Sulfur Mix/Oil Mix 2015 Challenge

I need to start oiling my scalp. Hopefully, by this Saturday I can not only buy myself more hair care products :yep: (scalp massager, scalp oils, and some Sukesh Ayurveda from :lick: Not to mention finish my Christmas shopping online. I wanna be done!
Regularly oiling and massaging scalp. My current favorite is JBCO with peppermint and eucalyptus essentials oils. Delightful tingles.
I will be back…

ETA: I'm back!

My hair is natural and currently shoulder length (layers).

My goal length is MBL.

I'm using my own sulfur concoction to oil my scalp.

I will cowash as needed, full wash every two weeks with Ayurvedic powders, protein/dc with henna every two weeks, and oil scalp approximately 3x per week.

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