Solaray Bamboo (or other brand name) Challenge!


My bamboo's :grin: should be here tomorrow or Tuesday at the lastest...Does the Solaray Bamboo's have a nasty taste?:)
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Now I would like to join and start back on my hair growing path, but again I am lost, Bamboo Silica, what about just silica, I see some at Nature's way $8.47 Flora Vegetal Silica C (N) $5.36 which is what I am thinking about getting because it liquid.
happylocks said:
Now I would like to join and start back on my hair growing path, but again I am lost, Bamboo Silica, what about just silica, I see some at Nature's way $8.47 Flora Vegetal Silica C (N) $5.36 which is what I am thinking about getting because it liquid.

Hi happylocks...Bamboo silica has more silica in it compared to others. You can get what would be best for you if you like.
tsmith said:

My bamboo's :grin: should be here tomorrow or Tuesday at the lastest...Does the Solaray Bamboo's have a nasty taste?:)

The caps have no taste at all...I'm not sure of any liquid silica's though.
Hey ladies, I have a question do the bamboo silica breakdown your curl pattern like the other silicas? Because I'm a natural 4b and I don't want to loose my curl pattern.
gelati said:
Hey ladies, I have a question do the bamboo silica breakdown your curl pattern like the other silicas? Because I'm a natural 4b and I don't want to loose my curl pattern.

Hmmmmm...I've never heard of that before, but it will be something to research. Get back to you.
If its not too late, i would like to join this challenge also...I`m almost out of my horsetail so I did an internet search on bamboo silica..Sounds very promising so I`m in!! Here`s an excerpt of some info that I found:

Bamboo is an edible grass that has been part of the diet of mankind for thousands of years. It is also the principal food for many species of mammals. For example, bamboo is the principal food of the Indian elephant. The Indian elephant is smaller than its African cousin, but it is much stronger. The Giant Panda of China exists almost exclusively on bamboo, and its skeletal system is incredibly strong, yet very flexible. These unique properties are thought to be related in some part to the high silica content of bamboo.

Bamboo extract is the richest known source of natural silica containing over 70% organic silica. This is more than 10 times the level as found in the widely used Horsetail plant (Equisetum) that contains about 5 - 7% silica. Bamboo Sil extract is prepared from Tabashir bamboo stem from India (Bambusa vulgaris).

Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element on earth after oxygen. It is a sister element of carbon. Silicon's role as an essential nutrient was not established until 1972, but silicon is now known to play a part in the integrity of the skin, ligaments, tendons and bone.

The body constantly metabolizes silicic acid. Silica is eliminated through such natural processes as urination, hair loss and nail trimming. This natural secretion of silica can be from 10 to 40 mg daily. The average adult body contains about 20 grams of silica, and it is necessary for the body's silica stores to be maintained at this level to promote good health. As we age, less silica is assimilated, therefore daily supplementation with Bamboo Sil will help maintain this necessary equilibrium and to minimize the effects of premature aging.

Silicon is thought to improve the cardiovascular system, as it is essential to the structural integrity, elasticity and permeability of the arteries. Silica may be useful in reducing blood fats & cholesterol. Atherosclerosis can occur as a result of silicon deficiency whereas silicon is abundant (up to 14 times more) in the arteries of people who are free of heart disease.

Silicon improves the condition of the hair, nails, teeth, gums and skin and has been used to alleviate eczema and psoriasis.

Silica plays an essential role in mineral absorption and may help in recalcifying decalcified bones & decalcify soft tissue deposits of calcium. Silicon enhances the function of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron, and is essential for normal bone development which may help prevent osteoporosis. Silicon helps to maintain the correct calcium-magnesium balance.

Silicon may be useful in strengthening the musculoskeletal system, preventing injuries and helping bones to heal in athletes & others.

Silicon supplementation may retard the aging process. At birth, the body contains a maximum level of silica that declines with age. As the body's natural level of silica declines, it exhibits the signs attributable to aging such as bone loss, dry and wrinkled skin, weakened teeth and gums and hair loss.

Silicon converts aluminum from both water and other dietary sources into soluble hydroxyaluminosilicates that cannot enter the bloodstream or brain. This has important consequences for preventing the development of Alzheimer's Dementia by assisting the body in eliminating aluminum. Aluminum is thought to be a causative factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Silicon stimulates chondroblasts to deposit chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid into the cartilage matrix. This has important implications in managing arthritis pain as silicon will improve the function and effectiveness of glucosamine sulfate which is the precursor of both chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid.

Silicon may help protect against and heal gastric ulcers and arthritis (connective tissue healing).

Functions of Silicon

Functions as a cross-linking agent, providing strength and resilience to collagen & elastin connective tissues.
Essential for bone & cartilage collagen synthesis present as silicic acid in mucopolysaccharides, the structural components of connective tissues.
Essential for bone calcification.
Stimulates growth.
Required for the proper functioning of the enzyme prolyhydroxylase that functions in the formation of collagen in bone, cartilage and other connective tissues.
To further enhance the effectiveness of Bamboo Sil, the formula includes 200 mg of calcium citrate. Calcium absorption is enhanced by the presence of silicon, and like silicon, calcium is involved in normal bone development. Calcium also has a role to play in regulating the heartbeat, in energy production, immune function and cell membrane permeability. Like silicon, a deficiency of calcium may speed skin aging.
See what I miss when I stay away from the board for too long! This looks interesting ladies! i'm still curbing my PJ tendencies but I'll be watching your results closely!! :eye:

Wishing ya'll the Best of growth!

OT: Gelati, I love your avatar, that was an AWESOME movie!

Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!
I'm pleased to report that my hair seems to be growing well, i'm 6 weeks post relaxer, i have a little over an inch in the front and 1 inch and half in the back. I hope to wait until my next relaxer before showing any hair length pics though, i'd like to surprise myself, since i cut off two inches at my last touch-up.
den1 said:
I'm pleased to report that my hair seems to be growing well, i'm 6 weeks post relaxer, i have a little over an inch in the front and 1 inch and half in the back. I hope to wait until my next relaxer before showing any hair length pics though, i'd like to surprise myself, since i cut off two inches at my last touch-up.

My hair is growing well also. I don't measure my hair until I relax it. I am currently 8 weeks post and have a lot of ng but my ng is not wavy like it use to be and I'm able to stretch now without any breakage at all. I think we are on to something with this here bamboo:)
tsmith said:
My hair is growing well also. I don't measure my hair until I relax it. I am currently 8 weeks post and have a lot of ng but my ng is not wavy like it use to be and I'm able to stretch now without any breakage at all. I think we are on to something with this here bamboo:)
That's great, I have a lot of faith in organic silica because i used to take it when natural and my newgrowth came out strong and shiny. I hope to continue with this, so i can reap the benefits at my next touch-up which is going to be a long while, however i just know the results will be brilliant. good luck
den1 said:
That's great, I have a lot of faith in organic silica because i used to take it when natural and my newgrowth came out strong and shiny. I hope to continue with this, so i can reap the benefits at my next touch-up which is going to be a long while, however i just know the results will be brilliant. good luck

Yah, I think I am going to keep this in my vit regimen:grin: because I am please with the results also.
Aalize said:
Any mini updates?

Well, my hair is doing well (you can see pics in my avatar and siggy) however, I think its going to take a little longer than I expected to really see MAJOR growth from using it. I can say I have about 1.2 inches growth since starting this, on top of my already 1 inch a month, so I guess you can say its working.
I've been watching this one for a while and decided to jump on the tailgate for a ride myself! Problem is, you can't find this stuff locally! I ended up having them order it at Whole Foods, it's about $14 per bottle but I guess if I ordered it online it would be about the same w/shipping and handling.

I only ordered one bottle but now that I'm thinking about it, I may need two at 3-6 caps a day.:look:

I'll give it a 30 day stint and see what happens from there!
PrincessDiva said:

Silicon converts aluminum from both water and other dietary sources into soluble hydroxyaluminosilicates that cannot enter the bloodstream or brain. This has important consequences for preventing the development of Alzheimer's Dementia by assisting the body in eliminating aluminum. Aluminum is thought to be a causative factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

This is interesting. I wonder if the aluminum in deodorants contribute to alzheimers as well. That would be another reason to switch to natural deodorants.
Nice & Wavy said:
Well, my hair is doing well (you can see pics in my avatar and siggy) however, I think its going to take a little longer than I expected to really see MAJOR growth from using it. I can say I have about 1.2 inches growth since starting this, on top of my already 1 inch a month, so I guess you can say its working.

I ordered 3 more bottles because these vitamins are doing something to my hair. I have never been able to stretch past 10 weeks before using these vits. I am currently 10 weeks and it looks like I will be able to stretch 2 more weeks. It seems like my hair is easier to comb through, ng and all, I get no breakage. I don't know and can't really explain it but it's working for me so I am keeping these babies in my vit regimen. Thanks Nice & Wavy for finding these vitamins:)
VWVixxen said:
See what I miss when I stay away from the board for too long! This looks interesting ladies! i'm still curbing my PJ tendencies but I'll be watching your results closely!! :eye:

Wishing ya'll the Best of growth!

OT: Gelati, I love your avatar, that was an AWESOME movie!

Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!

Thanks VWVixxen!!!!

Hey ladies, I want to join this challenge but which brand of Bamboo silica is really good and were do I get it from?