Supreme Court to Decide on Same Sex Marriage

In fact, there was recently a school district case where a 1st grade boy was allowed to live and dress as a girl. His parents said he is transgender and demanded that he be allowed to use the girls bathroom. The school initially refused, but the parents sued. The boy's family won the case. I pray against this now! Heavenly Father, do whatever You must in Your infinite wisdom to stop this evil attempt at oppression and religious persecution, now!

Blackpearl1993 yes, I just read about that. Wow, :ohwell:.

I'm seriously looking into traditional Catholic schools and/or homeschooling for my children.
Proposed Law Would Force Churches to Host Gay Weddings

Posted By toddstarnes On April 23, 2012 @ 5:58 pm In Top Stories

By Todd Starnes

Religious liberty groups are blasting a proposed ordinance that would force churches in Hutchinson, Kan. to rent their facilities for gay weddings and gay parties.

The Hutchinson City Council will consider adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the protected classes in the city’s human relations code. They are expected to vote on the changes next month.

According to the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission, churches that rent out their buildings to the general public would not be allowed to discriminate “against a gay couple who want to rent the building for a party.”

Meryl Dye, a spokesperson for the Human Relations Commission confirmed to Fox News that churches would be subjected to portions of the proposed law.

“They would not be able to discriminate against gay and lesbian or transgender individuals,” Dye said. “That type of protection parallels to what you find in race discrimination. If a church provides lodging or rents a facility they could not discriminate based on race. It’s along that kind of thinking.”

Matthew Staver, chairman of the Liberty Counsel Action, told Fox News the proposed law is “un-American.”

“It is a collision course between religious freedom and the LGBT agenda,” Staver said. “This proposed legislation will ultimately override the religious freedom that is protected under the First Amendment.”

He argued that churches cannot be forced by the government to set aside their religious convictions and their mission. And, he warned, some churches could even be forced to rent their buildings for drag parties.

“What we are ultimately going to see is churches forced to confront this law, forced to do things and allow their facilities to be used by people and for events that diametrically undercut the mission of the church,” he said.

Robert Noland, of the Kansas Family Policy Council, said the law would extend well beyond allowing access for gay weddings.

“They (churches) could not deny renting space to a gay couple if they want to have a party,” he told Fox News. “This is just another example of government creating a law imposing upon the freedom of religion and basically telling churches what they can and can’t do.”

So what could happen to churches in Hutchinson that refuse to accommodate gay parties or weddings?

“Unless the city council includes an exemption for churches, it would generate a discrimination complaint for the gay couple and it would be investigated,” Dye told Fox News. She said any churches found guilty of violating the law could be subjected to fines or other penalties.

Gary Ridge, an associate pastor of Westside Baptist Church, told Fox News their congregation would not comply with the proposed law should it pass. He said their church would refuse to host either gay weddings or parties – even if it meant a possible investigation or fines.

“We apply the Bible to our lives,” he said. “When there is a contradiction between what the city council asks and what the Bible says, we are going to follow the Bible.”

“This is an opportunity for the LGBT community to cram their belief system down on our community,” Ridge said. “It may look like a small step, but it’s not the end. Before you know it they will be able to shut down churches for preaching Romans 1:26-27. We’ll be sued for refusing to have homosexual weddings.”

Ridge said Hutchinson is a conservative city, a part of the Bible Belt – and he blamed the controversy on outsiders.

“This is part of a bigger desire to have their lifestyle condoned and accepted,” he said. “We don’t condone their activity.”

The Hutchinson measure would also have a major impact on private businesses and landlords. Restaurants, bars and retail shops would be required to provide special bathrooms for individuals who may have male body parts but identify as a female.

According to a FAQ sheet provided by the city, employers would also be forced to allow workers to dress based on their gender identity. Read the entire FAQ sheet by clicking here.

“Dress codes would not be precluded as long as an employer allows an employee to appear, groom and dress consistent with the employee’s gender identity and gender expression,” the FAQ stated.

As far as bathrooms, the city FAQ stated, “A transgender person must be allowed to use restrooms appropriate to their gender identity rather than their assigned gender at birth without being harassed or questioned.”

The city’s revised ordinance would also require transgender individuals to use the locker room and shower facilities of their choosing.

Another issue for Hutchinson’s Christian community involves workplace discrimination. The policy dictates that business owners or landlords are not allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

That’s a problem for Michael Brockman, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church.

“I know a couple who owned a bed and breakfast in Kansas City,” he said. “They decided to shut down because they could see that they were going to be forced to make decisions that might have legal effects upon them. They might be sued if they didn’t rent their facility out to a gay couple who might want to use it.”

Staver said it’s unfair that Christian business owners might have to make decisions about their future.

“You shouldn’t have to choose between participating in the marketplace, running a business or operating a church on the one hand and accepting the LGBT agenda on the other,” Staver said. “This is a battle that is coming. This is a culture divide I think we will see play out across the country.”

Of course we knew that this was coming. Of course.

But don't they know who they are 'messing with'?

Don't they know what happens whenever the 'enemy' comes into "OUR' territory? Have they not read God's Word?

Lord there is no mercy for them.. None! None whatsoever!

When the Spirit is given to us from heaven,
deserts will become orchards thick as fertile forests.

Honesty and justice will prosper there,
and justice will produce lasting peace and security.

You, the Lord’s people, will live in peace,
calm and secure, even if hailstones flatten forests and cities.

Isaiah 32:15-19 CEV

Does anyone think for one minute that God is going to allow any devil to stop us from obeying GOD!


Please read Isaiah 7:1-7


And then come back and tell me not only what it says, that you believe it!

It is far too late to convince me otherwise. I don't care what the enemy threatens to do. he cannot rule the Children of God!

So to their threats... my response is ... 'So what'! I fear you not! for you are not my God! And thank God that they are not! Who would want to follow such fools in the first place?
7*Thus saith the Lord God, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass. Isaiah 7:7

Thank you, my Love... :love3:

Now, how many times in the Bible have the Children of God been threatened?

How many times have any of 'us' personally been threatened?

This ain't news! I do not care what they plan to do....

God's Word says that it is WE His Children who shall prevail, not the fools of this world who think they can overtake us.

Over and over and over again... God says 'Fear not'...

I Peter 3:8-17

8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:

9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.

10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

11 Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.

12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?

14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;

15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

I promise you I am not being condescending, at least not towards my sisters (and brothers) here nor anywhere in Christ. However I am surely being direct in putting these fools of this world with their senseless agendas, in their place.

To their agenda I have this to say: Do not mess with me... do not! I have come too far in my faith and my obedience in Christ to allow anyone or anything to mess with me. Do you want to know how many tears and struggles I've been through to become one with Christ? The persecutions, the trials, tribulations, let along the 'attacks' upon me and my children.

Do not even think that any of them will try and stop me from living out my life for Christ Jesus. He paid the ultimate price for our faith and for our devotion unto Him. After all I've been through to be saved?

But, Far More... After all that Jesus went through to save me. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our obedience to Him. I am not wasting an ounce of His precious Blood on those who think they can make me sin against my God for honouring Him.

One prayer... all it takes is one prayer and God will wipe them out. He did it for Elijah... It happened to the disobedient children during the reign of Moses when the earth opened wide it's mouth and swallowed them up. I'm not playing games with these folks.

If God be for us... who dare be against us? With God on our side, we can never be denied... His victory.

In the words of my grandson: "Evil Shall Not Triumph Over Good" :yep:

In Jesus' Name, Amen
There's nothing to fear. God's WORD works for evildoers that gets answers to prayers. So, any laws that is going down or threats against the church are rendered null and void. In my blog, as I said and are living proof, evil never triumphs over good especially if you don't play church
Although this is taking place across the pond, this WILL come here:

Wealthy gay dad, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, says he and his civil partner Tony will go to court to force churches to host gay weddings. He told the Essex Chronicle that he will take legal action because “I am still not getting what I want”. A Government Bill legalising gay marriage passed Parliament recently but it included measures to protect churches from being forced to perform same-sex weddings. Mr Drewitt-Barlow said: “The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the church. “It is a shame that we are forced to take Christians into a court to get them to recognise us.” He added: “It upsets me because I want it so much – a big lavish ceremony, the whole works, I just don’t think it is going to happen straight away. “As much as people are saying this is a good thing I am still not getting what I want.”
Although this is taking place across the pond, this WILL come here:

This is a demon speaking through this man. He keeps saying he's not getting what he wants and he's targeting the church which means he is attacking the faith and obedience of the Christians... Nothing but the devil. With all the options out there for having a "wedding" why does he want it so bad in a church building? The militant homosexual is upon us. Literally trying to force this down the throat of a Christian and will not be satisfied until they do. Does anyone notice that everyone has rights but Christians? We are the only ones who they don't want to give free speech to now this? It's official, I hate this place.
Although this is taking place across the pond, this WILL come here:

It's truly kinda stupid because they could form their own "church" and do whatever the HELL they wanted...literally. Like Antiochus throwing the defiling and filthy pig into the Temple...:nono:. He should take his lawsuit and throw it at the mosque and see how far he gets. He'd get some kinda service, alright...a funeral somewhere.


Pray for his soul to go to heaven.
It's truly kinda stupid because they could form their own "church" and do whatever the HELL they wanted...literally. Like Antiochus throwing the defiling and filthy pig into the Temple...:nono:. He should take his lawsuit and throw it at the mosque and see how far he gets. He'd get some kinda service, alright...a funeral somewhere.


Pray for his soul to go to heaven.

He has to repent... turn around and back off and seek God's heart. He has to be willing. So that is my prayer for him. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
It's truly kinda stupid because they could form their own "church" and do whatever the HELL they wanted...literally. Like Antiochus throwing the defiling and filthy pig into the Temple...:nono:. He should take his lawsuit and throw it at the mosque and see how far he gets. He'd get some kinda service, alright...a funeral somewhere.


Pray for his soul to go to heaven.

I WISH they would try that mess in a mosque! :mad: :mad: :mad:
It's truly kinda stupid because they could form their own "church" and do whatever the HELL they wanted...literally. Like Antiochus throwing the defiling and filthy pig into the Temple...:nono:. He should take his lawsuit and throw it at the mosque and see how far he gets. He'd get some kinda service, alright...a funeral somewhere.


Pray for his soul to go to heaven.

:nono: And why does he see it fit to force acceptance of his lifestyle on us? If someone wanting a three-way marriage came to church seeking a wedding, we would equally turn them away because we believe marriage is between one man and one woman.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt culture. It can't abide a religion that proclaims objective or absolute truth.
It's truly kinda stupid because they could form their own "church" and do whatever the HELL they wanted...literally. Like Antiochus throwing the defiling and filthy pig into the Temple...:nono:. He should take his lawsuit and throw it at the mosque and see how far he gets. He'd get some kinda service, alright...a funeral somewhere.


Pray for his soul to go to heaven.

I WISH they would try that mess in a mosque! :mad: :mad: :mad:

:nono: And why does he see it fit to force acceptance of his lifestyle on us? If someone wanting a three-way marriage came to church seeking a wedding, we would equally turn them away because we believe marriage is between one man and one woman.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt culture. It can't abide a religion that proclaims objective or absolute truth.

Sisters... (Galadriel, Belle Du Jour, JaneBond007)

I find it quite interesting how the gay activists will not even approach a Mosque...

I wonder why... :scratchch:

Your thoughts on this?

Or have I missed it, meaning that they have approached a Mosque or other religions to 'force' their lifestyle upon them. I can't see them getting their way with Christians, least there be an uprising that they'll never forget.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Cuz they know they will get cut the heck up trying to force somebody to do something like that. Christians turn the other cheek, remember. :lol:
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Cuz they know they will get cut the heck up trying to force somebody to do something like that. Christians turn the other cheek, remember. :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'd love to see them 'try' it, though. I'd love to see them try and hit a Mosque. Beyond hilarity to see what they'd gat in return. :rofl:
Sisters... (@Galadriel, @Belle Du Jour, @JaneBond007)

I find it quite interesting how the gay activists will not even approach a Mosque...

I wonder why... :scratchch:

Your thoughts on this?

Or have I missed it, meaning that they have approached a Mosque or other religions to 'force' their lifestyle upon them. I can't see them getting their way with Christians, least there be an uprising that they'll never forget.

Shimmie too many Christians have become secularized or lukewarm. It's easy for the "lobbies" to push at us and then cry about hatred/discrimination/intolerance if we stand up. Worse is when they try to destroy you for your views (e.g., Chic-Fil-A, etc.) We shouldn't be afraid to speak up about our beliefs in the public square, the courthouse, and wherever else we need to.
Shimmie too many Christians have become secularized or lukewarm. It's easy for the "lobbies" to push at us and then cry about hatred/discrimination/intolerance if we stand up. Worse is when they try to destroy you for your views (e.g., Chic-Fil-A, etc.) We shouldn't be afraid to speak up about our beliefs in the public square, the courthouse, and wherever else we need to.

Oh my goodness, I didn't put it together like that. It's true Galadriel, far too many Christians have weakened our defense and have made 'us' easy targets. Good explanation. :up: :yep: :up:

"We" have 'traitors' in the camp... all surnamed 'Judas' :nono:
A few years back I had a Muslims friend. She told me how a few middle eastern gay men tried to enter their mosque and they were chased out.

I thought it was hilarious at the time, but they may be in to something.
I opened up my Bible to Ezekiel 36:16-38. I can't quote it all but a few verses that stand out:

22 ...Not for your sake do I act, house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy name, which you desecrated among the nations to which you came.
25 I will sprinkle clean water over you to make you clean; from all your impurities and from all your idols I will cleanse you.
27 I will put my spirit within you so that you walk in my statutes, observe my ordinances and keep them.
36 Then the surrounding nations shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt what was destroyed and replanted what was desolate. I, the Lord, have spoken: I will do it.
I opened up my Bible to Ezekiel 36:16-38. I can't quote it all but a few verses that stand out:

22 ...Not for your sake do I act, house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy name, which you desecrated among the nations to which you came.

25 I will sprinkle clean water over you to make you clean; from all your impurities and from all your idols I will cleanse you.

27 I will put my spirit within you so that you walk in my statutes, observe my ordinances and keep them.

36 Then the surrounding nations shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt what was destroyed and replanted what was desolate. I, the Lord, have spoken: I will do it.

Thank you, Lady Belle... God's Word has spoken :love2:

I will put my spirit within you so that you walk in my statutes, observe my ordinances and keep them

No law on earth can 'stop' us from honouring God...nor force us to give life to their sin...

And it's not for our sake, but for the sake of God's name.

This is where gay marriage has been approved:







Massachusetts — Massachusetts became the first state to fully legalize gay marriage in May of 2004, seven months after the state's supreme court ruled that barring same-sex marriages was a violation of the state's constitution.

New Hampshire

New York

Rhode Island



Washington, D.C. — The District of Columbia isn't a state, although it functions in much the same way, with additional Congressional oversight. The city council passed a bill legalizing gay marriage in December, 2009 and the District started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in March of 2010 after opponents in Congress failed to block the law.

This is disheartening because these people really don't understand the ramifications....


North Carolina


West Virginia



Many of the states that have passed constitutional amendments banning gay marriage also have specific state laws against them. Those laws are redundant when there is a constitutional ban, but often predate the constitutional amendments. On the other hand, several states that allow civil unions (listed above) have constitutional bans on gay marriage. The 25 states listed below do not allow gay marriages or civil unions of any sort.
















North Carolina

North Dakota


South Carolina

South Dakota




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Those states will be the next battle for the Gay Lobby. In PA, the politicians are actively pushing for gay marriage and one county official is issuing marriage licenses although he has no authority to do so :nono:
It's too late for any of us to fear, what man 'may' (threaten) to do unto us.

it's too late....

Jesus said:

See to it, that you're not troubled...

Jesus said:

Occupy til' I come...

Jesus said:

All power both in Heaven and in earth has been given unto 'Me' (Him), now "YOU' ('us') go and you laid hands on the sick, cast out devils, and rule the earth...

Jesus said:

...and nothing shall by any means hurt you...

It's too late to put fear into me or any of us. We've come too far... we've gained too much. We have all of the power and the prayers which shall not be unanswered.

God is in the midst of us and we shall not be moved.

For there are more that be with us than be with them...

It's too late, no one can stop nor hinder us. This earth belongs to us.

Jesus said so.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.