Where do you wash your hair?

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Re: How do you wash your hair?

I use the sink so I can concentrate on my hair and ends better.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I'm late on this but I just wanted to add my two little cents and give a BIG thank you.

I washed my hair for years and I mean like 10 years over the sink/tub. I have always had really bad tangles and sectioned my hair to alleviate some of the tangles. But doing that over the sink/tub took a long time (even though at the time I didn't think it was too long). Well because of discussions/recommendations on this board I decided to do my first shower wash a couple of weeks ago. Well ... I am completely hooked on washing my hair in the shower. I love it. It is so fast and easy and my tangles have been cut down (I have alot of tangles because of several different textures due to relaxers not being left on long enough, etc.) It makes conditioner washing so much easier and I don't mind doing it everyday now. I always wondered why my hair never got tangled after it was washed when I used to go to salons ... even when I had 6 months worth of new growth. So the lightbulb finally went on in my head that that the reason why was because the hair was going in it's natural direction.

Well I want to say thank you to all of those who spoke about washing in the shower. I always thought it would be so much more work for some weird reason. After I work out in the mornings I just wash my hair moisturize and go.

I'm experimenting for a month to see how much growth I get by washing and conditioning everyday. I am using a shampoo that is safe to use daily and a moisturizing conditioner with some protein in it. I just want to see how much of a difference I get. I will probably switch back to doing mostly conditioner washes after this month's experiment is up but my hair is really loving the daily shampoo and conditioner though.

Anyway, thank you all again.
i usually do it in the shower, but a couple of times this month i did it leaving over the tub. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, and i was able to (yes, me) deep condition...
SHower is a breath of fresh air!!

After Im done washing I take a shower...If your washing your hair in the shower make sure u wash the shampoo and conditioner off your back otherwise you'll have breakouts..

ne quick question about washing. I am not sure if i should use my clarifyer now or what but i was wondering how you can tell when u have buildup? I use: S-curl moisturizer spray(grey and blue), Motions hair lotion, and Sulpher 8 and now im using Lottabody setting lotion to hold the curls in my hair for my bantu knot out style. Now would this consist of buildup? I use it everyday and my hair at times has a bit of dryness during the day and i feel to put some moisture on it but not too much cause i dont want the curls to loose. Could that itself be a sign? Or how bout i just spray in some water and olive oil to loosen and moisten it
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I use the sink so I can concentrate on my hair and ends better.

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Me too Karonica. Once in a while I'll wash it in the shower, but I seem to get breakouts on my back when I do that.

Another reason I use the sink is because I usually do a protein treatment and leave it in for at least 15 or 20 mins. and then a deep condition w/heating cap. Using the sink is just easier when I'm going thru all those steps.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash & condition my hair in the shower and I lean over the bathtub when I am getting a touchup (Don't want perm creeping into places it shouldn't be
Re: How do you wash your hair?

For me it just depends. My hair seems to get cleaner when I wash it over the sink though. Every two weeks I usually wash it over the sink and the other times I wash it in the shower.

Re: How do you wash your hair?

I wash in the sink, in the shower, over the tub and sometimes in the yard with the hose after I bathe the dog. I love washing my hair now.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

In the dorm bathroom we have shampoo bowl, a tub, and the shower. In the time that I have been here I have used the shampoo bowl and the shower in order to wash my hair. I like using the shower simply because it is convenient and it makes detangling easier.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

In the shower (daily rinses) for ease. I sleep in conditioner under a shower cap and just rinse it out. Then I wash my body. Then I give my hair one last rinse so it will be wet enough to apply my products and have them look right.

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This is pretty much what I do. If I have to do more (pre-shampoo, shampoo, protein conditioner, moisturizing conditioner, then I'll do the first steps in the sink and my final rinse in the shower.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

Auntybe, always good to hear from you. Too funny girl, in the yard.

Hey, I use the shower initally, then when I rinse the conditioner out I use the sink - that way it isn't as tangled.
I wash my hair on the shower.. at my gym. Then I put a conditioner (sometimes I go to the sauna but due to my forthcoming wedding, I don't have time now) on my hair and drive home. No one can see that my hair is messy.

When I am at home (15 to 20 minutes later), I wash out the conditioner. HTH Sherrynella
When my mom used to wash my hair I would lie down in the tub underneath the faucet, when I got older I would stand over the sink or lie down on the countertop with my head underneath the faucet. Now that I wash my own hair I do so in the SHOWER!!
I love to wash in the shower, but it takes so much time, because at school all we have is showers to use and I have to wash, conditioner, and either oil treatment / deep conditioner/ or reconstructor to do, and it takes so much time I am in the shower so long

AND its either that or take a shower everytime I have to rinse something out
I have always washed my hair in the shower. I could never wash it in a sink. Although when I leave conditioner in my hair overnight I wash my hair out over the tube.
When my mom used to wash my hair I would lie down in the tub underneath the faucet, when I got older I would stand over the sink or lie down on the countertop with my head underneath the faucet. Now that I wash my own hair I do so in the SHOWER!!

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Me too!
Whenever I wash my hair in the sink, it gets too tangly.
Re: How do you wash your hair?

Since I take a shower everyday, it's almost routine for me to wash my hair, it's like they go hand-in-hand. I like to wash my hair then put on daily conditioner, a plastic cap and then wash my body. (For deep protein conditioning, this is modified a little). After the body wash, I rinse out the conditioner and I'm good to go. I have a fogless mirror in the shower so I can comb out my hair. This works very, very well for me.