Soulmates: Fantasy or Reality??

Do you believe in Soulmates??

  • Sure DO - I Found Mine and we're MARRIED

    Votes: 18 10.8%
  • Sure DO - I found Mine and we're DATING/ENGAGED

    Votes: 30 18.0%
  • Sure DO - And I'm waiting to find him

    Votes: 40 24.0%
  • Sure DONT - There is more than just ONE. I'm MARRIED

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Sure DONT - There is more than just ONE. I'm DATING/ENGAGED

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • Sure DONT - I'm looking for a life partner.

    Votes: 16 9.6%
  • Maybe, Maybe NOT.

    Votes: 37 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
:grin:Reality for me. He found me clear across the country when I wasn't looking for him :::tears of joy::::

LOL seriously, I know for a fact my SO is my soul-mate. It's been too surreal for this relationship to be coincidental....I could go on all day:spinning:.
Fantasy. To me "soulmate" makes it seem like there can only be one person that you could ever make a life with. With all the souls in this world, I really don't think ONLY ONE person has to be it for you.

I do believe that you can find a person and it feels like he is your soulmate, but how can you say that you could never find that in someone else?

I think it is hard to find someone that you really an truly connect with on that higher level and if you do you need to do whatever to maintain that relationship, but there are too many people that think they found a soulmate and end of divorced years later.

I just think it is unrealistic in a way.
Relationships can be formed with any person at anytime. But the idea of a soulmate takes it to the next level. Its not something that's found in every relationship, marriage, etc. So if its not felt with the person(people) in the relationship, then maybe that relationship is not on that level.

Nothing wrong with that. Its just not there. I know of all the relationships I've been in.. NONE have been like the present. And I seriously don't believe any subsequent relationships will be like it either (if there are any).
I believe that multiple people can be "soul-mates."

It just doesn't make sense that in a world of 6 billion or more people, there's only "one" that we all match up with.

agreed. i do believe you can have a deep and meaningful connection with someone. this is a person who is truly on your wavelength, can't see them not being in your life and you love them deeply. they are someone who just understands you, almost instinctively and vice versa. that's what defines a soulmate to me. however, i don't think there's only one. i mean, i have friends who i'm very close with. even when we've been apart, we will meet up and find out we've shared similar experiences during our separation. i'd say they were kind of like "soul-friends". the irreplaceable people in your life whose contribution to your happiness is immeasurable. i think if i can have more than one of this kind of friend, there is more than one soul mate out there for me. however, knowing that these people exist and actually finding them is another thing entirely. for all you know, they could be in another part of the world, incarcerated :rolleyes:, already married :look: etc. i believe in destiny though so if it is in your life's "design" to meet this person, then you ultimately will no matter how impossible they situation may seem at first. with that said, i don't think i'll ever be desperately waiting for this soul-mate to turn up at any point. if he does, awesome; if he doesn't then it's all cool. imo, you can have a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship even if someone isn't your "soulmate".
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Relationships can be formed with any person at anytime. But the idea of a soulmate takes it to the next level. Its not something that's found in every relationship, marriage, etc. So if its not felt with the person(people) in the relationship, then maybe that relationship is not on that level.

Nothing wrong with that. Its just not there. I know of all the relationships I've been in.. NONE have been like the present. And I seriously don't believe any subsequent relationships will be like it either (if there are any).

Harrison, your daughter is too precious! So pretty!

I believe in soul mates :yep:
But some people want to block good relationships from their lives, so even if they have a couple of soulmates out there, they won't recognize them. :ohwell:

I truly believe I have found my man soulmate. And I also believe that we can have more than one soulmate. Friends can also be soulmates, and I have a friend like that. We are very very close. :)
I do. My Dh and I were good friends...lost touch for a minute....caught up again as just friends...somehow fell in love.....I still can't believe it. :drunk:
I can't remember the name of the movie, but it was a Tyler Perry movie with Cicely Tyson and Maya Angelou. Was it Family Reunion? :lachen::lachen:

Anyway.. There was one scene where Cicely Tyson gave her reason for not having ever been interested in remarriage after her husband died.

She stated that she had been "divinely blessed' to have met and married her late husband. Their relationship was an experience that some do not encounter in a lifetime.

That is exactly how I feel about DH. In all the relationships(M/F) I've had/have .. none compare to the relationship I have with him. Its not a goo goo eyed, rose covered glasses thing, its not animalistic passion or physical attraction. Its definitely on another level.

I say all that to say... yes I believe in soul mates. I'm not too sure if there are more molds of him out there. It was really difficult and time consuming to come across him...:yep:
I'm still undecided on this topic, maybe I'm too young... but I would LOVE to hear more from you about your story with the DH, Harrison lol! :)
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I believe there is such a thing as soulmates; just not the fantasy behind it. I have met my soulmate, an ex. It ended badly but we did not become enemies behind it. Like someone else posted, not all soulmates are meant to be your husband or SO. My ex and I had a connection from the start, like I knew him from long time ago; I even had a past life dream about him once. I always felt like we were great friends, a deep love later developed. But sometimes, one doesn't realize they met their soulmate until certain life lessons has past. That is the point of soulmates- they are not happily ever after, they are only meant to guide you through your next phase or lesson in life. If you don't learn the lesson the first time, someone else will come along to teach you until the lesson is learned. A soulmate can even be someone you can't stand or does you wrong but again, it's due to a lesson that needs to be learned for you to grow to a higher level in life. Some people marry their soulmates, which is extremely fortunate. My sister is my "twin soul"- how fortunate that she came back to me as my twin. A twin soul is similar to a soulmate except, everything that other person does, mirrors you, whether it's your mannerisms, thought patterns, finishing each other's sentences, etc, that person is literally, your other half. Your soulmate can be your sister, mother, father,lover or best friend. They are only here for as long as you need them to complete your life lessons. My other soulmate was my mommy- she was here to guide me and teach me to be a good person and a responsible adult. Her life with my father was a lesson on what I should accept and not accept in relationships with men. Her determination to succeed and fight for independence was my lesson as well. Once I've learned my lesson, her job was completed, her reward was her first grandbaby and she went home on January 26, 2004. MY current SO is not my soulmate but my LIFE mate and I am very happy and at peace with him. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of that missing peice which is my ex- lover (soulmate) and hope that all is well and happy with him- I will see him next time around. :) Sorry if I got all deep on you guys.
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I didn't think about it before until
I found mines; he's lovely.
Like the male version of me.
I knew when I met him we had a divine purpose;
we're supposed to know each other & be partners
wasn't sure if we were supposed to be romantic or
platonic, but I know we're going to do amazing
things together!!!
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I believe there is such a thing as soulmates; just not the fantasy behind it. I have met my soulmate, an ex. It ended badly but we did not become enemies behind it. Like someone else posted, not all soulmates are meant to be your husband or SO. My ex and I had a connection from the start, like I knew him from long time ago; I even had a past life dream about him once. I always felt like we were great friends, a deep love later developed. But sometimes, one doesn't realize they met their soulmate until certain life lessons has past. That is the point of soulmates- they are not happily ever after, they are only meant to guide you through your next phase or lesson in life. If you don't learn the lesson the first time, someone else will come along to teach you until the lesson is learned. A soulmate can even be someone you can't stand or does you wrong but again, it's due to a lesson that needs to be learned for you to grow to a higher level in life. Some people marry their soulmates, which is extremely fortunate. My sister is my "twin soul"- how fortunate that she came back to me as my twin. A twin soul is similar to a soulmate except, everything that other person does, mirrors you, whether it's your mannerisms, thought patterns, finishing each other's sentences, etc, that person is literally, your other half. Your soulmate can be your sister, mother, father,lover or best friend. They are only here for as long as you need them to complete your life lessons. My other soulmate was my mommy- she was here to guide me and teach me to be a good person and a responsible adult. Her life with my father was a lesson on what I should accept and not accept in relationships with men. Her determination to succeed and fight for independence was my lesson as well. Once I've learned my lesson, her job was completed, her reward was her first grandbaby and she went home on January 26, 2004. MY current SO is not my soulmate but my LIFE mate and I am very happy and at peace with him. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of that missing peice which is my ex- lover (soulmate) and hope that all is well and happy with him- I will see him next time around. :) Sorry if I got all deep on you guys.

wow...just wow! :grin:
i believe in soulmates but u have to know just because it is your soulmate doesn't mean it will be easy street.

the 1st day i saw mine i knew he was the one...something about him just connected with me. the very first day, i told all my friends i just met my husband. (we met at a meeting)

he told me a couple weeks later he felt the same. we've been together ever since. it hasn't been easy, but we make it work. i've never felt this way about anyone and don't want to be with anyone else.

as someone said before people do come into your life for seasons and a reason and you need to recognize when that time has expired. this i agree with.

Simple question - do you believe in soul mates, "the ONE", "the sun to my moon"???

Or is that 1950's pipe-dream that needs to go??

I do believe in soul mates. I have found mine. I guess its not easy for me to put into words but I'll give a brief overview:

We attended the same schools until our first year in high school. We had a few classes together throughout those years. I've always seen him as a very intelligent person and admired him for all those years without saying anything. He was the only guy I ever had an interest in. We were in band together since the 4th grade but I never ever told him how I felt. In fact we rarely spoke. There just seemed to be something about him...

At any rate he left after the first few months in our ninth grade year. Not sure where he went but he left for the U.S. Years went by and no matter what, he was still the only guy I ever had an interest in. I've had two boyfriends in my life, excluding him. The first I went steady w/ him because he was my best friend and told me he really cared about me. I didnt want to hurt his feelings so i just "went" with it. It lasted 8 years. Our being together eventually made me love him but i never felt in love w/ him.
My second relationship was basically the same. That lasted 5 years. Once again it was with a friend who expressed an interest and I didnt want to hurt their feelings. Since I was single I didnt see anything wrong in dating him. I never was in love with him and never felt complete either. I did everything to be a good wife and mom. I did all that was necessary and he was happy. I was happy that everyone else was happy but inside I was not fully happy. I was not complete. I knew this was someone that I didnt feel THAT CONNECTION with. All throughout my relationships my current SO would pop up in my mind and I would pray that he was doing well in life and that he was happy. No matter how many times I was approached, I never found interest in anyone. SO kept popping into my head..I can't explain why. I didnt try to think of him it just happened and this was without any communication.

9 years later I return home and ran into his mom. I asked how he was doing and asked for a contact number. I called but was nervous and was about to hang up when he answered. We spoke briefly because we both were at work but i had butterflies, was nervous all that mushy stuff. He texted later and we logged into a messenger online and spoke for hours. After that we spoke on the phone for another few hours. That was in May of last year. Its the same thing today. We talk everyday and if we arent talking, we are texting, emailing or whatever else.

I've seen him in August and November (he came) and I went to visit in October. I'll be seeing him again in a few days. With him I feel complete. I didnt even expect those feelings. He says the same thing and his family asks me what I did to him. They say since he started talking to me he's changed, his moods attitude everything. They say he seems happy and they havent seen that side of him. We bring out the best in each other.

Okay so I guess that wasnt as BRIEF as I thought. But I'm so happy, couldnt be any happier. I put effort into both my previous relationships but was never happy inside. Now I am, and I dont have to be happy because others are. I am happy because I am w/ someone who I truly believe has completed me. WE both feel the same way and we have a connection that is amazing, unexplainable. I sense things w/ him and call him and sure enough somethings going on, same with him sensing w/ me. One time he called when I was having a horrible day at work and was at the brink of tears, he called because he said something told him to. Its never been that way w/ the other two relationships I've had.

So yes, I do believe soul mates are real, I'm living proof
I don't believe in fate-chosen "soul mates." I think that you get out of a relationship what you put into it, so when you find that person special enough to marry, etc, they become your "soul mate".

Does that make sense? :grin:
i feel we have soulmates...although every soul mate isn't ur "lover"....I know for sure I have ran across a few soulmates, and my best male friend is somebody I know goes thru lifetimes with me, although we are not a "couple"...we call it a soulship...
Harrison, your daughter is too precious! So pretty!

I believe in soul mates :yep:
But some people want to block good relationships from their lives, so even if they have a couple of soulmates out there, they won't recognize them.

I truly believe I have found my man soulmate. And I also believe that we can have more than one soulmate. Friends can also be soulmates, and I have a friend like that. We are very very close. :)

I agree with the bolded. Soulmates are people we have a deep connection to on a spiritual level, it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic. But if you're not open to it, you lessen your chance of experiencing that connection. A person could have soulmates in their life already but not be aware of it b/c they are too closed off.
Simple question - do you believe in soul mates, "the ONE", "the sun to my moon"???

Or is that 1950's pipe-dream that needs to go??

There is a kabbalistic tradition that, for every male and female child born, G-d announces the mate at birth. I've known people who have found that one soul mate. But what if one dies and remarries? There must have been another down the road??? We do attract that "one" person chemically. As for relationships that end in tragedy due to abuse, criminal activities etc., I wouldn't nec. say those were the "soul mate" and that there must have been some sort of desperation in the choice.

Incidentally, I have a strange story about my own spouse. I was talking with my best friend at the time about what type of man we'd like to marry. This was years prior. I mentioned his last name jokingly and it's one that is highly unusual and specific to a certain family in 1 country. We met and after we got together and were engaged, that day talking with my friend came back to my memory. To say the least, it was a weird moment.
Yes, I do believe in soul mates. Not sure if I believe you can have more than one because I've only met one. Haven't met anyone else with the same connection.
I believe there are people you connect with instantly. I'm sure there are multiple people in the world that you will find this connection with. I just experienced this with someone, and I cant believe it. Its like nothing I've ever experienced. We're not together because he realized he wasn't over his ex, but our connection was ridiculous!! Although its still fresh, I can't imagine marrying someone and it at least not being on that level. Now after him, I am one of those people that HAS to marry one of my soulmates. I can see my self going through life trying to find a duplicate of that connection, not necessarily that person.
I don't believe that there is ONE person for me out there. That would be crazy. You know how many people are on this planet?! Nah I doubt God is that mean. I do believe in spiritual connections with people though.
I believe in soul mates. You can have more than one. I believe a soul mate is someone who you just mesh with in an unbelievable way...You don't necessarily end up with your soul mate though.
"Sure DONT - There is more than just ONE."

Quote from an older friend:

"You find your soulmate across the breakfast table after 10-15-20 years of living with the flawed human that is your wife."

I believe in soulmates, but my thing is where are you supposed to meet this person? Will they just come into your life? Are you supposed to actively look for this person?

I say this because I sort of don't think I will find my soulmate where I live now. :perplexed
"Sure DONT - There is more than just ONE."

Quote from an older friend:

"You find your soulmate across the breakfast table after 10-15-20 years of living with the flawed human that is your wife."

My mother said the same thing.:grin: I think that is unfair to the wife, but you can't help who you mesh with.

I think there are people that you instantly connect with, be it a friend or a potential lover. However, time and experience has taught me that they were soul mates for that space in time. Also lustful feelings can instantly be misguided as soul mate feelings. Time usually tells this.
My mother said the same thing.:grin: I think that is unfair to the wife, but you can't help who you mesh with.

I think there are people that you instantly connect with, be it a friend or a potential lover. However, time and experience has taught me that they were soul mates for that space in time. Also lustful feelings can instantly be misguided as soul mate feelings. Time usually tells this.

I don't think all soulmates are meant to be in your life forever....they can easily be somebody who makes an impact on your life at some point and then moves on....

I think my brother and dad are soulmates of mine....and my best male friend....I was at another bookstore the other day and sat down and talked to a lady who does past life regressions...even though I still didn't do a regression I asked her about the past I have been told he was one of my mates that goes through lives with me in my life and I know and feel I asked her about him and she closed her eyes then popped them back open and was like....

wow, you two have a really strong connection....she asked if you can recall back to the day when you first seen him you may remember

she didn't even finish the sentence

I just said

feeling like I really love this man....I only caught a glimpse of him on first sighting and I just felt a wave of tremendous love overwhelm me, it was so crazy I didn't know what to do and I thought I was going crazy because I knew the feelings were real but at that time I was like I have never laid eyes on this man before and I literally loved him on first glimpse