New Pill by L'Oreal...

BLESSED1 said:
Honey can you please clarify for me, are you saying good hair = straight hair?

Wow......guess we'll never break out of the slave mentallity here in the US. Black Americans are the only people concerned with walking through the fires to get head"good" straight, silky flowing hair.

I have no problem with straight styling....shoot, I'll still temporarily straighten mile once in a while for variation in style because that is the beauty of our's people that have the mentality that straight hair is a necessity to have a "good" head of hair to be beautiful that saddens me :-(
I don't really see this pill as being any more or less dangerous than anything else that is out on the market. Perms are meant for topical use, however, when you have a cut or any type of scalp irritation the perm is entering your system. When you feel the burn of perms that probably means that there is a little bit of perm in your system. Everything we put in our bodies alters it in some way. I would have to say that if this product was approved by the FDA I would use it and I think a lot of the people who currently use perms are going to use this product, even though they are currently denying they will.
Super_Hero_Girl said:
Hmmm... interesting.

And to answer the question. No way, definately wouldn't do it. I like my natural hair too much. Geez, I wish some of those scientist would put their time into discovering some cures. :look:

Now that's the truth if I ever heard it!!! I couldn't agree with you more!!!
bellezanegra826 said:
I don't really see this pill as being any more or less dangerous than anything else that is out on the market. Perms are meant for topical use, however, when you have a cut or any type of scalp irritation the perm is entering your system. When you feel the burn of perms that probably means that there is a little bit of perm in your system. Everything we put in our bodies alters it in some way. I would have to say that if this product was approved by the FDA I would use it and I think a lot of the people who currently use perms are going to use this product, even though they are currently denying they will.

Unfortunately, the FDA approves drugs every year that are taken off of the shelves within 6 months to two years because they are found to cause severe and often fatal side effects. I wouldn't count on them too much to give you a clear report on what is "safe" and what isn't, anymore. (Just look at the millions of lawsuits being filed against "FDA Approved" drugs.) Personally, I think people are better off consulting with a trusted physician as well as doing their own research before taking an Rx or OTC preperation these days.
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Candy_C said:
first its skin lighteners now its pills to make hair straight.... the devil has his plans..i'm sorry but this just sounds dodgey to me. these are the yrs where u need to look deeper into the meaning of some of these companies,. turning us into flippin copy n pastes of each other. with relaxers u can decide u wanna go natural as soon as u want, but these pills could have a permanent effect so that we wouldn't have the choice to go back coily,curly, nappy whateva

ITA, it's a conspiracy, the whole anti curly/coily/kinky hair thing.

I wouldn't use this pill, how is it better than a relaxer/perm? Possible damage will be internal rather than external. Oh, the hair won't be chemically damaged though :rolleyes:

I'm a bit doubtful about the pill actually being released anyway, just imagine how many millions would be lost on products and appliances.
miracle said:
Unfortunately, the FDA approves drugs every year that are taken off of the shelves within 6 months to two years because they are found to cause severe and often fatal side effects. I wouldn't count on them too much to give you a clear report on what is "safe" and what isn't, anymore. (Just look at the millions of lawsuits being filed against "FDA Approved" drugs.) Personally, I think people are better off consulting with a trusted physician as well as doing their own research before taking an Rx or OTC preperation these days.

This is the truth. We need to be aware that many of the things that we use everyday can be harmful, you don't need someone to suffer the side effects first. Be mindful that all of these product being bought lead to money in some companies pockets, they don't really care about your health. If you're using relaxers in your hair, nair/neet/veet on your body to remove hair, drinking cow's milk, taking over-the-counter headache/cold medicine, and taking prescription medicine for depression or restless leg syndrome :look: you are putting your health in the FDA's hands. :ohwell:
Dig deeper ladies, think deeper. Many of us grew up with bad hair practices, then we learned that there was a better & healthier way. The same goes for ALL other aspects of life. ;)
Well I personally don't rely on the FDA too much and I don't think many of you do either. To whoever said that perms were approved by the FDA they are not b/c they are not a food or a drug. Some of the same people who are doubting this pill take vitamins every day and there is not one vitamin that has been approved by the FDA. Why do people seem to think this pill is a conspiracy but not perms or straightening combs or hair gels? If you put any product on your hair besides water you are altering your hair to some degree to please others. Yes this pill may cause internal damage but so does eating food that is not organic or consuming more calories than your body needs. Even simple things as worrying or being depressed does internal damage. Furthermore, why be concerned with the millions of dollars that will be lost by hair care industry? It's not like we are owners of any hair care companies so those millions of dollars that will be lost by not using perms etc will be gained by us b/c that is our money.
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I probably wouldnt mess with it but thats only b/c having str8 hair isnt quite THAT important to me. But I dont see a reason why someone else shouldnt try it if they want to, assuming it was "safe".... And I can pretty much guarantee that whoever will be PAID IN FULL if they come up w/such a pill. I know we are naturally concentrating on the Black angle (wanting str8 hair) but it will be the white women looking for curls that will be knocking each other over to get at that lil miracle drug. They probably wont even start working on the the "No More Naps" :p version of the pill until well after every white women on the planet is walking around with big bouncy blonde curls....