Spinoff: If you could take a pill to change you natural 4a/b hair

Would you take a pill to go from 4a/b to 3b?

  • Absolutely - I think 3b is ideal

    Votes: 300 41.6%
  • I'd try it, but only if I could go back to 4a/b easily

    Votes: 146 20.2%
  • No way - I think my hair is perfect

    Votes: 275 38.1%

  • Total voters
If i could take a pill to change my natural 4a/b hair i would take it and chuck it as far as the eye can see cuz i aint changin a damn thing on my head:lachen:
i would take it...no questions asked. i know how to take care of hair, but taking care of natural 4b hair is a learning process that i have yet to learn which is why i am here. i liked my hair relaxed so i didn't feel bad about saying i'd take a pill to get a different texture. i didn't retain length when i was relaxed so i'm trying the natural thing.
Why would I want to change my hair texture?:look: This question is like asking if I would change my complexion to become a lighter more acceptable complexion to conform to what society deems beautiful. What! I rock the 4b fro like Whoa and would never want to exchange it for a 3a, 3c or anything else that is consider "good hair" my hair is beautiful, unique, and quite simply I embrace the texture-- it is what I have and what will remain.
I just want the length pill !! :look: Texture is great, I just want about 20 - 22 inches :look:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I hear you, Atlanta...

Actually, there IS a pill for the 20-22 inches.

Wheat Grass
Barley Grass
Vitamin C and E (antioxidants)
and Brocoli... eats lots and lots of greens, fruits and veggies.

You'll be like this in no time :rocker: :yep:
How about the pill that ables you to hold moisture and keeps for being the sahara desert, I don't care for 3b(not that it is not beautiful) I'm a 4a/b girl :)
I would take the temporary pill..... Heck I'd even take a pill that would relax my hair whenever I felt like it, a pill to change my hair color, and a pill that would let me rock a short cut anytime I wanted.
Shoot! I'd be a different person everyday and change back to my old self no problem. Yep, that would be fun. :yep:
I love everything about my hair, excluding the super shrinkage. If I can take a pill to lessen that (not even get rid of entirely, just lessen a little) I would do it.
I don't know if I answered this one.

I actually love my hair, so I don't need a pill to change it. There's nothing I would change.
NO! i like the challenge! Im a 4a and i would take it just to see if it works and then if it does see which one i would like better.
I'm not sure if I posted in this thread already but I wouldn't want to change my hair to 3b. Although I wouldn't mind a 3c/4a texture. I just like the coils of the 3c/4a texture. The few areas on my head that are this texture are so fun to play with, i would change my whole head to this texture in a heartbeat.
I just want noticeable coils...
that's it..
But I am thankful for what I have.
At least I have hair...:look:

Anyways if we HAD the chance
to change our hair texture to the 3 whatever..
& we did ...we wouldn't be unique anymore..
just the same... IMO

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I'm still transitioning and I must admit I have seen some heads of hair that make me drool BUT I'm falling in love with my new growth and I am hoping I learn more than enough before I BC so I can fully appreciate my hair without wishing I had someone else's texture.

P.S. I'm loving the encouragement from ladies here and those who visit my fotki, the comments I get in my transition album make me feel like I have the most beautiful hair ever, LOL! If it weren't for how perfect their hair looks already....
So... it really helps to get nice comments from others especially when having an "off" day.
:rolleyes::rolleyes: This doesn't have to be a self-hate thread, guys. You know how many 1b girls ALSO want nice 3b curls? Are they self hating white girls too?:lachen: We talk about white people fiending to have a fro, I guess those people are also self-hating. damn, you can like something without it being a deep message. Anyway, I would take it only if I could turn back. What if I looked silly with it? then I'd miss my old strands. Then again I already came up with a regimen for my 4b/tiny bit of 4a strands so I'd have to start all over again!? :nono: I think I'd rather take a length pill:grin: I'd be first in line for that!
I think maybe it's possible...Why? because I knew a aids patient very close to me-my brother, he had regular nappy hair all his life. Well before he died he was soooo hairy but the hair on his head was soooo soft and wavy(I mean very wavy) you could not help but notice. They had him on so many meds and vitamins..IDK. But since being in LHCF I wonder if it is from something he was taking...again IDK but this is the truth!
Only because I don't like to relax, yet I want somewhat straight hair. And I would want the option to go back. Really I would want a pill that woulld make my relaxed hair natural, and then my natural hair relaxed or type 1 or whatever...

Actually I would only take a pill if I got to keep the look and feel of my own hair whether natural or relaxed. I like my hair, but I don't like the heavy maintenance...
Hair typing is relative. What is 4a/b to someone may not be the case from another's point of view. I have a friend who claims she is 3b/c-come on now..I don't think her hair is much different from my 4a hair. I have seen ppl who claim 4a and its curl pattern appears to be looser. I like naturally curly fros. Maybe the question should be, if you could make your hair less coarse-would you? Then that would be controversial as well. Can't win lol However coarse hair stands the test of time..less chance of thinning out as you age..from what I seen-not a proven fact.
I dont think I would but ask me if I could change how coarse my hair is, (which has nothing do with being a type 4) and I'd probably tell you yes. I would love to have soft
4b hair. it's not always the type but the feel of the hair. I hope I'm making sense.

Talk to me!:grin: I just posted something similar before I read this post. You are making sense to me. I love Soft 4a/b hair-more manageable:grin: and that means less breakage for me.