Sulfur Mix/Oil Mix 2015 Challenge

I feel like I'm cheating on yall because Im using my MN too but mama's gotta get to MBL! My hair is so thick with growth, its ridiculous!
Are you ladies really seeing 1.5-2 inches of growth per month using NJoy's Growth Oil? Have any of you purchased the other NJoy products: Pre-poo & Moisture Seal, Purifying Scalp and Hair Detox, or Long & Healthy Essentials?

I have not but yes the purifying scalp detox is wonderful.
Still oiling daily. Tried adding MN to my oils yesterday and had a weird (slightly numb) sensation. Not sure if I will try it again...
I'm awaiting my Annabelle's Perfect Blends Hurry Up and Grow Infused Oil with Sulfur to arrive. I was going to begin the inversion method yesterday, but the DON'TS are to not do it while on your menstrual. So, instead I opted to massage my scalp 4 minutes.
Last night oiled and baggied w/NJoy oil.

I also ordered some LG Green Magic and some fragrance oils to see if I can doctor it up ala Pennefeather. I think I will add some to my NJoy oil as well.
Do any of you long-time sulfur users ever take a break from it?

I was thinking that I'd probably use the Njoy oil for 3 months or so. Take a 1 month break and then start back up again. During that month off I'd use another growth aid.

Do any of you long-time sulfur users ever take a break from it?

I was thinking that I'd probably use the Njoy oil for 3 months or so. Take a 1 month break and then start back up again. During that month off I'd use another growth aid.


spacetygrss I do take breaks. Otherwise it seems my scalp gets used to it.
I'm not sure why I didn't join this sooner as I'm already doing this challenge. I want in please and thank you!

Post a starting pic
Tell us your starting length

Tell us your goal length MBL
State if your natural or relaxed or anything in between Natural 3b/3c
Tell us what you are going to do to maintain all the length you gain poo/dc/good ole sulfur 8 (used it til it's gone) and ghe.
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Just oiled with Njoy oil.

I had to cut the top of the spout some because I've gotten to the part with a ton of not-so-dissoved powders. Interesting.
@spacetygrss chile that is the sulfur! you are supposed to shake it vigorously with every use. :lol:

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF

I DID shake it vigorously with every use. Hence, the reason that it's so strange to me. :spinning: My husband saw me shaking the bottle one night and thought that I was insane I was shaking it so hard.

It's interesting because I've definitely gotten a growth spurt from the oil, even without all of the sulfur coming out over the past month. :yep:
^^^Hmm, must have been a little left over sulfur then. :lol: about DH looking at you shaking that bottle for dear life. My DH always looks at me like :look: too, especially when I apply MN.