Spinoff: If you could take a pill to change you natural 4a/b hair

Would you take a pill to go from 4a/b to 3b?

  • Absolutely - I think 3b is ideal

    Votes: 300 41.6%
  • I'd try it, but only if I could go back to 4a/b easily

    Votes: 146 20.2%
  • No way - I think my hair is perfect

    Votes: 275 38.1%

  • Total voters
These answers are sad. Especially coming from naturals. :sad:
There's nothing sad about it

Everybody has their preference and their are entitled it it and entitled to state it.

As for my case I have to textures on my head. I would prefer all of my hair to be the texture of the 3/4 of my head. That portion of my hair is looser and the curls are more defined. The back 1/4 has really tight course hair that has almost no curl pattern and when it's loose and dry it's straight up problems to detangle. So yes I prefer the looser curl. There is no self hate in that. There is nothing sad about that. Naturals relax their hair everyday around the world to change their hair texture, would you say that's sad too? It's all about preference mi dear
Well, I'm not afraid to say it. YES YES YES - why?

I have a few or a couple of textures. The lower crown down to the nape(kitchen :lachen:) is 3b

I like it because it's very pretty, very manageable and has less shrinkage, which I do not enjoy. I think what we do with our hair, skin(make-up .. etc), as well as other things need not be anything more then a matter of aesthetics. If it is pleasing to your senses, then by all means do it and enjoy it.
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i would for a DAY to 3a/b so i can see what the hellzzzzzz y'all are complaining about. 4b is THE **** to deal with.
If it was proven to be 100% healthy... I'd take a pill to be a kinky 3c.

I think ALL textures of hair are beautiful (when they are healthy/long), from the kinkiest 4b to the straightest type 1.

I've seen people with some tore up, bleached out type 1 hair that I wouldn't wish on anyone but my worst enemy. For me, hair is just like any other part of my body.

People take pills all the time to get thin... because they find being thin to be more attractive than being heavy.

I just find kinky 3c to be the MOST beautiful of all. It's a very cute texture!

I'm not a self hating black person, I don't have issues with good and bad hair... I just like that texture a lot!

Sometimes the answers to these types of questions hint at an inferiority complex... sometimes they simply don't. Unless you are a psychiatrist and unless the person makes it blatantly obvious that they have color issues, you can't be sure what motivates them.
No I wouldnt change the texture of my hair. My hair texture is just fine..its just the way people in my family handled it that made them want to perm it because they didnt know what the hell they were doing. I believe I am a 4a/4b and I loved my natural hair. It was beautiful and very thick.

Now the one thing that I wish I could take a pill to change is my weight. If I could go from 140 to 130 I would do it in a heartbeat :look:. Oh well I guess I have to do it the regular ( and best) way and watch what I eat and exercise more.
:drunk: i'm not even surprised by the results. i think there are naturals who are only that way because they had major issues with the health of their hair from using chemicals. they find nothing aesthetically pleasing about type 4 hair. being natural as opposed to being bald via chems was the lesser of two "evils". with that said, i'm glad that there are still many naturals who are happy with the texture they have.

admittedly, i haven't found being natural easy (mentally speaking) but i've learnt that thinking my texture is sub-par because that's all i've been taught means that others are wrong and that my hair isn't what is the problem. i know for a fact that if my hair was 3b natural i wouldn't face some of the issues i do with my own family members but i'd rather gladly defy them and have the belief that my hair is awesome than give in to their brainwashing.
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No. Now if you had asked me that a year ago or even six months ago maybe I would have said yes, or at least maybe. But now it's like asking me if I'd rather be dark than light, short than tall. When I texturized my hair last summer it looked like 3b hair for a minute and it was beautiful but when I looked back and compared the texturized 3bish hair to what my hair looked like at 4 months natural there was no comparison. Not that my 4a/4b looked so much better than 3b hair, but it looked so much better on ME. On my 4 month natural pics I glowed, I am not kidding, my face just kinda sang. Unfortunately, I didn't appreciate it until AFTER I had texturized and relaxed again. Well, now I want to stay natural for good, because it's what's best for me and my hair, and for vanity reasons, I personally just look the prettiest and most like ME with my 4a/4b hair:).

hopeful - those twist you have are spectacular!! who would choose to give those up?
i said yes for practical reasons - it would be much less work and time to take care of - i could take that extra time and...... wait a minute - i just got into this hair thing..... so ummm i guess i could just be lazy and my hair would still look good - thats my real answer even if it is probably politically incorrect.
This might be controversial.....If you could change your hair type to, let's say, 3b, would you (if it were safe, of course)? Just curious.

I think there is some type of pill or combo pills that will do this why? Well a family member of mine died from aids he was only 25, his natural hair was always 4b,c,d....anyway when he got to the point that he was taken a regimen of pills on a daily basis his hair changed to a soft wavy pattern I'm talking about something dramatic! Also his legs and arms were very hairy but anyway I always thought this was maybe due to something in his pill regimen. But I don't know.:rolleyes:
HELLLLLLL yes!!! Im not even gonna lie. Only becase im very active. I love to swim, dance, run, exercise, etc. SWEAT/SWIMMING=Naps, tangles, hair breaking, sore arms, and not to mention lots of stress on my hair. To be able walk in the rain without saying "Awwww sh**" while I duck and run with some paper over my head becuase I forgot my umbrella, to be able to relax and let the shower run over my head everyday, to be able to sit in a steam room or jacuzzi without coming out looking like Ms. Foo-Foo, to dance and run without saying "I can't do too much becuase I don't to sweat my hair out", or to swim carefree ARE ALL a LUXURY TO ME!!!!!! I LOOOVE MY HAIR but boy oh boy is it tough to deal with!!! My mom and I always look at "others" at the pool or beach and then make eye contact with each other and say IT'S NOT FAIRRRRR! LOL.....A lot of you say this is sad....HMMM IT AINT SAD TO ME!!! AT ALL!! Just honest...
this is what i meant - worded much better
Hell to the yes, I would! But that's only b/c my hair has like 3 different textures (3b, 3c, and 4a) at different areas. I'd take any one of those pills to make my hair uniform :lachen:
Nope, I think 4a is the most versatile hairtype and I like to experiment with different hairstyles so I can't give that up. Besides I try not to use drugs, the only pill I take is Flintstones vitamins lol
If my 4a hair was longer then I wouldn't have a problem with it but when your hair is short and nappy.....Its hard to handle......well at least mine is!
If my 4a hair was longer then I wouldn't have a problem with it but when your hair is short and nappy.....Its hard to handle......well at least mine is!

None of that "n" word around here! :nono:
I am on such a crusade against the usage of that word in terms of our hair. . .but I know what you meant, hun :)
anyone know how to grow bigger curls? not longer ...but BIGGER.
I voted "b" just in case I didn't think the new curls suited me.

BUT, my gut answer is heck yeah. :look:. I love my hair now but if I could take any type of safe pill that would allow me to cut in half the amount of time I have to spend moisturising it, and "not manipulating" it - ie, no combing, brushing, playing with it...basically all the things that I enjoy doing to my hair but can't b/c it can lead to breakage :ohwell:... Yeah, I'd like that luxury.
I find this to be an interesting thread.

My family is not from this country so I did not grow up hearing words like nappy or n**** naps or really anything negative about my hair, to be quite honest. I was not negatively influenced until, really, high school where most of my friends were white (and it's still that way). Not to jump on the media tip, but over time I quickly got the message that my hair was not the norm. Then when I did start to meet and become friends with black American women I was again influenced by their negative views on our hair.

For years I hated my hair (type 4). Now I realize that was mainly because I didn't know how to take care of it so there was constant breakage and all the other bad stuff that comes with neglected hair. I always thought that white women were so lucky because I thought they had perfect hair. It seems like nobody ever talks about their hair breaking or being damaged and they're always portrayed with long hair blowing in the wind.

Now that I know better and have learned so much from ALL you wonderful, wonderful ladies here I am not only learning how to properly care for my hair but also learning to like my hair. I don't know if I love it yet. Now, about the pill, personally I find type 3 natural hair to be really pretty so I'd probably take the pill. Then again I really don't know all the possibilities of my own hair so it's hard to say. Then again I don't think I'd bother with a pill that was only temporary.
Actually I would like just a uniform texture all around. I appear to have 3c/4a/4b, I don't know maybe defgh... lol. I have the whole alphabet! I would like to just be consistent 3c. or 4a. That would make my life so much easier as I have NO patience when it comes to handling my hair.
Sure, I'd take a pill to change my natural 4ab hair to a looser texture. I like my current hair texture but would love for it to look and behave like curly 3bc heads. No shame in my game. :yep:
I love the versatility of my 4B hair. I really wouldn't want to change it at all. In fact, this is one reason I refuse to jump on any bandwagons. Besides the fact that I don't fix what's not broken, if I accidentally changed my hair texture, I don't know if I'd be consolable. This is another reason I have a phobia for pressing my hair. I've done it before and enjoyed wearing my hair straight, but the slight chance that something could go wrong and my hair might not revert to its original state is enough to keep me postponing the plan to wear my hair straight.
I'm sure some people in here would change their hair and others wouldn't.

I don't judge either for their answers.

Realistically, we are all on here to find the tools that are best to grow, retain and enjoy our hair, whether it's natural or relaxed, etc.