Straighten hair the natural way!

coconut milk and reg milk doesn't permanently straiten the hair. If it works, it will last until u wash your hair.
My hair is very fine strand and I really cannot afford to be detangling through a bra strap length (all one length) head of hair and expect to have no breakage. Because the coconut milk is so rich in natural
fats and acids and such an excellent detangler and because lime is a great detangler, it is well worth it for me. It is an excellent scalp toner. Citric acid is in the majority of the hair products that you buy. As for the smell, I love the smell of lime but you can add an essential to it that you like but the combo is not a leave in but a treatment. A lot of Island ladies use this to manage their hair when it is long. But if your hair is shoulder length or less detangling may not be an issue for you. I also find that the henna treatments take better. One of the best parts, I do not have dry crispy ends but they stay very healthy looking and do not require as much work or styling. Hope this helps.
O I forgot to add, I now have rarely any hair tangling when I comb through, no comb basically just glides through after I do the tip to root comb out. Bonjour
Girl I read EVERY single post and you are so dang informative, i need your phone number lol

i really believe (cause i read all the details of how you broke everything down) that it really does have benifits, i dont doubt it one bit!! I think others got carried away, with the lime and the treatment itself. I think the lime in small amounts as you stated wouldnt really have a negative effect. when I posted on this thread, i was more just joking around , and in shock I actually read every single post.

But on the serious note...i can see how this would be benificial, I dont know about going crazy with it or using it like an actual relaxer, or expectin those results, but i could see how it could/would be and why so many reported softening , not sure about texture change, but i guess with extra softening anything is possible, i was joking about smelling sour too, cause i would know how to avoid that of course. I think the coconut cream (still not sure about using the lime) sounds like a great treatment....and thats the serious answer i have to this post all jokes aside now...

that thread was crazy to read through though lol
Mahalialee4 said:
O I forgot to add, I now have rarely any hair tangling when I comb through, no comb basically just glides through after I do the tip to root comb out. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
O I forgot to add, I now have rarely any hair tangling when I comb through, no comb basically just glides through after I do the tip to root comb out. Bonjour
Ms Maha, I just want to say that you are the BOMB!!! You have soo much knowledge. I just tried the milk treatment and IT WORKS!! I just tried it earlier today and i had to log on to tell everyone before i get to bed. well i put my little spin on it, i used like 1cup of whole milk and 1/8cup of honey. i washed then used the milk mixture for 40mins, then i washed out, did the milk trtmnt again with a little bit of mizani moisturefuse and sat up under the domedryer for 20mins.... my roots were curly and i did not have to detangle them i just combed thru them. last week when i ran out of john frieda relax serum my roots were matted and i was trying search for a solution so i wont have to relax for another few weeks. i am 4a/b and i am like 7weeks post! The milk treatment REALLY made it easy to comb thru, my hair is still wet so i can't say if it's going to stay soft or not.
I will also say that the milk treatment did nothing for my relaxed hair. it only straightened/detangled the newgrowth. i will definitely continue to use anytme i am 4weeks post or got alot of newgrowth.
Well i'm off to bed, i just wanted to share my experience with everyone. EVERYONE PLEASE TRY THE MILK TREATMENT.....IT WORKS! ok i'll stop rambling on....g'nite. :sleep:
and so now this thread is swinging back around to the statement.....

Got milk?

lol, im gonna try this, or with the coconut cream or both

Mizani_Mrs said:
Ms Maha, I just want to say that you are the BOMB!!! You have soo much knowledge. I just tried the milk treatment and IT WORKS!! I just tried it earlier today and i had to log on to tell everyone before i get to bed. well i put my little spin on it, i used like 1cup of whole milk and 1/8cup of honey. i washed then used the milk mixture for 40mins, then i washed out, did the milk trtmnt again with a little bit of mizani moisturefuse and sat up under the domedryer for 20mins.... my roots were curly and i did not have to detangle them i just combed thru them. last week when i ran out of john frieda relax serum my roots were matted and i was trying search for a solution so i wont have to relax for another few weeks. i am 4a/b and i am like 7weeks post! The milk treatment REALLY made it easy to comb thru, my hair is still wet so i can't say if it's going to stay soft or not.
I will also say that the milk treatment did nothing for my relaxed hair. it only straightened/detangled the newgrowth. i will definitely continue to use anytme i am 4weeks post or got alot of newgrowth.
Well i'm off to bed, i just wanted to share my experience with everyone. EVERYONE PLEASE TRY THE MILK TREATMENT.....IT WORKS! ok i'll stop rambling on....g'nite. :sleep:
i am amazed. this is so great since i reallly need a natural product to help soften thick hair. i really need to clarify my hair though and was wondering if this would work if i used a clarifying shampoo then did the milk treatment.
It just softened my hair when I did it, but I'm doing ACV apple cider vinegar rinses on freshly shampoo and conditioned hair and that gives me the same manageability and more curl definition less of a mess to put on. HTH
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Lotus said:
Used it for the 2nd time yesterday afternoon. For me, it's a keeper!

Did it straighten or just make the hair manegalbe? If it did, did you loose a lot of the curl pattern a bad texturizer? or Did it come out like a good one, with curl definition lost?
I'm new to the board... not very familiar with hair types and texturizers vs texlax (sp?)- but for me... it softened and loosened the curl.

The back of my hair usually drys w/o curl definition. The front is normally kinda wavy. After the coco-milk/lime mixture, the back has curl definition the front-right deeper waves, but the left is almost straight :confused: . My hair looks a hot mess, because of the different textures. But hey, I can comb it without breakage .... so I'm happy.
I did it last night using Whole organic milk and organic limes. My hair is really soft today because I followed up with deep conditioning, and Mane and Tail. I was so doubtful that coconut milk could work I just used the whole milk. But tomorrow, I use the recipe properly w/coconut and lime.

I am 8 weeks past relaxer and need to stretch it to 12. I 've been increasing my vitamins and using Surge and MTG, so lately I've only been able to make it to 8. So, naturally this thread was a blessing. Once I do my second treatment, I'll follow up with ya'll on my progress. the way, thank you ladies so much for bumping this. I may not ever have found it! And big ups to the FABULOUS, Ms. M for all her recipes. I am indebted.
Irresistible said:
I cant believe I actually just read every single post in this thread....guess I was intrigued. First i was about to get the can of coconut milk out of my cupboard and pour it on my head, i was skeptical about the lime right away , too scared of any dryness, then as i read i was gonna skip the coconut milk and go get coconut cream, kept reading on, then somewhere in there i was eyeing the salad dressing in my fridge, then as i read i was like ahh fahget about it, im just gonna pour the whole milk in my fridge over my head. oh and I was a clicking fool on all the links, didnt even get to read them all, now my head is spinning, and after all that, the freakin jury is still out on what to do about the milk, after all that reading lol, I feel like i just been on the ride of my life, through evaporated milk, yogurt , heavy cream etc etc, whew wore me out. This was a very interesting , informative thread!!! but whew what a loooog read!!

guess it cant hurt to try it though, just dont want to end up smelling "sour" lol

I feel the same way...exact same roller head is spinning..I actually took out pen and paper halfway through to start taking notes....I am still at work 42 minutes after I was supposed to leave reading this thread! I have no idea whether or not I am going to try it because it seems those with the 3's have better success...but we will see....

Ms. are on point and a true inspiration!!
I have yet to try it on my hair, but I've put it on my sister and my niece and both of them had good results. My sister is probably a 4a and my niece is probably 4a/4b. Both had more manageability, looser curl and faster drying times. I plan on using it on my hair in the near future. We used Thai coconut milk and organic limes from Whole Foods. I juiced the limes myself and we let it sit overnight.

It's natural--it can't be worse than the chemicals in a relaxer. I currently use Phyto and get good results so hopefully this will be as nice. I'll use it next week whenI'm 7 weeks post relaxer.
I remember seeing this thread when I first joined LHCF, but I was still relaxed back then. I think I might try this out. Not sure if I'm going to try the whole milk or the coconut milk with lime :scratchch
Innnnnntteresting. I'mma have to subcribe to this thread and read it later when I have more time..... I know I got a couple of cans of coconut milk in the pantry though....and we usually always keep limes (and tequila to go with the limes) in the house....

Okay - I've finally got around to reading the entire thread and I must say - verrrry interesting!! I definitely think that I will try this - maybe I'll do this Friday night, and then do a henna Saturday morning, then do my twists on Sunday. Good Lord - talk about a weekend of hair.

I'm going to go with the 'orginal' recipe - a cup of coconut milk and the juice of 1/2 a lime and see how it turns out - if it ends up well, I might add some honey the next time.
I'm not looking to have straight hair, but if it untangles my hair and makes it easier to comb through and softer - I'm SOOO on it. Heck, it might even get rid of my fairy knots - which would have me in fits of joy.

:) This is gonna be FUN!!
nappywomyn said:
Okay - I've finally got around to reading the entire thread and I must say - verrrry interesting!! I definitely think that I will try this - maybe I'll do this Friday night, and then do a henna Saturday morning, then do my twists on Sunday. Good Lord - talk about a weekend of hair.

I'm going to go with the 'orginal' recipe - a cup of coconut milk and the juice of 1/2 a lime and see how it turns out - if it ends up well, I might add some honey the next time.
I'm not looking to have straight hair, but if it untangles my hair and makes it easier to comb through and softer - I'm SOOO on it. Heck, it might even get rid of my fairy knots - which would have me in fits of joy.

:) This is gonna be FUN!!

I'll be watching this thread for your results :sekret: