
Do you believe in soulmates

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 73.3%
  • No

    Votes: 35 26.7%

  • Total voters
ADB said:
I don't think God will show everyone their soulmate in the same way, but for me this is the way it happened.

In 1996 I had a dream that I was walking in Kings Island amusement park in Ohio and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I had a tall man next to me and we were walking hand in hand. I couldn?t see his face because it was blurry. It felt perfect unlike anything I had ever felt before. I felt complete. When I woke I still had that same feeling and I believed God had sent me that dream/vision. So I knew my soulmate was out their waiting for me, and I was going to find him, but little did I know he was not for me to find but, for God to send him to me when I was ready.

On New Years Eve of 1998 I made my New Years resolution to the Lord that I was going to stop trying to find the right man for myself and let him find the right man for me. I told him I didn't know what I wanted and that he was the only one who would know what I really needed and wanted in a man.

2 weeks later I was at work (I use to work in the drive threw at McDonalds) and this guy pulled up. It was strange, it felt like I knew him. We just starred at each other. He was starring at me like I was unreal. Finally I took the money for his order and he asked me how old I was and if he could have my number. I gave him my pager number. The next day I received a page, I never called it back. I received a page from the same number for 5 days straight. I didn't recognize the number, but I knew it was him. The human realistic part of myself would keep thinking it might not be him. You see I use to give out my pager number to guys all the time. It was an easy way to get them to go away without being mean, but when they paged me I would never call them back. I believe the Lord was trying to let me know that it was him and not any of those other guys. I remember sitting up in bed contemplating if I was going to call back the number. At this time it was 6 days ago that he had last paged me, then all of a sudden I got this really powerful feeling that it was in fact him and if I didn't call the number back he was not going to page me anymore. So I went ahead and called and he picked it up on the first ring. He said he knew I had to call back, he knew I felt the same thing he had. we talked for 8 hours straight and had almost everything in common.

He later told me that he was driving to blockbuster and he happened to see me in the McDonalds drive threw window he said I was glowing. He said it was this really bright white light all around me, and I was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. He said he then immediately turned up in the McDonalds drive threw, and that's why he was starring at me like that.

In 2000 we got married and guess what...........Our honeymoon was at Kings Island amusement park and I was extremely happy like in the dream I had 4 years ago. I didn't remember the dream until after the honeymoon and that's when I told him about it.

Yes Lord! you've "refreshed" my faith through your testimony. :p
ADB said:
I don't think God will show everyone their soulmate in the same way, but for me this is the way it happened.

In 1996 I had a dream that I was walking in Kings Island amusement park in Ohio and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I had a tall man next to me and we were walking hand in hand. I couldn�t see his face because it was blurry. It felt perfect unlike anything I had ever felt before. I felt complete. When I woke I still had that same feeling and I believed God had sent me that dream/vision. So I knew my soulmate was out their waiting for me, and I was going to find him, but little did I know he was not for me to find but, for God to send him to me when I was ready.

On New Years Eve of 1998 I made my New Years resolution to the Lord that I was going to stop trying to find the right man for myself and let him find the right man for me. I told him I didn't know what I wanted and that he was the only one who would know what I really needed and wanted in a man.

2 weeks later I was at work (I use to work in the drive threw at McDonalds) and this guy pulled up. It was strange, it felt like I knew him. We just starred at each other. He was starring at me like I was unreal. Finally I took the money for his order and he asked me how old I was and if he could have my number. I gave him my pager number. The next day I received a page, I never called it back. I received a page from the same number for 5 days straight. I didn't recognize the number, but I knew it was him. The human realistic part of myself would keep thinking it might not be him. You see I use to give out my pager number to guys all the time. It was an easy way to get them to go away without being mean, but when they paged me I would never call them back. I believe the Lord was trying to let me know that it was him and not any of those other guys. I remember sitting up in bed contemplating if I was going to call back the number. At this time it was 6 days ago that he had last paged me, then all of a sudden I got this really powerful feeling that it was in fact him and if I didn't call the number back he was not going to page me anymore. So I went ahead and called and he picked it up on the first ring. He said he knew I had to call back, he knew I felt the same thing he had. we talked for 8 hours straight and had almost everything in common.

He later told me that he was driving to blockbuster and he happened to see me in the McDonalds drive threw window he said I was glowing. He said it was this really bright white light all around me, and I was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. He said he then immediately turned up in the McDonalds drive threw, and that's why he was starring at me like that.

In 2000 we got married and guess what...........Our honeymoon was at Kings Island amusement park and I was extremely happy like in the dream I had 4 years ago. I didn't remember the dream until after the honeymoon and that's when I told him about it.

After 8 years of waiting,I will say that your post has made me feel like those 8 years have only been 8 days. My faith is SO renewed by your post. Thank you for that.

I think the person God has for you is your soulmate... and they are the person who can be your everything second to God. To put it simply I asked a guy this question once and he told me that a soulmate was a person that you felt that by loving them you loved God more. And my definition is just that: my soulmate is the person God for me, someone who I can be everything to and who in return is everything to me.
fullsizediva said:
I think the person God has for you is your soulmate... and they are the person who can be your everything second to God. To put it simply I asked a guy this question once and he told me that a soulmate was a person that you felt that by loving them you loved God more. And my definition is just that: my soulmate is the person God for me, someone who I can be everything to and who in return is everything to me.

I guess I've come to believe that no one other than God can be everything to me. That's why I have to trust Him!
Do I believe in soulmates? I don't know. I think it is possible. I think that God has a mate for you in mind, and if we choose to call that our soulmate, then that is what we do.

I'm 29, unmarried. A few years ago I met someone who I thought would be my husband, but it didn't work out. I was hurt and wounded for a long time, but over time the Lord has healed those wounds.

I think now I put love in perspective. So many women make love, or a man their god, and at one time I was no exception. I didn't mean to, but I put a man before my common sense and my calling. I paid a high price for my immaturity.

I now believe that if I am called to be married, I will marry my soulmate, however if I never marry, I will be okay with that too, because God is enough.

Marriage is hard. The apostle Paul warns us that it is a distraction from serving the Lord. It can be beautiful and it is permissible, but I guess I am looking for someone who does not take me away for my calling, who understands my life and fits into it, and who can lead me with Godly grace.

If I find that, then yes, I will have found a soulmate. If not, then I know that in heaven we will be among all our soulmates.
I believe in them, but not just any soulmates,

i believe soulmates are only couples that God has brought together for HIS glory. A couple that will eventually or maybe right away, worship together and get saved.

to me everyone else that's atheist or another religion or just not ordained to be saved are not soulmates but just random couples since they don't walk in Christ. I doubt God would "take the time" (please notice the quotes it's an approximate expression) to put two people together that don't acknowledge him or won't spread the Word at all...

I believe if it's meant to be God will get u two together.

nothign is impossible : look at me 2 and a half years ago a guy on a site saw my profile we exchanged emails and have talked almost everyday since, he's seekign the Lord to be saved, and thanks to the Lord and this man's support i have CLEANED my life up, and i feel in my heart that this love of ours is God inspired. His father is a preacher and after talkign on the phone a few minutes with me said the holy ghost told him i was ordained to be saved, now i'm going there to get baptised in the name of Jesus Christ.

I live in France and him in NJ, i'm gonna get saved and move to get married and be with him so we can be God's tools. all that god willing of course, but i trust He is.

and i also believe that when u get saved u get the desires of ur heart, and if it's one person u can pray for them to receive the holy ghost too, if they do, to me that's soulmates.

he will be my husband, the head of my house, i trust him with my life, my soul, my household, he will be like a teacher (spiritually), a best friend... yes he will be everything to me

the order in my life will be God first, husband second, my family with him third, our families individually fourth etc...
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I guess I believe that a soul mate does not have to be the person you marry but a person that will be in your life for ever. Someone that you have a special bond with. I find that in my best friend who I have been best friends with since we were 12 years old. Her husband is her husband and I think that is who God intended that she marry.
I use to. Now I know that while what God has for me is for me and whom he has for me is for me; I also know that to say that is only one person could potentially put limitations on what God actually has for me. I've thought, in the past that I had found my soul mate. What if I believed that he was it. The one. Then I would probably not ever attract or be attractive to someone that God may have for me because I would be putting off a hopeless outlook on love.
I believe that there is someone for everyone.:yep:

I used to believe that too, but then how do you explain those that never marry? I know several older never been married Christian women and the desire of their heart is to marry,if they don't marry does that mean that God did not have a soulmate for them? I always wonder about this.
I wish the desire wasn't so strong for me. I've prayed and asked him (god) to please remove the desire if it isn't meant for me to have anyone, but nevertheless, the desire is still there. I don't know what to think about soul mates.
I agree Rentless. I'm 33 and I'm still unmarried and childless. I didn't picture this for myself. But in the same token, I'm not upset about it either.

As for soulmates, I believe that God gives us all choices and we decide who want as soulmates.

I personally left my relationship in God's hands. Yes there is someone I like and he likes me back (he's not saved), but I want God to get the glory and have HIS way. I try not to think about it.
I don't think God will show everyone their soulmate in the same way, but for me this is the way it happened.

In 1996 I had a dream that I was walking in Kings Island amusement park in Ohio and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I had a tall man next to me and we were walking hand in hand. I couldn’t see his face because it was blurry. It felt perfect unlike anything I had ever felt before. I felt complete. When I woke I still had that same feeling and I believed God had sent me that dream/vision. So I knew my soulmate was out their waiting for me, and I was going to find him, but little did I know he was not for me to find but, for God to send him to me when I was ready.

On New Years Eve of 1998 I made my New Years resolution to the Lord that I was going to stop trying to find the right man for myself and let him find the right man for me. I told him I didn't know what I wanted and that he was the only one who would know what I really needed and wanted in a man.

2 weeks later I was at work (I use to work in the drive threw at McDonalds) and this guy pulled up. It was strange, it felt like I knew him. We just starred at each other. He was starring at me like I was unreal. Finally I took the money for his order and he asked me how old I was and if he could have my number. I gave him my pager number. The next day I received a page, I never called it back. I received a page from the same number for 5 days straight. I didn't recognize the number, but I knew it was him. The human realistic part of myself would keep thinking it might not be him. You see I use to give out my pager number to guys all the time. It was an easy way to get them to go away without being mean, but when they paged me I would never call them back. I believe the Lord was trying to let me know that it was him and not any of those other guys. I remember sitting up in bed contemplating if I was going to call back the number. At this time it was 6 days ago that he had last paged me, then all of a sudden I got this really powerful feeling that it was in fact him and if I didn't call the number back he was not going to page me anymore. So I went ahead and called and he picked it up on the first ring. He said he knew I had to call back, he knew I felt the same thing he had. we talked for 8 hours straight and had almost everything in common.

He later told me that he was driving to blockbuster and he happened to see me in the McDonalds drive threw window he said I was glowing. He said it was this really bright white light all around me, and I was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. He said he then immediately turned up in the McDonalds drive threw, and that's why he was starring at me like that.

In 2000 we got married and guess what...........Our honeymoon was at Kings Island amusement park and I was extremely happy like in the dream I had 4 years ago. I didn't remember the dream until after the honeymoon and that's when I told him about it.

Let go Let God

I'm happy for you!
I wish the desire wasn't so strong for me. I've prayed and asked him (god) to please remove the desire if it isn't meant for me to have anyone, but nevertheless, the desire is still there. I don't know what to think about soul mates.

The desire was always there for me as well, and I expected it it to happen and it did. I used to say I don't know when and how, but I know that I have this desire and God is going to send my husband to me and he did.
I used to believe in the whole soul mate and God has that one
special person for you out there somewhere deal. But I no longer
believe this. Especially when you hear about people begin married
4 times in such and each time they thought that they found "the one"
or their soul mate. It's almost like chasing a fantasy.

But I do believe that God can show you a person, but in the end it will
be up to you two to choose each other and choose to work at the marriage
and stay together.

No matter who you end up marrying, it is very much possible to end
up meeting some one that you are more compatible with than your
spouse. But do you leave your spouse because you feel you made the
wrong choice and have finally found your real soul mate?

I agree with this video with Mark Gungor

Is there a such a thing called a Soul Mate
I absolutely do believe in soul mates. I believe that God has predestined your soul mate for you as well.

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I used to believe that too, but then how do you explain those that never marry? I know several older never been married Christian women and the desire of their heart is to marry,if they don't marry does that mean that God did not have a soulmate for them? I always wonder about this.
As long as there is life in the body there is a chance that that special someone could come alone. Often times we confuse our time with God's time. It may not be their time. :yep:
As long as there is life in the body there is a chance that that special someone could come alone. Often times we confuse our time with God's time. It may not be their time. :yep:

ITA and I understand how each of you feels. I am not married at this time but have a strong desire to be married too. In my first marriage I did not invite God in :nono:. In fact, I only called him on occassion when I wanted something or when things were really screwed up. To be honest with you, I don't really feel like I was ever married. Especially since I know so much more about what it takes to maintain a loving Christ centered relationship.:ohwell: Anyway, among the many things God has lovingly shown me is what Moonglowdiva said. You can meet the right person at the wrong time and things still be a train wreck. For me personally, I had to realize that even if God had sent me an absolutely outstanding godly man, I would not have been ready :blush:. I had a lot of selfishness, finances messed up, spiritually shallow, issues with lust, etc.:rolleyes: If we pray and want God to send us a great man shouldn't that man have a right to expect greatness from us too? None of us will ever be perfect but you get the picture... I suspect many of us have lots of things we need to let God fix before we walk down the aisle. If the shoe doesn't fit you ok but I had stuff broken on the inside and didn't even know it. I'm just saying all of this to say ladies keep hanging in there. If some of you meet your husband at 35+ and you're happily married who will look back and say "I'm extremely happy but I wish I could've met you earlier. God you messed me over in the timing of this relationship. God I think I know better than you what I needed and when I needed it." If that's your mindset you have other serious issues. Trust God. Trust him period. Trust him with your heart, relationship, everything. Knowing that he really loves you and would never mistreat you. Sometimes it is not easy. Sometimes you feel so lonely but our feelings have nothing to do with what God is doing/ planning for us. Don't allow your emotions to lead you. Be Christ lead. I heard Joyce Meyer say once she was believing God for a new car but had a garage full of junk and consequently didn't have room in the garage for any cars period. God spoke to her and asked her where would she put the car if he gave it to her tomorrow? Our lives are sometimes this way (ouch and amen):spinning:. If God gave us a man tonight we would run him off by next weekend with all of the stuff we have a chance to address and fix right now at this stage of life. Did you know marriage will magnify all of a person's weaknesses and then you get to choose how to go forward after that? Has God answered your prayers to make yourselves ready for marriage? Has he said to you you are ready or have you and your emotions determined you're ready? Let God be God. God said "Thou shall have no other gods before me." Do not bow and worship at the alters of emotions, statistics, biological clocks, or any other gods.
Waiting patiently for Mr Prudent1 ;)
"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait I say on the Lord".(Psalm 27:14)
I believe that God will send the person who is perfect for you IF you invite him into this area of your decision making. I don't believe in soulmates.
ITA and I understand how each of you feels. I am not married at this time but have a strong desire to be married too. In my first marriage I did not invite God in :nono:. In fact, I only called him on occassion when I wanted something or when things were really screwed up. To be honest with you, I don't really feel like I was ever married. Especially since I know so much more about what it takes to maintain a loving Christ centered relationship.:ohwell: Anyway, among the many things God has lovingly shown me is what Moonglowdiva said. You can meet the right person at the wrong time and things still be a train wreck. For me personally, I had to realize that even if God had sent me an absolutely outstanding godly man, I would not have been ready :blush:. I had a lot of selfishness, finances messed up, spiritually shallow, issues with lust, etc.:rolleyes: If we pray and want God to send us a great man shouldn't that man have a right to expect greatness from us too? None of us will ever be perfect but you get the picture... I suspect many of us have lots of things we need to let God fix before we walk down the aisle. If the shoe doesn't fit you ok but I had stuff broken on the inside and didn't even know it. I'm just saying all of this to say ladies keep hanging in there. If some of you meet your husband at 35+ and you're happily married who will look back and say "I'm extremely happy but I wish I could've met you earlier. God you messed me over in the timing of this relationship. God I think I know better than you what I needed and when I needed it." If that's your mindset you have other serious issues. Trust God. Trust him period. Trust him with your heart, relationship, everything. Knowing that he really loves you and would never mistreat you. Sometimes it is not easy. Sometimes you feel so lonely but our feelings have nothing to do with what God is doing/ planning for us. Don't allow your emotions to lead you. Be Christ lead. I heard Joyce Meyer say once she was believing God for a new car but had a garage full of junk and consequently didn't have room in the garage for any cars period. God spoke to her and asked her where would she put the car if he gave it to her tomorrow? Our lives are sometimes this way (ouch and amen):spinning:. If God gave us a man tonight we would run him off by next weekend with all of the stuff we have a chance to address and fix right now at this stage of life. Did you know marriage will magnify all of a person's weaknesses and then you get to choose how to go forward after that? Has God answered your prayers to make yourselves ready for marriage? Has he said to you you are ready or have you and your emotions determined you're ready? Let God be God. God said "Thou shall have no other gods before me." Do not bow and worship at the alters of emotions, statistics, biological clocks, or any other gods.
Waiting patiently for Mr Prudent1 ;)
"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait I say on the Lord".(Psalm 27:14)

TO the bolded, I really agree. God has shown me things I needed to fix before He will bring the man he has for me in my life. That is what i'm working on now.
I am in the middle on this one right now, especially due to my present situation.

Sidney, your post really makes sense to me. I can admit that I have never fully let God take control of my relationships for numerous reasons. This is now my goal.
I believe that God will send the person who is perfect for you IF you invite him into this area of your decision making. I don't believe in soulmates.

I believe the "if" is an important part. If we ask God to have His way, then we open ourselves to Him working His will in us, rather than simply our own.