My Transition Progress Report (PIX GALORE)

Wow your last relaxer was august 2007 and you have ALL THAT GROWTH!.:blush:...keep doin what your doin, you have some very pretty hair
Gorgeous hair!!!!

I have been transitioning for a while but doing mini chops. My last relaxer was 12/30/2007. I could not deal with the three textures (bone straight relaxed, texlaxed & natural) and had lots of breakage.

You have beautiful curls!

Thanks! How long do you think you'll go? Did you transition to texlaxed first?
Whimsy, You have done an awesome job of transitioning!!! I can hardly wait until August. This is truly encouraging to all of us transitioning. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing!!! :)
No, I went from bone straight to natural with one texlaxed in between. I probably won't do another mini chop until December 09. By then I think all the bone straight pieces will be gone and I can wear curly hair without rods on the ends.:grin:

Thanks! How long do you think you'll go? Did you transition to texlaxed first?

Your hair is gorgeous! You've retained so much length through your transition.

Your hair must be getting exactly what it needs & desires. Because it sure looks happy!
your hair is gorgeous...and you (and all the other long term transitioners) deserve 3 finger snaps...cause that is some patience! I was supposed to transition for a year and barely made 6months. lol...
your hair is gorgeous...and you (and all the other long term transitioners) deserve 3 finger snaps...cause that is some patience! I was supposed to transition for a year and barely made 6months. lol...

Thanks!! That was me the first go round. This time I'm in it for the long haul.:yep:
Very inspirational im currently going through that rough patch at 7 months but hoping to make it till December!!! But your hair is gorgeous
Your hair is beautiful. It grows so quickly. You will be BSL again before you know it.

Gurl from your lips to God's ears!!! I hope you're right!

Very inspirational im currently going through that rough patch at 7 months but hoping to make it till December!!! But your hair is gorgeous

Thanks, girl listen, braidouts will be lifesavers at this point, what's your ratio of natural hair to relaxed hair? Maybe bantuknotouts too... GOOD LUCK. :yep:
Whims!!! Your hair is MAD GORGEOUS!!! :love::love: I'm looking forward to your big chop thread in August when you unleash the curls!
hey girl your hair is so pretty . keep up the good work . i think you girls that are long term transitioners are so tough ! i could not do it . i gave up at 5 months lol . looks great whimsy !
Whimsy - your hair is to dye for. Seriously - just beautiful. If that was my hair, I don't think I would hesitate to cut those relaxed ends, it's just holding up progress. I hope my hair is just as beautiful as yours when I'm ready to BC. You have great texture.
Whimsy - your hair is to dye for. Seriously - just beautiful. If that was my hair, I don't think I would hesitate to cut those relaxed ends, it's just holding up progress. I hope my hair is just as beautiful as yours when I'm ready to BC. You have great texture.

Thanks. Hold in there you're 1/3 through your transition!!! Congrats!
Thanks, girl listen, braidouts will be lifesavers at this point, what's your ratio of natural hair to relaxed hair? Maybe bantuknotouts too... GOOD LUCK. :yep:[/quote]

i would have to say maybe 30% just waiting till july after the 9 month phase so hopefully it will be smooth sailing afterwards!!! I was going to try the 2 strand twist bantu knotout tonight hopefully all goes well im so styled challenged!!