Sulfur Mix/Oil Mix 2015 Challenge

Just oiled with Njoy oil.

I have GOT to get a different scent next time. This citrus smell is gross!

:lol: I've never tried that scent. I have tried Mint Chocolate and the floral scent. Neither one is great, but I like the mint chocolate the best. When I first used it in 2013 it had just come out and it was only in original.
:lol: I've never tried that scent. I have tried Mint Chocolate and the floral scent. Neither one is great, but I like the mint chocolate the best. When I first used it in 2013 it had just come out and it was only in original.

Good to know. I'll try that one next time.
Massaging almond scented Green Magic in 5 days out of seven. Last night husband said, "your hair smells sweet ". I turn my head and get whiffs of almond instead of sulfur.
Oiled last night with njoy & baggied overnight.
Haven't done that in AGES.
my derma roller just got here. i read that if you apply your oils after rolling it helps with absorption. I'm using this on my edges in hopes that they will grow back.

I bought it from eBay. It's Dr adorable brand. I could smell it before I opened tha packaging. I started with a few drops, mixed it up, and just kept adding more until it smelled good to me.

This has made a huge difference, because I was so fed up with the smell ...:barf:
Oiled my scalp earlier today. I don't have my oil right now as I am out of town. But I will grab some MN from Walmart or something so I don't stop my growth aids.