if you could change your hair texture.....

not all black women relax - and if you do relax, you know that it's temporary. you can cut it off and go back to your curls. so no, just because someone relaxes, it does not mean they would permanently alter the way the hair grows out of their head. I would not assume that.
deep breath ladies - this is just for fun - - it's not that serious

then why get retouches every 6-8 weeks?:look:
not all black women relax - and if you do relax, you know that it's temporary. you can cut it off and go back to your curls. so no, just because someone relaxes, it does not mean they would permanently alter the way the hair grows out of their head. I would not assume that.
deep breath ladies - this is just for fun - - it's not that serious

No one said all women relax their hair. The last study I saw was not far off from the numbers that Kash gave. There are no chemicals or pills out on the market now (there are a few in the works though, just do a google search :look:) that will permanently alter your hair. A perm is as close as it gets. If there was a way to permanently alter the way your hair grows out of your scalp forever I am sure there are a number of woman who would gladly jump in line. No denying that and I'm not going to lie to kick it. The truth is the truth.

Anyway, no offense, but I don't see how this is fun....this hair thing runs deep and like I said before, questions like this are no good at all. Be happy you have hair at all no matter what the texture is and thank God for it because there are folks out there wishing for what you wish you could change.
No one said all women relax their hair. The last study I saw was not far off from the numbers that Kash gave. There are no chemicals or pills out on the market now (there are a few in the works though, just do a google search :look:) that will permanently alter your hair. A perm is as close as it gets. If there was a way to permanently alter the way your hair grows out of your scalp forever I am sure there are a number of woman who would gladly jump in line. No denying that and I'm not going to lie to kick it. The truth is the truth.

Anyway, no offense, but I don't see how this is fun....this hair thing runs deep and like I said before, questions like this are no good at all. Be happy you have hair at all no matter what the texture is and thank God for it because there are folks out there wishing for what you wish you could change.
but my point is...... even if you do relax, it does not mean you would make a permanent change. and you are right, i thought i would get responses like some ladies here are giving, thats just what it is they would change or not change because they like what they have , i did not forsee the angry responses but now that i think about it, i should have.
I would most definitely keep my good-given texture, dense, cottony 4a/b mix. There's nothing like it, imho it looks way better than straightened hair, and it grows out of my head, lol. I would be so upset if i woke up one day with type 1 to 3 hair (no offense to the type 1-3'ers, but i think kinky-kinky texture is the bees knees).
jenboo i love your hair - i wouldn't change that either if i were you.
we should be able to discuss this like ladies - and honestly if we cant talk about this amongst each other then..... but i get your point
i need to figure out how to multiple quote :lachen:

To mulitiquote just click "multiquote" on each of the posters you want to quote. When you get to the last person you want to quote then you click "quote" on their post.

a little caveat to brighten your Sunday:lick: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

i honestly feel bad for him ... why--n-d-heyeelll would they allow him to pose like that knowing his body is such
Oh Lawd:nono: Next time please post a warning before the pic so I can brace my eyes. I swear that man looks like a prairie dog. The "others" can have him Im not mad that he seems to not prefer us at all.
we should be able to discuss this like ladies - and honestly if we cant talk about this amongst each other then..... but i get your point
i need to figure out how to multiple quote :lachen:

I agree. I wasn't saying it was your fault. I just see a lot of attacking. I guess I've been holed up too long in the nail fanatics section :giggle:
To mulitiquote just click "multiquote" on each of the posters you want to quote. When you get to the last person you want to quote then you click "quote" on their post.
ah yes thats right:lachen: i did this before. thanks!

I agree. I wasn't saying it was your fault. I just see a lot of attacking. I guess I've been holed up too long in the nail fanatics section :giggle:
no worries truequeen - i think i am gone come visit that section and stay away from hair for a bit. some of our sisters are waaaay too sensative. at some point though, we have to be willing to release the pain of what was done to us about our hair and move forward. i know the sensativity is pain so i'm not taking it personally. just wish i had thought for an extra minute before starting this thread.:yep:
I'm already a 1 so I'll try a 3c. :yep:
you make my point tames -texture changes can go both ways - and if they could be done , i am willing to be they would go both ways. like someone said in a previous thread every hair type has it's challenges.
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I wish I could be just one texture. Either 4a or b. Not both. My hair looks crazy sometimes. It's a little curly in some areas and no definition in others. So it looks weird. Curly in some areas, puffy in others.
I wish I could be just one texture. Either 4a or b. Not both. My hair looks crazy sometimes. It's a little curly in some areas and no definition in others. So it looks weird. Curly in some areas, puffy in others.

Yeah double textures are frustrating. There is beauty in all textures. I DO think coarser textures have the best of everything because they could go straight, muniplate it to be curly, wear a fro, etc. The styles are endless.
Anyway, no offense, but I don't see how this is fun....this hair thing runs deep and like I said before, questions like this are no good at all.
at what point will we as a people be willing to let this go. i know this is pain, but when will we have enough of it? asking myself too.......
Maybe its just me, but it irks me when people comment ABOUT the thread/OP instead of actually participating in the discussion. Its like if you don't have anything to say to contribute to the thread, then just keep it moving...

Anywho, to answer the question, I would like thicker, stronger strands.
Maybe its just me, but it irks me when people comment ABOUT the thread/OP instead of actually participating in the discussion. Its like if you don't have anything to say to contribute to the thread, then just keep it moving...

Anywho, to answer the question, I would like thicker, stronger strands.

Thank you!!!!! I mean, why are people on here like the forum police telling people what they should or should not ask? It is clear what the thread is about from reading the title so no need to even click into the thread if your feelings are going to be hurt!

If I could permanently change my texture, it would be to consistent. As my hair is growing out, I can she patches of different textures throughout of my mom's hair, my dad's and variations in between. I see serious style challenges at the end of my transition.
Hmm...I would change the length, I want HL hair straightened...wonder how long that would be curly? Honestly OP, this is a tense issue so I figured you knew what would happen so no need for me to add my social commentary; I just want hair that I can freakin' sit on!
Wouldn't change mine... sometimes wish it was thicker and stronger and less tangly in some places, but I love my hair overall.
I Love my hair!!! Would I want this, that and the other yes...I'm human. :look: Yet, my hair keeps me busy. I like learning how to take care of what I have and also finding way to tweak it, to want I want. :yep:
These threads are bizarre?? This makes no sense and as someone mentioned isn't healthy. Why even entertain something that will never be? I often day dream of winning the lottery, not likely to happen but possible. But this right here......
I will take my natural hair at WL...please and thank you!

besides 4a/b hair is more jaw dropping at longer lengths in my opinion