next three weeks. Rulings are traditionally made on Mondays, but can also be handed down later in the week.
I thought I would just post this because Shimmie & other women pay attention and pray about these issues:

US: Supreme Court ruling on equal marriage cases expected imminently

by Joseph Patrick McCormick
6 June 2013, 3:56pm

The US Supreme Court is expected to rule on two cases surround equal marriage, in the next three weeks, potentially making a groundbreaking ruling for equal marriage in the state of California, and the whole of the US.

The court is to rule on the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8, which bans equal marriage in the state, and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which federally bans equal marriage.

On the first day of hearings in March, the court heard arguments around Proposition 8, the state of California’s ban on equal marriage. Then the justices questioned the meaning of marriage, and challenged arguments for the ban.

On the second day of hearings, several of the Supreme Court Justices raised concerns around DOMA, and some took that as a sign that there may be a narrow majority who will strike it down.

It is expected that the court will either overturn the bans, or it will refuse to rule in the cases, which would mean they would remain intact.

Reports suggest that officials in California had begun to prepare for the resumption of same-sex ceremonies, in case the Supreme Court rules to strike down Proposition 8.

If Proposition 8 is upheld by the court it is expected that supporters of equal marriage will attempt to put a question on the ballot in 2014 or 2016, to restore same-sex marriage.

If the Supreme Court Justices strike down the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, benefits would be available to married same-sex couples in California, and the nine states and Washington DC, which currently allow same-sex marriage. Equal marriage becomes legal in Rhode Island, Delaware and Minnesota, in the summer.

The Supreme Court does not announce its decision date ahead of time, so its ruling could come any time in the next three weeks. Rulings are traditionally made on Mondays, but can also be handed down later in the week.

Thank you Nice Lady. I appreciate you sharing this update and alerting us to prayer. It really matters.

Thanks so much. God bless you. :Rose:
Despite media sensationalism, I believe more people support traditional marriage than gay marriage. Many are afraid to speak out. If SCOTUS rules in favor if SSM, there will be a loud outcry.
Despite media sensationalism, I believe more people support traditional marriage than gay marriage. Many are afraid to speak out. If SCOTUS rules in favor if SSM, there will be a loud outcry.

Lady Belle, this is so true. The media's strategy is to 'silence' those who do not support the gay agenda.

And when you consider the 'source' of those who speak the loudest and push the hardest to make seem as if gay support is universally undivided, it is beyond any doubt that there are more that be with us, than those that be with them.

Dear Lord, please open their eyes that 'ALL' will see...there's far more who honour you and are 'standing' for you than those who do not.

In Jesus' Name, we thank you Father God for taking your 'win' in this and your glory. Amen.
I can't believe I'm feeling this way but I don't believe in gay marriage and feel it's abomination to God. I also feel that way about divorce and other things. I use to support homosexuals in the sense that you do you and I do me, but God. I don't shame anyone bc I'm no one to judge and never will be. However, I know what is right and wrong and will align with God's plan for marriage and life.
Lady Belle...

The other night the movie "Evan All Mighty" was on. It was a comic take on 'Noah' and the Ark'. Yet, there are hidden messages in this movie which are not comic at all.

This is what I noticed:

The sub-plot of this movie was surrounded by a political scam. A political scheme with ruthless politicians and legislators voting on an issue to their selfish gain.

As the ruthless scabs were about to 'vote' on the issue' (which they thought would win and rule), the 'Ark' came crashing into the assembly room, at the very table where the ruthless 'scabs' were positioned to vote.

They were 'stopped' -- halted -- derailed --- 'Dead Center'. They were not able to vote on the issue.

Lady Belle, I had absolutely no intention of watching this movie. None! I'm still in the process of unpacking from my recent move; and I'm very busy preparing for my family's visit in a few weeks. So I have no time for TV or anything. :drunk:

I had no clue that this movie was scheduled to air. And I'm not going to get all 'deep' and 'ritual' and say that God spoke to Shimmie and said, 'Watch this movie' :lol: No way. :nono:

However, the message was so evident. Because as soon as I saw that the 'Ark' was headed in the direction of the legislators, it was as if God purposely headed in that direction to make a powerful statement...

God is not playing games with this.

He is not playing games.

Check this out:

The recent attempt for the legislators in Illinois to legalize gay marriage went 'null and void'. The vote never went to the 'table'. It didn't matter that the President and Bill Clinton and em' rallying for it and quite heavily. The vote never went to the table.

God is not playing games with this.

God is not playing 'patty cake' with Marriage. He has originated and ordained it between One Man and One Woman. And this is how He intends for it to be.

God may not use an 'Ark' to crash through the gates of those who are voting against Him, but I can see Him stopping hearts. I can literally see God stopping the hearts of those who refuse to listen and have the evil intent of pushing this agenda upon innocent children and upon those who love and serve Him.

This is not a game; it is just that serious and to those who oppose, it doesn't matter. They have a choice and a warning to leave Pure Marriage alone, the way that God intended it to be. All they have to do is hear God's heart and just leave it alone.

I pray that they listen and take heed to God's warning. I wish no harm upon anyone, nor does God. He loves all of His creation. He sent Jesus to prove this.

'For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son... to save us all.

Father open their eyes and hearts that they will see and not choose for this evil vote to be.

In Jesus' Name.
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I can't believe I'm feeling this way but I don't believe in gay marriage and feel it's abomination to God. I also feel that way about divorce and other things. I use to support homosexuals in the sense that you do you and I do me, but God. I don't shame anyone bc I'm no one to judge and never will be. However, I know what is right and wrong and will align with God's plan for marriage and life.

The closer we are to God, the more we want what He wants and not want what He doesn't want.

Your heart is open to His. We can love any person living the gay lifestyle for God loves them too. We just don't 'agree' with it.

And we don't agree with it being discussed with other people's children That is a parent /child discussion between the actual parents and child, not the gay agenda/activists who come into the schools with their foolishness.

I may not like pinto beans, but I hate a person who eats them. I just don't like their farts. :fart: gay marriage is a huge fart which should never be allowed in the air we breathe.

GoddessMaker... I'm sorry. When I'm tired I get silly. :drunk:
I thank you ladies for this thread and keeping us informed.

I shared the information with some prayer intercessors at my church and we have begun to pray for God's intervention to destroy the works of the enemy, and that same sex marriage will become null and void in the name of Jesus.
To All Who Are in Christ Jesus :love3:

Be Encouraged... God Always Wins. No Court can ever overrule the Lord our God whose foundation for Marriage is 'set' and is forever settled in Heaven and here on earth.

It's not the United States who is in trouble, but those within who are supporting this sin. Graceful Difference.

The Word of God has ultimate power no matter who denies or disrespects it. God Word will always rule and it does not return unto God as unproductive.

These Words are still ruling and reigning in the earth and they always will:

:Rose: But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s rib and then closed up the place with flesh.

Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called ‘woman,’

for she was taken out of man.”

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

This will never be 'overruled'... not ever!

Marriage will always be 'One Man, One Woman' ... God's Only Will and Plan.

Any other is an automatic 'Veto' by 'Nature' its self.
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My soul is grieved over the ruling but I'm not surprised. Time to be prayed up. Things will be volatile very soon.
America is t.o.a.s.t.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Expect unprecedented catastrophies to happen here. God will not be mocked. When untold trouble starts here, then they will run to church, quote Bible verses, sing hymns and seek him. But he said today when you hear my voice harden not your heart. It will be too late.:sad:

Some Christians will perish in these horrible tragedys but their souls will be with the Lord. I warned my husband and my kids to be sure to stay with Jesus Christ so that no matter what happens they will be with him.:nono:

These folk will celebrate and rejoice but it will not be for long. Their laughter will turn to wailing and great sorrow. I am not making this up. We cannot willfully continue to sin and think that God will continue to look away, and allow us to live in wickedness.

America is t.o.a.s.t.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am not surprised...the devil has the mind of man in America.

Lift up your heads...hold them high and proclaim the name of tge Lord for those who are not in Jesus Christ will feel God's wrath...but, we will be protected. Amen.
Yesterday at mass, part of the gospel was from Jesus' discourse about the narrow gate. "Wide is the gate that leads to destruction..." This country is walking through the wide gate and from Jesus's own mouth, we know that many will perish. He said the Way is narrow and FEW find it. :nono: I have to turn inward now and focus on what i can do in my own life and in the lives of those around me. More than ever, I want to stay on that narrow path. Be encouraged ladies! You know you are on the right path because the world rejects it. Jesus is coming back for His pure bride. Fight the fight of faith.
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The saints of the Most High God will be covered and protected from the wiles and fiery darts of the wicked in Jesus name.

Psalms 112:6-8 ESV

For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord . His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
I realized something. Yes the sodomite agenda is attack on Judeo-Christian values and a reflection of hatred for Jesus Christ, but it's also an attack on homosexuals. The more they can make them comfortable and give them rights and make them feel justified (while silencing the voice of the Christian) the easier it will be for people to perish, never repenting of this sin. I pray for homosexuals. Some of them do hate the lifestyle and want to get out but everything in the world is seeking to keep them bound in it, forcing them to believe they cant change. The laws will be what they will be at this point. Its the souls we need to pray for, not just the laws.

"We must continue to demand that our political leaders recognize and protect this most natural institution especially in this time of intense bigotry and discrimination toward those who defend marriage in the public square,” said Father Boquet.

“Most Americans know that this debate over marriage will never ultimately be settled by the Court, for at least two reasons,” said Father Boquet. “First, those who are leading the assault on marriage have demonstrated again and again their disdain for laws that defend marriage and for the will of those with whom they disagree. Theirs is a crusade against both faith and reason, and they are no more likely to stop with a court decision than are the defenders of marriage.”

“Second,” he said, “the definition of marriage is not determined by any court or any legislative vote. A just nation recognizes and upholds the true meaning of marriage for the common good of the people and the institutions of the nation.”

"In a miscarriage of justice the US Supreme Court has refused to consider the decision of a single federal court judge to overturn the perfectly legal action of over 7 million California voters who passed Proposition 8 defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman," said Brain Brown, NOM's president. "The Supreme Court's holding that proponents of an initiative had no legal right to appeal ignores California law and rewards corrupt politicians for abandoning their duty to defend traditional marriage laws. It's imperative that Congress continue to preserve the right of states to protect true marriage and refuse to recognize faux marriages performed in other states or countries."

Proposition 8 was passed with over 52% of the vote, capturing the support of over 7 million California voters. Because they opposed the measure and receive political support from homosexual groups and activists, both then-Attorney General (now Governor) Jerry Brown and his successor, Attorney General Kamala Harris, refused to defend Proposition 8. The case was heard by a homosexual judge in San Francisco who himself was engaged in a long-term same-sex relationship. To nobody's surprise, the judge invalidated Proposition 8. This decision was upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in an opinion written by liberal judge Stephen Reinhardt, despite the fact that Reinhardt's wife advised the plaintiff lawyers in this very case. Reinhardt refused to recuse himself from the case.

"There is a stench coming from this case that has now stained the Supreme Court. They've allowed corrupt politicians and judges to betray the voters, rewarding them for their betrayal. It's an illegitimate decision. We and millions of other Americans will refuse to accept this rogue decision rewarding corruption. " Brown said.