Summer 2004 HYDRO Challenge!

Um, just out of curiosity, why are you only drinking a third of your body weight in ounces of water daily when the body is comprised of ~70% water?...that doesn't make sense. Where did your read that? Will you post that link?
Count me in! I have a 64oz jug I carry around with me in an insulated bag. I make sure to drink the whole thing before the day is over!
The 64oz jug is the easiest way i have found to get enough water in. I bought one from Walmart a couple weeks ago and i drink it all before i ene notice, this has never happened before usually i have to force myself to drink water.
Yeah, I started drinking water everyday some time ago and the results were almost immediate. Within a week my skin felt so moisturized and my hair started breaking off less. But I drink only about 4 cups a day when I know I should be drinking more, about 6. So acount me in.
Count me in. I don't care for water but drinking it through
a straw will help me get the adequate amount needed for me which is 68 oz.
I'm in! I did the last hydrochallenge as well and that really helped me increase my water intake, but I still slack off sometimes. I plan to drink 64-100oz per day, but at least 64oz for sure every single day starting today.
I'm in I just started to drink water it's so hard cuz I usually live on soda and I hate water lol so it might be a little difficult but I can handle it! lol
Count me in! about two months i tried to do it but i couldn't because of the frequent bathroom breaks. It seems like i had to pee every 15 minutes
but this time i promise i won't give up so easily, i'm gonna stick to the plan
gabrielle2 said:
lol..consider me a fish...already drink half of body weight in ounces a day....which is what i have always read...never heard about dividing by 3...

here is an excerpt i copied from a wellness website...

To determine one's ideal daily water intake, experts at the Mayo Clinic suggest dividing body weight in half and using this number as the ounces of water one should consume. Based on this formula, a 125-pound person should consume the recommended eight servings of water each day; however, someone who weighs 175 pounds should strive for eleven servings.

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patience said:
Um, just out of curiosity, why are you only drinking a third of your body weight in ounces of water daily when the body is comprised of ~70% water?...that doesn't make sense. Where did your read that? Will you post that link?

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<font color="blue"> I posted that infomation because I read it in an article I found online. (I tried to find it for quite a while, but I had no luck). Anyhow, I also read that drinking 64 oz. is recommended for everyone, but I noticed that when I did that, I was constantly running to the bathroom
(I tried this consistently for 2 straight weeks). At this time, I tried the article's recommendation for dividing your weight by 3, and that seemed to work better FOR ME. I wasn't running to the bathroom nearly as much &amp; I noticed consistent results. The moral of the story is to drink as much water as YOU would comfortably - at least 32 oz everyday for the challenge
andreamaria said:
gabrielle2 said:
lol..consider me a fish...already drink half of body weight in ounces a day....which is what i have always read...never heard about dividing by 3...

here is an excerpt i copied from a wellness website...

To determine one's ideal daily water intake, experts at the Mayo Clinic suggest dividing body weight in half and using this number as the ounces of water one should consume. Based on this formula, a 125-pound person should consume the recommended eight servings of water each day; however, someone who weighs 175 pounds should strive for eleven servings.

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patience said:
Um, just out of curiosity, why are you only drinking a third of your body weight in ounces of water daily when the body is comprised of ~70% water?...that doesn't make sense. Where did your read that? Will you post that link?

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<font color="blue"> I posted that infomation because I read it in an article I found online. (I tried to find it for quite a while, but I had no luck). Anyhow, I also read that drinking 64 oz. is recommended for everyone, but I noticed that when I did that, I was constantly running to the bathroom
(I tried this consistently for 2 straight weeks). At this time, I tried the article's recommendation for dividing your weight by 3, and that seemed to work better FOR ME. I wasn't running to the bathroom nearly as much &amp; I noticed consistent results. The moral of the story is to drink as much water as YOU would comfortably - at least 32 oz everyday for the challenge

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I really wish that you could fine that article. You body was flushing out toxins, that's why you were running to the bathroom so much. Your body was also rehydrating itself. If you don't drink much water and/or feel "thristy" you are already dehydrated. But hey, it's your system, do what works for you.
I knew someone was going to start this. I failed miserably last year. Humph. I'm in. Guess I'll go and buy a box of Depends undergarmets.

Hydro challengers I advise that you start drinking first thing in the morning and have an absolute cut off time about 3 hours before you normally go to bed. For me I have to stop drinking around 7pm or else I'll be up running to the bathroom all night and I NEED my beauty sleep.
Hydrator calculator

i found this on is a great way to find out how many ounces of water we need daily....whether exercising or not. (even if i put in 0 mins of working gives me half of my body weight)

i read a while back..(trying to find the link) the reason there is frequent urination when you increase your water intake is because the body is releasing the stored water. the water that has been stored in the joints and other areas of the body. once the body realizes that you will be giving it adequate amounts of water a stops storing water and therefore the trips to the rest room subsides...(IT REALLY DOES...i down 100 ounces to a gallon of water a day) basically, the water you are releasing is NOT the water you just dranked...but the water that has been sitting around in your body in storage because your body didnt know when was the next time you were going to provide it with more for its daily functions.


IF YOU ALL ARE GOING TO DO A CHALLENGE, THEN DAGGONE IT, DO IT RIGHT OR LEAVE IT ALONE!!!! You have the link for the calculator, PLEASE calculate the CORRECT amount of water that you SHOULD be drinking for this challenge!