Naturals: Spirals, S-curls

Naturals: Do you have Spirals or S-curls? You can click more than one option.

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I don't even know. :ohwell:

ETA: the back of hair is 4b/cnapp-ish. The front of my hair has defined 4a-ish S curls.
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I answered this question back in the day but after 4 months of growth I see now that my strands have a combo of both spirals and S.

Just thought I'd update lol.
most of my hair is s-curls that end in coils. i have some scattered spirals and some undefined 4b sections as well. it's all good. :grin:

For the most part mine, too!

The hair directly above my ears does not end in takes on the form of a more loosely defined "S" as opposed to the tight "S" shape.

Is there such a thing as 4a (silky) and 4a (kinky)?

I'm confused.:perplexed
most 3c spirals once its completey dry, esp the nape area. the front is sorta loose wavy however. the crown can be curly but it depends on the day :lol:
All I know is I have more waves than curls/spirals, and no coils. I thought I'd be able to better tell since it's been 8 months since my last texlax but uh, still more waves, both wet and dry.
What is the difference between a curl, a spiral and a coil....:perplexed:look:? I searched for pics but they all look the same to me...:lachen:
My hair looks like lots of tiny pen springs all crammed together...I think I am a 4a/b mix. I hesitate to say all 4a, just b/c my hair looks very different from some other 4a's on the board. It could be b/c I have very thick, coarse hair though. I've never been able to figure it out.
^^When I think coil, I think pen springs to pencil. When I think of curls, I think of a slinky, and when I think of spirals, I think more of a loose corkscrew-like a rollercoaster. Obviously that's not scientific, but it's the way my mind sees the difference.
What is the difference between a curl, a spiral and a coil....:perplexed:look:? I searched for pics but they all look the same to me...:lachen:

To me they're all the same thing: coil, curl, spiral all look like a spring compressed or stretched, forming circular shapes:

S-curls on the other hand I think look like a continuous wave like these sound waves:

This is me, too. My ends can sometimes coil in which case the letter I'd call them would be 'o'. My individual strands have curls and bends in them, though, so I wasn't sure what you meant by the question, if you counted that. It's just that the strands are all very independent of each other and do what they want.

I feel like this was a really common hair type when I remember back on being a little girl before we got relaxers. I just can't understand why it's so rare here.

Add me to this catagory. For me, it really just depends on my moisture level though. If at any time I use shampoo, I have absolute no clumping wet or dry. If I use only conditioner to wash and do not detangle my hair, I get some clumping.

However, I have tons of individual strands that wave (3b), coil (3c, 4a) and then those that are zig zag. Once it is dry, I have littel to no curl definition it looks like a cotton ball, but it most certainly has a curl pattern (a lot of them).

So with that, I am still confused. :sad:

Now if someone tries to beat me down for claiming to be a cnapp, I'm telling them mwedzi said so.... :lachen:

I actually need to double check that they still makes o's - I'm loosing less of them, so I don't see them tumbleweeding across the floors anymore :look: :lol:

I think I may be a cnapp too. If I'm allowed to be. lol I still have some pensprings and curls, but when dry it all looks like a big cloud.

This was posted on this site. I think the poster did a very good job of explaining the 4a/4b/cnapp thing.

"4b hair does actually have coils. If you ever have dry unstretched hair, pick up a section and take a look. You will likely see squiggles here and there. Each strand coils on its own with no attention paid to the neighbouring strands. From a distance, this section of hair just looks like a bush, but if you look closely, the strands are all coils. They may not be perfect coils, but coils all the same.

The huge difference between 4a and 4b hair is clumping. 4a hair has strands that coil too, but the strands CLUMP together to make a LARGE coil. Due to the clumping, from a distance the hair appears to be more uniform and you can see distinct coils because the coils are large groups of hair strands sticking together--unlike 4b or cnapp hair. That is what people call "definition." The only way 4b hair can clump into a consistent pattern is if it's manipulated into that state using twists or braids. The resulting braidout or twistout shows a visible pattern because our hair is clumped together.

4a hair can sometimes look like 4b hair if the coils are seperated or "unclumped" into a frizzy puff. They still have coils. They are just seperated. People with 4a have to physical manipulate their hair into that state while our hair is like that without any interference. Another difference is the diameter of the coil for 4b'ers is the smallest of all nappy hairtypes.

When you think about it, frizz is basically hair strands that are not conforming with the other strands (aka. not clumping) So when some folks say they want more "definition," they want their hair to clump. If your hair strands naturally clump, then it's easier to achieve definition with hair products compared to someone whose hair does not naturally clump."

So basically the difference is in the clump and size of the curl/coil, which, I guess, can still be a bit confusing if you've got a mixed bag of stuff going on in your head.

With that I am calling myself a 4a/4b/3C wave (ear to nape) cnapp and I'm sticking to it. That is all.:yawn:
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^^When I think coil, I think pen springs to pencil. When I think of curls, I think of a slinky, and when I think of spirals, I think more of a loose corkscrew-like a rollercoaster. Obviously that's not scientific, but it's the way my mind sees the difference.

That's kinda what I think of too. I thinkt he difference is the circumference, size, and shrinkage. Someone with less shrinkage will probably have spirals vs someone with MASSIVE shrinkage, who will likely have coils. My hair shrinks to maybe 1/3 of its' size.
Nonie, my hair looks ALOT like yours, and I assumed I was 4a, based on the Andre system--it's imperfect, but it works for rough comparisons. Hmmm...

When I find my camera cord, I'll post a few pics.

ETA: A few pics. There's no product in my hair in any of them. The first pic was taken in January(?), and the last few are more recent. I shook my hair in the first one, and didn't shake in the more recent ones.

I say all this to say: I'm not certain. I guess I have 3c/4a spirals and waves, but they may or may not clump together depending on how they feel on any given wash day.:lachen:

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