Sulfur Mix/oil Mix 2016 Challenge

I've been massaging my own home made hairdrenalin oil potion on my scalp for 5 minutes each time. It's extremely moisturizing so I think I need to give it a rest tonight and resume using it tomorrow. I mean my hair feels very very soft and I'm concerned about getting mushy hair from it.
I'm getting tired of applying sulfur oil. I may stop in a couple months especially since I'll be working out and eating clean. The oil makes my scalp itch :(
Been using some growth concoction on my scalp for two weeks, verdict still out. I'm going to stick with this for 4 months then decide to chuck or keep. I've realised i jump between growth aids too quickly!

It has :

Bay Rum
I thought sulfur-based were your ride or die...
I've been using sulfur oil since late last year. Before that I used mn. I'm really just tired of oil based growth aides. It's so hard getting my hair clean every week. I have to lather 2-3 times and sometimes my hair still feels oily.
I've been using sulfur oil since late last year. Before that I used mn. I'm really just tired of oil based growth aides. It's so hard getting my hair clean every week. I have to lather 2-3 times and sometimes my hair still feels oily.

I can imagine long as you don't have a setback then it's cool :-)
I just reread the ingredients of my shampoo and it's sulfate free. No wonder my hair still feels oily/heavy after each wash. I need to do my first lather with a clarifying shampoo.
I made a light sulfur based oil with MN and quite a bit of oils, including essential oils used for hair growth to alternate with my hairdrenalin potion just to see how well this mix will go for about 6 weeks or so.
I have been mia for months now. Just been going through the most. I had to have hip surgery (that was what was wrong with my leg and why I had been in pain for so long), grandma has been in and out of the hospital. Just a lot of things to deal with. My hair seems to have taken a stand still I think. I haven't done anything different, still washing, cowashing, dcing and keeping it in a protective style. It's grown a lot however I'm not retaining and idk why. Anyway just wanted to try and catch up with everyone.
I'm glad you are ok. We missed you girl! @HairPleezeGrow
Hey hun, yes I'm okay just trying to recover best I can. I've so missed everybody. My hair is actually in some faux locs I did (took me three days to do smh) :hair: but I finished them on my own. I struggle with doing things like this to my own hair. I can do others but the most I could do to my hair is twistouts, wash n go and braid down for my wigs lol. I can make a wig like no other but when it comes to individual braids or anything like that on my own hair I struggle. But this time I took my time and they aren't perfect by no means but I did it which I'm proud of. I'll upload a pic later. I've also been doing more with my makeup skills. Just perfecting that not everyday but maybe two times a week or once a week I'll beat my face. I was good before but I think I've gotten pretty darn great. Anyway I won't take up your time just blessed to be back. Oh and I'll be applying my njoy oil to my scalp while its in the locs...easy peasy
I'm still applying my sulfur oil, but less frequently. My newest batch has coconut oil, castor oil, sulfur and orange oil. Smells yummy.
Still using my homemade mix. I love the tingly feeling I get in my scalp when I use it, although sometimes I get annoyed because this is way more new growth than I'm used to dealing with.
I haven't used sulfur oil since I did a bkt a couple weeks ago. I'm trying to make it last and I'm not sure how the oil will react with my roots.
Still using my homemade mix. I love the tingly feeling I get in my scalp when I use it, although sometimes I get annoyed because this is way more new growth than I'm used to dealing with.
@sarumoki what's in ur homemade mix and which scalp massager do u use?
Eta. Wish I had that
I use one of those regular $1 scalp massagers that they sell all over eBay.

My mix is made of miconazole nitrate, sulfur, lanolin, vitamin e oil, castor oil, cayenne pepper, tea tree oil, and cinnamon, and then I added a fragrance oil to mask the smell of the sulfur. It's called coco mango scent, I got it from the bss.
Anyone still herre? I guess it's too late but I was interested in joining this challenge anyhow. May I join lol, just got my Njoy mix today. If not, I can wait it out till next year.
I am interested in this challenge as well. I have 6 bottles of Xcel 21 and 2 bottles of JBCO as well as sulfur from a few yrs ago. I would like to corn roll weekly and use the Xcel 1 x per day and the sulfur/JBCO a few times per week. I will wash DC and rebraid 1 x per week.
I slacked off greatly this year as my focus was on using other products. I made a mix I really like but have not con mites myself to using it, since this lath is almost done I will see what happens in December. I'll be using my mix several times weekly and hopefully I will get amazing results