Spinny: How often do you find yourself attracted to another man?

Spinny: How often do you find yourself attracted to another man?

  • Within months

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • a year

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
I was reading a thread (can't remember the name) and the OP said she finds herself being attracted to a new man every 3 or 4 years.

I'm EXACTLY the same :lol: I thought I was the only one because I see all my friends liking someone new within months. Whereas I find it hard to get that sort of chemistry with someone, and I hate that. I wish it was easier for me to like people.

And kudos to the OP going after the man she found attractive. I have the rule of never asking the man for his contact details but since I don't find myself being attracted to a man so easily, maybe I should make an effort with the one that comes my way???

How long does it take you to find another man attracted after a breakup/or just in general?

ETA: I messed up the poll. There were supposed to be more options :lol: Oh well........
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Phisically attracted to another man .Easily .Find a man worthy of my time and datable on a serious level ,very very rarely .
Pretty much what Kindheart said...

In the past between relationships I tend to focus more on me and making myself happy and that doesnt really include looking to be attracted to someone else. So it really does take a lot of time. My friends used to get on me about shooting dudes down all the time without giving them a chance. But it's just the way I am. I'm glad I did that because in that process, I made room for the one who's in my life right now. The one who came correct.
I think that thread had something to do with celibacy.

I am attracted to men fairly easily, emotionally and physically. I think they happen with about the same frequency, perhaps slightly more when it's only physical. I would say once a month or every other month. If I go like two months without finding or seeing a man I'm attracted to, I'm hibernating.

I wish it were the case that I didn't find men emotionally attractive with relative ease, because it's probably a problem when it comes to dating, but I do. If I'm interested in dating a guy, I like his personality enough to be considered "attracted" to it. It also turns out that I find men I think I could really click with relatively easily... and every time I find one I REALLY like, I'm like omg I hope this works out because when am I going to find another guy I like this much? But then it turns out to happen again like a month later :lol: so I'm learning to rely on that in order to relax my intentions/excitement when I start dating a new guy. Liking personality occurs more than having good chemistry, but it still doesn't take that long for either to occur with me. I'm very easy to talk to, especially guys. It's the parts that come after that that always get messed up.

So yeah. It's a steady and regular occurrence with me. Idk, I love penis :lol:
It takes me forever and its very frustrating. Im only attracted to a guy once every blue moon. I meet guys all the time but i find myself shooting them down. Maybe i should loosen up but i like what i like i guess.

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I meet guys that I am attracted physically to, but it is hard to keep my attention. For me the emotional element is hard to come by. I have only met one or two guys that I considered spending a lifetime with.

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Phisically attracted to another man .Easily .Find a man worthy of my time and datable on a serious level ,very very rarely .


This is what I meant, my bad for not making it clearler, lol.

I find tons of men attractive, and I would put it on them :lachen:

but on a serious level i.e marriage, kids.........


SO RARE that I think the last time I thought I could possibly be with someone like that was 4 yrs ago.

The ''one'' only comes around every 4yrs for me... :spinning:
I'm RARELY attracted to another guy. I find a guy attractive maybe once or twice a year. But I usually let people grow on me, so even if I'm not into them at first, I can become attracted to them later on
Attraction does not come easily with me, physically or emotionally. The last time I was physically attracted to a guy was 2 years ago. Physical attraction usually occurs after I've known the guy a while but it can happen instantly. Emotional attraction is way harder to come by and it's been 5 years since I last felt that.:nono:
Once a year for me. :-/

It also turns out that I find men I think I could really click with relatively easily... and every time I find one I REALLY like, I'm like omg I hope this works out because when am I going to find another guy I like this much? But then it turns out to happen again like a month later :lol:

This happens to me too (not that frequent tho lol). When it doesn't work out I always feel like I'm never gonna meet someone else that I like as much and then...I do lol. It really makes me wonder how I would fare in a long term marriage.
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once a year maybe or longer, this also includes just sex. My dial is turned to zero unless I meet a guy who is emotionally and physically what I am looking for.