Spinoff: Naturals, Would You Relax Your Hair For $1M??

Would you relax your hair for $1M?

  • Heck yes, it's just hair! Gimme the money!

    Votes: 291 92.4%
  • No, I love my natural hair too much to do that.

    Votes: 13 4.1%
  • Other (explain in thread)

    Votes: 11 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Girl with a mil you can just buy you a new scalp...and have some change left :lachen:

Okaaayyyy...I'd fly to Indian first class and get a village Indian woman to sell me her scalp for $1,000 (and you know that's like a good $50,000 or more in Rupees). I'd hook myself up with that fly Remy **** :smirk::gorgeous: .
:lol: I was wondering that too about shaving the relaxer off afterwards, but I guess if its a moral thing, that can make it different...
Like selling your body I guess?
(That's the closest I can understand)
Nobody would have to know, but I would still be like :nono: and pass.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Then you could just shave the relaxer off....

Yes, but we're talking about $1,000,000,000.00 here. You can then go and shave your head afterwards if you hate the relaxer sooo much lol. I just can't believe that you're serious unless there's a health issue like allergy to relaxer :look:. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the mind set of those who said no, you're either extremely wealthy or you're kidding... right :look:?
please believe i aint no where near wealthy lmao. i could do a ton with a million just like everyone else. but im not gonna relax my hair. in order for me to shave my head after the relaxer, would mean that i first relaxed my hair lmao. and that aint gonna happen, not even hypothetically :lol:

if at any point it starts being just hair for me, then we can talk. because then id relax it, dye it, frying, take it off and throw it to the side.:lachen: but it aint just hair to me.

and for me it would feel a little bit like selling my self. like i love my natural hair, nurture my natural hair, take pride in my natural hair for a ton of different reasons except when you put a price on it.
and im not saying thats what yall are doing im just saying thats one of the reasons i couldnt do it. i just wouldnt feel right.
Yes I would, because I still feel like I could properly care for freshly relaxed hair (with all the knowledge here) and begin long-term transitioning from the start.
It's just hair, so I feel like with the $$ I'll be able to benefit from it for years. I'm not a big spender (a little too practical) so I could make a list of all the ways that cash could help!!
So those of you who would choose not to perm (not including those with serious scalp conditions) would choose your hair principles over possibly helping someone with that money? So if your parents were losing their home to foreclosure, someone in your neighborhood got burned out of their home and you had the opportunity to help, you would choose not to because your natural hair is more important than that? That is scary and some of you really need to examine what is important in life.
So those of you who would choose not to perm (not including those with serious scalp conditions) would choose your hair principles over possibly helping someone with that money? So if your parents were losing their home to foreclosure, someone in your neighborhood got burned out of their home and you had the opportunity to help, you would choose not to because your natural hair is more important than that? That is scary and some of you really need to examine what is important in life.

Now why do you have to go and make a light-hearted, goofy thread all serious and depressing? :look: Let's keep the guilt trips out... at least until someone starts offering money for in exchange for relaxing *in real life*. :lol:

*off to look for a different fun thread to get my mind off of my troubles*
So those of you who would choose not to perm (not including those with serious scalp conditions) would choose your hair principles over possibly helping someone with that money? So if your parents were losing their home to foreclosure, someone in your neighborhood got burned out of their home and you had the opportunity to help, you would choose not to because your natural hair is more important than that? That is scary and some of you really need to examine what is important in life.
for ME im looking at this situation like someone just offered to give me a million for me to relax. thats all. and my answer is no. clearly if i am in dire need for the money because my parents need it or whatever this wouldnt even be a question, of course i would take it because i would have way more important problems than how i fix my hair.
this is a hypothetical question so obviously we will all look at it differently. people bringing family into it is just taking it way too seriously.

thats like someone going into the other naturals would you relax thread and saying "all yall who would never relax are crazy because what if your mother was on her death bed and her last wish was for you to relax?"
really??? is it that serious?:rolleyes:
i cant stand when a person tries to evaluate whether or not you have your priorities straight based on what you write on a hair forum. so now, those of us who choose not to relax dont love our families and neighbors enough. we love them, just not ENOUGH to relax our hair because we dont know whats important in life.
how dare i join a hair board to learn how to take care of my natural hair so that i can never feel like i have to turn back to a relaxer. how dare i answer a light hearted hypothetical question about what I would do. nooooo i cant do that without worrying about whether or not big mama gonna have a home next month.
so now everytime i answer a question on here ill stop and think "what about big mama"
ANDhow come people with scalp problems are excluded from not having their priorities straight? fluck their alopecia and raging psoriasis they gotta relax to because people need that money.
Dang y'all, and we were having so much fun! Really? che - girl, brush that off of your shoulder. I don't understand how people can't get that for some people natural hair also has to do with personal morals.

On the other forum (that I stole this thread from lol), they followed up this question with asking if you would wear your hair in a low fade for $1M - BUT, you had to wear it for ten years, got $100,000 a year, couldn't wear wigs, weaves, hats (unless it was winter to protect your head from the elements), etc etc....AND, if you broke any of the rules, you had to give the money back. Now for that one, I said NO - not because I don't want to wear my hair short (couldn't care less about that), but for the fact that I'm not going to give someone that much control over my head/life for ten years with a bunch of rules because that would feel like self prison. No thank you.
Dang y'all, and we were having so much fun! Really? che - girl, brush that off of your shoulder. I don't understand how people can't get that for some people natural hair also has to do with personal morals.

On the other forum (that I stole this thread from lol), they followed up this question with asking if you would wear your hair in a low fade for $1M - BUT, you had to wear it for ten years, got $100,000 a year, couldn't wear wigs, weaves, hats (unless it was winter to protect your head from the elements), etc etc....AND, if you broke any of the rules, you had to give the money back. Now for that one, I said NO - not because I don't want to wear my hair short (couldn't care less about that), but for the fact that I'm not going to give someone that much control over my head/life for ten years with a bunch of rules because that would feel like self prison. No thank you.
girl i know right:rolleyes:
and thats my thing, with questions like this that are just for fun, your answer can change every time you blink. hell id relax my kat if big mama( i like saying big mama:giggle:) needed to keep her house:lol:.
but if you just throwing money at me just to watch me do something i said i would never do then hell no. like you said, its control, because who even wants me to relax my hair that much?

and i said earlier i would shave my head, but you think im gonna do it for ten years with a ton of rules, heck no, it aint that serious.:lachen:
Leave it to lhcf to turn a fun thread into a heated debate :look:

I couldn't do the fade thing either. 10 years? Too long lol.

OT: Thanks OP for posting!! I'm helping my friend throw a passion party today & I got one of the game ideas from this thread!! Each lady will get a list of 20 things & they have to check off the ones they would do for $10 Million! LOL!! The ladies arguing about this light-hearted perm question would DIE (TWICE) if they saw my list :lol: Good times! Should be fun :giggle:

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i cant stand when a person tries to evaluate whether or not you have your priorities straight based on what you write on a hair forum. so now, those of us who choose not to relax dont love our families and neighbors enough. we love them, just not ENOUGH to relax our hair because we dont know whats important in life.
how dare i join a hair board to learn how to take care of my natural hair so that i can never feel like i have to turn back to a relaxer. how dare i answer a light hearted hypothetical question about what I would do. nooooo i cant do that without worrying about whether or not big mama gonna have a home next month.
so now everytime i answer a question on here ill stop and think "what about big mama"

The way some of you responded you would think that someone asked you to pole dance in snow in front of a firing squad. I just wanted to see how far some of you would take "I won't perm because of my morals". Glad to see there is a realistic limit.
Leave it to lhcf to turn a fun thread into a heated debate :look:

I couldn't do the fade thing either. 10 years? Too long lol.

OT: Thanks OP for posting!! I'm helping my friend throw a passion party today & I got one of the game ideas from this thread!! Each lady will get a list of 20 things & they have to check off the ones they would do for $10 Million! LOL!! The ladies arguing about this light-hearted perm question would DIE (TWICE) if they saw my list :lol: Good times! Should be fun :giggle:

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

LOL! Post some in off topic. I wanna see.
I saw this thread posted on another site, and I thought it would be fun to ask here, especially with the thread asking if naturals would ever go back to relaxers. So, would you relax your hair if someone offered you one million dollars to do so?

I already know @Chocolatelove2010 's answer...

Ummm, 1M is SOOO not enough money for me. If we were talking Trillions, then yes, I would relax, then chop and go right back to natural :D
A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bushel :yep:

I would not be happy relaxing my hair but aside from all i could do with the money i know that in 5 years i could have grown my natural hair to MBL and i'd have a brand new house in which to store my Qhemet biologics products. :look:

On the other hand I could forfeit the million dollars and 5 years later I could be out of a job or facing some other financial distress that my lovely natural hair wouldn't be able to help me out with.

Because hair is essentially dead tissue this is one instance where I'd feel fine letting my mind, rather than my heart make the decision.

Now if this was some Indecent Proposal type of hypothetical, I'd turn down 1 million dollars without a second thought.
I'd like to know if anyone here would wear a Seaborne hairstyle for a whole entire year for a 1,000,000.

I would.

:lol: @ the sharp left turns...

Yeah, I'd be Seaborned out for the mil.
It would make for an interesting conversation piece.
"Why is my hair this way you ask?..."

I'd have to pass on that ten year deal though. Not only because of the installments, but it's just a lil nuts overall for me.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Ummm, 1M is SOOO not enough money for me. If we were talking Trillions, then yes, I would relax, then chop and go right back to natural :D

you think you're hair is worth more than the GDP of some small countries? i can kinda get not relaxing period (for certain reasons) but you're saying you can indeed be bought for a price. a very handsome price might i add. :lachen:
I'd like to know if anyone here would wear a Seaborne hairstyle for a whole entire year for a 1,000,000.

I would.

Sure would. And act a cot damn fool on that youtube channel, looking straight in the camera going "Yeah, this is my real hair. teehehehehehe" I'll even pop in some blue contact lenses for an additional $5000. Bring on the quick weave made out of multicolored 2-cent synthetic hair. I will work it for a year while swimming in my money.

I'll whore out my hair for money. I admit it.
idk if this was asked, but would any of you relaxed heads go natural and STAY natural (without the option to straighten or get straight weaves/wigs) for a mil?