Nice progress:yep:! At least you held on to all 6 inches:grin:.

Based on this pic, do you consider your next goal BSL to be the same as Mid-Back? In my book that's the correct way to wear a bra and that's why I use bsl/mbl interchangeably.

OMG... YES!!! That is the proper way to wear a bra...
let me tell you... I've been measured and everyone
tells me I am like a 30 D... so for the past 5 years
or so I've been wearing 30 D and they never fit right...
so this time I decided to call the lady in so she could tell
me what's wrong and she's like... you need to go up
a cup size so last week I found out I am a 32 DD and
it's made all the difference... I had to try on literally 15 bras
to find the right fit... this is a WACOAL... it's amazing !!!
Anyway... I digress...

yeah... I don't want to go past that 11" mark...
that would be MBL but I think once I hit that point right past
my arm pit... on this pic it's at the 8" mark I call that BSL...
it's incorrect but... there needs to be a name for that midpoint
between APL & BSL...

Your hair is beautiful - I'm 16 weeks post right and debating on whether to relax. I haven't had any significant problems thus far - at least as far as I can see - I'm a natural shedder no matter what I do - but last time I stretched for 14 weeks I had severe breakage and didn't know until I relaxed even though I though I was taking care of my hair properly. I would love to be natural but I'm scared of what my natural texture would look like and if I can handle it. I view your blog daily.

Any advice? Currently I'm at BSL - but my breakage occurred in the crown area and sides - I'm assuming it was not getting enough moisture when I was airdrying and bunning. I really would like to transition w/o BC or if I have to only to shoulder length.

Everything I do to my hair is on my blog...
I swear I can't keep a secret...
The things that saved my hair were
daily cowashing & my protective bun
and bi weekly DCs
I used to used Dominican Products
and I hate to admit it but I owe much
of my progress to that evil Silicon Mix
(cones & mineral oil)
it's like so bad but so good...
I alternated between that and Miss Key 10 en 1
I don't use it anymore but that's what I used
pretty much from April '07- November '07
Suave Tropical Coconut is a BEAST too
I love it to death... and my Jilbere shower comb...
that about it
I made this YEAR 2 animation for
my goals to next year... really quick
but whatever... killing time while under
the dryer... I may post new pics later...
I don't like the bone straight looks...
so I dry set with hot dog rollers...
well I did dampen with water & GDLI

I made this YEAR 2 animation for
my goals to next year... really quick
but whatever... killing time while under
the dryer... I may post new pics later...
I don't like the bone straight looks...
so I dry set with hot dog rollers...
well I did dampen with water & GDLI

Cute Animation! Great progress!
OMG... YES!!! That is the proper way to wear a bra...
let me tell you... I've been measured and everyone
tells me I am like a 30 D... so for the past 5 years
or so I've been wearing 30 D and they never fit right...
so this time I decided to call the lady in so she could tell
me what's wrong and she's like... you need to go up
a cup size so last week I found out I am a 32 DD
it's made all the difference... I had to try on literally 15 bras
to find the right fit... this is a WACOAL... it's amazing !!!
Anyway... I digress...

yeah... I don't want to go past that 11" mark...
that would be MBL but I think once I hit that point right past
my arm pit... on this pic it's at the 8" mark I call that BSL...
it's incorrect but... there needs to be a name for that midpoint
between APL & BSL...


Daggoneit! So now I'm jealous of your hair and your boobies! :lachen:

Great growth and update pictures. What would you say helped the most in keeping you from having to trim your ends? I think I'm going to try to stay away from the scissors for the remainder of this year. And the thickness - OMG! I-N-V-U!
Your hair is beautiful. You have done an awesome job transitioning to natural. I also transitioned without a bc.

By the way I like the animation you used to show your hair longer. I may have to send you a picture of my hair so that I can see what it would look like longer :) :grin:.
OMG... YES!!! That is the proper way to wear a bra...
let me tell you... I've been measured and everyone
tells me I am like a 30 D... so for the past 5 years
or so I've been wearing 30 D and they never fit right...
so this time I decided to call the lady in so she could tell
me what's wrong and she's like... you need to go up
a cup size so last week I found out I am a 32 DD and
it's made all the difference... I had to try on literally 15 bras
to find the right fit... this is a WACOAL... it's amazing !!!
Anyway... I digress...

yeah... I don't want to go past that 11" mark...
that would be MBL but I think once I hit that point right past
my arm pit... on this pic it's at the 8" mark I call that BSL...
it's incorrect but... there needs to be a name for that midpoint
between APL & BSL...


Lets see I read it all and here is my list of stuff, in no particular order.

1) I love the Oct 07 pic
2) I wish my bra would lay like that. I have some that lay lower than my previous but these heavy a$$ sandbags make it ride up all the time.:nono:
3) Congratulations on your goal. Wait that should have been first. My bad
4) I am transitioning as well and wondered if you found it easier after a certain time frame oror harder over time?
Lets see I read it all and here is my list of stuff, in no particular order.

1) I love the Oct 07 pic
2) I wish my bra would lay like that. I have some that lay lower than my previous but these heavy a$$ sandbags make it ride up all the time.:nono:
3) Congratulations on your goal. Wait that should have been first. My bad
4) I am transitioning as well and wondered if you found it easier after a certain time frame oror harder over time?

Yeah... WACOAL is the bomb dot com... $60 bra...
worth every penny...
transitioning... it gets easier but like everything
experience and experimenting is what makes
it easier... I also read LHCF and lots & lots of
books about hair so... hopefully YEAR 2 will be
a walk in the park.
SouthernTease! It looks so fantastic ! Your blog was one of the first I found when I started lurking in August 07 .. so great!