SPINOFF: Where do you wash your hair?

SPINOFF: Where do you wash your hair?

  • I always wash my hair in the shower.

    Votes: 373 71.9%
  • I always wash my hair in the sink.

    Votes: 60 11.6%
  • It depends on what I'm doing to my hair. (Please Explain.)

    Votes: 86 16.6%

  • Total voters
Legend said:
Whichever is most convenient, really. I have excellent water pressure in both the shower and sink (I use my sprayer). But sometimes I don’t feel like roaming around in a bathrobe for an hour while I deep condition then jump back in the shower, especially when I wash my hair after work. Sometimes, I’ll even shampoo my hair in the shower, then rinse the conditioner out in the kitchen sink later! :look:

Same here.
Depends on what I'm doing and the laziness factor. CO washes and first conditioning I do in the shower. Color and DC I do in the sink. If I'm tired and don't want to take a nighly shower, I use the sink.
I only wash my hair in the shower. The last time I tried to wash it in the sink (years ago) my hair kept going down the drain, my neck got sore, and I had the worst tangles.
With so many people washing in the shower I"m wondering what yall do when you do dt's or protein treatments.....hop in shampoo and rinse, get out dt and sit under the dryer, hop back in??? That's too much hopping for me. I'm not trying to be funny, I really am clueless. I wash my hair in the sink most times and I do so much going back and forth I couldn't imagine doing all that in the shower. Recently I have decided to rinse in the shower (as in rinse out my final conditioner) because it's easier on tangles, but I do all the other stuff in the sink.
Shower. I only hop in and out once. Detangle, wash, get out. Apply conditioner. Let it sit, and then get back in to rinse.
Pokahontas said:
With so many people washing in the shower I"m wondering what yall do when you do dt's or protein treatments.....hop in shampoo and rinse, get out dt and sit under the dryer, hop back in??? That's too much hopping for me. I'm not trying to be funny, I really am clueless. I wash my hair in the sink most times and I do so much going back and forth I couldn't imagine doing all that in the shower. Recently I have decided to rinse in the shower (as in rinse out my final conditioner) because it's easier on tangles, but I do all the other stuff in the sink.

Yeah, I wash in the shower as well...... too many tangles if i have to turn my head upside down in the sink.

In terms of protein treatments.... yeah, it is kind of annoying, all the hopping back and forth. But I do it, because like i said, too many tangles otherwise. I kind of just minimize the work by remaining naked and dripping wet the entire time. :lol: Wash hair.... turn off shower, put in Aphogee in tub.... step out onto shower rug (that is covered by towell), stand up and apply blow dryer w/funnel to length of hair (because i dont have a hooded drier)..... after hair has hardened, hop back in shower and rinse out, condition with Aphogee moisturizing conditioner for a few minutes, then put in my own conditioner concoction. Step out of shower (put on robe this time), put on plastic cap, chill for about 20 minutes doing housework, get back in shower, rinse out hair, moisturize and bun. It's a hassle, and a lot of hopping in and out of shower, but still better than washing in the sink! :p

*I really need to invest in a good hooded drier.*
I would prefer to wash my hair in the sink like I have always done. I just moved into a new apartment and the kitchen sink doesn't have the spout that extends and I don't want to buy the attachment so I wash in the shower now. It is taking me some time to get used to it. I might just bite the bullet and buy the attachment.
KiniKakes said:
Yeah, I wash in the shower as well...... too many tangles if i have to turn my head upside down in the sink.

In terms of protein treatments.... yeah, it is kind of annoying, all the hopping back and forth. But I do it, because like i said, too many tangles otherwise. I kind of just minimize the work by remaining naked and dripping wet the entire time. :lol: Wash hair.... turn off shower, put in Aphogee in tub.... step out onto shower rug (that is covered by towell), stand up and apply blow dryer w/funnel to length of hair (because i dont have a hooded drier)..... after hair has hardened, hop back in shower and rinse out, condition with Aphogee moisturizing conditioner for a few minutes, then put in my own conditioner concoction. Step out of shower (put on robe this time), put on plastic cap, chill for about 20 minutes doing housework, get back in shower, rinse out hair, moisturize and bun. It's a hassle, and a lot of hopping in and out of shower, but still better than washing in the sink! :p

*I really need to invest in a good hooded drier.*

Ok, I see....it is a lot of hopping. I was just wondering if everybody did it this way cuz I know for me once I hop out I ain't gettin back in:lachen: . It's weird because I can get my hair cleaner in the sink or at least it feels like I can. I like to really scrub and it takes a while so I'd rather the shower water not be running that whole time. I think i'll keep doing like I did last time and just rinse out my conditioner in the shower and do everything else in the sink. This seemed to work out very well.

It's funny cuz me and my mom had a debate about tangles. She was wondering why her hair never tangles at the salon and I was telling her it was because of their sinks....you don't have to flip your hair forward like at home so the hair is easier to detangle. At the salon because they do most of the detangling under the water pressure with the hair going straight back and un-disturbed. She gave me that look like, yeah uhh huhh....riiiiight.
chayil0427 said:
When I do my own relaxers I wash them in the shower to assure I have enough water pressure....I just make sure I get the neutralizing poo on my shoulder and back to make sure there's not chemical residue left.
Me too..I just lean my head back a little..I really find this is the best way to get out all of the relaxer and because I'm in the shower I really don't worry about any getting on my skin because I'm also bath myself immediately after.
HoneyDew said:
ALWAYS in the shower. It would be a tangled mess otherwise.


For deep conditioners/protein, to avoid getting in and out the shower, I might initially wash my hair upside down over the bath then apply the treatment. The final rinse will always be done standing up though.
I wash my hair in the shower. I live in a dorm, and we don't have kitchen sinks. But I have seen some girls washing their hair in the face bowl...

When I'm at home and I'm doing a DC, I might wash in the sink and do my final rinse in the shower, but I don't do that often.

I voted shower because that's what I do 99.999% of the time. I'm forever hopping in and out.
I voted whatever!! Sometimes I wash and condition in the shower. But if I deep condition, I will not hop back in the shower. I hate rewetting myself. So, I rinse in the sink.

Next time I think I will shampoo in the sink and rinse in the shower so it will only be one time getting wet.
Whichever is most convenient, really. I have excellent water pressure in both the shower and sink (I use my sprayer). But sometimes I don’t feel like roaming around in a bathrobe for an hour while I deep condition then jump back in the shower, especially when I wash my hair after work. Sometimes, I’ll even shampoo my hair in the shower, then rinse the conditioner out in the kitchen sink later! :look:

This is me ALL THE WAY :grin:! If I'm doing my special treatments, I don't like to get in and out of the shower all the time, esp. now that it's getting colder, and I'm trying to do cold rinses. For ex. I may do a pre-poo treatment, shampoo in the shower, bathe, and then get out to section hair for the conditioner. At this point, I prefer to put on clothes, and then rinse my hair in the sink. NOTE: My sink also has a SPRAYER so it's like being in the shower. The water does not collect in the sink, but goes down the drain.
I have no choice but to sink it.. I really don't have much time when it comes to showering, so if i want to wash it at all, im sinking it....
Shower girl, here. Tried the whole sink thing and didn't like it at all.
I wash my hair in the tub (bending over the tub that is). I used to wash it in the shower, but I can't stand getting hair all over me and down in my butt crack:grin::grin: Not to mention that icky feeling of that conditioner on my body when I rinse it out of my hair. Bending over the tub is so much easier for me (I've gotten used to it) and I don't worry about the tangles. My hair hardly ever gets tangled during a wash anymore.
I am an SHOWER GIRL all the way!....I always have the time to jump in and out the shower.....I love the convience of applying the products to my hair when it is all back like that...to me its easier and a thousand % less tangled!!!!....also I always wash my hair at night so I have the time to do the whole jumping in and out of the shower thing....beauti sometimes is alot of doing things u may not always want to do....but since I seen the benefits I will always make the time! :yep:

4a Relaxed/Fine/Color Treated
Currently: APL ( reached 8/07)
2nd Goal: BSL ( 3/08) Healthier Ends
Ult. Goal: WL ( ummm aint no tellin long as I get there..lol)
I wash my hair in the shower. Up until a few months ago, I had been washing my relaxer out bent over the tub though, because this was the easiest way for me to neutralize and do everything without it touching my skin. But I no longer relax my own hair, so that has stopped.
I lean over the bathtub now. I used to wash my hair in the shower years ago but my skin would itch like crazy from the shampoo and conditioner. It didn't matter which kind I used so that's one reason I I had to stop that. That and I had to keep getting out and getting back in the shower. Got on my nerves. Now just my hair gets wet and I'm done in no time.
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I don't see how yall are washing your hair in the shower. I'm surprised that more people arent washing in the sink. I refuse to wash, and get BACK in the shower 8 more times for all the conditioning and pre-poos and etc.

I don't want all those chemicals and what nots sliding down my skin and i dont want to find shed hair in the crack of my a$$ everytime i get out. I hate having to wash shampoo and conditioner off the shower walls and curtain. Plus i'm wasting more water and my skin is getting wrinkled.

With the sink, i can do as many wash-outs as i want and not have to change clothes, get naked, re-wash, etc. Even when my hair was shoulder-lenghthed, i didn't have any issues with detangling.

Either way, sink or shower, it still needs to be combed and detangled to me.
i wash in the shower. as a girl my mother would only let me do it in the sink ( :ohwell:) and i still don't know why. i always wanted to be 'normal' and wash it in the shower like everyone else! the second i moved out i headed straight for the shower!
Whichever is most convenient, really. I have excellent water pressure in both the shower and sink (I use my sprayer). But sometimes I don’t feel like roaming around in a bathrobe for an hour while I deep condition then jump back in the shower, especially when I wash my hair after work. Sometimes, I’ll even shampoo my hair in the shower, then rinse the conditioner out in the kitchen sink later! :look:
that's what i was thinking. i didn't know that washing one's hair in the sink was so frowned upon. it's my hair that i am washing. besdies i don't want to have to get naked everytime that i want to wash or cond. my hair.:look:
It depends. Kitchen sink for rinsing a relaxer or henna (with the shampoo hose and mesh drain cover). Shower for regular shampoos or conditioner washes.

Same. If I'm texlaxing and coloring, I'll rinse in the kitchen sink because I don't want the relaxer on my skin and honestly it's just too much of a hassle for me to jump in and out of the shower 3-4 times just to rinse my hair, it's not that serious not to mention I feel like I'm wasting water by doing that. This is the only time I'll wash in the kitchen sink. Any other time, to avoid tangles and such I'll wash/cowash in the shower.
I have a seperate shower that I do all my washing in. People make fun of me because I have my "hair" shower but whatever...its mine...lol!!! My hair would tangle like something mad if I tried it in the sink.