Some Valentines day suggestions?

I am going to look my absolute best... the end I am leaving the rest up to him! We'll be in the mountains for some TLC its our christmas gift to each other!
We going to a a random comedy show and out to eat now that we have found out about Chris Tucker:perplexed
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My boyfriend and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary last week, so we figured we'd keep Valentine's day sort of quiet & subdued.

My birthday is 4 days after valentine's day, and that falls on the weekend, so we're going out for a romantic dinner Friday night, and spending the weekend at a nice bed & breakfast :)
Plus, everyone is saying that his shows are pretty wack. And if you are expecting to see Friday or either Rush Hour Chris then you need to stay home. For the price of those tickets, ol boy could have settled for Ezel (think Friday). lol
My cousin was at the Atlanta show and she said he just wasn't the same...sorta like he couldn't be himself because people knew that he was doing shows for the IRS. But I'm like stuff happens to the best of us. At least he was the appeal to still make money. Ol boy paid almost $200 for our tickets. :perplexed