
New Member
I have gone 10½ months without a trim

and I am 11 months into my transition to natural.

I was in the APL challenge...

I didn't make it and I know why...

I was to busy trying to be cute and got lazy w/my regimen.
  • stopped baggying
  • stopped daily co-washing
  • started weekly rollersetting & flatironing
  • too much manipulation
  • stopped sleeping on satin EVERYNIGHT
So that's that... my next update will be April 15th 2008
(my 1 year anniversary on LHCF)

I will post more pics to my blog:

Awesome, awesome progress!!! :worship2::woohoo:I LOVE your siggy pic, SO CREATIVE! :love3: And your hair!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work lady! :congrats:
I think everyone slacks off. We are all human. U made GREAT progress. Your hair is gorgeous! I have ur site bookmarked. I love it!:grin:
Ooh I was waiting to see your progress! Dont worry your hair looks really healthy, length must be just around the corner. Anyway, I'm on your mailing list, and I'm really enjoying the natural inspirations lol :grin:... keep up the good work girl! It looks like youll be APL in 2 months or so..just stay on track
SouthernTease I have been stalking your site and posts to see your progress. Your hair looks amazing and you're truly an inspiration. I know how it feels to fall off the healthy care bandwagon (I just had a rant post about my protective styling rebellion, and now that it's out of my system I'm ready to get back on track). But you seemed to come through with amazing results! Keep doing the damn thang girl! :yep:
i still think u have great progress!

but with everything u said u did wrong, during what months did u do all of those things? was it just within the last 3 months?

also as a result, did ur ends break off at all? are u gonna dust/trim now?
GORGEOUS!!! GORGEOUS!!! GORGEOUS!!!!! :band::band2::woohoo:

You know that I LOVE your hair!!! :heart2:

You ONLY have 1 or 2 more inches, but who cares!!


I am so very happy for you!! :congrats:

Only 1 or 2 more inches....... :clapping::clapping:
Yes... I started slacking over the holidays...

... I was trying to be cute...

and I started slipping... funny, I knew what

I was doing wrong... but I didn't care...

I could probably use a dusting because hair grows

a bit uneven but I don't have split ends or breakage...

I won't be using scissors until April 2008 (that makes 1 year without trims)

It's only 3 months... so... I'm going to wait to do any dusting.
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I think that you progess is great. But, I do understand..............its all about how YOU feel.

You will be APL in now time. Keep striving. :yep:
Southertease like yourself I slacked off too. Atleast you got it under control it took me a whole year to realize I made 12 steps backwards. Your hair looks nice and healthy. I am in the wig/fall challenge and hopefully this will be what I need. I really love the falls the conveniece of growing my hair and still looking cute.

Happy Hair Growing
I still think you've made great progress. Your hair looks really good. I too have your blog bookmarked:yep: