(silly ? but) Do u wash your hair in the shower or sink?

If I'm washing my hair in the sink, I put 3 plaits in my head and wash that way so there won't be any tangles. I sometimes wash in the sink and then dc. The dc gets rinsed out while I'm in the shower.

I also was in the shower sometimes as well and wash in plaits. So I can minimize tangles.
I haven't washed my hair in the sink for 3 or more years..since finding LHCF. Because of the tangles, but i'm going to start using some of these posters techniques (plats) for convenience. Sink washing is tough on my natural hair when it's down.
sinkk for rinsing 'color' BUT shower for everything else ( I apply my DC/allow it to marinate prior to getting in the shower)
when I was relaxed I washed in the shower mostly (to avoind tangles)

no that Im natural I wash in the sink mostly - have graduated from the bathroom to kitchen sink since my hair cuddnt fit in the bathroom sink anymore LOL

I guess I may soon have to get back in the shower when my hair gets too big for the kitchen sink
Sink. I may shampoo in the shower but I finish everything else (DC, reconstructor, ACV rinse etc.) in the sink.

Oh and I don't know about this kitchen sink business, I use those big sinks in the washroom used for handwashing clothing.
If I am doing a wash n go, I like the shower. Most times I end up using the sink since I rarely do wash n go. Sometimes, if I'm about to do a final rinse and I planned to take a shower (I like to DC while I workout) then I will do the shower. Our hot water doesn't last very long so our showers have to be fairly quick if I don't want to freeze in there .
I do both but mostly I put my head under the tub or kitchen sink. I wash in braids so there are no tangles. I'm pretty heavy handed with my conditioning products, so sometimes rinsing in the shower leaves a layer of product on my back.
Not sure what's so unusual about using a sink. Some people have options.

I have a double sink in my laundry room that I use to rinse color and other messy treatments. it's a lot deeper/wider than a kitchen sink. Keeps my shower area cleaner. I store my hair products in laundry room cabinets, so it's convenient.
Either or. Whichever is more convenient at the time. This is not a silly question.
Cowash in the shower and shampoo in the sink. I can't imagine me shampooing in the shower. I like to massage my scalp for a while and I would just be wasting water lol
I use my shower attachment and sit/kneel down outside of the tub. I don't like washing in the shower as the products tend to break out the skin on my back.

I wash/cowash in the shower, but I do used my shower wand in the same manner for a quick rinse/cowash.
How do sink washers avoid tangles? I see majority have said they tangle.

I use to wash in the sink pre-LHCF but my hair tangled too much. I really wish I didn't have to jump in and out of the shower. I don't have a shower attachment.

I wash my hair in the sink; wash my hair in sections(twists).
I only use the sink for washing out relaxers, I would never try to do that in the shower although I know some women do. Once the relaxer's out I wash out the DC in the shower to allow my hair to naturally fall downward and detangle under the water pressure.

For co-wash and shampoo washes I use the shower exclusively, and don't mind jumping in and out since I don't DC with every wash.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I wash 2x a week so my hair is rarely "dirty" but omg I couldn't imagine washing letting sebum, dirt, product be rinsed onto my sensitive skin NO UH HU HONEY NO NO.

I use my shower attachment and sit/kneel down outside of the tub. I don't like washing in the shower as the products tend to break out the skin on my back.
I do both but lately I've been sink washing. I have color in my hair that needs to be washed in cold water and that is much easier to do in the sink. Cold showers suck! Also I'm washing my hair more as I'm trying to make my Brazilian blowout fade quicker and sink washing is easier after a long day of work.
Shower washer here. When I wash my hair in the sink, my hair tangles a lot more.
When I wash my hair in the shower, keeping my hair going in one direction = much less tangles than when I have to flip it upside and wash in the sink.

Hopping in and out of the shower when I deep condition is annoying, but I'll take annoyance over tangles.

Also, my hair is long enough now that sometimes it washes right down into the drain, which completely grosses me out!
I do both but mostly I put my head under the tub or kitchen sink. I wash in braids so there are no tangles. I'm pretty heavy handed with my conditioning products, so sometimes rinsing in the shower leaves a layer of product on my back.

I wash my hair in the sink. My hair is always braided and detangled prior to washing. It stays detangled during the wash process, so there is no tangling of the hair.