Stealing Men: Have You Ever?.....

Have you ever stolen a man?

  • Yes. And darn proud of it!

    Votes: 10 12.8%
  • No. Im no homewrecker.

    Votes: 42 53.8%
  • Maybe?.....

    Votes: 26 33.3%

  • Total voters
The bolded is exactly what was going on with my ex and I. My husband basically stole me from him. We played the whole "friend" game for a while but when he told me he loved me I KNEW it was only a matter of time that I told my ex to get the fuq on.

The day the ex finally moved out, his moving van was packed by about noon, the leasing office changed my locks around 2pm, my Dad and I grabbed a quick lunch about 4pm, I dropped my Dad off at the airport to fly back home around 6pm (he'd flown in solely to oversee the breakup/move out process), had a scheduled date with my now husband at 8pm and we've been inseparable since.

Boy...I tell you! It's easy to steal a good woman from a no good! Wish nukkas would realize this when they think our loyalty is eternal and unconditional. I was on the first thing smoking....didn't help that he was a pro athlete and my ex was a struggling ex college arena baller chasing a dream. I'm not with the guy that took me but he served his purpose in my life & showed my how a woman is truly supposed to be treated.

And your Daddy sounds like so precious & protective! :2inlove:
I just remembered this...i didnt knowingly steal him but a guy my friend was casually dating took an interest in me. He approached me on a "come on a group outing" tip and i gave him my number because we were "supposed" to be all getting group tix to a football game. Shoot, no sooner than he had my number did he call me and profess his feelings of wanting to date exclusively. Claimed he had been watching me for over a year, not mentioning that he was going out occasionally with my friend. Well, i told my friend, who was dating several other guys in addition to him, and she went nutty. Called him all kinds of nasty mfers and blocked him on everything. I went out with him a couple of times and could easily see him proposing...he was that ready. But I wasnt sure about the turmoil it would cause amongst our friend crew and fell back. He still calls, texts, buys me little gifts and invites me to do couple things. He just invited me to go on a cruise to from NY to Bermuda in Feb. 2017.
My friend in HS betrayed me by telling my dad things were not true. As payback I dated her crush. He did not know she was even alive. I am not sure if that is stealing. Wait, this is petty! Yes! I should be in the petty thread! :lachen:
I did this! Well, the girl in question called me stupid at a lunch table and we had basically been friends, but I kinda thought she was a dork and she....hell, she apparently thought I was stupid. And she had been confiding in me about this crush she had on this guy...who had a crush on me....she had been saying he was "in the process" of asking her out. Well, he had been in the process of telling people I would be his future ex-wife (yes. Gross) and asking me out, passing notes in 7th period, while ignoring her in the halls. This was all awkward to me until she tried to embarrass me at the lunch table. I accepted :look: he was cute! He was. He was my second kiss. Bent me backwards (like a dip. Like when you're dancing) in the hallway and kissed me before holiday break.

Yeah, this is more petty than anything. Lol I don't have any adult experience with this, no.
Thats an advantage. Im always a threatening female ftiend even when im not. This is why ive never invested as much as I would have liked in my male friends.:(

I tend to keep men at an arm's length as a result, especially if they are married or in a relationship. It's gotten better as I've gotten older, because I aim to be friends with the SO or wife first if I know the man professionally.
I was a very different person when I was younger. If I wanted something (someone), I would simply have it with no effort. I didn't have to ever steal anyone. They always wanted me too. A couple of times a guy who already had a girl would express interest and if I didn't want him, I would call her up and ask her to keep her man in check. I used to be a little crazy.
Most men I've been involved with have had a girlfriend at the time when we met, which I didn't know at the time. They were usually at the end of a relationship and then started a new one with me. Not really stealing from my side.

Some women do that too, they don't like to be alone so they always make sure they have a new one before they leave the old one lol. My sister is like that.
Some women do that too, they don't like to be alone so they always make sure they have a new one before they leave the old one lol. My sister is like that.

I was like that, lol. I met my husband while I was looking to replace my ex. A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.

I met my husband while my ex was at his frat's conclave. I was at my wits end of waiting for the ex to propose, so I moved the hell on.
My childhood friend had a man who she loved dearly. She was in love with him since elementary school. Eventually they began dating seriously. When they were in their early 20s he left her for another woman. My friend always looked at the woman as she stole him from her. She hated this woman with a passion. They knew each other as aquaintances. Eventully he married the woman. Bought a big beautiful home and they began their life. Low and behold the troubles started and he started checking for my friend again. Her logic was "well she stole him from me, so I am going to be the side chick and ruin their marriage with the hopes of getting my man back. She spent the next 17 years being a side chick and was caught up in all the drama. She is overweight, sick, miserable throughout this whole time. This mans marriage finally fell apart and the woman decided to divorce him. Because he was at a vulnerable point in his life, he clung to my friend giving her hopes that they would be together when this was over. I saw this train wreck a mile away (of course I'm outside the forest) Last week she found out that the divorce was final one month prior. He told her in a nasty way and said he wanted to move on and wanted her to do the same. She is damnnear suicidal because "I wasted the best years of my life on this n*gga and he tries to play me like this"
I had no words for her. NONE. I've been giving her my words of advice for practically the entire relationship. If she had only moved on and not gotten caught up in this taking my man back shyt...
Wow! How did you stay friends with her? I would've distanced myself from her and told her how wrong she was.
So- according to the author of Solving Single and MDLWLY - women should steal other women's men (no married ones though). In Solving Single, he describes in detail how a woman should go about the stealing, what to avoid, and how to abort mission. He describes the "worse that could happen" as a younger woman stealing him from you later on- but by then, you should be a Spartan and not care, just move on to the next.

What say you ladies - especially those of you who are reading MDLWLY? I haven't read MDLWLY so I don't know if he addresses it in there.
Not the best example. I'm not saying it's because of her mistress ways because it's not up to me to make that call, but she looks like a druggie and he looks miserable. Additionally her health issues and Shiloh. She's the poster child of what not to do. She, LeAnn rimes and that chic from Beverly Hills 90210.

I feel like people's marriage is something not to play with.
:bump: In light of new developments. Chile.....
Nah you are just feeling guilty about your actions because society says it's wrong.
So therefore this is the energy you bring to yourself. Maybe a form of self punishment.
None of that stuff matters. Know better, do better.

Might I use the example of our Man stealing Queen, Angelina Jolie; she snatched Brad Pitt up and never looked back.
Was arrogant about it too. Acted like it was her man and proceeded to have 10 babies with him and a very successful career.
Where is her Karma? It's all in the energy and belief in self.
Let the past lay in the past.



Bumpin' cause well, we know how its played out now lol
Bumpin' cause well, we know how its played out now lol
Karma may take her time but she seems to always strike when she is ready.

Lol- I know some folks don't believe in Karma on here- so I will say this.
Most people don't change without some major event which causes them to dig deep. And if someone doesn't change, it is only a matter of time before they revert back to old behaviors and ways of thinking.

I like Angelina but I hated that she was the other woman. I hope she can find it in herself to apologize to Jennifer. But even if she doesn't, I am sure she is digging deep to make sense of this. And that may just be enough.
I agree men leave because they want to, regardless if someone decided to play option to them. My friend couldn't understand why this man's wife was upset with her. I guess woman think as women we know how each other feel. A woman who has been married before, is somehow expected not to engage a married man due to her being a wife at one time. That's how I look at relationships. I always put myself in the woman's shoes. I know I don't want to be cheated on, so I'm not helping a man cheat on his woman.

Many may say I don't owe the woman anything but it speaks to my character and that I owe myself everything. My friend lives by the not owing he woman anything or not being the one to take vows. I always tell her what ever makes her feel less wrong, tell it to herself. It really does take two, two being her plus the man already in a relationship. It really is an ego thing to her, but I tell her my ego is just fine, don't need another woman's man to boost it!