Soulmates: Fantasy or Reality??

Do you believe in Soulmates??

  • Sure DO - I Found Mine and we're MARRIED

    Votes: 18 10.8%
  • Sure DO - I found Mine and we're DATING/ENGAGED

    Votes: 30 18.0%
  • Sure DO - And I'm waiting to find him

    Votes: 40 24.0%
  • Sure DONT - There is more than just ONE. I'm MARRIED

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Sure DONT - There is more than just ONE. I'm DATING/ENGAGED

    Votes: 14 8.4%
  • Sure DONT - I'm looking for a life partner.

    Votes: 16 9.6%
  • Maybe, Maybe NOT.

    Votes: 37 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Simple question - do you believe in soul mates, "the ONE", "the sun to my moon"???

Or is that 1950's pipe-dream that needs to go??
I believe that multiple people can be "soul-mates."

It just doesn't make sense that in a world of 6 billion or more people, there's only "one" that we all match up with.
I believe that multiple people can be "soul-mates."

It just doesn't make sense that in a world of 6 billion or more people, there's only "one" that we all match up with.

But what's the point behind a soul mate? Someone who is perfectly balanced with your soul???

Why do we need a SOUL MATE?? What's wrong with a husband or a wife, a great partner or a relationship? What's a SOUL MATE?
No such thing...a relationship is what you make it,. no matter who you who you be with you will have to learn to live a selfless life, which is not easy...that is why it seems like everyone goes through the same thing...
But what's the point behind a soul mate? Someone who is perfectly balanced with your soul???

Why do we need a SOUL MATE?? What's wrong with a husband or a wife, a great partner or a relationship? What's a SOUL MATE?

Good point!

I was just using the term you mentioned, but I really don't believe in the concept. It's something that folks made up and everyone talks about it like it's gospel or something.
No I do not believe in this. It is simply a fantasy, like the white picket fence, prince charming and happily ever after. I think there are several people that could be relationship compatible but none are soulmates because at some point we will get on each others nerves from time to time. The only time I ever felt like someone was my soulmate was in the initial stages of the relationship (like the first year) when I was all goo goo eyed and passion filled. :) That stage does not last forever.
Absolutely believe in soul mates. Notice the plural? One at a time as life, people, circumstances change. Funny thing is, once you find one but you both move on and away...the thought lingers...WHAT IF??
Because I belive in past lives, I belive soul mates exist. I think people can have more than one soul mate and I believe that their souls continue to find each other in each life span.:yep:
I beleive in more than one soul mate and not just romantic type soul mates. My best friend is one of mine. We have been BF since the first day we met.
I've had two in my life neither worked out though. By "soul mate", I mean someone you share a natural connection, like you were made for each other, understand the deep, inner thoughts that are unspoken...

First one, timing was off... we were very young and the circumstances of life separated us.

Many years later, the Second one, he had some deal breaker issues that made a relationship a no-go for me. :nono:

A "soul mate" match is not needed for happiness. It speeds up the "getting to know each other" but it is by no means "everything". My dream man (I know who it is) is not my soul mate, but he is the man for me.
I think it's possible to connect with a person on a level beyond comprehension, like you feel like you've known each other forever, but I don't think there's only one. You can see it even in friendships; that there's more then one person in your life that you've really connected to enough to tell just about everything to.

My ex was definitely one of those ppl and I was for him, but I don't think he's the only one, but I do think there might be a small percentage of them:look:, but not miniscule so I'm keeping my eyes open :sekret:.
I agree that many people can be a soulmate in a lifetime. I have friends, family members, in addition to DH that would fit that category. I don't think it's limited to a love interest. More about a connection.
ITA :)


But isn't it possible that this whole concept of "the one" that has got us all mixed up??? Folks are buying into this concept of that one individual (or individuals at different stages of our lives) who perfects us and completes us that when we realize that this "perfection" and this "completeness" takes work.

Personally, I don't understand 'soul mates'. I think there are many people out there who are good for me and many people out there who I'm good for. But I also think with the right amount of determination, effort and commitment, I could make a relationship work with a LOT of different people - it's just a matter of finding one who brings that level of determination, effort and commitment out of me. And vice versa.
But isn't it possible that this whole concept of "the one" that has got us all mixed up??? Folks are buying into this concept of that one individual (or individuals at different stages of our lives) who perfects us and completes us that when we realize that this "perfection" and this "completeness" takes work.

Personally, I don't understand 'soul mates'. I think there are many people out there who are good for me and many people out there who I'm good for. But I also think with the right amount of determination, effort and commitment, I could make a relationship work with a LOT of different people - it's just a matter of finding one who brings that level of determination, effort and commitment out of me. And vice versa.

I think that there is more than one person out there for each of us but only certain people that we feel an intense connection with. I have met guys who I liked and they were fine but there was no connection. It is like you have known them before and you often speak without words becuase you are really in tune with that peron. It can be really intense.

But, I know a lot of people don't wait for that connection and look for what would make a good partner and make it work. As I am an intense person I feel I need that connection to be with someone.

I think that there is more than one person out there for each of us but only certain people that we feel an intense connection with. I have met guys who I liked and they were fine but there was no connection. It is like you have known them before and you often speak without words becuase you are really in tune with that peron. It can be really intense.

But, I know a lot of people don't wait for that connection and look for what would make a good partner and make it work. As I am an intense person I feel I need that connection to be with someone.

...but everyone that you feel an intense connection with isn't cut out for a relationship.
But isn't it possible that this whole concept of "the one" that has got us all mixed up??? Folks are buying into this concept of that one individual (or individuals at different stages of our lives) who perfects us and completes us that when we realize that this "perfection" and this "completeness" takes work.

Personally, I don't understand 'soul mates'. I think there are many people out there who are good for me and many people out there who I'm good for. But I also think with the right amount of determination, effort and commitment, I could make a relationship work with a LOT of different people - it's just a matter of finding one who brings that level of determination, effort and commitment out of me. And vice versa.

Nicely put on that note, do you really think there are so many people tht can make this come out in you? i don't think so.

I don't believe in soulmates in the traditional sense. I once read something that stated" Different people come into your life for different reasons. Some are meant to only be in your life briefly while others are meant to be there forever."

This struck a cord with me. It really explained relationships. If you try to hold onto someone who was never meant to be there then you will be heartbroken and vice versa. I think sometimes we just don't know the difference between men who are there for a season and men who are supposed to be there forever. And maybe you might not ever find that person but you can have fun trying.
...but everyone that you feel an intense connection with isn't cut out for a relationship.

I totally agree! I met a soulmate and I knew from the beginning that we wouldn't be together. We were on different paths. But the connection was unbelievable, I felt that I had known him before. A psychic I once talked to told me that soulmates are people we have known in past lives, if you believe in that.
I can't remember the name of the movie, but it was a Tyler Perry movie with Cicely Tyson and Maya Angelou. Was it Family Reunion? :lachen::lachen:

Anyway.. There was one scene where Cicely Tyson gave her reason for not having ever been interested in remarriage after her husband died.

She stated that she had been "divinely blessed' to have met and married her late husband. Their relationship was an experience that some do not encounter in a lifetime.

That is exactly how I feel about DH. In all the relationships(M/F) I've had/have .. none compare to the relationship I have with him. Its not a goo goo eyed, rose covered glasses thing, its not animalistic passion or physical attraction. Its definitely on another level.

I say all that to say... yes I believe in soul mates. I'm not too sure if there are more molds of him out there. It was really difficult and time consuming to come across him...:yep:
Fantasy. I think believing in "The One" sets up some bad things:

People overlook well qualified mates because of one or two flaws, thinking that means they are not "The One".

People that are in committed relationships leave their current, because they met the next person who they now think is "the one".

I think there are many men out there that could satisfy my needs, I just have to meet "the one" that will DECIDE to do so :yep:.
Fantasy. I think believing in "The One" sets up some bad things:

People overlook well qualified mates because of one or two flaws, thinking that means they are not "The One".

People that are in committed relationships leave their current, because they met the next person who they now think is "the one".

I disagree b/c I believe in the one but never really searched for it. I have dated w/o having the notion of asking if this is the one. I believe the one/soul mate(s) is something that you just happen to come upon. I pray to Allah as it is his job to find the one for me and not my own.