SPINOFF: Where do you wash your hair?

SPINOFF: Where do you wash your hair?

  • I always wash my hair in the shower.

    Votes: 373 71.9%
  • I always wash my hair in the sink.

    Votes: 60 11.6%
  • It depends on what I'm doing to my hair. (Please Explain.)

    Votes: 86 16.6%

  • Total voters
I wash when relaxing and coloring in the kitchen sink as I do not want that stuff running all over me. If it's just a regular shampoo or conditioner wash I will hop in the shower. I might stop doing this though because when I was rinsing today I noticed it's now long enough to hang into the garbage disposal. Yuck!
I've been washing my hair in the sink all my life. Especially with it being earlength right now I really don't have a problem with it. When I was natural I cowashed in the shower. I have sensitive skin so I can't wash my hair in the shower. I may start doing bending over the tub though....never considered that before.
I always wash/rinse relaxer, ect. while bending over the bathtub. This is where the most water pressure is for me. The only time I do my hair in the shower is when I am rinsing conditioner out after I do a dc.
I wash in the shower...the ONLY exception was when I did my relaxer...I leaned over the bath tub and rinsed because I didn't want to get the chemicals on my skin and the tub pressure is waaaay better than my kitchen sink.

Same here. If I am doing rinses/relaxers then I would lean over the tub. I feel the same way about the ends just sitting in the sink in a pool of water/touch the drain. Plus I just get water everywhere trying to be sure I rinsed well enough. One more thing, I have way more tangles in the sink-- in the shower I have very little to none.
I wash my hair at the gym. Less problems for my own drain at home. Plus with the EVOO, DCing and all that, it's better I use a public shower. :grin:
I wash, rinse, condition, relaxer, color, and just about EVERYTHING water-related to my hair.....while bent over the bathroom tub. My shower head is removeable/adjustable. I just bring it on down to where I am comfortably bent. I am considering a salon chair of sorts to put at the side of the tub so I can still use the removeable shower head and lean backwards to wash, instead of forwards. But until something like that is invented for home-use, I am very happy to bend over my tub....I use enought towels for padding the floor and the tub area....and I can baby my hair right before my very eyes. I don't get any tangles. My hair stays in one direction for the entire service. :yep:

And I ALWAYS, ALWAYS use a drain catcher!!! I keeps me from using DRAINO all the time....and it lets me monitor breakage and/or shedding.....which I am please to say is quite insignificant for me right now!!!
I can't do showers because I have this weirdness about hair getting on my body that doesn't belong there. Its a long story.:rolleyes: I usually bend over on the side of the tub and wash it like that. I just have to figure out a way to keep it from going down the drain.:drunk: I don't do the kitchen sink because that's just nasty.:nono:
I wash my hair in the shower 90% of the time. But if I deep condition my hair and I've already taken a shower before, then I will wash at the bathtub faucet.
Newbie here. I voted kitchen sink, although sometimes I bend over the bathtub. I hate jumping in and out of the shower and where I live the water is hard and it breaks me out with bacne (don't know if this is from the hard water or shampoo & conditioners, or both).

Anyway, I have a deep sink and tall faucet w/ hose plus I always disinfect my kitchen sink, the counters, everything really well before washing, and of course I use the drain catcher. If I'm being lazy and don't load the dishwasher, I"ll wash in the bathtub.
If I am doing a full detangling session, then I prefer the shower as I like to use the force of the water to aid in my detangling. I like to use the sink too, but I have to bend backwards...I can't lean over the sink (forward) that creates too many problems.
I wash my hair under the tub spout, but I always rinse the conditioner out in the shower and detangle while in the shower. I do this so I dont have to be in and out of the shower because of conditioning.
I've been washing my hair in the sink all my life. Especially with it being earlength right now I really don't have a problem with it. When I was natural I cowashed in the shower. I have sensitive skin so I can't wash my hair in the shower. I may start doing bending over the tub though....never considered that before.

I've tried the shower when Pooing or DCing, washed again and just let water run over body and two days later skin was itchy...I can get away with cheapie conditioner because it's mosly water anyway :grin:.

However, the kitchen sink when rinsing out Henna/Indigo...indigo stained the tub and had a hard time cleaning out.

Tub for everything else. Great water pressure and attachment.

Plus when I do go to the salon, by hair hangs in the water in the sink there, so I figure it's all same.
It depends. Kitchen sink for rinsing a relaxer or henna (with the shampoo hose and mesh drain cover). Shower for regular shampoos or conditioner washes.

When I was a teenager I always washed my hair in the sink because we only had a tub not a shower. But now I use the shower. If the sink had better pressure I would probably use that.
I wash my hair in the shower. I always wash & rinse in a downward motion which causes less breakage and little to no tangling. That's just much easier to do in the shower.
In the shower or bent over the tub with my shower head extension. I can't get my big ol' head in nobody's sink.:lachen:
I wash in both the shower and the sink. I only wash my hair in the shower in the mornings for a wash n go, so most of the time I am in the sink because it is easy for me and my hair does not tangle when I wash it so this is no problem. I hate jumping in and out of the shower. I am too lazy for that.:grin::grin::lachen::lachen:
my mother has gone in on me countless times for hair in the drain when i wash in the shower. We both wash in the basement sink. Although i do consider it a luxury when i sneak in a shower wash here and there
When my hair was short and I needed to rewet it real quick I'd stick my head under the sink. But other than that I always wash in the shower.